
Lockheed Martin offers very long range radar for Singapore's defence

 This is good news to Singapore. The 3D AESA TPY-4 radar has a detection range of 1,000km, and its functions include airspace monitoring, unmanned aerial system surveillance, ballistic missile detection and monitoring, maritime area surveillance, and satellite monitoring, functions that a super power like the USA needs.

With the TPY-4 Singapore would have the capability to detect aircraft and ballistic missiles coming from China and enemies 1,000km away. It would even be better if Singapore acquires something that can monitor space to detect aliens and meteors to protect its citizens. Singapore would thus be able to defend not only enemies on earth but also aliens from outer space. It definitely would be money worth spending. Hope the Americans are not treating Singapore as a rich cash cow to milk. Maybe they can offer some ICBMs to Singapore as well to defend against imaginary enemies.

Not sure how much is the TPY-4 radar system going to cost Singapore. Offering does not mean it is free. But Singapore must be very grateful as such great defence system would only be offered to good friends like Singapore, and not offered to our neighbours. And the Americans think Singapore needs it. Not sure if Singapore believes it needs such a great defensive radar situation, to protect against what?

By the way, who is Singapore defending against? Singapore got enemies 1,000 km away?


Anonymous said...

Singapore should request from the sickos an ICBM that can reach the sickest country on earth. See how they'll respond. Tell them money no object. Singapore rich ma!!!

Anonymous said...

Sinkieland is just another atm to the americunt, just like taiwan. Unfortunately our ruler do not have the ball to say No.

Virgo49 said...

Putin or China just offered their Necular Eggs lah!

No need National Slavery.

Just one batalion of Rockets Specialists.


Virgo49 said...

Just to add same time plunder their stupid monies to their pockets.

Those in Defence smiling all the way to their Banks.

One for you and one for me.

Confidental cannot disclose the price.

Anonymous said...

Red Dot can sashay another few years and will be like the Brits, Japs and USA, stagnant in GDP growth and just straggling along. Red Dot is now facing a peer competitor in China, just like what the USA and the EU is facing. China is going to eat Red Dot's lunch. That is why fear mongering by the USA's anti-China mantra is working so well against Japan, South Korea, EU and Red Dot that they have to snuggle close together to contain China.

Malaysia is joining BRICS for a bigger Global South market. Malaysia is also expanding its Ports for a bigger bite of trade using the BRI. Thailand is still undecided about the Isthmus of Kra project, which if China gets involved, is going to be green lights ahead. Thailand will benefit just like the Panama Canal benefitted the Panama Government's coffers. And that puts into question the validity of the Straits of Malacca's choke point which is instrumental in the event of hostilities between the USA and China. Red Dot depends on its strategic position and had been able to benefit from it for centuries. What if all this is just depleted even without being taken away?

Right now, the intention of the Nicaraguan Government and Chinese Government's joint interest to open up another channel to rival the dying Panama Canal due to climate change, is already causing concern for the USA's ability to have its military transit between the Pacific and Atlantic with ease and in a timely manner. There is now a long queue of ships waiting to cross the Panama Canal due to cutbacks and shipowners are crying over loss of revenue and heightened costs from such delays.

This Nicaraguan Canal will be totally beyond the control of the USA. And like the benefit to Thailand with the Isthmus of Kra project, the Nicaraguan Government will benefit if they open up an alternative channel to enable ships to cross the Atlantic into the Pacific with ease and vice versa.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China's fear of being choked by the Malacca Strait turns into Malaysia's advantage over Singapore. Malaysia could further leverage on this by keeping Singapore out of the Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and China high speed rail network.

Anonymous said...

Another big deal on the way. Selling Singapore an aircraft carrier. Big money for the military industrial complex. No need to ask if Singapore needs an aircraft carrier or TPY-4 or F35s. Just make sure Singapore pay for them.

Anonymous said...

I observe with apprehension the dangerous ways Singapore leaders are acting against the interests of ASEAN countries in issues vis-avis between the warmongering and hegemonic West headed by the evil Anglo-Saxon United States and the rest of the world's global south countries which include Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, China and Russia. Singapore has allowed the USA to use its puny territory as a military base without thinking that it will undoubtedly affect the security of ASEAN countries in which Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are its closest neighbours. Don't the imbecile Singapore leaders know that the West headed by the Anglo-Saxon USA and England are incorrigible warmongers which have been attacking and invading other countries non-stop for the last over five hundred years. The West headed by the USA and UK have every intention to bring the whole world under its slavery bond and total hegemonic control.

They are using all kinds of tricks and hybric warfare to bring the global south countries under its domination. It uses divide and rule tactics pitching unsuspecting countries to fight against each other by creating petty territorial disputes or sowing dissension and religious antagonism. Then it will reap rich financial rewards by selling weapons to both warring parties.

One of its most toxic method to bring the global south countries under its control is the use of the patro dollar and the tight illicit control of the World Bank, The IMF and the SWIFT agency. This has resulted in its bringing the whole world under the financial slavery of the Anglo-Saxons.

Besides using the military, the Anglo-Saxons Americans also use trade sanctions, tariffs and blockades to bring others down to heel for their slavish domination and control.

Knowing how wicked and bellicose the Anglo-Saxons are, Singapore political leaders should not have blamed Russia for the Ukraine War and should not have subsequently joined the USA and the West to sanction Russia.

All Singapore's actions and open support for the United States and the West are ultra vires to the interests of ASEAN countries. Now Russia and China have made it clear that among the ASEAN countries only Singapore and the Philippines are not allowed to join the BRICS organisation of the South. Does that show clearly the dismal future of Singapore?

It is of the utmost urgency that Singapore needs to correct its wrong ways and decisions and repent so as to get in line with the interests of the countries of the South. Failing which it will be seen as digging its own graves. Singapore must stop misbehave or else face being booted out of ASEAN too.

Lee Tai Chong.

Anonymous said...

In the eyes of many Singaporeans, including old tortoises, the Americans are angels, peace loving people. They never steal, never lie, never cheat and never kill. Russians and Chinese are the bad guys. They are going to, going to conquer the whole world. When, dunno, but going to, in the future.

See how aggressive the Chinese are, bullying the Mickey Mouse Pinoys. The Pinoys are so poor things, everyday send their special forces to Chinese islands and telling the world the islands belong to the Mickey Mouse Pinoys. And the American angels are trying to help the Pinoys to fight to the last Pinoys like helping the Ukrainians.

If the white gods killed, it is because the killing is good for the white gods and also good for Singaporeans. Where got genocide in Gaza? Only got genocide in Xinjiang. Stay on the side of principles. No genocide in Gaza! It is the Hamas that are committing genocide against the peace loving Jews.

Waiting for the white gods to order to send soldiers and weapons to fight the Houthis and Hamas, and the Russians.

southernglory1 said...

We Indonesians and Malaysians fully support Lee Tai Chung's opinion (1:54pm). Singapore political leaders are actually nim-wits and frogs in the well. What do they know about world history and international politics. By far they have shown only their peanut brain and ignorance though they think they are smarter than other ASEAN leaders. They are being blindly led by the ill-intentioned Anglo-Saxons to spear the break-up of ASEAN to suit their evil geopolitical agenda. We in Indonesia and Malaysia sincerely hope the Singaporean electorate will be brave and smart enough to put in a new set of intelligent leaders in the next election failing which we are apprehensive of the fate of ASEAN which the evil Anglo-Saxon USA empire intend to break up.

Singapore nim-wit selfish and self-aggrandized political leaders should not act out of their own self-interests but should consider the safety and security of ASEAN countries as a whole.

Ahmad Manaf of KL Malaysia

Riza Santojo of Jakarta , Indonesia

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Ahmad Manaf of KL Malaysia

Riza Santojo of Jakarta , Indonesia

Anonymous said...

Lee Kuan Yew must be turning in his grave. His latest successors are turning into obedient yankee lapdogs.

Anonymous said...

They resorting to using influencers to boost their sagging popularity, betraying their lack of confidence in coming GE.

Virgo49 said...

Influencers? Whats sorts of possies and duckies are they?

Whats influencers? See their pok marked faces.

Even Mark Lee more handsome than them.

Nowadays all there parasites lazy bums dont want to work hard earning jobs and became what's prostitues and gigaloos ah!

Anonymous said...

UK is said to be scrapping one aircraft carrier or bathtub and Red Dot could buy it, LOL. Rather than selling for scrap, Singapore should rally around to help its former colonial master. After all, it is still a rich member of the Commonwealth.

That is what 'Commonwealth' really means anyway, right? My money is my money, and your money is my money too. It is common wealth to be shared! Not sharing among colonies, but with the colonial master. Just like Africans sharing their diamonds making up the British Crown and allowing the Brits to exploit its gold mines. And like every former colony having to share their precious artifacts with the British Museum. Wonder whether I should call it stolen artifacts?

Anonymous said...

When the Americans demand to pay up, just pay up. Oops, just say buy, and just pay whatever the Americans demanded. This is what a colony or crony of the Americans is expected to do.

Anonymous said...

The Americans have a lot of military weapons to sell but cannot sell. The countries that may want to buy they would not sell. So they have to force it on their colonies and cronies to buy them.

This is American blackmail on their colonies and cronies, especially the weaker ones that have the money and would become willing suckers, buying expensive American weapons they do not need, but no choice under American coercion.

Anonymous said...

The threat to Singapore is China and Russia and aliens. So Singapore needs very, very long range radar to detect these threats from 1,000 km or more.

Anonymous said...

Why would a country need a 1,000km radar when the enemy is next door?