
Singaporeans honoured with French knighthoods

 Wild Rice theatre company founder Ivan Heng and poet Pooja Nansi have been recognised for their "outstanding contributions" in promoting French arts and culture in Singapore, said the Embassy of France in Singapore in a press release on Thursday (Jun 27).

The two Singaporeans were appointed Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters (or Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres) by the French Ministry of Culture for their "significant impact on cultural cooperation" between Singapore and France.  CNA 

Kudos to the two Singaporeans for their contributions to French arts and culture and for being recognised for their efforts. This is a good idea that Singapore can adopt. What about a similar knighthood or pingkat for Singaporeans for promoting Singapore arts and culture, like promoting hawker food, which hawker sells the best chicken rice or chap chye png, or nasi lemak, nasi briyani, murtabak, mutton soup etc etc. Despite the daily coverage of Singapore's world renowned hawker culture, no Singaporeans has ever been recognised for their great effort in promoting hawker food, recognised by the UN as a national heritage.

The Americans should also take a cue from the French and confer knighthoods to Singaporeans promoting American interests and smearing China for the sake of the Americans. These Singaporeans are working endlessly to promote American culture and military power, and their efforts should not go to waste, without any recognition. And they are doing it for free, with great zest and devotion, to glorify the evil American Empire as a peace loving Empire, never go to war, never kill, never steal, never cheat, everything the Americans did was for peace, like in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Gaza, and about to happen in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and also the Korean Peninsula.

These Singaporeans are labouring day and night to promote the interests of the Americans and should be duly rewarded. After all, the Americans have a US$1.5 trillion budget for such American admirers and free labour, slaving happily, unthinkingly, and selflessly for the evil American Empire.


Anonymous said...

How come Philip Chan Man Ping, a 59-year-old naturalised Singaporean, kena designated as a politically significant person under Singapore’s foreign interference law for promoting Chinese interests, whereas the Sinkies who promote French interests are honored ?

Anonymous said...

ST reports on the SC Sea conflict between China and Philippines is biased and one sided for the Philippines.
And it always seek the view of Colin Koh from NTU_ RSIS who is an anti china pro western political analyst if we see what he writes in his Twitter account about China..

No wonder China is helping Malaysia to build rail and port infrastructure that could have bad consequences for Singapore as it sees SG to be unfriendly and and pro US. with some action like sanction on Russia and nor opting for Huawei for its 5G.

Anonymous said...

India is an accomplice in the genocide of Palestinians. It is supplying weapons to the Israelis.
India is anti Muslims and Arabs.