
Daft Sinkies need to justify to the whites that they are not Chinese, not want to be associated with China


 Danson Cheong had this to say:-

"Sorry but we're Chinese Singaporeans- not your compatriots " ST

Why on earth must some Singaporeans feel a need to keep yelling that they are not Chinese? Do they have to justify to everyone that they are not Chinese? Or are they being pressured by the white men to prove that they are not Chinese but imitation whites?

And why specifically pointing to the Chinese in China that they are not their compatriots? Of course not every Singaporean would share this kind of stupidity. So, please do not put all Chinese Singaporeans in the same breath. There are many Chinese Singaporeans that are very proud of their ancestry, to be the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, the longest, continuous civilisation in human history. 

There is nothing to be ashamed of this lineage. The once most civilised and developed Chinese Civilisation has resurrected itself after being suppressed by the white savages for more than a century. Only unthinking Chinese outside China would still be ashamed of being Chinese. But soon they would realise their stupidity when China surpasses the white men in every field of endeavour, to become the most respected and welcomed civilisation in the world. 

The Chinese, despite being demonised by the white savages for centuries, would not become like the white savages, everyday plotting, scheming and inciting for wars, committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. The genocide of the Palestinians is going on daily. Only evil, stupid and the unthinking cannot see how cruel the white men are towards the Palestinians and the Arabs and Muslims, and still mouthing peace, human rights and all the craps. When China and Russia are destroyed by the white men, the Chinese that think they are not Chinese would be treated like the Palestinians and all coloured people, like the days after the white men defeated the Qing Dynasty.

Singapore and China may be two different nation states. But China is not an enemy of Singapore. There is no need to thump your chest like Ah Meng to prove that you are not Chinese. Your ancestors came from China. Or are they saying that they don't have ancestors or their ancestors are white men?

The white men must be laughing at the stupidity of such yellow skin men with squint little eyes and wanting to be like white men, or be loved by the white men. If one cannot respect his own colour and race, no one would respect him, not even the white men.

The duckweed is very lucky to have been born in Singapore and can talk and act silly. The overseas Chinese that were born in countries where they were the minorities were very thankful that China is big and powerful to protect them from being bullied, beaten and even killed because they were Chinese. Duckweed needs to be beaten because they were duckweed to understand what is the meaning of being Chinese and having a strong and powerful China guarding their backs.

The silly Hongkies that ran away from their Motherland to their beloved England are suffering untold miseries for their own stupidity. They are the typical duckweed, no ancestors, not Chinese.


southernglory1 said...

I have previously pointed out that many local OCBC so-called reporters or journalists have frequently echoed CIA or Western mass media demonisation of China and the Chinese people in their articles in the local newspapers or in Channel News America. Many of their articles denigrate China and the Chinese people and if it is a report concerning issues between China and the West or the US in particular they tend to slant against China or nuance in a way to put China and the Chinese people in a bad light. We wonder what kind of nit-wit brainless OCBC reporters these people are. Don't they have any self-respect or dignity? It may be so and we do suspect because of that they may be paid agents of CIA and the Western countries.

Danson Cheong must not in his statement or statements implicate other Singaporeans in his western oriented hatred of China and the Chinese people. The government must seriously look into the matter before the OCBC anti-China writers do any further harm to the relationship between China and Singaapore.

A few Singaporeans have asked if it is possible to take these OCBC writers to court for the harm they are doing to Singapore in general and to Singaporean Chinese in particular.


Anonymous said...

There is a Chinese proverb 飲水思源 - It literally means "when you drink water, think of its source", remembering where and how the water came from.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Don't include all Chinese Singaporeans in the 'we'. Many Chinese Singaporeans are proud to be Chinese and proud of their Chinese heritage and ancestors.

southernglory1 said...

These OCBC reporters or pseudo journalists think they are very important people just because they know how to write. They have been writing a lot of trash echoing American or Western propaganda which denigrates non-white people and countries especially on China and the Chinese people. They have a lot of fake ego or false ego and never realise that what they have been paid to write by the American government via CIA or NED have offended a lot of Singaporeans who have subsequently withdrawn from subscribing to Shit Times or tuning on to Channel News America.

The OCBC reporters intend to forget their roots and their ancestry. They must know forgetting ones roots and refusing to accept ones ancestry is the first step to self-destruction. In echoing the American and the West evil propaganda to disparage and besmirch your own kind is to smear your own face with your own shit. How can these type of traitors and shameful rootless characters continue to exist and walk down the streets of Singapore to face the wrath of Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Ethnicity vs Nationality.

White man does not have this distinction. Assumption is white is white, hence only nationality.

In reality, their ethnicity is so complicated that they cant be bothered or to put it another way, they're too dumb down to even understand.

Seeing it through the western lens & assume the whole world must follow them.

Anonymous said...

If a Chinese Singaporean or a Singaporean Chinese is not a Chinese, then what is he?