
China setting new international standards in science and technology...and in space

 The losers are angry and still wanting to call the shot and set the rules on science and technology that they did not have, even accusing China of stealing their technology that they did not have. No matter how they tried to lie, cheat and steal, the Americans and the West are falling behind real fast in new technology.

One great example is 5G. Until today, the Americans and the West are unable to come up with a decent 5G system comparable with Huawei's and faking their 4.5G as 5G. And they are forcing many of their colonies and crony states not to use Huawei's 5G and be content with using 4.5G as their so called 5G. On the other hand, the Global South are going about happily using Huawei's 5G as the new technology and soon would be using Huawei's 6G. Huawei's 5G is now the new international standard of telecommunication, and would move on to an intermediate 5.5G that is 10 times faster than 5G.

China's Beidou global positioning system is many times more accurate than the American's ageing GPS and would soon be the system of choice by countries of the world. The Americans are quietly using Beidou for critical needs without announcing it. Beidou is the new international standard of GPS.

China is also setting new standards for high speed trains and building more and more high speed trains for the Global South using Chinese technology and specifications. Chinese high speed trains are the undisputed leader in train technology, an area that the Americans have neglected and no longer in contention.

Similarly, Chinese EVs and EV batteries are the best in the world and are the standards of EVs and EV technology. Even the Japanese and German automobile makers have conceded defeat and forming joint ventures with the Chinese makers for EVs.

And high up in space, the Chinese Tiangong Space Station is the new standard in space technology. Not only that, the language of communication in the Space Station and in China's permanent moon station would be in Chinese, not English. Yes, Chinese will be the international language in Tiangong Space Station and on the moon station.

With more patents being files by China than the combined of America and Japan, China is going to set the standard for AIs in the future. The backward 'has been' Brits still trying very hard to want to be the leader in AI , wanting to set the standards for AI when they have nothing about AI to prove. How pathetic can the Brits be. Just like the Americans telling the Chinese that the language in space is English when the ageing International Space Station could fall out of the sky tomorrow.

China is a growing economic, science and technology super power and will lead the world in the latest science and technology innovations.

PS. The American terrorists can continue to waste their time and resources in wars, agitating and provoking for more wars, bickering on useless unproductive things. China will continue to grow and develop useful things for the whole world.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Yet Sinkieland as supporter of the Whites had what's Errison and another what's don't even know their name to install our 5G.

Aiyo, worse than 4G ah!

Errisons my sons also mobile hand phones washed out long long ago.

Stupidity must die die scorned the Chinese and supported the Whites Peasants.

Anonymous said...

You mean Singapore chose Ericsson's fake 5G over Huawei's 5G?

Virgo49 said...

Yes that's right Bro!

Matland Huawei

Virgo49 said...

Today's Shits Times had goldfish eyes and that DBS CEO so happy that Sinkeland top innovatars ah?

Whats Sinkieland have?

Innovations Cha Kuey Teow and Chicken Rice.

PM front page only banked on Tourism and Servile Industry.

Can meh? Next few decades still the same meh?

No high Tech Industries to have hundreds of thousands of young Sporeans gainfully employed?

Still banked on the Tourists Industries?

Aiyo no eyes see.

Virgo49 said...

One article of a mother's letter to her graduate Daughter.

My letter to all Graduates in Sinking Land.

Even with all your double and triple degrees, be prepared to be Grab delivery food or parcel agents.

Also as hawkers and also Par Hong Chia pirate taxis back to the 60s.

Allah Snr said you for lots of degrees whats for cannot eat!

Unless you have abundant jobs!

One white collared worker will have his job lifespan the next forty years unless he or she resigned.

So young job seekers got chance meh?

The Papies can create hundreds of thousands of new jobs every year meh?

With these type of Same no ideas economy?

Virgo49 said...


Heat and see what's George Yeo said about the West 5G.

G strings compared to China full underwear.

Anonymous said...

The Western media is asking the question of whether the Chinese Lunar Station which it proposes to set up will be accessible for all nations. Who is asking this question behind the scenes and what is the objective?

I would say China will allow access to others, but certainly not for the USA and its cronies. Allowing them there will mean inviting the devil into the house to cause trouble. Even allowing just one of its cronies inside is bound to be asking lots of questions, lots of spying, lots of subterfuge and creating lots of problems with the USA working behind its back.

Why should China allow them access not forgetting the treatment that China received from being forbidden to do research work inside the International Space Station. It was all the idea of the USA behind the ban. An eye for an eye is fair and square.