
Terrorist America budgeted US$1.5b to publish lies, fake news and disinformation

 Those who tell the truth are accused of perpetuating disinformation or misinformation. When they themselves generate disinformation or misinformation, that is their right to do so. Were they taken to task by any world body, including the deluded UN itself over the Iraq War? Using terrorist threats put paid to any action to bring justice for the Iraqis.

Those who go against them are accused of being terrorist. Even those fighting for their right to exists like Hamas on behalf of the Palestinians, are claimed to be a terrorist organization. Israel killing tens of thousands of innocents in Gaza is not an act of terrorism by a de facto terrorist state. It is being claimed as just protecting itself against threats by those innocent victims comprising women and children. This is their warp argument.

Only the biggest terrorist of the world can have the right to judge who is a terrorist and who is not. Attacking Iraq and Libya and killing its leaders is not terrorism. What was the reason? Iraq and Libya were advocating the pricing of oil outside the US$ and were attacked unprovoked. Unable to have justification, they generated the fake WMD hubris in Iraq to launch their attack. But no war crimes for the USA leaders or its military personnel, including those leaders in other countries like Tony Blair. This is what they call 'justice' or their 'Rules Based Order' or disorder.

Now about the release of Julian Assange by the UK after more than a decade in detention. It seems, in my opinion, a precursor to something more sinister behind the event. While in UK detention, getting rid of him in prison, like Jeffrey Epstein, is too openly apparent. Using the same modus operandi is bound to arouse suspicion. But a freed Assange is a different thing, and he must guard his safety even more diligently.

Forget about the plea bargain nonsense. Most of what is revealed are already common knowledge digested and have little value to compromise the USA and the West. Getting rid of him permanently to erase his legacy will be a better deal. Just like destroying any link to the CIA in the John F. Kennedy assassination, working out like a charm. A double assassination ending with a scapegoat dying in prison killed off any link to the CIA.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julian Assange has been told to pay US$520,000 to pay for his trip by chartered plane to Australia from UK by the Australian Government. He was not allowed to take a commercial flight back home. What was the reason was never revealed by the Australian Government. Perhaps they are afraid and do not want him to seek asylum in Moscow or North Korea, LOL. Does he have more information to reveal to compromise the USA I wonder?

Efforts are now being made to raise the US%520,000 to pay the Australian Government.

Supporters of Assange had been prodding the Australian Government to intervene over the release of Assange for years to no avail.