
South China Sea - China's PLA Navy is modern day Ah Q

 I restrained myself for a long time not to say this to China. But since they refused to wake up, to wise up and choose to continue with their Confucianist philosophy of not bullying the weak, not wanting to be seen to kick asses, want to act like gentlemen to scoundrels, I need to wake them up. 

China's problems in the South China Sea, in Diaoyu Island, in the Sino Indian border and with Taiwan, are caused by themselves, self inflicted, and they only have themselves to blame. They have a big stick but afraid to use it, refuse to use it, until all the Mickey Mouse think China is just a lame paper tiger. So everyone of them start to crawl all over China, pulling its whiskers and scratching its face, and what can China do except to keep restraining itself, not even dare to complain, only like Ah Q, talked away the problems superficially with some excuses. Last warning, new laws to arrest trespassers etc etc but lame lame, dare to enforce.

Mickey Mouse only understand when whacked by a big stick. A good example was the 1962 Sino Indian Border War. After hammering the Indians to shit, China had at least 40 years of peace. But now Indian memory is fading and starting to behave arrogantly, like Mickey Mouse again. Also believing in their pretentious military might and with the Americans behind their back, wanting to test another Sino Indian Border War.

The same scenario is repeated in the Diaoyu Island, Taiwan and now, the most ridiculous of all, the really lame and poor third world state called the Philippines. Even the Philippines is looking down on China, believing in the Americans that China is a lame super power, a modern day Ah Q. They can pee on the head of China, spit on the face of China, and can get away with it, because China is lame and would not dare to hit back.

In Taiwan, Lai Ching Te is openly telling the Taiwanese that Taiwan is an independent state. What can lame China do? Nothing. Chinese fisherman got killed, also dare not do anything. What a shame. And the Americans are selling more weapons to Taiwan for the purpose of killing Chinese soldiers....

When China was weak, even Asean states like the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia would dare to arrest Chinese fishing boats, blasted them to pieces or dragged them to their ports and demanded a ransom for their return and the release of the fishermen. But lame China is afraid to do the same. The more afraid China behaves, the more trouble it would invite. No country would respect lame China.

What happens to the saying, 无事不找事,有事不怕事? Now troubles have come right into the room, and still afraid to lift a finger. The Philippines now don't even respect China nor the PLA Navy.

This is the time to take the big stick and just whack. Just do it and talk later. Only then would China be respected as a big power, or at least feared, and trouble would just go away. See who dares to find trouble with Israel, with the Americans or with India? They would just kick asses.

When would China's PLA Navy stop behaving like Ah Q? Would China want to have shit thrown at its face before acting? Or when shit hits China's face, China would simply wipe it off and say never mind, it smells like chocolate?

China must stop being stupid, stop being lame, stop behaving like Ah Q. Lu Xun would be turning in his grave.

White men's freedom means imprisonment for the daft coloured people

Be very careful and be warned when the white men talked about freedom and security. Freedom and security have different definitions to the white men, always interpreted in their favour. The freedom to the white men is your imprisonment. They would want to tie your hands and legs, so that they can all the freedom they want, and little or no freedom to you. A good example is freedom for Israelis and imprisonment for Palestinians.

When the white men talked about security, they mean insecurity for the coloured people. The security of the white men is the insecurity of the Red Indians. And the white men want absolute security, so they terminated the Red Indians. The white men's security in the Middle East is the insecurity of the Arabs and Muslims. For the security of the Jews, the Palestinians must be totally wiped out or chased out to Egypt or other parts of the world.

For the freedom and security of the Europeans, all the former Warsaw Pact countries must be under the control of the Americans and NATO. And Russia must be taken out.

For the freedom and security of the Americans, China must be contained to stay on the Chinese mainland, not allowed to move out into the sea. And this is only being kind. If they have their ways, the Chinese must also be terminated like the Russians and the Red Indians. Only then the Americans would feel free and secured. So, temporarily, the Americans must build military bases all around China, for the freedom and security of the Americans.

And in free trade, it must only favour the Americans, if not, no free trade.

Therefore, for the complete freedom and security of the Americans, the whole world must be controlled and dominated by the American Empire and the white countries.

Coloured people must not be stupid. Every coloured state is on the American menu, how to season, spice up, how to be cooked, medium, rare or well done, and to be consumed by the Americans. This is what the Americans called freedom and security. The Americans must have all the freedom to do what they like, to kill and destroy with impunity, above the law. Only then can the Americans feel secured, safe and free.

Covid19 - Evil America's wicked agenda that could cause loss of lives

 In a bid to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, the US military launched propaganda efforts that morphed into an anti-vax campaign.

The Pentagon also used a combination of fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of China’s vaccines among Muslims at a time when the virus was killing tens of thousands of people each day.

A key part of the strategy: amplify the disputed contention that, because vaccines sometimes contain pork gelatin, China’s shots could be considered forbidden under Islamic law.

A senior US Defence Department official acknowledged the US military engaged in secret propaganda to disparage China’s vaccine in the developing world, but the official declined to provide details, according to Reuters.

Briefed on the Pentagon’s secret anti-vax campaign by Reuters, some American public health experts condemned the programme, saying it put civilians in jeopardy for potential geopolitical gain.

All the Chinese vaccines were approved by the World Health Organisation.


America's overcapacity in printing the dollar is a threat to the whole world

 Grandma Yellen is becoming one big con-woman in her daily chanting that China's overcapacity is posing difficulties for others to compete. She should categorically tell the world that it is the USA itself that is unable to compete! She is just trying to drag in the rest of the world into her argument to garner more support, nothing more and nothing less.

Where in the world has this mantra ever been raised by any country about a competitor's overcapacity that was posing problems for others? Isn't global trade all about favoring countries having economies of scale and comparative advantages, resulting in that country having that advantage in capacity to produce cheaper goods which will ultimately benefit the whole world. Today, China is able to produce goods cheaper, better and faster due to cheaper energy from Russia, its dominance in the control of raw materials and a well-oiled and educated population specializing in industrial expertise.

To put it bluntly, the real reason is that the USA has lost the edge in competition and wants to stop China from moving forward and even to pull China down to its level of economic malaise.

When the USA was the kingpin of ICE vehicle production, did anyone complain of USA overcapacity posting problems for others? When Japan overtook the USA, did the USA warned Japan similarly about its overcapacity in ICE vehicle exports to the rest of the world?

Now, China's overcapacity is a problem for them. What a sore loser!

Oh, what about USA's overcapacity in weapons production and toilet paper printing? Will the USA put a stop to that?


Trump and Biden both treat the Americans as dumb fools

 Every human with a brain knows that tariffs are a tax on imported goods paid for by the final consumer, be it in the USA or anywhere else. Chinese manufacturers are not paying those tariffs that many have mistakenly thought so during Trump's trade war against China. The tariffs may curb demand, but China is looking more towards the Global South countries for its exports and is building up its relationship within BRICS countries to widen its market instead of relying on the USA and EU.

Like everything else, the USA and EU are forcing China to come up with retaliative moves to thwart their agenda and even make China more self-reliant, for example in semiconductors. And that is bad for the USA and Europe. China will continue to expand its productive capacity to flood the Global South with cheap products and denied the USA and Europe from being able to compete in the Global South. More than that, the West will also lose the huge Chinese market. The Germans and Swedes have realized that scenario coming but are unable to go against their master's wishes.

When I say that China plans for the long term, this is an example. And I believe China is confident enough now to be able to retaliate as and when it finds necessary. And the coming tariffs on Chinese EVs will trigger that retaliation by China. 


Biden the laughing stock in the world. Every European leader is laughing behind his back

 How long can they keep covering up the health and mental capacity of Biden? Biden is literally getting worse by the day and how could they still think he is capable of providing leadership to the sinking USA Titanic?

And those moronic leaders of Europe are just pretending like the characters in Hans Christian Anderson's folktale about 'The Emperor's New Clothes' saying nothing about the nakedness of their Emperor.

Never have I seen a leader being the laughingstock of the whole world day in and day out. They made fun of him at home. The Italians made fun of him. The Australians made fun of him. We have lots of fun regarding him in Red Dot, LOL. And the whole USA Government just swallow all this without a tinge of shame? This is outrageous. Only in the USA can this ever be allowed to happen and is also happening around the world.

Never has the world seen more of the USA's reputation gone down to the sewers than over the last two decades of USA history. Perhaps it is time for the USA to just fade quietly into the shadows rather than suffering more shame and indignity. 



Chief Clown Zelensky told the little clowns present in the Circus, 'Give me more money and I will win the war'

  Photo opportunity with the world's highest paid Clown Zelensky. Photo credit to CNA.


Zelensky is now revealing the truth, the open truth, to the world that Ukraine needs more aid to win the war. In other words, he is admitting that Ukraine is not winning the war now. Over the last two years, Western propaganda had been telling us every other day that Ukraine is winning the war.

What Zelensky is now saying is that all those winning positions were lies that BBC, CNN and others had trotted out, and they had basically hatched a scam to fool the world to fork out more aid as Ukraine was winning big. Despite all the game changing weapons that they had been sending to Ukraine, Russia has not been defeated yet. The most laughable lie was that Russia itself did not collapse at all as gloated by crazy Joe. It has in fact grown stronger. But no use bringing that up as crazy Joe is too mentally inapt to remember.

Now that 'piss summit' in Switzerland is a precursor for more aid to be thrown to the Ukrainian conman. It is obvious that more aid will be pledged after the conning session by Zelensky and will not just stop there. That was the real purpose of that 'shit summit'.

There was already evidence that weapons sent to Ukraine were found in Africa. Financial aid had most probably ended up mostly in the pockets of Zelensky and his cronies, with some kickbacks for those Congressmen and women as thanks for their support in Congress.

When is a 'piss summit' not a 'peace summit' and a farce? Simple - when one party to the conflict is not even there. It is truly ridiculous and a joke. Saudi Arabia, India, South Africa, UAE and Indonesia wants no part of the declaration that the stooges made. Unsurprisingly four of the five are BRICS members, with Indonesia the odd one out. But Indonesia will join BRICS in time to come. Indonesia is just testing which direction the wind blows.

Zelensky is trying very hard to pull China into the fray, telling China to put forward its stand directly to Ukraine. What is he trying to pull off? He is obviously and insidiously trying to pit China against Russia and sour their relationship. China's relationship with Russia is non-negotiable and comprehensive, all-weather co-operation, not 'iron clad' that is capable of being destroyed by rust. China will not be made to sabotage Russia's interest. China already made it very clear over the last two years.


PS. The little clowns were not concerned about the Genocide in Gaza. 

The Swiss-hosted Ukraine ‘peace conference’ has turned out to be an erratic and dysfunctional event whose participants have no clue what they are doing there, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said...except for those under the instruction of the Americans to read out the scripts the Americans prepared for them.

He went on to say that the Swiss “shepherd boys” invited only “trustworthy animals,” including a “crazy puny swine” and his sidekick, as well as “a flock of slow-witted Western Alpine sheep blithely bleating about peace, as well as a pack of European chained dogs to guard the livestock.”

Breaking News! Emergency in the International Space Station

The self deceiving Americans are playing with fire, risking the lives of their astronauts in an ageing space station that has outlived its working life, and should have been retired 4 years ago. But because of American pride, they cannot be seen to have no space station when China has one up there. So they recklessly extended the life of the ISS, when the parts are about to break apart or already breaking apart. Everyday on the ISS is a life threatening moment.

Now, with 2 American astronauts due to return to earth, NASA and Boeing took another reckless decision by sending a spacecraft, Starliner, that has several unresolved issues to the ISS to bring them back. And to make matter worse, they sent another two new crew to the ISS in the Starliner. Can you believe that?

Murphy's Law struck. The problems of the Starliner, deemed to be minor, broke out. Many leakages of helium gas were discovered. Now this spacecraft is as good as unserviceable, cannot bring the two astronauts back, and two new astronauts stuck in the same precarious situation.

The Americans need emergency help. Only Russia and China have the capability to do so. Would Russia and China, both under daily attacks from the Americans, to be destroyed for good, be stupid enough to lend a hand? America and Russia are at war. China is forbidden by the Wolf Act from working with NASA.

The best thing to say, good riddance. Karma is a bitch and will bite sooner or later. The lives of at least 4 American astronauts in the ISS are now hanging on a string, in space.

Maybe Elon Musk may be able to help, if he still has a serviceable rocket ready for launch. 


Education - A foolish pursuit in a wild goose chase


 Singapore does not have the luxury of education for the sake of education and personal enlightenment. In the West, when the rich aristocracy, got rich by wars and looting from the colonial countries and people, have enjoyed a life of plenty without having to work any more, just living on the stolen loots to pass time and living a life of leisure. Caveat, this privilege is ending as there are very few colonised countries left to loot.

Singapore's peasant aristocracy is a recent development of a few years, getting rich after independence. Only the old rich, and new rich though not that many, could afford to live a life of leisure like the colonial aristocrats. To the many asset rich Singaporean millionaires, their little riches would not go very far and everyone needs a job, needs to earn a living. 

Education to many Singaporeans is not a luxury but a necessity, an existential asset to earn a living and get by in this super expensive city state. Many did not get an education for education's sake. Many emptied their life savings for their children to get a good education. The most dreadful thing that can happen to this aspiration is to find the hundreds of thousands of dollars and time invested, turn to nothing, cannot get  decent job to even cover the cost of education and getting a degree. And some jokers sneakily commented what is the point of a degree when it cannot be eaten. Some even condescendingly said, a job or any job is good enough. Do not be choosy. What kind of people would make such callous remarks to shatter the dreams of hardworking Singaporeans aspiring to live a better life and investing time and money in it?

At the national level, a highly educated citizenry is also not a luxury. Any degree will do. The thought of some states with regard to educating their people could be seen in the results, the quality and strength of their development. In the past, for people living in the past, can do the job means ok liao. Anyone can become a dentist as long as he got the gut and strength to pull out a tooth. Not much training and education needed. Such shallow mentality would bring doom to their countries.

The country that is very serious about educating its people is China. China sent armies of students overseas to study the hard sciences and now has a big pool of STEM graduates that can contribute fully and productively to the nation's development. And today's development is all about science and technology, not about how to keep pets, not about how to cook a good meal, not about how to argue until black is white or white is black. The Americans also fell into this black hole, with many Americans going to universities just to get a degree, any degree will do other than the hard sciences. Comparing the strength of the Chinese and American economies and where they are heading does not need any explanation. One is sinking and one is exploding exponentially to become the new champion of the world.

What is Singapore's education achievement? Producing graduates without the skills needed in the industry, or not good enough, despite having straight As, to land a decent job. Probably getting a temp job or become a Grab driver or hawker. Is that where Singapore's education is heading, and then telling the graduates to be happy with any job, as long as it is a job. And then go around the world hunting for fake talents with funny degrees to take over the jobs that Singaporeans really need? 

What is the strategy of Singapore's Education? Just make sure that the parents and students are happy, ie to get a piece of paper, any kind of paper. After that, you die your business. You want a piece of paper, you want easy and no pressure education, you get it, we give it to you. And when you cannot get a good job, don't blame us. You ask for it.

The education of some third world countries are more focus. Education to get a good job, not for fun, not for entertainment or luxury. Not wanting to have an all round education that ended up knowing nothing, nothing useful in the industry. We want our children to be happy in schools, no pressure, cannot pressure our children. They are very precious. Good steel is made from extreme high temperature and many hammering and beating with great force. Cosy and fun education is just that, for fun and later to do temp jobs or jobs that do not need much thinking, no science or engineering knowledge and skills. And be happy. Why complain about not qualified or unable to compete with hungry third world talents?

American Humpty Dumpty about to fall

 When the USA Humpy Dumpty falls from the top of the wall, all the rest of the G7 cannot put it back together again.

Some will scamper to join BRICS, like France. Some will crawl back to join the BRI, like Italy. And the G7 may be left to become G2, comprising USA and UK. Soon, both will be left to reminisce about their fallen empires.

When the US$ hegemony ends, forever war is no longer affordable. Even maintaining those 800 or more military bases becomes impossible without the ability to continue just printing toilet papers.

The British Empire, the biggest in history, collapsed due to its inability to keep its financial support to maintain its control over its colonies, and it had to relinquish them one by one.

Likewise for the USA with regard to all its military bases, aircraft carriers, submarines and troops around the world. And what about those 'iron clad' promises it gave to its cronies? Those cronies will be left blinking and wondering 'what happened to those 'iron clad' chains. They have not rusted yet!'


China's philosophy of thrift and economy rising over American's extravagance and unrestrained inflation of cost

 The Global South will keep expanding. The G7 had already shrank from G8 after they evicted Russia. Trying to keep the G7 bloc exclusive to the Whites and fake Whites is not to the liking of the rest of the world, the Global South. It is an assumption that no other country can reach the economic status of those in the G7. How wrong they were!

China already proved its point, becoming the second biggest economy in the world. The most surprising outcome of China's rise centers on the fact that China is a socialist state and was thought incapable of rising to the level of the G7 countries. China proved them wrong and attained its position in a much shorter time than anticipated. Russia, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia are perfectly capable of rising to give countries like the UK, France, Italy and Canada a run for their money to be among the so-called elites.

China just took 30 years to zoom past all except the USA, which it is causing alarm even to the USA itself. With China's help in infrastructures, transportation systems and other facilities, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia will probably take a shorter time to be among the top ten biggest economy. China and Russia's economy are already among the top tier of the so-called elites. 


Americans claimed their drones were world best when there were no competitors, until when others have better drones....

 What can we say about USA weapons when even Ukraine is refusing to use USA reaper drones and resorting to convert DJI civilian drones for military use? The Ukrainians claim that USA reaper drones are unreliable and inaccurate when compared to DJI civilian drones bought off the shelves of Walmart and others? Imagine DJI civilian drones being more reliable than USA military grade drones is really a devastating blow on the USA's miliary reputation.

This brings into question what kind of drones the PLA are using? Those are undoubtedly military grade drones and could not be inferior to the civilian drones sold on the shelves of Walmart, right?

But pro-USA snake oil salesmen are still promoting the notion that Chinese weapons are junks and that USA weapons are the best of the best. Let them still pretend that their Emperor is wearing his new clothes when he is naked. And do not try to tell them the truth. They refused to listen to the truth and will instead accuse those saying good things about China being CCP funded elements.

Oh, lest I forget, I want to talk about the supposedly landing pier built by the USA purportedly for the landing of humanitarian aid for Gaza, which was broken up by winds and waves. Now it is reported to have been repaired. Those are supposed to be USA military grade logistics, not Chinese built junks, LOL.

Now, we know the secret of why the Israelis allowed such a pier to be built when they were adamantly stopping all aid by land through the Rafah crossing. It does not sound right isn't it. Someone just revealed that that pier had been used by Israel to launch attacks on Gaza. Satan just tried to pull wool over the world's eyes, pretending to be humanistic, but behind that lurks an evil intent. 


China on Russia's side. What is wrong with that? Why can't China be supporting Russia?

 China is leaning over to the Russian side. Are they kidding? Realistically China is already on the Russian side. There is no need to talk about that. China is also leaning towards North Korea and Iran. What is wrong with that? Must China follow the USA and not allowed to choose its friends? China is not a doggie, nor a vassal state or a colony of the USA like Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.

And what is wrong with China being on the side of Russia? Must China follow the dictates of the USA just like the European doggies? And the West had the cheek to accuse China of not following their script in economic matters.

China's expanding influence in Africa has also been questioned by one pro-USA journalist, harassing ex-Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis that she does not support China's popular status in Africa. She was asked in return by Yanis Varoufakis who retorted directly to her with the question - 'What is wrong with that?' China has a right to have influence just like the USA, and China has been more humanistic in its relationship with African countries. That journalist was stumped, sheepishly accepting the status quo and feigning ignorance. 



Arrogant and stupid Americans made to eat humble pie

The Americans vicious lie that Chinaman are stupid and good only to be cooks and laundrymen has now revisit the arrogant and conceited Americans, slapping them right in their faces. Having demonised the Chinaman, condemned them to be coolies and low skilled jobs by their racist rules of law, and over a century, believing that this was true, the Americans now have to look up the ladder for knowledge and skills, only to smell the Chinaman's backside from below.

In the 1990s, the Americans made two condescending decisions, to block China from joining the International Space Station Project, and to pass a law forbidding Americans to cooperate with China in Space Exploration and Discovery Projects for two reasons. One, Chinaman are stupid and has nothing to contribute. Two, to block Chinaman from acquiring space technology from the Americans.

These decisions were the peak of American conceitedness, and very mean, that the Chinaman were not fit to work or cooperate with the Americans in space technology and exploration. Now the Chinaman has the last laugh, laughing all the way to the back of the moon with their moon rovers. China at this moment has 4 moon rovers running around the moon. The Americans have none and failed in the last attempt to put a rover on the moon.

And now the whole world is questioning whether the Americans actually landed on the moon more than 50 years ago and now behaving like a kindergarten kid, unable to even build a rocket to take their astronauts just to visit the International Space Station, a fraction of the distance to the moon.

To add to the embarrassment, the Americans are begging the Chinaman for a sample of the moon rocks from the back of the moon, despite still being forbidden to cooperate with China under the racist Wolf Act. How thick skin can the arrogant Americans be, even hurling threats that China must share its knowledge and moon rocks with the Americans now!

China's space technology is now so much superior and advanced than the Americans. And NASA is nothing but a shell, still harping about its moon landings in the 1970s and with nothing else to prove and even with its budget chopped to a meaningless sum, only for administrative upkeep, not enough for any serious space exploration and development work...because it was not deserving of any real funding.

China is now falling back on the Wolf Act to remind the Americans that cooperation with the Americans violates the American Law...unless the Americans repeal this Act. And what if after the Americans sheepishly repealed this Act, China copied the arrogant Americans and pass a similar act to forbid cooperation with the Americans on space projects? 

Now, won't that be sweet?

Saudi Arabia and MBS under threats by the American gangsters to renew the Petrol Dollar Scam

 With Saudi Arabia's move to sell oil outside of the US$, the days of USA freeloading is going to be over for good. This is a very disastrous move by Saudi Arabia against the US$ hegemony. When countries are able to buy oil outside the US$, the usage of the US$ is going to decline very much faster than anticipated. The de-dollarization tsunami is on its way.

In addition to this, BRICS is setting up its own 'Energy and Commodity Exchange' that will promote energy, mineral and agricultural trade among its members, setting their own prices outside the control of the West and conducting trade outside of the US$. With many BRICS member countries controlling vast energy resources, mineral reserves and agricultural outputs, the implications are immense.

Russia, Saudi Arabia and UAE controls vast oil and gas reserves. With non-BRICS countries like Venezuela and Iran being themselves also oil rich countries and about to join BRICS, the total trade in energy among BRICS countries is enormous.

Russia and Brazil are already agricultural giants in global production of grains that will be making another huge dent in the usage of the US$ when trade among members is being carried out outside the US$.

Global reserves of minerals from Africa are another area that BRICS will control as more African countries join BRICS. China is already the main player controlling the extraction of raw materials in Africa.

The USA and the West can continue to downplay the effect that this will do to the US$ hegemony. The US$ may still continue to blissfully dominate global trade today, but the tipping point is on the way and a de-dollarization tsunami is close at hand, an event that is not been seen before.


Ursula Leyen - Russia using recycled chips from washing machines to fight NATO forces ...and winning

 Ursula born the Liar is claiming that Russia is using recycled chips from washing machines to be used in making their missiles, drones and other weapons. This is another desperate propaganda piece invented by the West in addition to earlier claims that the Russians have no more weapons and are just fighting with shovels.

Just recently, they were accusing China of providing chips to Russia to enable the Russians to produce weapons non-stop. If that is so, why would the Russians be using recycled and outdated chips for their weapons? The USA wanted to resort to using this accusation to punish China for helping Russia.

If the Russians are indeed just fighting with shovels, why is there a need for them to have to recycle washing machine chips to be used for weapons? If Russia can fight and still win with shovels, what is she talking about?

The clowns in the EU are running short of ammunition to fight Russia and are just resorting to more sanctions against Russia. Did the more than 16,000 sanctions imposed on Russia achieved anything concrete so far? The only achievement so far is that the EU basically committed economic suicide after imposing all those sanctions.

Ironically, those in the know are aware that the EU is still buying Russian oil mixed with others from India, China and Saudi Arabia. And the latter three are laughing all the way to the bank, marking up cheap Russian oil to be resold to the EU into a highly profitable business.

Hope they are not placing all those gains in Western banks that may be confiscated when the USA starts claiming those profits violates their sanctions and must be seized. 


Trade War heating up

 What they now fear most about their legacies being destroyed, and consigned to history, is the internal combustion engine cars, probably their last legacy left, which is getting killed by EVs.

This will affect ICE vehicle manufacturers in USA, Japan and EU, in particular Germany. We can tell that these three countries realize the consequence of competition from EVs, which China is dominating. And that is why there is all the talk about increasing tariffs to the sky to prevent Chinese EVs from being imported into USA and EU.

Many analysts are saying that even if they increase EV tariffs triple times, Chinese EVs will still be cheaper than Western made ones. So, how could EVs made in USA, Europe and Japan hope to compete in the Global South? Even for their domestic market, they made expensive EVs, impose tariffs on Chinese EVs to make them expensive, and are in fact punishing their own people and forcing them to buy overpriced goods.

Raising high tariffs is the first step of their war against Chinese EVs. Meanwhile, they want to make hay while the sun shines, as those tariffs are additional taxes benefitting the Government of the USA and EU.

China is retaliating. China is investigating dairy products from the EU, targeting EU farmers as a first step. This is going to hurt the EU farmers, just like China raising tariffs on soya bean products from USA at the start of the trade war. China probably has found alternative sources of supply, for example from Russia, and some friendly European states and South American countries. The Chinese think years ahead and act, not on the spur of the moment, and will not be looking back with regret. 


Lighter moment - Sleeping Joe leading G7 to sleep

 It is all hands to the pump for the Whites, having been forced to support the US$ hegemony after Saudi Arabia's historic move not to renew the 50-year pact of selling oil in US$.

The Whites are aware that the loss of the US$ hegemony means the end of their White Supremacist mindset that they enjoyed for the last few decades. They will fight tooth and nail together to sustain the status quo.

But the days of the US$ hegemony is nearing its end, and this really terrifies the Whites, which is why they are standing together to face BRICS de-dollarization moves. But more countries are rushing to join BRICS and there is nothing the USA vis a vis the G7 can do. They can get together every day to talk cock and sing song to their hearts content.

The biggest irony and really laughable outcome of all is that the G7 is being led by Biden who is already gone in the head, behaving more like a walking dead. He even does not have a sense of direction and tends to wander off at odd moments. Where he is leading the G7 and in which direction is a joke.

Like the Pipe Piper of Hamelin Biden is leading the leaders of the G7 into obscurity. Suffice to say, some are already as dumb as a doorknob, like Olaf Scholz and Giorgia Meloni and will follow the crowd.



Scott Ritter - America is not a friend of the Philippines, we don't like you!


Scott Ritter spent 11 minutes telling the Pinoys to wake up from their stupidity and save themselves from being used by the Americans as cannon fodder against China, to be another Ukraine. Would the stupid Pinoys understand this simple message from Scott or choose to believe in their Mickey Mouse fantasy, to want to go to war with China and be like another Ukraine?

Scott Ritter was exasperated telling the Pinoys not to be foolish but knowing that the daft Pinoys would not listen and dying to die for the Americans like the Ukrainians, led by another clown to their own death and destruction.

Trade Wars will end western domination and isolation of US and Europe

 The clowns in Washington and their hybrid in Europe are working day and day to expedite the demise of the American Empire and western domination over the rest of the world. With the flurry of sanctions and trade wars, they are building walls around them to stop trades with China and the rest of the world. Only clowns think this is a great idea, not to trade with the biggest consumer market and the factory of the world

The final result will be the isolation of North America and Europe from the Global South, resulting in the rest of the world surrounding the cities of North America and Europe, a classical guerilla warfare strategy invented by Mao Zedong. The West can trade among themselves, buying and selling overpriced expensive goods and services that are of lower quality or outdated. They can continue to live with 4.5G network and lying to themselves that it is 5G, live with low grade GPS, WW2 train system, internal combustion engine ICE vehicles emitting carbon monoxide and poisonous gases to pollute their cities, and pay extremely high prices for them, sell their agricultural produces, wines and food within their own economic community, no cheap consumer goods from China and the Global South...and using the American dollar and SWIFT banking system.

The rest of the Global South will trade happily among themselves, enjoying the latest technology like 5G/6G, Beidou global mapping system, high speed trains, cheap, efficient, clean and high performance EVs with equivalent efficient and high performing EV batteries, cheap and good commercial aircraft, cheap and good agricultural and consumer products using digital currencies, block chain technology and efficient supply chains, and using Chinese chips, etc etc...a new world of AI, run by AI.

While the West is using the threat of derisking and decoupling to frighten the rest of the world, the latter is working conscientiously to decouple completely from the West, starting with de dollarisation led by BRICS. Nearly 100 countries from the Global South will be meeting BRICS partners in coming summit in Russia. This is about every country in the Global South minus the North American and EU countries.

Once the decoupling is complete, no Global South country will see the need to trade with the American and European states. There is no need to buy super expensive goods and services that are of lower value and usefulness than what they could buy within the BRICS community. The poorer EU countries would not survive for long as they cannot afford to pay for lower quality and super expensive products in the West and would jump ship very soon. No amount of coercion from the Americans and NATO can keep them inside the obsolete western community. They need to leave and join BRICS just to survive and not be bankrupt.

The irrelevant West would be left with just G7 and shrinking to maybe 2 or 3 states in a matter of time. UN would be disbanded and BRICS would assume its place as the new United Nations of the World minus the poor white countries. This is the future to come.

WW3 has started, launched by the West. But it would be purely an economic war. When Russia and China are prepared and able to return the nuclear warheads to the West, no matter how reckless and stupid they are, the clowns in Washington and Europe would know that there is a limit to their savage and aggressive behaviours and actions. 

We are all witnesses to a brave New World of greater equality and fairness and more peaceful without the white savages in charge to make wars to kill and depopulate the world just to control the world for their own benefits. No one in the Global South would be using the US dollar! They have no need for the dollar when they trade among themselves using their own currencies and a new financial system, no more American sanctions. Whither the dollar? This is the brave New World.

Picture credit to Cyrus Janssen. The Global South surrounding the American and European world.

American loonies in Washington fleecing American consumers with high tariffs

 What they now fear most about their legacies being destroyed, and consigned to history, is the internal combustion engine cars, probably their last legacy left, which is getting killed by EVs.

This will affect ICE vehicle manufacturers in USA, Japan and EU, in particular Germany. We can tell that these three countries realize the consequence of competition from EVs, which China is dominating. And that is why there is all the talk about increasing tariffs to the sky to prevent Chinese EVs from being imported into USA and EU.

Many analysts are saying that even if they increase EV tariffs triple times, Chinese EVs will still be cheaper than Western made ones. So, how could EVs made in USA, Europe and Japan hope to compete in the Global South? Even for their domestic market, they made expensive EVs, impose tariffs on Chinese EVs to make them expensive, and are in fact punishing their own people and forcing them to buy overpriced goods.

Raising high tariffs is the first step of their war against Chinese EVs. Meanwhile, they want to make hay while the sun shines, as those tariffs are additional taxes benefitting the Government of the USA and EU.

China is retaliating. China is investigating dairy products from the EU, targeting EU farmers as a first step. This is going to hurt the EU farmers, just like China raising tariffs on soya bean products from USA at the start of the trade war. China probably has found alternative sources of supply, for example from Russia, and some friendly European states and South American countries. The Chinese think years ahead and act, not on the spur of the moment, and will not be looking back with regret. 


America throws Europe under the bus


 All the Mickeys think the USA will always be behind them. A slogan claiming 'iron clad' support can get rusty in time. Or when the chips are down. Or even a change in the White House.

That is why NATO is terrified of a Trump victory in November. Trump already demanded EU's contributions towards NATO expenses be increased, while the USA still controls the alliance. Heads the USA wins, tails the EU loses. Not to talk about the massive economic losses already suffered by the EU, resulting from the Ukraine war, which are the countries framing NATO.

The USA left the South Vietnamese in the lurch after they lost their pants and fled. The former 'USA stooge of an Afghan Government' was left to face the Taliban, after the USA also fled, losing their pants in a hurried exit. And that 'USA supported Afghan Government' also fled in the face of small arms wielding farmers.

The Taliban took over a treasure trove of USA weapons left behind in Afghanistan in their hurried exit. They reversed engineered them and are now using some of them - free of charge which would otherwise cost them millions. They are also exposing all the secrets culled from their captured USA equipment.


PS. Europe is a colony of the American Empire and would be coerced to fight and die for the Empire. Now most of them are going bankrupt, unable to buy cheap oil and gas from Russia, not allowed to trade with China and Russia, and have to empty their savings for the war in Ukraine.


American weapons are basically junk, but stupid allies dare not talk about them

 Most of those countries wanting to buy top-end USA weapons were denied. Perhaps the USA was afraid of letting the cat out of the bag over their overpriced dud weapons that may even fail to work in too many instances. This will expose the secret that their weapons are basically junk, which they had been trying to keep from being exposed. If more countries used those weapons, the more likely will they expose their shortcomings.

Remember the Saudi experience with Patriot Missiles protecting their oil installations? They failed to work even against crude Houthi rockets and the Saudis were pissed. That was why the Saudis turned to Russia for S300 instead. And what about the highly touted 'Iron Dome' protection cover with rockets provided by the USA. It also failed to protect the two airports that were hit by Iranian missiles.

In return for the Saudis continuing to price oil in Petrodollars, the USA was to give protection to the Saudis against any threat, true or imaginary. Iran was not on good terms with the Saudis then, which is true. Now with the peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia successfully brokered by China, the problem of threat has been solved for MBS and USA protection is not even needed.

But we all know that things really started not working out between USA and Saudi Arabia with Mohammed bin Salman taking over from his father. That was when relations started souring and MBS even snubbing Biden and all other Western leaders that visited the Kingdom, begging for more oil extraction. (Biden stupidly and disrespectfully called MBS a pariah. This is totally unacceptable to Saudi Arabia).

The real slap on Biden's face was the reception that Saudi Arabia gave Xi Jinping during his visit to the Kingdom in December 2022. It was a grand welcome, with jet fly-past as well. It was an indication of how much MBS valued relations with China. 


Americans wanted to continue to freeload on the rest of the world

 When you stir a hornet's nest, expect to be bitten. It is no use for Janet Yellen going around complaining that China is overproducing everything. Instead of taking up the challenge to compete for progress, the USA just wants to pull others down to their level of incompetence. This will benefit nobody.

The USA had, for most of the seven decades after WW2, been thinking that the whole world owed them a living and would have to produce for them to freeload, and all they have to do is keep the printing presses working day and night.

And they soon realized that it worked very well for them by just resorting to freeloading, it also led to their hollowing out of their industrial base, with companies shifting operations to other countries with cheaper costs, and China had all the slaves while the USA companies just have to pay 'slave wages' to produce the goods for their enjoyment.

After enjoying all the benefits for decades, they started the hubris that it was China that stole all their jobs. When they saw countries like India offering even lower slave wages, their companies started moving to India and it was time for them to demonize China using the jobs issue and slave wages hubris. 



Land of the Free versus land of Communist China


CHINA vs USA: The Streets || 美国vs中国......震惊
8 minute clip by a South African girl who lived in China. Land of the Free versus land of Communist China.

Overcapacity - Boon and Bane

 The mischievous American losers have invented another catchphrase to attack and demonise China. Overcapacity in production of goods is bad according to the Americans. The simple reason, Americans cannot compete against China in the production of good and reasonably priced goods. The Americans want to produce goods and sell them at high prices, overpriced vis a vis Chinese goods that are as good and often better. So, China, by being more efficient in producing goods, is demonised as bad and must be stop from producing good and cheaper goods in great numbers.

As they said, one man's poison is another man's meat. What is bane for the Americans is a boon to all the poorer countries that now can afford to buy the same goods, better quality goods that are cheaper than Made In USA. A simple example is mobile phones. How many people can afford to buy Apple mobile phones, that is now an essential life style item, not a luxury? Imagine if China is not there to produce alternative mobile phones that are equally good at a fraction of the price of Apple, how many people in India, Africa and the rest of the world can own a mobile phone for their daily use.

Overcapacity is just a lame word used by the mischievous and American cheats. When China is producing for the rest of the world, there is no overcapacity as the demand is greater than the supply. China's over production is also making people of the world, including the Americans, richer by increasing the purchasing power of their respective money. The people of the world can now buy and access good quality consumer goods at prices they can afford.

The American liars are not lying only to the people of the world, but also to the Americans. Many Americans would not be able to live a better quality of life without cheaper Chinese goods that flooded American supermarkets like Walmart. The average Americans would become poor, the poor Americans would become poorer. Instead of helping the poor Americans, the clowns in Washington are making imported good from China more expensive for the Americans by raising tariffs.

The people of the world are becoming richer with their money being able to buy more useful products from China's overcapacity. The rest of the world would want China to produce more and sell to them at cheaper prices. The Europeans and Americans would also greatly benefit from the EVs that China is producing, better and cheaper than even the Japanese top brands like Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Mazda. Chinese EVs are the best in the world and selling at very friendly prices that no one can resist. By the way, Toyota has been caught cheating and fabricating many critical specs of their cars, including safety issues, air bags etc etc. Toyota's reputation has gone down the drain, like Boeing.

Only the mafia in Washington are blocking access of good Chinese EVs to the average American consumers and forcing them to buy half baked American EVs at double the price of a Chinese EV.

I rest my case.

American gangsters and terrorists are worse than thieves

 What Western myths are also crumbling? The mantra that investing in assets in the USA is the safest bet is crumbling. The mantra that USA treasuries are the safest investment channel on earth is another myth that is crumbling. The mantra that building manufacturing facilities in the USA is the best bet is also crumbling. The gloating and salivation that sanctioning Russia will turn the Ruble into rubble and that Russia will collapse has already crumbled.

Investing in USA or the West and having assets in USA and Western banks is no longer safe. In fact, it is the riskiest place today as Russia found out, and which the world became acutely aware of. They are asking, who is next? The world should thank Russia for showing them what the USA and the West really are, warts and all.

Today the USA may consider a country as friendly, tomorrow is a different matter altogether. At their whims and facies, assets and reserves could be confiscated. They are going around using this threat against every country that crossed swords with them. India is reported to be extracting its gold from London. India, always viewed as a friendly country by the USA and Europe, is not feeling that safe anymore either, keeping its gold reserves in London, even with an India PM watching over them, LOL. It is absolutely mindboggling that countries had deemed it safest to put their gold in the hands of thieves who lie, cheat and steal. Stupidity has no cure indeed!

Countries are also getting nervous about buying more USA treasuries that are basically becoming a hot potato and realistically unsafe. Only the UK, the partner in crime, of the USA is now buying and has become the second biggest holder of USA treasuries today. The UK knows that their holdings can never be seized, right? Birds of a feather must trust each other. Hope the 'iron-clad' chain holding them together does not rust, LOL.

Many countries attempting to invest in the USA had also been taken to the cleaners, not just Chinese companies. A Chilean investment that Trump allowed to open up a mining venture, a nickel-copper mine, was sabotaged by Biden, resulting in massive losses to the Chilean investor. A Chinese battery manufacturer, CATL, was stopped from opening a battery facility in the USA to supply batteries for EV manufacturers in the USA. Fortunately, CATL had not yet put in funds to start building that facility and suffered no loss. But it shows that even if Biden approves, Trump may not agree if he should take the White House. USA policies are fragile and changeable like the weather, which is why the EU is very nervous of a Trump victory in November.

The USA had already threatened to seize China's Treasury holdings during the COVID19 outbreak. Now some moron in the USA is revisiting this move of seizing China's assets in the face of the geopolitical face-off regarding Russia. Any move in this direction will really trigger the dumping of USA Treasuries and other assets like a 'fire sale'.


Arrogant American liars still spreading lies about their dominance and superiority when those have long been history

 It honestly is good that they just keep pretending that they are always the best and believing in that makes sure they do not see the woods for the trees. They think countries do not and cannot progress without being given permission by them to participate. Like Space Station research, hypersonic missiles, rail guns, unmanned drones, EVs and now semiconductors.

Which of the above innovation is the USA now ahead? They probably still have a little edge in semiconductors, with all the help from companies like TSMC and Samsung among others. But that edge is eroding faster than they think. Those chip manufacturing facilities frantically being built in Arizona will turn into white elephants within three years from now, when China goes into mass production of 3 nm chips. The USA's Chip Alliance members will be unable to compete globally. Not only that, but the whole Chinese market is beyond their reach as domestic supplies will take away all the years of hard work foreign semiconductor manufacturers have forged inside China to gain market share.

The very fact that they are still using the more than two decades old and outdated International Space Station abandoned by the Russians tells us how far behind they are in that field alone. Laughable indeed that they had earlier banned China from participating in research on the ISS when it was supposed to be an international project. You do not have to guess who was behind that ban. Karma works in mysterious ways indeed!

When the ISS begins breaking up within short, which it definitely will, the USA would have no space station to brag about. But shamelessly they may reapply to take part in the research on the Tiangong Space Station, which China denied them earlier. Having no sense of shame, you can expect them to crawl back to China begging for a second chance. Or if rejected again, they will demonize and cry loudly that China is too dominant in that sector and must be asked to curb its progress in space research. I think nothing will change in the USA playbook.


Saudi Arabia not to renew the 50-year pact to sell oil only in US$. MBS in grave danger. American terrorists will be going for his blood.

 Saudi Arabia's expected decision not to renew the 50-year pact to sell oil only in US$ is indeed a very significant move that will hasten the last nail in the coffin of the US$ hegemony.

It all started from June 6th, 1974, under a pact where oil had been traded only in US$, benefiting the USA with all countries having to acquire US$ reserves to buy oil. The pact is expected to end on June 9th, 2024. The USA had been very merciless in dealing with leaders of countries trying to trade oil other than in US$. Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi tried to sell oil in Euros and were exterminated and the countries destroyed as an example to others.

Saudi Arabia knew the consequences and joined BRICS first before taking this step of ending the 50-year pact. How the USA is going to deal with him is surely going to be extremely harsh. Mohammed bin Salman has to be extremely aware and very careful that an assassination attempt on his life is not to be taken lightly.

The danger to MBS is made more significant with many other Saudi Royals eyeing the throne, and the USA will take advantage of that to ferment a regime change or an assassination attempt. Saudi Royals has huge investments in USA assets and will not be keeping silent amidst the de-dollarization momentum gathering steam with this move by MBS.



Arab countries bad experience with buying American weapons


15 minute clip exposing how Arab countries were cheated, duped and betrayed by the Americans when they bought or wanting to buy American weapons. The Americans treated them with disdain, selling them compromised weapons, did not teach them how to maintain the equipment, held back on selling them the weapons and spare parts needed.

There are still Arab and Muslim states stupidly wanting to buy weapons from the Americans. Are these leaders that stupid to think they will get a decent deal from the Americans? And to think that the Indonesians are also on the waiting list to buy American weapons given the bad experience of Arab and Muslim countries. 

Even Taiwan would not get the weapons they wanted. The Americans would not trust the Taiwanese and would only sell them downgraded weapons or weapons due for scraps. No F35 for Taiwan even if it is a dud. The dud aircraft is an American secret not to be exposed.

Pakistan was also duped by the Americans but realised their stupidity in time to go back to China to built the joint fighter aircraft JF17 Thunder. When the deal was first mooted, the Americans rushed in to counter offer the F16 to Pakistan. As usual, like many Arab and Muslim states, whatever offered by the Americans must be the best, a good deal. Pakistan bought some F16s only to find out that the Americans controlled everything and would give them only what the Americans deemed fit. The Americans could kill the whole fleet of F16s by stopping supplies of parts and weapons.

Pakistan then went back to China and resumed the joint project and now producing the JF17, fully in control of the production process and all the parts and weapons. Pakistan can even sell the JF17 to any country that wants to buy them, making decisions in the interests of  Pakistan, not in the interests of the Americans, not controlled or dictated by the Americans.

Indonesia will suffer the same fate if it goes ahead with buying American aircraft and weapons. Indonesia still thinks the Americans love them, despite it being the biggest Muslim state when America's number one enemy is Islam, killing Muslims all over the world by calling them terrorists.

Pakistan is the only Arab Muslim country that is manufacturing its own fighter aircraft and selling it to the world. If they were with the Americans, they can never dream of it.

Daft leaders having photo shoot with zombie Biden and clown Zelensky

 Africans were invited to a summit but actually to have a photo shoot with Biden in Washington in December 2022. It was meant to show that the USA cares very much about Africa. That group photo was meant to indicate that the meeting was a success.

However, African leaders were pissed off at the summit and returned home dejected. Each was reported to have been given five minutes to say something, that was all. What can be said within five minutes is an insult to them. For an African leader given five minutes to talk at a summit is a sign of disdain and looking down on them. And that was why those African leaders felt cheated. To add insult to injury, each African leader was given a photo of the group with Biden for memory, that is all they got making a special trip to Washington.

That peace summit in Switzerland will not do any better. Some countries do not even bother to attend and Zelensky is blaming China for causing countries to avoid the summit. China had earlier given its position regarding a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, but the USA and the West poured cold water over it. As such, what is the point of China attending when its views are just being brushed aside? 


Photon chips will bury American chip makers

 USA is losing the Chips War as well, as China is reported to have found initial success in 'photonic chip' innovation, said to use light instead of electrons. I do not have the technical know-how about how it works, but nevertheless it is a game changing innovation that is going to kill the Chips Alliance.

The hundreds of billions that TSMC, Samsung, SK Hynix and USA chipmakers, like Intel, had poured into Arizona to create a chips hub monopoly in the USA is going to be all wasted investments, once China mastered the technique and starts mass producing these chips, said to be withing the next three years.

These photonic chips are said to be very much faster than silicon-based chips made with Lithography Machines. And it is a technology solely beyond the control of the USA. ASML will likely sink into the sewers together with all those chip makers now congregating in Arizona and opening big factories. Putting all the eggs in one basket is highly risky stuff.

But rest assured, Biden will continue to subsidize them until eternity. The question is how long can he be around, and will Trump pull the rug under those foreign chip makers? Remember that Trump wanted to make USA even greater again, not its allies. Nevertheless, all that is needed is for the printing machines to work overtime and the only cost is paper and ink. The problem is selling to who?

The chips sanction against China is backfiring really badly against the USA, Japan and South Korea chip makers. Huawei and SMIC are inventing new ways to make chips, coming out repeatedly with impossible innovations that the West had predicted can only be achieved 5 to 10 years down the road. China came up with 7 nm chips within less than a year, with 5 nm and 3 nm chips following that in about six months later. The rate of progress is un-nerving for the USA and its Chip Alliance members. It is not only raining but pouring on their parade.

Soon, they will come up with another war cry about China's overcapacity in chip production and is a threat to the rest of the chip makers of the world. Who instigated that to happen? The USA should have left the semiconductor manufacturing sector alone and still continue with their dominance and keeping the status quo of a win-win situation. But it chooses to use chip sanctions to destroy China. It is no use for the USA to cry over spilt milk now.


USA Presidents are elected for their looniness

 It seems USA Presidents are elected for their looniness. The loonier the better.

John F. Kennedy was addicted to sex, engaging in 'one hole golf' while waiting for his 'swearing in' according to one source. Bill Clinton was playing 'cigar poker' with his intern in the Oval Office, and that was an open book and no misinformation. George W. Bush claimed he talked to God directly and claimed that God asked him to attack Iraq.

Donald Trump, another sex offender with numerous women taking up the cudgel against him, is now in deep trouble in the Stormy Daniels case. He is in the same kind of trouble as what Kennedy and Clinton were doing before, but the latter two got off scot-free. Do you believe the latter two were not involved in hush money payments to keep other women's mouths shut? Talk about the being at the wrong place and the wrong time.


Evil terrorist Americans have long placed nuclear weapons all over the world

 Never discount the USA and the West deploying nuclear weapons in ASEAN and the rest of the world at large.

Already, the USA is chanting a new mantra claiming that Russia and China are proliferating nuclear weapons around the world. You can take it that the USA has just discovered an excuse and have been given the justification to do what it intended to do for a long time. Why did Trump unilaterally depart from the treaty with Russia over curbs on nuclear proliferation? That was the first step that they had in mind all along, which was to expand its nuclear footprint.

The USA is intending to open up a can of worms. If the USA goes ahead and place more nuclear missiles in Europe or elsewhere in Ukraine, which Zelensky is salivating to have, Russia will oblige by once again siting nukes in Cuba, as what the USSR did in the 60s, that almost started a nuclear war between USA and the Soviet Union. The USSR did that because the USA had already placed nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey. It was a tit-for-tat move. Who was actually already proliferating nuclear weapons is there for all to see.

Actually, in today's context, there is little difference with placing nuclear missiles in other countries, as that can be dispensed with by having a deterrence based on hypersonic missiles and nuclear enabled submarines. Today's missiles have so much longer range that it can destroy targets thousands of miles away with pin-point accuracy.

Even Iran, more than a thousand miles away from Israel could hit two military bases inside Israel, with the 'Iron Dome' protecting them. So, what is all that narrative about proliferation that holds no water.



Peeling American fakery, layer by layer, piece by piece

 American lies and fakeries are being exposed and made to look silly day by day. No matter how they lied, how long they lied, the followup actions would reveal the truth. One good indicator is follow the money. The Americans would pour in huge money to create a hoax, a lie, but after awhile, the fund would stop when they find that it is a total waste of public fund.

The best example is the moon landing hoax. After the repeated hoaxes of numerous trips to the moon, they eventually gave up as money dried up. They wasted 3 decades to try to turn their moon landing hoaxes into reality by investing billions to try to make it to the moon, but failed and failed. All the trips to the moon did not happen and their subsequent effort failed miserably. Finally they gave up totally to want to make their lies a reality. The funds for NASA to build a rocket to the moon were totally cut off to a trickle to keep NASA in ICU. And the only thing NASA could fake were photos of distant planets, pics that could be taken by telescope or digitally produced, not by so called probes or rovers on Mars etc etc.

If NASA was doing a good job, the funds would not be cut off. The Americans can print all the money they want to support forever wars, why not NASA. Obviously NASA has turned out to be a dud agency. Not even given the funds to develop rockets to the International Space Station and needed to hitch a ride fro Russian rockets and now from Elon Musk's rockets. Only after China successfully sent rovers to the moon that some funds were allocated to compete with China. But then, the funds were still inadequate, and a waste of money as NASA just cannot deliver.

The Americans claimed to have brought back 300 kg of moon rocks earlier but are now desperately begging China for some soil sample from the moon. Why? Is it because the 300 kg moon rock actually did not come from the moon? For several decades, the Americans have all the time to study and test the moon rock, but discovered nothing of scientific value or useful. So they quietly stop talking about their useless 'moon rocks'. Can we make out something from these useless 'moon rocks'? The 'moon rocks' were only useful as souvenirs for a while. Today, nobody wants them any more. Owning a piece of the American 'moon rocks' is a self admission that one is a sucker of American fakes.

The next big dud is the F22. Who would ever believe that the Americans would cut off funds to continue producing this aircraft if it is that good, the best American aircraft to maintain air superiority over China and Russia? Obviously this aircraft is another dud that is under performing, unable to live up to all the hypes and paper specs. So this aircraft must go. And it is being shelved at a critical time when America needs a superior aircraft to show off or to brag or to lie that it is better than China's J20. The Americans simply gave up bluffing. The lie is just too costly to keep paying. Follow the money.

No need to waste time on the F35. The American Army refused to take delivery of more than 150 F35s, now lying on the tarmac. Though the Americans have lately regurgitated a lot of fake info on how superior the F35 is, calling it a monster or a beast, to con the suckers that bought into this dud. A dud is a dud. And still calling it a 5G stealth aircraft when it is not stealth. What a joke.

Then there is the top rated most modern aircraft carrier named Gerald Ford, complete with the most advanced catapult delivery system that still cannot function after more than 10 years of trying. China's latest Fujian aircraft carrier already has an operationally readied catapult system more superior to the Gerald Ford. By the way, the company that was responsible for the Gerald Ford catapult system has gone bust. Looks like Gerald Ford has to go back to the ski jump system. And why did that company go bust? Where is the money? Why no money to pay the company for a superior leading edge system?

What about 1960s Minuteman III ICBM? Still functioning or good as museum pieces? If there is no workable rockets to send American astronauts to the ISS, then there is no workable rockets to replace the antique Minuteman III. Period.

Still bragging about 99% kill rate for Patriot Missiles? Any suckers still dying to buy the Patriot Missile System?

PS. The lying Americans are still spreading lies that China stole their tech when the Americans did not have them. The Americans have no 5G, no 6G, no tech to take them to the moon, fake stealth fighters like F22/F35 unlike real stealth J20. If the J20 looks like F22/F35, then Donald Trump must look like Biden. The Americans have no quality drones and accused DJI of stealing their tech when American military chose to use DJI drones over poor quality American drones. American military chose to use Beidou instead of low definition GPS. No high speed trains, no satellite communication with mobile phones, no solar panels, no EV batteries, no port cranes, no high speed trains, but have plenty of fentanyl and zombies on the streets. Still cannot perfect electromagnetic catapult launch system when China already perfected it. Still testing hypersonic missiles when China already flying them all over the USA.

Who is lying, who is stealing, who is cheating?

The crumbling western myths and the crumbling western dominance

 The Brits have still not learned their lesson, sending its two bathtubs to threaten China and Russia. During WW2, the 'Prince of Wales' and 'Repulse' did not even need to enter the war and were sank by the Japanese upon leaving harbor.

Aircraft carriers and their support ships are now sitting ducks for hypersonic missiles and drones. They may boast about 'submarine killers' that targeted submarines that posed hidden threats to aircraft carriers. They may be able to track such submarines before they get too close, but hypersonic missiles are another matter. Their speed does not give ample time for countermeasures, and it just takes minutes from launch to hit its target.

Of course, the USA has to downplay the incident involving the Eisenhower, and even to deny the reality, but to upload a clip from the distant past to try to fool viewers is a tad too foolish. It is counterproductive. But how to produce a clip with the aircraft carrier showing its wounds? Desperate situations call for desperate response and the only way was to lie about it with a clip that backfired.

Many analysts were also talking about the recent Iranian retaliation against Israeli attack on its embassy in Syria, that caused much more damage to Israel than what we are being told. The Israelis have made great effort to cover it up, as it was a big disaster for the 'Iron Dome' invincibility myth.


Modi looking for daft countries to export unemployed Indians to take over these countries

 It is not going to work for Modi with regard to Taiwan. With population growth of more than a million newborns a month, how many can be sent abroad to Taiwan? Taiwan itself only has a population of around 24 million.

India should choose a bigger country, like USA or Indonesia, where immigration of a million a month to them is just small potato. But then, good jobs are not always available for them unlike in Singapore.

Japan, with a declining population, is desperate and is in the process of opening up to foreign workers and Modi should try to forge another CECA deal with Japan, LOL. But Japanese are not foolish and the standard of qualifying for jobs in Japan might be a tad too high for fake degree holders. Displacing Japanese workers and taking over their positions with ease is out of the question, unlike the UK, LOL. Moreover, Japan has no multi-racial issues to consider.

That is just issues for Modi to sort out. The Indian voters got what they voted for, and Modi will create all the jobs, by magic if possible.


USA - We cheat, we lie, we steal and we kill...and we are still losing

 What has USA got to offer that China cannot produce or do that China has to resort to spying? And the USA does not spy on others? They even spied on Angela Merkel, the leader of their own ally and Emmanuel Macron of another ally. You can only imagine what kind of spying they are conducting against non-allies like China and Russia.

When Jiang Zemin, the former President of China bought a jet from Boeing for his use, the Chinese found 27 tiny spying bugs hidden in the plane's bathroom, headboard of his plane and upholstery. Those cannot be accidentally installed, but purposely done to spy on Jiang.

Today, everything and anything the USA can do, China can do better. Space station expertise, moon landing, Mars probe, high speed rails, infrastructure construction, EVs, solar panels, satellite launches, AI, smartphones and China even topping the list of technology and engineering patents.

The USA is losing in most fields and needs China to slow down, cut industrial overcapacity for them to catch up. Do not be fooled by Janet Yellen telling us that China's overcapacity is threatening 'global manufacturing'. That is the least of her concern. She is using the global narrative to basically strengthen her claims and is discreetly just looking only after the USA's interest.

So, what is the point of China using spies to gain obsolete and out-of-date information in the USA? It is the same as China having little interest in who gets into the White House. USA's attitude towards China will never change and a waste of time to support Trump or Biden.


America is a nation of fakes, liars and terrorists

 Those are not the only fakes. They started a fake war in Iraq based on fake evidence. They carry out fake or false flag operations to start wars. They manufactured fake narratives about Huawei posing National Security Risk, when no proof was ever provided. They raised fake narratives about China's Industrial overcapacity when many analysts rubbished those claims.

The whole world is still hardly being flooded by Chinese EVs as yet. Even then, what is wrong with a country producing more than others? Isn't this what the USA had been doing in the past in Chips, ICE vehicles, and agricultural products that others need? Isn't manufacturing all about providing goods that the whole world needs and is what trade is all about? It is all about economic advantage.

Again, did the USA faked the moon landing as well? China must go up and see whether there is a flagpole at the spot the USA claimed they planted a USA flag, that was shown fluttering in the wind, when no atmospheric presence was found on the moon to provide conditions for winds to form. And while there, try to look for Aliens as well, LOL. The USA is so scared of Aliens that they went back to the moon a couple of times after that. Doesn't make sense! 



Red Indians - Return the land our ancestors once lived


The Americans stole the land of the Red Indians, now helping the Israelis to steal Palestinian land using biblical claims. The same principle should apply to the land stolen from the ancestors of the Red Indians that are real, not fictional tales from ancient text written by the Jews.

Distorting the meanings of Terrorism and Freedom Fighters

 What is Terrorism and what is 'Freedom Fighters'? In a very brief definition, Terrorism at state level is the invasion of a foreign force to kill and destroy the people of another state. And Freedom Fighters are the people of the invaded state that are fighting the invading forces to defend their country, their freedom and people.

The American and western version of Terrorism is simply what the American said or labeled a country. The Americans can labelled anyone, organisation or state as a terrorist, terrorist organisation or state at will, and the western media like Channel News American would just parrot these new labels without the need to think, to question if these are real terrorists or actually freedom fighters fighting the invaders of their country and killing their people, fighting the real terrorists. The western educated so called elites would lap up everything in the western media, especially those published in Channel News America as the gospel truth. Can't blame the little boys and girls, wet behind the ears and unthinking. But even ageing tortoises are also gulping up American lies, smears and propaganda as truths.

The Hamas and Hezbollahs are terrorists? How can they be terrorists when they are fighting to free their land and people from the Israelis and American terrorists invading their country, bombing and killing their people, stealing their land, keeping their people as prisoners in their homeland, cut off from the rest of the world, deprived of food, water, medicine and electricity, to be bombed or starved to death, to die of sickness and diseases, to die of thirst? Nay, the so called western educated elites would not want to see these tragic things happening to the oppressed and dying Palestinians. They may even agree with the white butchers that the Palestinians are subhumans, animals and have no qualms in massacring them.

How stupid can the rest of the world and the so called western educated elites be to accept blindly the distorted definitions of Terrorism and Freedom Fighters without question? The Americans and Israelis are conducting genocide in Gaza, Palestine, daily, nonstop, to ethnic cleanse the land from Palestinians, like the Americans ethnic cleansed North America from the native Red Indians to steal their land.

Who are the real Terrorists and who are the real Freedom Fighters? Only dense distorted minds can accept and believe in distorted definitions and ignore the truth.

American govt cheating Americans with high tariffs

 The USA voters are drunk in their deluded thinking that they have so much freedom that they are not aware of the system cannibalizing their rights little by little. When politicians shout anti-China slogans and threaten decoupling from China, they cheer and clap, not realizing they are the ones to suffer.

Tariffs on imported goods into USA are being raised to make them pay more for products on the shelves of supermarkets. They assumed wrongly that such tariffs are punishing China, without realizing it is the Government punishing them.

Tariffs are a tax on the import of products that benefit the Government but have to be paid for by consumers. Consumers will be the ones to foot the price increases due to the tariffs, not Chinese manufacturers. The tariffs will kill off the usual USA importers and supermarket chains, leading to loss of jobs if they cannot sell at such high prices. But the loss of jobs can always be covered up with doctored job statistics. No problem there!

The USA is not the only market available for Chinese products. Sure, China will lose some of the market share inside the USA, but the Global South is an even bigger market that is growing, and even if the USA tries to keep Chinese products out of the USA by raising tariffs to the sky, Chinese manufacturers may opt to sell just more of their tariff free products in the Global South countries. They suffer little loss selling at prices before such tariffs. Both Chinese manufacturers and consumers in the Global South will benefit. 


Why China is not interfering with the USA election?

 That is exactly why China is not interfering with the USA election, even though they are accusing China of doing.

Why would China want better leaders in Washington with better strategies to pull USA forward? Just keep the swamp infested with the same low life, let them keep plotting war, let them concentrate on heaping resources on Ukraine and Israel, conduct subterfuge, assassinations, regime changes and committing economic suicide. Decoupling will hurt the USA as much as China. China still has the Global South market to do business with. The USA cannot compete in that market. The voters in USA will suffer the loss of cheap Chinese products leading to high inflation, due to high tariffs.

On a comparative viewpoint, it is perhaps the same with letting the political leadership in Malaysia remain as it is. Singapore had benefitted much from the less forward-looking leadership in Malaysia for most of the last several decades. Had Malaysia been endowed with more capable leaders, the gap between the two countries would not have widen as much today. 


USA can do it Russia can also do it

 That is great news. If USA can do it Russia can also do it. I think the geopolitical situation is changing and it is not just always the USA can do it, no one else is allowed to do it. Those days are gone.

Actually, it is only a question of what to strike in the event of war. Nowadays, missiles can travel thousands of miles, satellite guided, and no place is safe to be taken out. This is not WW2 anymore. where nothing can travel long distances to threaten the USA. There are now hypersonic missiles that can evade defenses.

The USA used its nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities and not elsewhere where Japanese troops still hold out. This shows that the most important targets are still within the USA. The Pentagon, White House, Military headquarters, nuclear facilities are all palatable targets.

And remember that any pre-emptive strike by the USA is not going to take out Russia in one stroke like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the Japanese had no means to respond. There are still Russian nuclear capable submarines that are still fully capable of mounting a counterstrike.

There will be no winners in such a war. Only losers that may go into extinction as well.


Chinese banks run by Chinese are the top banks in the world

 Chinese banks dominate the top positions globally nowadays. Who put them there? Not the Whites or the Indians. If Whites are so great bankers, why have they lost the top 4 largest banking positions to Chinese banks?

If Indian bankers are also that great, how many Indian banks are among the top 50, not to talk about top ten. Only one, the State Bank of India at number 48. How much was its assets? Just about US$700 billion. The top Chinese Bank, The Industrial and Commercial Bank, the biggest bank in the world, has assets of over US$6 trillion.

USA companies dominate the global companies in terms of size, but they had a head start over Chinese companies. And the USA is now taking steps to prevent Chinese companies from growing too large to overtake their own biggies. The same way that the USA is trying to stifle China from overtaking it as the largest economy in the world.

The Indians are great in maneuvering themselves into top positions in big USA companies, not starting it themselves. One Indian even managed to maneuver himself into becoming the Prime Minister of the UK. If the Whites are really that good, why lost the plot to an Indian? Strange isn't it? And to a descendant of a colony of the UK at that.



Xinjiang's children, bright and happy


12 minutes of street interviews with Uyghur children. The innocence and carefree responses of these children were the same as happy children of any safe and prosperous society. They were confident and forth right replying in perfect Chinese. You cannot detect any lies, fakeness or unhappiness in the faces of these children. Well dressed, well fed and well educated. All with their own dreams of what they wanted to be in the future. These are happy children living the carefree life of children and with happy dreams and a secure future. Their happiness is infectious.

The best evidence against American lies of genocides and oppression of Muslim minorities.

Comes with English subtitles.

Singapore risks mediocrity at the top?

Commentary: Singapore risks mediocrity at the top if too few high-calibre people join politics

Founding leader Lee Kuan Yew and his team were so successful, they made redundant the narrative of a vulnerable Singapore that needed the best to serve, says former veteran newspaper editor Han Fook Kwang.  CNA

My instant reaction is nay. The best talents Singapore has are all in the PAP and now inside the Parliament, running Singapore as Ministers, Dep Ministers, Ministers of State...Mayors etc etc. Everyone of them would command at least a million in the private sector. And PAP has them all to run the country. It is a misnomer to say that too few high calibre people join politics. It is too many high calibre people have joined politics to the point that there is a dearth of talents in the private and commercial sector...to the extent that foreign talents are brought in by the plane loads to fill up top positions and still not enough. The govt is still crying for more. And poor Piyush Gupta has to double up as Chairman of a park on top of his CEO job in DBS, because they could not find anyone else to do it.

And there are so many of these top dogs that have to carry many top positions to shoulder the big burden of the country, because all the top talents are now in politics. 

And if what Han Fook Kwang said is true, and more from the private and commercial sectors are to be roped into politics, how many more ministers and mayors would be needed to make sure they get the same pay or more in politics? And how many more foreigners would need to be brought in to replace them in the private and commercial sectors?

By the way, how many positions in politics need top talents? How much talents needed to be a minister of state or a mayor? Or is there too much mediocrity at the top now? I say nay again. Those in politics are the top talents, the best in Singapore, and deserving the millions they are paid.  Never question how good they are. They are worth their weight in gold. Only those that are paid less than $500k are mediocre.

Can anyone imagine paying millions for mediocres? Cannot be, cannot be. 

What do you think?

Americans continue to fool themselves, rightly treating the hillbillies as fools

 What if one of them is tested positive? Or both tested positive? I guess they will still go ahead with the debate. They will make sure the results are not revealed or just a sanitized version. The show must go on as they say.

The poll figures of the two seem like a weather forecast. Good support for Trump today, turns bad for him tomorrow and vice versa. It is the same as the USA Treasury and the Federal Reserve playing the same game, until November is over, I would think. Then the whole house of cards will be left to collapse. The talk of interest rate cuts being on schedule and coming soon today, will be ditched tomorrow. Here again, the show must go on.

Reading the news on Channel News America we are told that job creation in the USA in May was astronomical. But in the same sentence, unemployment rate change little, and even inching up from 3.9% in April, to 4% in May. How is that possible? More jobs created means lower unemployment, according to my simple mind, right? I am confused. But once again, the show must go on.

This quote by Abraham Lincoln - You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.


Philippines is fast becoming the 'Sick Man of ASEAN'

 The Philippines is fast becoming the 'Sick Man of ASEAN' without less and less foreign investments, particularly from Chinese investors. With a population of about 120 million and growing, jobs are needed. Of course, it can go back to rely on outsourcing its manpower and womanpower to other countries, working as sailors, maids and nurses. But will it help to develop its domestic industries for the long term?

China is investing more in Cambodia and Laos, two staunch long-time supporters of China that are now opening up. China called them 'All Weather Partners', not 'Iron-Clad Partners' with iron chains attached, that are subject to be eroded by rust.

Vietnam and Thailand already reaped much of the benefits of Chinese investments for decades. All are part of the BRI including the Philippines. But China must avoid the Philippines at all costs. It is a clear vassal state of the USA, openly hostile towards China and a provocative tool being used by the USA towards China.

High speed rail projects are already on track among many ASEAN countries, with some already operational. The Philippines had been talking about HSR decades ago and implementation is still on hold. China was reported to be the 'best option' for HSR projects by the Philippines. There was a joint development with Chinese funding but derailed because of the South China Sea dispute. As it stands, HSR is not coming to the Philippines any time soon. With Duterte still in power, that could have been a totally different situation altogether.

On land, a good rail transportation system is the best bet for a country with wide ranging land mass to move forward and progress. It is the first thing that investors will look for. Movement of raw materials and finished goods depends on speed and timely schedules and is the pre-requisite for attracting investments.

As the rest of ASEAN moves forward with good transportation systems in place, they get first bite of the cherry as far as attracting investment is concerned. That will leave the Philippines languishing behind the others and becoming the 'Sick man of ASEAN'. Giving more military bases to the USA is not going to help. And the USA is not going to help either. 


D-Day hubris is just another Hollywood production to glorify the Americans

 The D-Day hubris is also distorted history. It practically left out the biggest part played by the USSR in the defeat of Nazi Germany and Hitler. That part of history was and is never mentioned.

The USSR lost 27 million people, a quarter of its population then, during that conflict against Nazi Germany, and not worth a word of mention in the D-Day ceremony in the past? And the USA and its allies have the cheek to gloat that they lost very much fewer soldiers defeating Nazi Germany. Of course, after the USSR did the heavy lifting and decimating Hitler's army, all they did was basically mopping up operations of an already defeated enemy.

The USA and its allies really know very well about taking credit fast where credit is not due. They wrote the history books, and the credit will remain theirs for claiming generations into the future. If it is in the history books, it must be true after all.

Nury Vittachi advised people not to take what the West says on anything, but to believe in the opposite of what they say. That is why avoiding the MSM is the safest way to get at the truth. In the war over cyberspace, some believe that the West is in reality losing the information war. Which is why they are resorting to silence those whose view do not align with whatever propaganda they manufactured.


Heads of ICC are now priority candidates for assassinations by terrorist organisations like CIA or Mossad

 Even heads of ICC are now legitimate candidates for assassinations. Either the CIA or Mossad can do it easily. You can bet on it.

South Africa leaders are also on their list, for its genocide stand against Israel in the Middle East. They are extremely brave leaders.

When leaders of these countries or organizations are assassinated, you do not have to look further for clues as to who did it.

As a matter of interest, do watch the video by Nury Vittachi on 'Friday everyday' titled - 'Oops, this list of people to cancel backfired. Who is behind it'. Ukraine was suspected to be the source, but the people on the list certainly hurts many others with their discourse. And they want to blacklist them. The effect is that it draws millions of views by Chinese citizens, which the USA and the West really do not want it to happen by expanding their viewership. It certainly is expanding their audience now.

The list is actually all the people very well followed on social media. Names such as Scott Ritter, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Professor John Mearsheimer, Jimmy Dore, Tucker Carlson, Douglas MacGregor, Brian Berletic, Max Blumenthal, Danny Haiphong and many others. Their views do not align with the MSM narratives and are thus touted as 'disinformation'. To others these people provide real honest news. Do take a look. 



Russia taking up American invitation to conduct naval drills in the Caribbean

 The Americans have been conducting naval drills in the courtyards of many countries, conducting war games, freedom of navigations and installing mid range missiles like the missiles USSR placed in Cuba in the 1960s. As the frequency of these aggressive and unfriendly acts continue, as the Americans keep onn escalating the war in Ukraine and raising tensions all over the world, risking a nuclear war with Russia, Russia has decided to respond.

Russia is sending its warships and submarines into the Caribbeans to conduct war games. The Americans cannot say no as they are doing the same to Russia, North Korea, Iran and China. What is good for the gander is good for the goose. More and more Russian warships are expected to be present in the Caribbeans.

China may also take up the American invitations to conduct freedom of navigation in American waters, conduct war games and placing mid range missiles in countries bordering the USA. Very likely China would give a miss to silly freedom of navigation trips as these are wasteful of time and resources and at best waving the phallic in the air.

What would be meaningful is to conduct war games in the Caribbean with the Russians and also setting up a mid range missile base in the region. It is only polite for China to accept the American invitation by reciprocating the goodwill. China can also set up a broadcasting base there, calling it Voice of China to entertain the Americans.

Relations between the Americans and Russia/China would definitely improve when they can wave at each other across the waters, overlooking each other. Nice American initiative. Caveat, only super powers with nuclear weapons to hit each other can play this friendly game.