
New serious political philosophers emerging in Sin

After the renaissance in Europe the world turned away from philosophers. The ancient philosophers were only read in the academia for fun. So were the Middle Age European philosophers. Good to read as a student in the campus all over the world. Such philosophies do not seem to be applicable in the modern context and have been bungled and thrown into the dustbin. From the rise of European Empires till today, there is a dearth of serious philosophers in modern history and politics.

But not all is gone. Sin City is the most fertile ground for the copulation of ideas, east and west, modern and ancient. Sin City has brought in all the best minds from the developed countries and the best minds from the Third World countries into this melting pot and their goodness is starting to seep through. New ideas or new thoughts to challenge old philosophical models and wisdom are being expounded by the super talents of the City.

The latest idea is that small countries must be ruled by a single political party. This is the formula for the success of small countries. Being small, lack of talents, there are not many talents to choose from anyway. This is one real limiting factor in a small city state. And small is good in a way if there is one party, without the bickering of a multi party system. A one party system allows the one party to be fast and agile to respond to changes and challenges that a multi party system cannot offer. With one party, everything goes, and can be done quickly and efficiently. This is a new political philosophy that would soon be taught in our world best universities and all the students will graduate with this brilliant idea. MOE will include this idea in the school textbooks for young children. One party is good, two parties is bad, multi parties the worse.

And Sin City is the living proof that a one party system is the way to go. Actually the formula is also applicable to big countries. The most efficient and progressive one party system is China. See how efficient a one party system can do for a big country. The one party system allows China to leap frog all the democratic multi party countries in 40 years to be the Number One or Two economic and military power in the world, depending on what yardstick you are using. The Number One economic and military power, the USA, is losing steam because of its multi party system and soon would be over taken by a one party system country.

One party is good and applicable not only to a small city state but for all states big and small. To progress, to do well economically, a one party system is the way to go. This is the 21st Century political philosophy.

Please do not challenge me on this brilliant idea. I am not the philosopher. I am just a dumb parrot. Please do not be angry with all the believers of this modern political philosophy as they are also dumb parrots like me, unthinking and daft, which are highly valued assets in Sin City.
There are many great and brilliant ideas emerging from Sin City that would take the world by storm by the few super talented talents.

Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, Cambridge and all the top universities would soon be learning from the philosophers of Sin City and teaching their students that one party political system is good.


Anonymous said...

Actually whether one or multi party systems all has got its pros & cons. It's got to be what's best suited for the nations, & the number of talented persons it has in that nation. Big or small states it doesn't matter, what matters r talented persons coming to take leadership role. In Sinkieland, seems like there r lesser talented people than dafts ones. What about big states like China where is only 1 party system rule? China is different, from ancient to modern, all rule by an Emperor, it seems like China single party works both economically & defense, but if u look at China deeply they r soulless with no human rights & labour rights, in time to come there will be repercussion ( there r many Chinese talented people migrate overseas). What matter is the type of leadership that help to propel the country out of hardship. In US, DOnald Trump is selected as desperate times need desperate measures to uplift it's people out of poor economic conditions & defense.

Anonymous said...

Rd //Please do not be angry with all the believers of this modern political philosophy as they are also dumb parrots like me, unthinking and daft, which are highly valued assets in Sin City.//

Tiok lah?

Another accolade Peesai "won" is the "Parrot NATION"?

Everywhere u go they (Parrots) are there?

Anonymous said...

"The latest idea is that small countries must be ruled by a single political party. This is the formula for the success of small countries."

101% tiok. Because not only an idea, but also a fact and reality, tio bo?

If not, why PAP, and only PAP, is ready to rule and be voted whereas the rest all not ready to rule? If not ready to rule, how to expect majority voters to vote for them to rule, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

The bitterness of being voted out has set in so deep rooted that the speaker went all out to deny multi parties is the ONLY path waiting for Sin City. Let it be. Reality cannot be denied by one man.

Do not wait further until Sin City run out of cash. This is real if readers look at the vast amount of money channeled into condos, shops units, factory building, office buildings do not get the sustainable returns. Money was not wasted. The amount was too excessive and stock piled up to clear.

In short the scholars knew how to sell lands to let developers to build. The scholars ran out of ideas to get good rich investors to start business to make use of the stock piles.
That can be a first sign of bankruptcy. Run out of cash.

The scholars are good. At running down the salary demand using labor from countries like India and phillippines. These labors asking salary is far lower than the local citizens because they have no family commitment and the high rental or installments.

This is the success formula for the ONE party rule. The foreign Direct Investment is only 8 to 9 billions this year. NO way to increase according to the one in charge, the one party man too.

Hong Kong is a multi party system. Hong Kong is well in place with competition from Shanghai and Kwangdong cities.

Hong Kong should be the model for Sin City to view the future of multi party system and voters must not fell trap into one party system. Our children s university places and jobs will be hit hard by these simple minded scholars if they know voters only rely on one party ie them to survive. Never do such a thing: dig our own grave yard, including those for our children.

Our children need high education to maximize their potentials. This is our job as parents to ensure the state cannot take away their chance. ie we cannot feel foreigners kids and ignore our own kids rights. This is the one party rule problem.

NS men have rights to get jobs in Sin City. Pinky said it is a sense of entitlement. U agree with him, the one party man?

Vote for our rights to survive, means vote for opposition.

Anonymous said...

Dun believe, stand outside mtr stesens, mahcakes, coughphi sobs, sobbing mauls, skools, orfeast beaudings ......etc take survey lor?

Ask them peesai need 3rd foreign workers to create jobs for them?

Ask them gst in peesai helps the poor?

See what answer the parrots ..... oops ..... peesai-nites give u?

Dunno should laugh or cry?

Anonymous said...

China soulless, the west full of souls?
You really believe in what you said?

Anonymous said...

I must say this, anyone who dares to utter such nonsense in a public forum must either be very brave or very stupid. Definitely nothing between the ears.

Anonymous said...

Vote for our rights to survive, means vote for opposition.
10:17 am

Can u figure out how to effectively tell that to the 70% and most important of course, convince them to do so?

virgo49 said...

Jack Ma is still holding the PRC passport and is still proud to be Chinese even without what some people called them soulless.

Are they really soulless without human rights??

Does SINKIE land have soul and Labour rights been so called Democratic Nation? ??

You be surprised the Chinese Authority took better care of their citizens than Sinkieland.

In floods and major disasters, they mobilised their own to take care their people more than other nations.

It's the soul of the people to take pride been part of the nation that they believe their Leaders genuine concerns for them.

You have this in Sinkieland? ??

Every man for themselves and the rich, professionals don't care two hoots for their fellow men.

Even prompt one learned lawyer to lament the younger liars Don't only go in for the prestige and MONIES

Anonymous said...

I must say this, anyone who dares to utter such nonsense in a public forum must either be very brave or very stupid. Definitely nothing between the ears.
10:24 am

But he won the election anyway, didn't he?

And those who have something between their ears and can do better, either did not contest or did not win.

So like that how?

Anonymous said...

Did he won the election? Did he lost the previous election?
How did he win?

Anonymous said...

//China soulless, the west full of souls?
You really believe in what you said?//

If not why the PRC come to Sinkies & convert to local citizens & buy hdb flats. Why the Chinese people send their kids go overseas study & never come back?

Anonymous said...

Every man for themselves and the rich, professionals don't care two hoots for their fellow men.
Virgo49 10:26 am

Maybe they have good reasons not to care two hoots? And for the same good reasons why RB remains a blogger and not even a politician, let alone effect change for the better by winning elections?

Anonymous said...

Yes! I agreed 100%! Singapore needs only one party!

Why waste time and resources for GE!

PAP sure wins! Is by how many seats and %!

This is expected to be the results at least for the next 4 GEs, 15-20 years!

Those hoping for oppositions will be greatly disappointed! No chance! No chance!

Just look at the oppositions we have!

PAP is too BIG to fail! Many many many depend on them for survival!

This is Singapore! Singapore is like that.............

So.......Be happy and worry less!

Anonymous said...

If not why the PRC come to Sinkies & convert to local citizens & buy hdb flats. Why the Chinese people send their kids go overseas study & never come back?
10:42 am

Because not all PRCs are like Jack Ma, and for their own good reasons why they did so. But if I were Jack Ma, I will also be holding a PRC passport, and for good reasons.

Anonymous said...

//Does SINKIE land have soul and Labour rights been so called Democratic Nation? ??//

Sinkieland is sick, very sick that need A&E.
Look at the 54 employees that were 'sacked' b4 CNY in the name of poor performances. A mid-age guy killed his pregnant wife & a gal kid during CNY ..the number of suicides ( young & old) one of highest in the world..own people killing one another (in work places & neighbours)..in time to come those foreigners -converted new citizens will add to more sicknesses not seen b4...it's a very sad scene in Sinkieland..for the PRC , Indians , Pinoy welcome to this sick sin city..

Anonymous said...

PAP is too BIG to fail! Many many many depend on them for survival!
10:47 am

Tiok. This one PM Lee knows. And the so called "nothing between the ears" guy mentioned by anon 10:24am, also knows.

Anonymous said...

...it's a very sad scene in Sinkieland..
10:53 am

Not many are like that lah, maybe only 30% or less.

Just as u cannot expect 100% to vote for PAP, u also cannot expect 100% to be happy and rich in Sinkieland, tio bo? Sure got a few sad cases one, unless one is in Heaven.

Anonymous said...

//But if I were Jack Ma, I will also be holding a PRC passport, and for good reasons. //

How long can Jack Ma hang on to his PRC passport?

Anonymous said...

More to come lah?

During cny visit, heard one family in some part of peesai fighting very loudly in the flat .......

Daugther in law chased the oldies out during cny ......?

Oldies move house during 3rd day of cny ......?

Come on ...... old times under old guards got hear these types of things or naught?

Since 1990, laogoa-nomics had "screwed up and poisoned" peesai social fabric and asian values?

Now common for oldies turned agaunst children, then children also severed ties with oldies during cny?

Past few years hear so many cases children "bluffed" oldies sell flats stay with them?

After that kicked oldies out and purposely choose during cny?

Anonymous said...

Another trend in past few years is sinkie za bor divorced liao with child then remarried another ah beng .....?

Ah beng eyeing sinkie za bor flat bot new from hdb to reach MOP (minimum 5 yr occupation period)?

Then once reached MOP yew see lor what happened?

Psycho the sinkies zha bor to change flat lor monetise the profits ......?

Cos past few years ah beng racked up tons of debts need clear mah?

Then buy resale flat what happened?

Ha ha ha


Next time then tell yew ......

These types of ah beng quite evil lor ......

Sinkie zar bor gong gong kena screwed foc and $$$ oso all gone and down the rd oso kena plotted and chased out of house by ah beng?

Anonymous said...

//Just as u cannot expect 100% to vote for PAP, u also cannot expect 100% to be happy and rich in Sinkieland, tio bo? Sure got a few sad cases one, unless one is in Heaven.//

Tiok..if everyone think like u Sinkies got hope Liao. If not. Sinkies r dafts at least 70%..prefer to be daft is good (as the Chinese hokkien said 'gong gong jiak ti gong')..Where got problem? No problem Mah? The whites men/women will solve it 4 me...( see no need innovation or productivity..somebolee can solve it 4 me wat)..

Anonymous said...

Past few years hear so many cases children "bluffed" oldies sell flats stay with them?

After that kicked oldies out and purposely choose during cny?
11:02 am

Just like anon 11:00 am said, only a minority lah, maybe 30% or less are sad cases like that lah. Or maybe only a few out of a million or so Sinkieland households?

U cannot expect 100% of Sinkie or PR households to have good parents and/or have filial children, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

One Is Good, Two Is Bad, Many Is Worst

IF The Philosophy of "1 is Good, 2 is Bad, Many Is Worst" is really good, then it can be and should be applied to everything, including Ministers and Ministerial Salary, organizations, languages, religions, etc.

1. Too many ministers is bad, badder, baddest, worse, worst. Just have one minister, the Prime Minister. The rest should not be known as ministers, but as Top Civil Servants, or if they want a Title, just call them Minions.

2. Too much money to pay the Ministers (including the CLB Erected President). Just pay them $1 per month, like the following:

(1) Donald Trump, 45th US President.
(2) John F. Kennedy, 35th US President.
(3) Herbert Hoover, 31st US President.
(4) Steve Job, co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of Apple.
(5) Lee Iacocca, CEO of Chrysler.
(6) Michael Bloomberg, New York City Mayor.
(7) Richard Hayne, CEO of Urban Outfitters.
(8) Edward Lampert, CEO of Sears Holdings.
(9) John Mackey, co-Founder and co-CEO of Whole Foods.
(10) Mark Zuckerberg, Creator of Facebook.
(11) The List goes on ......

3. Too many organizations is bad. So, just close down some of the under-performed, under-utilized, under-worked, under-reactive, under-limelight ministries and amalgamate them into lean and clean, like in the military, only 5 ministeries - G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5.

4. Too many languages is bad. So, use only 1 language as official language - English, or Chinese since Chinese comprise 77% of the population.

5. Too many religions is bad. So, just have ONE Single religion called the Singapore Religion of Money-Making.

6. Too many foreigners in the country is bad. So, just reduce to only 1 foreigner working in Singapore. So that they cannot deprive locals of their jobs, space, money and happiness.

7. Too much sex is bad. So, get married and have only one child in a family. After that NO MORE SEX!

8. Too many ideas is bad. So, have only ONE person giving ideas. Get rid of all the consultants and the good-only-for-talking, money-sucking talkers and researchers of every profession and every aspect of government and social enterprises.

9. Too many business is bad. Too much competition. So, only have NTUC FairPrice to cater for everything, from craddle to grave, for Singaporeans. Get rid of Temasek Holdings, Government-Linked Companies, GIC, etc.

10. Too many newspapers and news outlets are bad. So, have only one Media/Outlet - called it the False News Generator, and close down Singapore Press Holdings, and put this under the Prime Minister's Office.

Good Philosophy? What say all of you? Agree or Disagree?

Anonymous said...

Sinkie zar bor gong gong kena screwed foc and $$$ oso all gone and down the rd oso kena plotted and chased out of house by ah beng?
11:09 am

Not all Sinkie ah bengs are like that lah. Majority are good ah bengs, even though their money no enough.

Just as not all Sinkie zar bors are gong gong lah. Majority are smart zar bors, in fact some too smart to be good to Sinkie ah bengs. Hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

' If not why the PRC come to Sinkies & convert to local citizens & buy hdb flats. Why the Chinese people send their kids go overseas study & never come back?
February 04, 2017 10:42 am '

You are just another tintong living in the little well. How many sinkies are migrating and not coming back? Why do you think the garment is bringing so many rubbish foreigners to replace the loss in sinkies migrating and not coming back?

China has a population of 1.3b. You know how many is that? Don't bother to use your fingers, don't try. You can't comprehend that kind of numbers in your little well mentality.

Anonymous said...

Yewr eyes pasted stamps lah .....?

Very few cases?

SomeboLEE still hoping sinkies farked in small spaces (or orfeast tables) and make babies?

Must be very out of touch liao?

Residing in 1000th sty iTower?

Disconnected from the ground by 5,000m at least?

EveLEE floor eveLEE block hdb flat go check .......?

Confirmed got some such similar cases lah, happened before or happening?

Not mentioning those took own lives and mati in the flats?

Anonymous said...

//U cannot expect 100% of Sinkie or PR households to have good parents and/or have filial children, tio bo?//

1 minion ster said b4 it once happen once in every 50years ma so why worry so much...
Mrt breakdown aiyoh only happen 1 out of a millon km travel ma...
HDB lift breakdown, aiyoh, only happen 1 out of a millons flat ma..Man in blue, aiyoh only 1 robber robbed bank & run overseas ma...
Aiyah, retrenched or unemployed ? Nah only 3%..no need to solve la..the probability is very low, case closed ( see ez job)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ......

Well said ......?

Peesai well mentality ......?

Ha ha ha .......


Anonymous said...

Ya, u know right?

Sinkie za bor fucking in small spaces?

Under orfeast table oso can?

How to go in?

Must be sinkie za bor cb damn loose liao lor?

So cramp such small space the lj still can go in?

Gapping cunt/ hole?

Virgo49 said...

Anon 11.01

You think every PRC like Gong Li and Lee Jia Hwee. Anyway, they still go back after making a pile out of you Daft Sinkies and the Westerners who had too many SOULS.

Too many SOULS that they went round murdering other SOULS that became GHOULS.

Heard the saying Live a China-Man and Die A Chinese Ghoul.

Most do not become Bananas.

Sinkie-land got Souls and Human Rights. Souls of the Elders picking cardboards for exercise or living. Whereas they kept drawing their million S$$$$ salaries.

Human Rights gets sack before CNY. Too many bananas believing in the Western propaganda and eat too many hamburgers. Only visit the western countries.

Go to China in Hainan Island and GuiLin and see the elderies exercising not picking cardboards but Fans dancing and Chinese calligraphy with water brushes.

This is how the Nation has Souls for their people.

See Documentaries of CCTV4. Many may yak that this is Chinese propaganda. See the behavior and body languages of the minorities races of China that borders between them and India and other neighboring countries.

Hear what they speak mostly the older folks and they had high praises for the PRC Government as well as the PLA soldiers guarding them in the mountains.

They traveled kilometers up the mountain sentry posts and Guardhouses with Fresh vegetables and other supplies for the soldiers.

In return, the soldiers came down with their monthly supplies of rice, cooking oil to give reciprocal gifts to them. In their Huts, they hugged them and took them as their children.

One Say: We prefer the PRC to look after us than the rest that surround us. You see the Beauty of our environment. If the Ah Neys were to take over, in no time it will be SHITS country.

So, not all are materialistic or even worse than Sinkies. They have Pride in their Nation.

Anonymous said...

Some more behind ah beng back?

Ah beng kena culkold?

Tragey waiting to PAPpen .... oops HAPpen?

Anonymous said...

Steady poon pee lah virgo .....

Well said (and researched)!

Too hell with PAPigs and PAPigism?

Anonymous said...

How "Superstar" Companies And Technology Are Killing The American Worker


As more Singaporean slaves become unemployed under our Millionaire PAP government this year;
- here's a look at the future of how we will become further unemployed

Boycott robot workers.
Vote out PAP
Let's make Singapore into a real home for Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

A one party political system works very well for CUNTries.
What is a CUNTry?
A CUNTry is a country governed and controlled by cunts.

Do you think Singapore is a CUNTry or a country?

Anonymous said...

Botak so "clever" advocate life long learning, ask him go learn AI (artifucial inteLEEgience) lah at his footking ripe old age?

Create robot soldiers and make NS (sinkie male) obsolete lah?

What say yew, oldies?

Good idea?

Make bitak remainjng few strands of hair on his botak head also drop out?


Anonymous said...

Do you think Singapore is a CUNTry or a country?
11:39 am

If Singapore is a CUNTry, then it is up to Sinkies to make it a country.

If Sinkies cannot do that, then they are worse than the cunts who govern and control them, tio bo?

Anonymous said...

No wonder nowadys the air in sin city stinks so fishy smell?

Anonymous said...

Botak so "clever" advocate life long learning...
11:43 am

Botak got the mandate to advocate life long learning, so u have no power to ask him go learn AI (artifucial inteLEEgience) lah at his footking ripe old age.

Anonymous said...

Tiok lah?

Whole botak head (oso) can go inside?

VerLEE loo(oo)se loo(ooooooooo......oooooo)se liao?

Anonymous said...

Tiok lah?

Those who can, do?

Those who cant, preach (life long learning) lor?

Anonymous said...

Life long learning or life long employment opportunities?
Vote PAP and you get life long learning.
Vote Opposition and we get life long employment opportunities.
What are you dafties waiting for?

Anonymous said...


Now nit yet lunch time, 40+ comments liao?

Let it roll,

Let it roll ......

Tmr 1st lunar moon 9th day .....

Keep comments coming (in) ......?

Whatever got to say, say it today?

Let the heaven know .....

The sins in the city of sin?

So that heaven (will in due time) send leeders of wisdom to eraducate the ills in sin city?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ "robot phobia" 1137

Zerohedge article: spot on. Many many people are going to lose their jobs through advanced technology becoming very cheap and ubiquitous, BUT humans won't become completely "obsolete". Some examples:

1️⃣A.I. (robotic) "judges" are soon to be used to "help" in the legal court process.

2️⃣ A.I. journalism is already a "real thing"

Machines and humans will work together, because machines are good for certain things, and humans also have strengths in specific areas. However, because of HUGE productivity gains, the demand for human labour will DECREASE.

>> Boycott robot workers. <<

I doubt that will have any effect. Anyway, most of the things we use everyday have in part or wholly made and distributed by THOUSANDS of automated processes.

When you eat that heart-attack-inducement aka "Hainanese Chicken Rice", robots helped process the chicken you lovingly shove down your cake-hole.

>> Vote out PAP
Let's make Singapore into a real home for Singaporeans. <<

I prefer "hotel". A real HOTEL for real PEOPLE. (whoever they might be)

Anonymous said...


Mati-Lah schizophrenic-PURA!

Die-LAH Dragon Fly-PURA!

Anonymous said...

@ February 04, 2017 11:51 am

Life long learning
(PAP says it's Singaporeans' responsibility and problem. Not PAP's problem. So can sit back, no need to work anymore, and collect million dollar salary)

Life long employment opportunities
(Singaporeans say it's government's job to provide. In order to justify their million dollar salary)

You either vote PAP and you work for peanuts until you die.
Or you vote Opposition and you make PAP work hard until they die.
True or not?
You tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

They are thinking of turning a one political party Singapore into the Kingdom of Singapore. The king and his ministers can then take all the money they want and if money is not enough just freely increase all taxes direct or indirect. They can increase charges for COEs,ERPs,GSTs and CPF. Singapore is done for and dying .

Hope genuine good people will surface and save Singapore

A patriot

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1.24pm please note that we were told very often that
the leaders that we have are the BEST in singapore.


Anonymous said...

Straitstimes, David Chan

"The researchers measured the participants' pre-existing moral identities by asking them the extent to which they see certain moral values, such as fairness and compassion, as important to their self-identity.

Results showed that those with high moral-identity scores were less likely to break rules or misbehave and more likely to engage in pro- social behaviours when they had power. This was directly opposite to those with low moral-identity scores, who exhibited the usual pattern of more misbehaviours and fewer pro-social behaviours when they had power.

These and similar studies showed that power does not necessarily corrupt. On the contrary, for a person with good moral character, power accentuates his positive traits and enables the person to do things that benefit others."

So, power does not corrupt because it is predicated on moral identity. And who is more moralistic than religious leaders? Sin maybe the new tiny Roman Empire whose knuckle duster punches above the the heavy weights of much larger depraved nations - So exceptionally brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Hope genuine good people will surface and save Singapore
A patriot
February 04, 2017 1:24 pm

Please lah.
We already have genuine good people who surfaced and stood for elections against PAP in GE 2015.
Singaporeans did not vote for them.
Because Singaporeans are too afraid to change government.

When Singaporeans are no longer afraid to change government.
Then even more good people will come forward to serve.
Because then they will know they will be given a fair chance by Singaporean voters.

When Singaporean voters are ready to change government.
More good people will appear to stand for elections against PAP.

Until then, all we can do is kpkb here in red bean's blog.

Anonymous said...

Good is relative. an Islamic state is ruled by good people too.

Anonymous said...

Good is relative. an Islamic state is ruled by good people too.
February 04, 2017 3:04 pm

I disagree with good being a "relative" concept.
- You can measure "goodness" or "desirability" of a country by net number of people immigrating INTO and emigrating OUT OF a country.
- when a country has MORE people immigrating INTO than people emigrating OUT OF ... than it is a good country.

Singapore versus India.
- are there more Indians immigrating into Singapore than Singaporeans emigrating into India?

Singapore versus USA.
- are there more Americans immigrating into Singapore than Singaporeans emigrating into USA?

People vote with their feet.

Anonymous said...

Then America is a better or goodest country than Sin

Anonymous said...

See..even Amos, a kid, knows which country is good and which is bad

Anonymous said...

Good people are as bad as bad people....deal with it

Good people cannot bring peace into the world. For sure, good people will fight against good people and seriously...wtf is good people good for? Still bloody fuckers

Anonymous said...

That's why th professor is a fucking idiot from what the fucking school of what?

Anonymous said...

Live in Sin, dies in Sin

Anonymous said...

PainfuLEE or peacefully?

On a street or in a hospital bed?

With eyes wide open or close?

Anonymous said...

What if some oldies parrot and follow ex-paper general advice and go exercise coll3cting cardboards in mbfc rubbish bins?

Then old age may cause sudden faint and body slump on top of rubbish bins?

Whose sins if oldies die like that in sin city (slump over a rubbish bin in mbfc)?

Anonymous said...

@ 2.39pm //Until then, all we can do is kpkb here in red bean's blog.//

Not can lah but choose to ......?

Who want to fight for ingrates daft 70% sinkies?

Pls Kee chiu ......????

Anonymous said...

"Can u figure out how to effectively tell that to the 70% and most important of course, convince them to do so?"

February 04, 2017 10:24 am

U r smart sinkie, yes you cannot tell the 70% to vote opposition. But my heart is getting excited to see these people getting annihilated.

The 70% get destruction gradually and sooner or later.

Someone work in stat board told me that there were indians admin staff in his organization could not use office tools like power point and spread sheets etc. I was happy to see the whole government infiltrated with these indians.

Good for Sin city government to have hired these very good for nothing staff from india as talents. That means pap s days are numbered.

In next ge if pap gets 99.99%, i will open xo to celebrate. More indians who cannot type to work in government, i would further celebrate for the 70% to have voted for them.

Anonymous said...

When in 1977 little dot use the rock and Malaysian did not respond, the rocks belonged to little dot.

When in 1945 China used the islands and rocks in Scs, the little dot recognized the new rulings to disapprove China s ownership of these rocks and islands.

Now there is another look at the rocks between Malaysia and little dot.

"In its decision on Pedra Branca, the court said although Malaysia’s ancient Sultanate of Johor had original ownership over the island, the government has failed to respond to the conduct of Singapore when the city-state asserted its sovereignty over the tiny outcrop such as when it installed military communication equipment on the tiny outcrop in 1977.

By the time the dispute emerged in the 1980s after Malaysia published a map claiming Pedra Branca belonged to it, “sovereignty ... had passed to Singapore”, the ICJ said in its judgment."

virgo49 said...

This time Pedra Branca will change its name to Batu Puteh. It will be reverted to the Malaysian and the Sultan of Johore.

PRC will have their bastion there with the compliment of the Sultan. DT is not interested in the little red dot. He be busy putting out fires those dissents against him.

PRC have another four years to build their strength.Najib before the expiry of the ten years of the date of judgement GIT Admiral Cheng Ho to thank you.

PRC.might have digged their Archives and discovered some useful info that are beneficial to Matland.

They requested the Brits to declassify the Archive which they should have done in fairness to all parties at the ICJ hearing in 2008.

That's why don't antagonize the China men.

They got many tricks in their sleeves.

Anonymous said...

Someone work in stat board told me that there were indians admin staff in his organization could not use office tools like power point and spread sheets etc.
5:42 pm

Maybe they are very senior staff who use their brains rather than keyboard? Got kakias to do for them so they no need to use and also don't want to use lor.

Did you see President Trump's office table? Just phones only, no computer even, u know. Because he only need to use phone, no need to use computer mah.

Anonymous said...

anon 6:55pm
U are correct. In future every one hired from India cannot speak understandable english and cannot type or use office. Not all are president Trump correct? Only sinkies type for the work. These Indians just sit around and collect monthly salary. That s why i pray Pap will get 99.99% in coming GE. I want to see sankies who vote for the Pap do the work for those do not need to do when hired by the Pap. That will make me feel super happy. They vote for the Pap to get more work. U still cannot read my message lah. A bit chim lah.

Anonymous said...

/// U are correct. In future every one hired from India cannot speak understandable english and cannot type or use office. Not all are president Trump correct? ///
February 04, 2017 7:15 pm

True story. My old father was getting senile. Giving my mother a lot of problems. I ask for social service help. A counsellor to help talk to my father. They sent me an FT lady from India to talk to my old father.
She did her best... but you know lah. How can you connect with an 80 year old Chinese Ah Pek when you are a woman from India and can only speak English. These are the type of ivory tower policy decisions made by our Millionaires in Parliament.

Anonymous said...

They sent me an FT lady from India to talk to my old father.
7:47 pm

What to do, since Sinkies don't want or not ready to be counsellor to a 80 year old Chinese Ah Pek.

But they still need to send a counsellor, even though can only speak English. Bo pian mah, tio bo?

Just as Sinkies still need to vote for PAP, even though PAP is no good, because the Sinkie opposition don't want or not ready to be govt. Bo pian mah.

Anonymous said...

But they still need to send a counsellor, even though can only speak English. Bo pian mah, tio bo?
February 04, 2017 8:26 pm

Why you say bo pian mah, tio bo?
Why you expect so little when you pay the PAP Millionaire Minister so much?
Why your standard for PAP competency is so low?
Why your standard for Opposition politicians is so high?

Why don't you see ... if the PAP Millionaire can hire/send FT from India ... why can't they also hire/send FT from China?

Anonymous said...

/// Just as Sinkies still need to vote for PAP, even though PAP is no good, because the Sinkie opposition don't want or not ready to be govt. Bo pian mah. ///
February 04, 2017 8:26 pm

The real problem is that Singaporeans are too scared to change government.

How do you know Opposition is not ready to be government?
Maybe WP is not ready.
But SDP is ready.

How you know PAP is ready to be government anyway?
What proof do you have that LHL's team is ready to be government?
What test of competency do you offer that LHL's PAP is ready to be government?

Anonymous said...

But SDP is ready....What proof do you have that LHL's team is ready to be government?
8:37 pm

Aiyoh, SDP only contested 11 out of 89 seats in GE 2015, so how to be ready? Even by election also lost, so where got hope, even if Chee Soon Juan is ready to be PM?

Like that only those Buangkok Green inmates will think SDP is ready and Chee Soon Juan can become PM.

LHL's team is ready because PAP contested 100% seats as one party so 70% think PAP is ready lah.

I think 70% is also willing to give Sinkie opposition a chance if any Sinkie opposition party, just like PAP, also contested 100% seats as one party, not 100% seats with many parties.

Anonymous said...

...contested 100% seats as one party, not 100% seats with many parties."
8:51 pm

Tiok. Because 70% know that Teochew Ah Hia, Hainan Ah Kor, Aung Juan Soon Chee, son of JBJ, Ah Chiam's wife, Goh Meng Seng etc, from their actions and behaviour, can never work together even as any team, let alone as Govt.

Seriously, it will be a disaster (worse than PAP) if they are all elected to become Govt. That's why even Ah Hia and team also nearly lost.

Anonymous said...

"Kind-hearted S’poreans giving hugs to girl who had rough start will restore your faith in humanity"

"While it might possibly be a social experiment, it’s nice to see Singaporeans opening up to one another and wanting to spread a little bit of kindness.

Faith in Singaporeans restored."

Someone in mothership posted a social experiment of some girls who begged for compassionate hugs on the streets. Lo and behold, the study has concluded that there is humanity in Singaporeans.

Really? Instead of setting up young girls for hugs, why not get food court ah pek cleaners soliciting for compassionate hugs? Do count the number of people avoiding them instead of one or two hero who may be an exception because they had a few mugs of happy juice on that day.

You see, majority of the citizens are like the reporter, idiots, including those privilege to serve the nation.

Anonymous said...

Best social experiment is no social experiment. Just watch Singaporeans in their natural habitat. After their meals, they will leave behind their mess on their tables for the oldies to clean up after them. Faith in humanity restored.

Anonymous said...

@ February 04, 2017 8:51 pm

You are ready to be government when you can form the majority in parliament lah.
Not when LKY, LHL or PAP says you are ready to be government.

Anonymous said...

/// Seriously, it will be a disaster (worse than PAP) if they are all elected to become Govt. ///
February 04, 2017 9:07 pm

For last 10 years ... LHL's PAP government is a proven disaster with a 10 year track record.

Opposition is not yet government ... how can they be a disaster?
No proof.
Unlike LHL's government ... we have a 10 year track record of proof of poor performance.

Anonymous said...

Reality vs False News and False Hopes - Part 4B

A small boy trying to punch above his weight and hit China again and again and again, not lightly but very very hard on the Noses and Eyes of 1.5 billion people represented by Xi Jinping. What do you think Xi Jinping will do?

What China has already done:

1. Give you an official warning through diplomatic channels, but YOU punch again.

2. Give you another warning through China's Government mouthpiece newspapers. YOU punch again and pretended to be factual but the fact is you are the Chair of Asean, so you cannot pretend that it was collective efforts to bring up the anti-China punch at the Non-aligned Movement Summit at Venezuala, can you?

3. Detained your 9 Terrex for illegal landing at Hongkong Port, for investigation in order to charge those responsible in court for criminal offence, according to Hongkong Laws and International Laws. You punch and punch and punch again.

4. Returned the 9 Terrex to you, pending court hearing, as a goodwill; because by right the 9 Terrex should be presented in Court as evidence. You punch again.

5. Now, Malaysia managed to get new evidence to claim back Pedra Branca (Horse Shit Lighthouse). Who tipped off Malaysia? Probably China's CIA?

What China will likely continue to do:

1. Next option for China to teach small boy a good lesson is to attack DBS in Hongkong, Shanghai, Beijing and other projects within China, through issues based on International Laws - since you hit China with International Laws of the Mock-up, One-sided, Hague Tribunal decision, which was not backed by the UN, yet audaciously stated in the news as UN-backed.

2. Isolate and belittle the small boy through coordinated and concerted diplomatic-cum-economic offensive and indifference. So-called "playing games with you." Don't worry, all will be based on International Laws, Norms, Protocol and Decorum.

3. For long-term strategic purpose, press ahead to construct the Kra Canal. The implications are immense and consequential.

4. Help Malaysia improve port facilities, trade, finance, infrastructure and military software and intelligence.

5. Help Indonesia to improve any aspect deem suitable for long-term interests of both countries.

6. Reduce trade and investments in Singapore for short, medium and long-terms.

To continue ....

Anonymous said...

“I know that the year of Monkey was filled with changes and uncertainties. There were uncertainties in our external environment and there were also uncertainties in our economic situation,” the MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC said. “Some of the uncertainties in the geopolitical environment would have spilled over to the uncertainties in our economic situation.”

“We as Singaporeans are keenly aware and reminded that regardless of what we do in Singapore, there will always be some things that will be beyond our control - that happen beyond our shore - that will have a great impact on our country and our situation in Singapore.”

“Many people have asked are we pro-country A or pro-country B? Are we anti-country A or anti-country B?” Mr Chan said. “Let us be very clear-eyed about this. We are neither pro-country A nor anti-country B. We are just pro Singapore. Everything that we do must start from the basic premise on what is of the best interest for Singapore.”


See, how brilliant keechiu is? Pro Singapore like Trump, pro America.

Anonymous said...

After the year of the monkeys business, now is the year of the cocks to shine.

Anonymous said...

@ February 04, 2017 10:57 pm
/// We are just pro Singapore. Everything that we do must start from the basic premise on what is of the best interest for Singapore.” ///

Say until so nice.
So who is this Singapore that he is so pro?
a) Singaporeans who have served National Service?
b) LHL's Foreign Talents and Foreign Billionaires who have never served National Service?

Whose interest in Singapore that he is so interested?
PAP's interest?
Workers' Party interest?
Singaporeans living in Hougang?
Elderly citizens collecting cardboard boxes?

Say until so nice.

Anonymous said...

“We as Singaporeans are keenly aware and reminded that regardless of what we do in Singapore, there will always be some things that will be beyond our control - that happen beyond our shore - that will have a great impact on our country and our situation in Singapore.”

- Millionaire Minister Kee Chiu
If like that then we pay you million dollar salary for what?
We pay you million dollar salary to deliver FULL EMPLOYMENT FOR SINGAPOREANS regardless of what happens beyond our shores and beyond our control.

Virgo49 said...

This Chan Chun Seng talking cock in the year of Rooster.

Still want to provoke the PRC. What freedom of navigation???

Now no freedom of navigation???

China gonna be the Aggressor in the SCS????

What no harassment living in HDB flat by your neighbours??..

I in TG constituency, your constituency and you.and your dumb HDB officials, seven in numbers including the Snr Estate Manager cannot even solve the harassments of a foreign trash tenant above my unit for five years.

On top of this, your SPF upon investigation of an assault on me by him gave me a Warning Letter
After two years of investigations.

Don't talk cock.

Anonymous said...

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chan_Chun_Sing

"Chan Chun Sing .........born 9 October 1969 ......."

Where is the geomancer in msn?

Can verify 9 Oct 1969 is in Yr of Rooster?

@ Virgo49 February 05, 2017 5:29 am
//This Chan Chun Seng talking cock in the year of Rooster.//

If kee chiu born year of cock, then virgo angkor, if tell him dun "talk coxk", how to?

Anonymous said...

Virgo 5.29am //Don't talk cock.//

Aiyo .....

How NOT to (for kee chiu)?

Assuming he born in yr of cock?

Anonymous said...

Angkor Viro,

Skaly kee chiu whole yr (in the yr of cock) talk cock, how?

Do u know this year lunar calendar got 13 months?

Means u have to "tahan" kee chiu (talk cock) for 13 months?

Anonymous said...

1.55am //If like that then we pay you million dollar salary for what?//


Anonymous said...

1.55am //We pay you million dollar salary to deliver FULL EMPLOYMENT FOR SINGAPOREANS regardless of what happens beyond our shores and beyond our control.//

Anon 1.55am, that's (70% daft) sinkies kpi (expectation) lah?

Internally, who knows what kpi and apprisal cos not transparent nvr/ cannot publish?

So, no pt to speculate whether kpi include what u mentioned above or "PLP" or "obedient dog ask jump will jump" ........ etc?

virgo49 said...

CCS must be rabbit pretending to be a Rooster.

Wah, you even know his YOB.. just do mental calculation.

When I was enlisted in 1967, my nephew just born and.he is an ox.

So plus 2 must be rabbit.



Anonymous said...

What happened to Foreign Minister-Millionaire Bala?
Was he replaced by CCS?
Why did CCS talk about PAP's foreign policy issues?
Isn't that Millionaire Bala's job and territory?

CCS see Bala no up is it?

Anonymous said...

//When I was enlisted in 1967, my nephew just born and.he is an ox.//


1967 not "yang mare mare"?

Was not J F Kennedy's Administration "Bay of Pigs Fisaco" during 1961, Yr of Ox?

Use regression lah?

1961 - 12 (yrs) = 1949

AnyboLEE born 1949?

Pls kee chiu?

Which (zodiac) yr was it?

Did somebolee said lau hero or virgin69?

Anonymous said...

In 1961, my "uncle" was talking abt the Bay Of Pigs Fiasco .....

And he said it is Yr of Ox cos he born in 1913 .....

Think he was around 48 yo then ......?

Angkor Virgo, so 1967 confirmed not yr of ox lah?

Now understand why u not interested "play baccarat" .......?

To each his own?

Russian Roulette can "zhua" pattern no need use statistics and probabilities to "calculate" E[X]?

Anonymous said...

Whether it's a Rooster or a Rabbit or what ever animal.
It's all the same.
INCOMPETENT Rooster = INCOMPETENT Rabbit = all the same
all JLB animals.
They eat until fat and happy.
You work and pay until you broke and die.

Anonymous said...

Virgo49 9.37am //Real Rooster is DT. HE ROASTS EVERYBODY. //


The WH leak said he "berated some PM like a school boy in the principal room" during a "phone call"?

Given the precedence, pls tell them in meeting if any call from (any) "WH" number (for now) .......

Ha ha ha

Dun wan kena "roasted" on the phone .......


Anonymous said...

Reality vs False News and False Hopes - Part 4C

“I know that the year of Monkey was filled with changes and uncertainties. There were uncertainties in our external environment and there were also uncertainties in our economic situation,” the MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC said. “Some of the uncertainties in the geopolitical environment would have spilled over to the uncertainties in our economic situation.”

Everybody knows there is always uncertainties in life, EVERYDAY! Everybody also knows that whenever the Singapore's economic-politico-diplomatic problems arise, the robotic, text-book school-boy's brain is always quick to absolve himself of blame and responsibility from his exorbitantly-paid Multi-Millionaire Ministerial Position, and put blame on external factors. If the school-boy dared to happily collect the multi-million dollars salary consciously unconscionably, out of this world highest salary for a politician, he had better make sure "come what may", external geopolitical environment or internal uncertainties, he delivers well. Otherwise what is the use of paying him/them the world's best salary if he/they can only talk cock like singing songs?

“We as Singaporeans are keenly aware and reminded that regardless of what we do in Singapore, there will always be some things that will be beyond our control - that happen beyond our shore - that will have a great impact on our country and our situation in Singapore.”

Last year, Year of the Monkey, the school-boys were monkeying around with China. Not once but many times, the words they said and things they did were not beyond their control. They deliberately did it in order to insult, belittle, humiliate, despise, disgrace and illegitimatize China's position in the South China Sea disputes, which actually was, is and will be NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Yet they took an active stand, and egoistically claimed it as punching above their own weight! All these uncalled-for and potential-friction-conflict-igniting international activities of theirs, which will have a great impact on Singapore, were totally under the school-boys' control without an iota of doubt! So, please take responsibility and return the multi-million dollars salary paid to you; and step down in the interest of Singapore and Singaporeans.

“Many people have asked are we pro-country A or pro-country B? Are we anti-country A or anti-country B?” Mr Chan said. “Let us be very clear-eyed about this. We are neither pro-country A nor anti-country B. We are just pro Singapore. Everything that we do must start from the basic premise on what is of the best interest for Singapore.”

Pro Singapore? Singapore is PAP; Government is PAP; PAP is nothing but a small group of egoistical self-enriching elites. So, to interpret and understand your statement correctly, the "basic premise on what is of the best interest for Singapore" basically means the elitist elites' interest, is it not? Can the commoners make decisions to affect and inflict serious international repercussions to themselves? Of course, not. You talk cock to cause China to hit back at Singapore. Now you say it is beyond your control? You are obviously talking cock again! A sheer waste of taxpayers' money to get this kind of shoddy irresponsible result, is it not?

To continue .....

Virgo49 said...

Hi Bro, Goat Lah,

Old Goat eat grass. Bringing all sinkies to also eat grass.

Thought only horse eat grass strong strong.

Goat's milk tarik by ah Nehs Nehs.

Until nipples all swollen.


Virgo49 said...

Bloody hell, he just born and I kena masok Ulu Pandan Camp Prison on 60$ pay. Per month.

Some more under the "Malay Regiment". Father sells ice water and I got no exemption to earn monies after my Havard PLSE.

Some big shot son can study until cannot study and jiabok (escaped) National Slavery for ten years and only four months jail.

I know, I also chabok. Most served four months. Some more civil jail. I also spent nearly twenty months in guard room everyday and should be siap siap sueh four months in changi resort making Roti.

Until ROD just $120.00 as a corporal and he can be General. Beh liao kar???

Eighteen years younger than me.

Must be connections or know how to suck up LKY.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Year of Monkey is over and all the silly monkeys have been locked up in their cages.
This is the Year of the Cock. So be prepared for many crazy cocks to crow crazily.

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