
Wake up! Working class American citizens and overthrow the United States self-interest elitist fascist dictatorship government.

   None is more brutal, wicked and cruel than a government that ignores the  well being and the welfare of its people and cause millions to suffer from hunger, homlessness and ill health. This is exactly the situation in the United States. America is supposed to be the richest and most powerful country in the world. Yet millions of its citizens are suffering from starvation, homelessness and acute unemployment. 

The rogue politicians running the US government are only interested in maintaining primacy and supremacy of the US . They do not care for the interests and well being of the ordinary American citizens. 

Wake up!  American proletariats the working class citizens. You have more in common with the working class of the world of other countries than the rogue American elites and scoundrels who usurped power in the US and totally do not care for the interests and well being of the ordinary American working class citizens who by and large constitutes more than ninety-five percent of US population. Rise up and overthrow this fascist dictatorial anti working class rogue and brutal elitist government of the dual dictatorship of the Republicans and the Democrats and the Deep State hiding behind the Pentagon Military Industrial Complex and the barbaric and diabolical CIA and FBI. Overthrow them for the sake of the survival of the American working class citizens. You will be doing the right thing to preserve the dignity of the working class and the survival of America. The American fascist dictatorial elites care only for themselves and the billionaires and trillionaires in Wall Street and Washington DC. They live in grandeur and splendour and ostentatious glorious lives while millions of American proletariats live in squalid poverty in hunger and homelessness and unemployment. They are parasites sucking the blood of the working class citizens of both America and the world. Throw them out and get rid of them into oblivion so that the working class people can live with self-respect and dignity.

If the United States cannot responsibly look after or take care of its own citizens how can it ever  think of bringing every other country of the world under its evil control and toxic hegemony. 

The American government is controlled by the Deep State of the multi-billionaires and trillionaires in Wall Street and Washington and exert dominance in the dual  dictatorship of the Republicans and the Democrats. In short it is an elitist government which is self-centered, self aggrandized and ignores the welfare of the by and large ordinary citizens.

Within the Deep State and in the Republican and Democrat party the minority Jews exert a disproportionate overbearing ruthless power in US governing governance, policies and foreign affairs. They are responsible for a large part of all US internal problems and mainly responsible for creating all US wars of aggression and invasion. The despicable minority Zionist Jews are now in control of the US government and are responsible for the sufferings, the pains and miseries of the American working class citizens. They are unsatiable parasites and have no morals and ethics. They and the elites are the real enemies of the United States and not foreign countries like Russia, China, Iran or North Korea. Get rid of them with God speed and save America.

The elitist US government has adopted the theory and governance of the extreme capitalist system of Charles Darwin. It espouses the theory that human beings are no different from the wild animals of the jungle in their deadly struggle for survival. It is the survival of the fittest. Thus US government has always been controlled by the Charles Darwin principle which claims that the government is not responsible for the welfare of its citizens and whether the people live or die it is their own business. The consequence of such senseless inhuman theory cause millions of ordinary American citizens to suffer unemployment, hunger and homelessness.

It is a fact the United States has always been controlled and governed  by rich selfish and self-interest rogues, crooks and scoundrels. They are a bunch of senseless crooks who though are  strongly against socialism and yet cater socialism to themselves. They impose and collect high taxes from the people and yet refuse to face the responsibility of looking after the health and welfare of the people. But when Wall Street bankers and rogue businessmen are suffering ftom business  failures and bankruptcies due to their extreme greed in unlimited high speculation in derivatives and hedge fund trading and gambling.they are quick in supporting them financially  with huge quantitative and qualitative easing that runs into hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars. So they are not anti socialism per se. Thus it can be seen that they are shameless rogue hypocrites that cater socialism to themselves but withhold it from the people.

It is high time the American working class wake up and start a revolution against the unfair malpractice  of the ruthless elitist rogue American government. They must assume power and overhaul the governing system that only favours fhe financial bandits and brigands of  the rich and powerful one percent elitist. It is a class struggle that not only affects the American proletariats but also affects the working class people of all countries in the world as US capitalists try to monopolise all big business around the world and hold all working class citizens to enslavement.

The rogue American elitists governance that follows the principles and practice of Darwinism extreme capitalism has great ramifications not only on the poor American working class the proletariats but also affects economically, politically and militarily   the countries of the free world of the South. 

By extension of its governance of Darwinism in the US the rogue and barbaric Anglo-Saxon  American politicians have wild savage motive and ambition to revive colonialism and is on the march to attack and invade other countries to be brought down under US dictatorial control and hegemony. And in doing so they are playing with fire that  may possibly bring the whole world under a great nuclear conflagration that will result in the destruction of mankind . 

The danger is so great that it is imperative for the American proletariats to overthrow their ruthless and lawless elitist goovernment and replace it with one that follows socialist principles which espouse the beliefs that the wealth and riches of a country must be more equitably shared and distributed among the citizens and not to be hoarded by the crooks, rogues and scoundrels that dominate the government. 

Time is of the essence and the American proletariats should waste no time in uprising a revolution to overthrow the diabolical fascist US elitist dictatorial government.


Monday, 24th March, 2025


Anonymous said...

The United States does not follow the order and rules of the United Nations Organisation. It is run by psycophants, crooks, ruffians and scoundrels and as such it poses a great risk and danger to the entire world. Therefore it is right for the American proletariats to rise up and overthrow the highly irrsponsible elist US fascist government.

Tommy ,
Houstan,,, Texas

Anonymous said...

The United States will implode and destroy itself soon in no time.

Anonymous said...

The crooks and scoundrels running the US government have no ethics and morals. They are both internal and international robbers and evil warmongers that creat wars to make money.

Saifuddin, Ipoh, Perak

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Saifuddin and Tommy.

Anonymous said...

USA voters have been enjoying decades of cheap products from China, they will not wake up that fast from their slumber. But those days are going to be over soon for them when the reality hits by the middle of this year after the tariffs take effect. Question is, will the USA citizens wake up knowing that it is a highly polarized country with almost half of voters still support either Democrats or Republicans. And the rich will still be around to dictate policies, shutting out all others vying for power. Not only has the USA formulated agendas to control the world, but also controlling its own people.

Anonymous said...

Today ST's article on the SC Sea contest between China and Philippines written by its Manila correspondent is one of the most biased and one sided that I have come accross.
That was no pretence to try to be balance and every word.was written from the Philippines point.
Is ST or SPH holding a Filipino paper?
Many of their reports.and opinion pieces.are reproduced from US and western news agencies amd sources and are mostly negative on China

Anonymous said...

Follow the US$300 million in propaganda generation and you know who is on the take.

Anonymous said...

... and funded by the taxpayer mostly not in agreement! This is one of the issues to consider when putting the cross in election.