
Trump - Please Xi, please call me and beg me to reduce the tariffs... Insanity!

 Poor Trump is still waiting for Xi to return his calls. He thought after throwing all the tariffs and sanctions against China Xi would come pleading to him for mercy. This D grader still cannot see that the world has changed and his effort to make fallen America great again is still in the drawing board. China has overtaken the US in many fields and leaving only 2nm chips for the Americans to boot. But this is a non issue as 2nm chip is hardly in use except to make fancy hi end mobile phones. Also, in no time China would have its own 2nm chips and moving on to photon chips, quantum chips and silicon chips, moving away towards new and more advanced efficient technology.

For once, China has done the right thing. Keep the gangsters and terrorists out of China. Do not entertain them, do not let them thing they are important. China is now a world leader leading the Global South away from American bullying and wars. The route to freedom and independence from the American Empire is open and countries of the Global South are not going to miss golden opportunity.

Trump is still waiting for Xi's call and hoping for an invite to Beijing. He can wait long long. Xi will have no time for this rogue and untrustworthy conman. Once bitten twice shy. Trump may be no more before Xi decides whether to humour him or not in Beijing. There is a prophecy that Trump would not last his term. 

Trump has angered not only his colonies and allies and the whole world. He is setting the world in turmoil. The best part, he is going after the average Americans, his supporters, by raising inflation and cost of living. He has betrayed friends and foes, and they are going for his blood.

My prediction, Xi would not return his calls, and would not invite him to Beijing, just like not inviting demented Biden. Trump the gangster thinks no one would dare to snub him. Many silly leaders would be dying to shake his hands. Xi must also be willing to be seen with him, with a photo op. This is and h foolish thinking of an irrelevant leader. The whole world is moving away from Trump's America. Trump can continue to build high walls in his small yard. Nobody cares.

China is not so gullible like the Red Indians, or the Arab states, still believing that Satan America is the good guy, trustworthy, honourable and peace loving. America is the number one terrorist state in the world and had on many occasions called out China as its enemy number one and openly called for the downfall of China, to stop China from growing and have started many wars against China. Why would Xi want to talk to a rascal, a rogue, a gangster, a dishonourable conman surrounded by anti China warhawks wanting to start a hot war with China? The appointments of all the warhawks were not done carelessly. Nothing useful or beneficial will come from talking to Trump.

China must not behave like the Arab and Muslim leaders, deluding itself that the Americans would be friendly to China. The earlier China accepts this painful truth the better. Trump calling Xi his good friend is a blatant lie! Stop talking to the Americans, it is waste of time. Prepare for war immediately.


Anonymous said...

Trump is throwing a ball into Xi's court hoping that Xi will notice it and give him a call. He has even set a date in April to visit China, without having any invite from Xi yet. How is that for desperation?

If Trump gets an audience with Xi, he is probably going to spin it that Xi has no hands to play and no cards to deal, just like Zelenskyy. Trump can continue to fantasize about his 'Art of the Deal' in front of Xi. Xi must tell him not to show his dirty pussy-grabbing hands in front of him and that it is not going to work. Not anymore.

China is not going to play the hot and cold game of tariffs with Trump. The fact that China is retaliating big against Trump's tariff threat is strategic. Let the tariffs make life miserable for the USA citizens and see the self-destructive move do more harm to the USA than what China needed to do. Trump is making China even greater again. More MAGA hats and USA flags will have to be made in China. Trump is going to negotiate for a better deal over MAGA hats using his 'Art of the Deal' expertise, LOL.

Those dirty pussy-grabbing hands seems to have lost its effect in front of Canada, Mexico and even the EU. India may have succumbed to it, out of desperation. Even Japan is not convinced and selling off its holdings of US Treasuries and bonds, just like the UK.

Anonymous said...

Avoid visiting the Philippines for now. Marcos has arrested former President Duterte and violence can break out anytime. Under the spurious ICC order, the Marcos regime arrested Duterte, sparking a crisis and potential for civil war.

It is personal vendetta to cling on to power. Martial law is likely to be next.

Anonymous said...

Marcos is going for broke. The only way to extend his rule is by declaring martial law. And he is creating the condition for an uprising to declare martial law and rule as a dictator, for as long as he is alive.

Anonymous said...

President Xi must take note that it is Trump that is desperately trying to meet him. There is no reason for Xi to want to talk to Trump. Meeting Xi is very important to Trump, to show that he is good enough to talk to Xi. Xi should keep him waiting outside the door and make Trump looks bad in the eyes of the Americans and the world.

Anonymous said...

After Trump exploded like a gangster in the White House at Zelensky, no decent and respectable leader would want to meet up with Trump. Only his cronies summoned by him will have no choice but to crawl to Washington to pay respect to the Emperor. Xi's stature in the world is better than Trump and many leaders would want to see Xi than Trump.

Trump is now taboo, isolated, no one wants to see him or talk to him.

Anonymous said...

Mickey Marcos has no influence in the military unlike his father. There could be another military coup if he declares martial law. And that begs the question of what the USA will do with its military bases in the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

People's Power version 2.

Anonymous said...

First, he removed Sarah Duterte. the daughter. then followed up with the arrest of her father Rodrigo Duterte using the ICC warrant as a convenient excuse.

Mickey Marcos is a dictator in the making, a stooge being used by the USA to further its agenda. With him in perpetual power, the USA can continue to dictate its direction with regard to China.

Yoon tried to impose martial law, also to hang on to power indefinitely. He failed because of widespread protest and losing the support of the military. Will this happen in the Philippines? Left to be seen.

Anonymous said...

Mickey Marcos came to power leveraging on the support of Sarah Duterte, his Vice-President elect. Now he is turning against her and her family. Such a traitor!

Anonymous said...

MIckey Marcos is following in his father's footstep, declaring martial law to rule forever. But he has no military support. Maybe the support would come from the USA military instead. The USA had supported his father for decades.