First it must be pointed out that the kidnapping of Philippines previous President Duterte is a hideous crime of immense proportions and will have unforseen ramifications which will be wide and far reaching. Next the ICC itself has perverted justice and will have to face consequences of the greatest magnitude. Those involved in the kidnapping of Duterte will eventually have to pay a very painful price for it.
The kidnapping of President Duterte is clearly a professional coordinated job involving the rogue US government, CIA, ICC and rogue imbecile Marcos Jr. of the Philippines. Everyone of them has its own baseless reason to kidnap Prsident Duterte.
Philippines is a sovereign independent country and yet the United States, CIA and ICC see it fit to trespass on Philippine sovereignty by illegally landing a chartered terrorist plane on its airport to whisk off Duterte to the terrorist kangaroo court in the Hague, Holland. They have shown that they themselves are top notch terrorists who are prepared to flout international rules and order to serve their evil agenda. The implication is great as it implies that others with grievances too can kidnap American leaders, CIA hoodlums and ICC terrorist officials. The gate of hell is now open by the United States, CIA and ICC and sooner or later others would see fit to kidnap and kill Americans, CIA agents and ICC officials. Of course the Philippines coward and traitor Marcos Jr who betrayed President Duterte and the Philippines for political gain will sooner or later be dragged down the streets by Filippinos who by and large actually have great love for President Duterte. Marcos Jr position as president is untenable and he will not last his term of office for he definitely will be killed or assassinated. But like his treacherous corrupted father Marcos Sr he might be hounded out of office and escape with his family to the United States.
During his presidency President Duterte had carried out the wishes of the Filippinos to get rid and clean the country of drug traffickers, local drug lords and drug peddlers who were under the control of CIA the world's largest and most treacherous international drug lords that transcend many continents and countries. Drug trafficking and peddling is a huge nefarious business worth tens or hundreds of billions of dollars annually and is under CIA control. Thus CIA felt that with President Duterte's war on drug traffickers, drug peddlers and local drug lords CIA had lost billions of dollars in illicit drug trafficking involving opium, heroin, ice and other form of drugs. So CIA had engineered the kidnappping of President Duterte as revenge and hoped to revive its illegal drug trafficking trade in the Philippines with the help of highly corrupted Marcos Jr.
Marcos Jr like his father is an extremely corrupted person. He is beholden to CIA and the United States. He does not know graciousness and gratitude and has no principles and that's how he repaid Duterte's kindness and help that enabled him to return to the Philippines and won the presidency with the help and strong support of Duterte. Under US behest Mrcos Jr granted US eight new military bases and then connived with US to harass and provoke China in the South China Sea. Duterte does not agree with his too pro US foreign policy vis-a-vis US and China. Due to US having a hold over him in which his father had looted the Filippinos of over 36 billion dollars which is now und US custody as ransome for blackmail he had to obey all US and CIA commands. Thus he turned traitor and commit treason by betraying the Philippines in conniving with CIA and ICC to kidnap President Duterte. For comitting treason Marcos Jr will have to face the death penalty.
Those so-called judges at the ICC are themselves unprincipled terrorists who connived with CIA and Marcos Jr to kidnap President Marcos and whisked him off to the 'kangaroo criminal court in Hague, Holland. The ICC had perverted justice and committed crime in unlawfully kidnapping Duterte and landing a chartered terrorist plane in the Philippines illegally to trespass on Philippines sovereignty. By their nefarious wanton action it will have vast ramifications on others who have grievances to kidnap and finish off all ICC judges, CIA agents and American president or American officials of some repute. It can be sure revenge against the Americans, CIA agents and ICC judges and officials will have no end and will have no limits for in the end justice must prevail.
Also why ICC dare not and did not bring to justice some of the world's greatest international terrorists leaders whose actions had caused tremendous pain and suffering and millions of unnecessary deaths of innocent civillians. These terrorist leaders referred to are some of US past presidents viz President Clinton, George Bush, Barrack Obama, Linden Baine Johnson, Donald Trump and Israel Jewish PM Netanyahu. Why did ICC allow these criminals who are killers, murderers and genociders who killed millions of innocent people to go scot free. And as for President Duterte whose fight against CIA drug lords and drug traffickers and peddlers in the Philippines had saved millions of Filippinos from the scourge of drugs is being kidnapped to face the ICC kangaroo court of injustice.
The free world of the BRICS countries and all countries of the South in Africa, Latin America, Asia and ASEAN countries must denounce with strong condemnations against ICC, CIA and the US government for their cowardly act in doing great injustice to President Duterte and the Philippines. The ICC must henceforth release President Duterte immediately without conditions and ensure his well being and good health and fly him back to the Philippines. Failing which all citizens of free countries of the world in global South in ASEAN, Africa, Asia, Central America and South America reserve the right to storm US embassies, CIA agencies and Dutch embassies as well until President Duterte is released and fly home in good health.
Saturday, 22nd March, 2023.
The Anglo-Saxon United States is a rogue country, a terrorist state which has been responsible for all terrorist attacks and wars against all non-white countries of the South for over eighty years since the end of the Second World War. These wars were meant to force all countries of the world to submit to US aggression, control and global hegemony.
But now though all or most ex-colonies of the West are more or less independent they are more or less still under West hybrid colonialism in the form of financial, commercial and trade control under such toxic Western control bodies like the Petro Dollar, World Bank, IMF, World Trade Organisatiom and the toothless United Nations Organisation which is under strict US domination.
But now the BRICS countries and all countries of the South are trying to dismantle these Western control toxic organisations and take control of their own destiny wiith new more fair and justifiable bodies the US and the West are not happy and are resorting to create wars to destabilise the countries of the South to suit their evil and toxic geopolitical agenda of new form of hycrid colonialism.
The US is now desperate and is trying to dominate the entire world once again but it is doomed to fail.
Thus the kidnapping of Duterte has everything to do with US desperation in trying to reassert US imperialism and colonialism and its geopolitical agenda vis-avis China.
Richard Packards
How Duterte could be kidnapped and loaded onto a plane without the knowledge of the Philippine Government is indeed unbelievable. It either shows the Philippine Government is a co-conspirator in its involvement or a useless Government in power, totally unaware of being used by USA.
Therefore, what kind of intelligence does the Philippines have in its South China Sea spat with China when a former leader is kidnapped under its nose inside the country itself? Obviously, it is just following the USA dictates blindly
Ref 12.08 PM
Mr. Anonymous 12.08 pm. is correct the Philippines is a disgrace and slaves of the savage rogue state US. Philippines did not have a respectable government until President Dutertes who came to poswer and put everthing in correct perspectives and order and gave the Philippines some international respect. Dutertes did the right thing in chasing out and closing down the US military bases which have been the core of all evil in running down the Philippines. He also took on the gaunlet and fought against the CIA's evil operatives that were controlling and running all the illegal drug trafficking, trading and peddling in the Philippines. Duterte must be credited for almost destroying the evil CIA's illegal drug business in the Philippines and saved millions of Filippinos from the scourge of CIA's illicit drugs.
Arroyo Maria
In the first place, the Filipinos should have come out EN MASSES to stop them from Conveying Duterte to the Airplane!
Whats has happened to the Peoples Power of Aquino Corazon?
They should have stop the arrest and block the Way!
Now he is there unless the MAJOR powers of Russia and CHINA demanded his release!
Hopefully so!
May His Almighty GOD protect him!
Dear Comrade Virgo 49
It is true what you mention. But then it was a secret capricious ligntning kiddnapping by international rogue bodies and the Filippinos were caught unaware until Duterte was forcibly taken away. Marcos JR the traitor and conspirator should be shot on sight.
How to protest if they do not know?
Why is the Red Dot country and ASEAN countries keepimg dumb about the kidnapping of Duterte by the United States, CIA and the ICC. Kidnapping of Duterte by US and ICC is not an internal affair of the Philippines administration of US running dog Marcos JR. It is a bizarre internation crime plotted by US and ICC. As they are lawless the Filippinos reserve the right to burn down the American embassy in Manila and kill all the Americans in the
The ICC judges who themselves are thugs and hoodlums must not being hypocriticalo and start arresting Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton, George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Biden and Trump as well as all CIA directors for their brutal crimes in mass killings of millions of innocent people through their wanton wars of aggression and invasion. All people and all countries of the South must unite in solidarity to oppose and fight the Anglo-Saxon US warmongers and smashed them into oblivion in hell.
Omar Shariff
Jakarta , Indonesia.
The ICC judges dare not issue arrest warrants for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair and those military leaders that fabricated the Iraq War, after they were threatened by the USA Government with extinction if they did so.
How could the ICC be respected as a World Body to uphold justice, when it is so hypocritical in its actions? It is no more than a World Body that caters to the demands of the USA and is the de facto running dog of the terrorist state.
Welcome to the blog, Omar Shariff, Arroyo Maria, Richard Packards.
From so many videos that was aired thought that the Arrest was somewhats been disclosed as He Duterte seemed to be slow moving and on way to the Airport peoples seemed crying and massings.
Think cannot be a so well kept secret.
The Pinoys now maybe like Sinkies alreday
Lembeh liao!
Many in Matland and HK ever said that Sinkies must also learn how to protest!
Maybe the Skills Upgrading and. Upscaling have these courses?
Now alreday 5K and they sais going to Top up again.
Also they harped that these are the also included in the Whats grants and subsidies to me.
The way you said seemed to be having a bone to pick with me ah?
Beh Siong isit?
WHEN RODRIGO DUTERTE was arrested morning on March 11th, as he stepped off a plane in Manila, hundreds of supporters thronged outside the airbase to protest. Their hero, a former president of the Philippines, had been denied due process, they claimed.
Mr. Duterte was detained by Philippine officials acting on an arrest warrant from the ICC in The Hague. By evening on March 11th, his lawyers said, he had been forced to board a flight to the Netherlands. His arrest highlights both the strengths and the weaknesses of international justice—mainly the weaknesses.
The ICC pursues a noble aim: to prosecute individuals suspected of committing war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity or crimes of aggression, such as invading a neighbor. However, it is often hamstrung by politics, both national and global.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) operates under the principle of complementarity, meaning it only intervenes when national judicial systems are unwilling or unable to genuinely investigate and prosecute grave crimes like genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The question now, does the Philippines judicial system not functioning?
It generally lacks jurisdiction over countries that have not signed up to it. So it cannot do anything about China’s persecution of the Uyhgurs in Xinjiang, for example. And since Duterte pulled the Philippines out of the treaty underpinning the court halfway through his time in office, it can only prosecute him for alleged crimes committed before that date.
The ICC has no powers of coercion. It cannot arrest people without the co-operation of the country where they are, which is often refused. So far, its successful prosecutions have all been of Africans, and mostly warlords rather than government officials. The court is trying hard to bring justice to other parts of the world, but it is not easy.
When it issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin for war crimes in Ukraine, one of his henchmen threatened a surgical application of a hypersonic missile on the courthouse in The Hague, adding: So, judges, look carefully to the sky. The case file on the ICC website notes helpfully that Mr. Putin is still at large.
Nonetheless, the arrest warrant has made it harder for him to travel: he could not attend a Brics summit in South Africa in 2023, since his hosts, as ICC members, would have been obliged to arrest him.
Under Donald Trump, America has grown dramatically more hostile to the court. It has never signed up to the ICC, for fear that American soldiers overseas might be subject to politicized prosecutions. Moreover, Mr. Trump has gone further than previous presidents.
On February 6th he announced sanctions on the ICC’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, over what he called illegitimate and baseless actions targeting America and their close ally Israel. Mr. Khan had called for the arrest of three senior Hamas officials for murdering Israelis, and of two Israelis for alleged crimes in Gaza: Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, and his former defense minister, Yoav Gallant. The two Israeli cases are outstanding; the three Palestinian ones are moot, since the men in question have all been killed by Israeli forces.
Meanwhile, China on Tuesday warned the International Criminal Court against politicization and double standards, after former Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte was arrested in Manila by police acting on a warrant tied to his deadly war on drugs.
China has noted the relevant information and is closely monitoring the development of the situation, foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning told a briefing when asked about the arrest.
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Read for yourselves Hundreds throng the Airbase to protest but NOT in.their Hundreds of Thousands.
Too late lembeh liao!
This is the Link
There was probably no time to organize any sizeable protest to be of any use.
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