
The diabolical plots behind Trump's fake peace effort in the Ukraine War.

 Can any one really believe in Trump wanting to make peace in Ukraine.  Like all savage Anglo-Saxon politicians both past and present they only believe in dominance over all others. There is no ground to live side by side with others. They must always dominate. To the Anglo-Saxons since long before peace talks or peace treaty is only a stratagem to deceive opponents into false confidence and an interim time to galvanize strength to mount a sudden or surprise attack.

Trump the American savage terrotist chief  is feigning peace in Ukraine while plotting for wild adventures in other parts of the world. How can a dirty old barbaric crook like Trump be trusted to talk about peace. The free world of the South must never forget the native Americans timeless warning that "White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted." 

Trump seem to forget that the Ukraine War was the result of United States miscalculation to bring the whole of Eur-Asia under American rule and hegemony. Since the end of the Second World War in 1945, the West headed by the United States has always planned to bring the whole of Europe and all of Asia under white men's rule. 

The Cold War between the West headed by US-NATO organisation  and the East Warsaw Pact  headed by Soviet Russia should have ended after the collapse of the Soviet Union in1989. Russia in sincerity  disbanded the Warsaw Pact countries. But the untrustworthy West of US-NATO refused to disband but instead went on to extend its influennce and control over many former Warsaw Pact countries. The United States proceeded to establish military bases in many NATO countries like Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Georgia, East Germany, Zechoslovakia,  Kosovo, Spain and Austria.

In trying to promote the fake Ukraine peace plan  dotard Trump and his cohort of barbaric war criminals have ulterior motives behind this diabolical plot. They would temporarily buy peace in Ukraine in order to seek Russia's cooperation in two or three areas. In the beginning it was US evil plot to subvert Russia to bring Russia down through the Ukraine War which they provoked. They had miscalculated thinking Russia would be brought down easily through the Ukraine War as Russia's economy was weak. But now they face headwinds in the Ukraine War and Trump shamelessly shifted the blame to Zelensky and European countries for starting the war.  

One aspect is that Trump in trying to buy peace in Ukraine is his plot to divide the European countries to prevent them from opposing his intention to illegally invade Canada, Greenland, Mexico and Panama. Canada and Denmark which owns Greenland are associated with NATO. If US invades Greenland then Denmark will invoke a NATO clause that obliges all European NATO countries to help Denmark to fight and repel US invasion. So by evily casting its NATO allies asunder after making use of them in its confrontation with Russia the untrustworthy Americans think it can prevent NATO from coming to Denmark's help. It can be seen that US is using the policy of 'might is right' in its evil plan to annex Canada, Greenland, Mexico and Panama.

Next in trying to secure the untenable peace in Ukraine Trump thinks he is smart enough to win Russia around to acquiesce to US motive of annexing Canada, Greenland, Mexico and Panama. Also he thinks he could psycho President Putin of Russia not to oppose his plan to start a war with China to hamper China's progress and development and thus to preserve US primacy and supremacy not only in Asia - Pacific region but in the whole world as well. Will Putin fall for Trumps evil trap. But Trump the world's number one terrorist is thinking too highly of himself. He is nothing but a thug and robber compare to the stature of Putin or Xi Jin Ping. Putin is definitely smarter than what dotard Trump thinks of him.

The important thing is how the world would react and respond when  Trump really activates  his  intention to invade and annex Canada, Greenland, Mexico and Panama. Would there be a coordinated response by the countries of the world to stop his nefarious actions. It is best the United Nations Organisation together  with Russia and China and all coountries of the South in Africa, South and Central America and Asia jointly and at the same time separately condemn and warn the rogue United States not to play with fire as an attack and invasion of  Canada, Greenland, Mexico and Panama will be considered US open declaration of war against the whole world. Under such scenario all countries of the world must unite in solidarity to fight and resist US aggression and stop it from attacking and invading other countries through its might and brute force. 

The world must condemn rogue Anglo-Saxon United States in no uncertain terms and stop it from reviving the evil, wicked and brutal Western colonialism.


Thursday, 20th March, 2025


Anonymous said...

Trump professes to want peace in Ukraine but is already starting a new war in the Middle East against the Houthis, intending to drag Iran into the turmoil. I think many people have been fooled by Trump's conman tactics trying to show that he is different from Biden and pulling back USA military adventurism, just in Ukraine.

As I always say, any USA President, whether from Democrats or Republicans camps are just the right and left arm of the Deep State and can never have a mindset of trying to be a peaceful country.

In the recent past, fighting communism was the narrative which was what the Korean and Vietnam Wars were all about. With the rise of China, under a communist regime, the arguments about the failure of communism held no water.

When Russia and China discarded their communism expansion doctrine, the USA started a new narrative of fighting terrorism which resulted in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Communism was then thrust into the back burner, never to be a justifiable reason for wars.

Now the Wars in Ukraine is about revisiting the threat from Russia, accusing the Russians of trying to claim back territories it lost when the Soviet Union broke up. The reality is the exact opposite, with NATO discreetly trying to expand towards the Russian border. What happened in Ukraine goes much further back than just February 2022, when Russia liberated the Donbass region, when Russian speaking citizens went under intense persecution by the Kyiv Regime of Zelenskyy.

The USA is stoking the fire in the South China Sea now, intending to ignite another conflict with China.

Any man of peace does not go around starting wars all over the world. Trump is no different from any former USA Presidents, just using the same old USA playbook and intent on having never ending wars to sustain the USA hegemonic agenda.

Anonymous said...

Southernglory1 is revealing the truth behind psychophant Trump's fake peace attempt in Ukraine. On the one hand he pretends to talk peace but on the other hand he has many hidden daggers to start his savage wild adventures of igniting many other wars of aggression around the world especially in East Asia in the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea region as well as in Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama and Central and South America.

Psychopath Trump and his cohort of war criminals must be stopped from plunging the world into a nuclear war where the survival of mankind is at stake.
Please circulate this article of Southernglory1 to let the world know how wicked and dangerous neurotic Trump is.

Anonymous said...

Ref Anonymous : 11.05 AM
Thanks for revealing more truth about the satanic United States. Trump wants to make Anglo-Saxon United States great again though everybody knows that the US has never been great at all. The Anglo-Saxon United States is the embodiment of all things evil since the day of its independence from England its evil and wicked forebears.

Anonymous said...

The Anglo-Saxon Americans and British are really very evil and wicked beyond comprehension. Why can't they live in peace with other people other countries? Why must they always think of dominating other people other countries? They have nothing better to do then to think of fighting, of attacking and invading other countries. Day in day out and for hundreds of years they have nothing better to do then thinking and planning of wars of invasions, killing and massacre of other people and forciibly taking over other countries lands.

The BRICS countries and other countries of the South led by Russia, China, Iran and North Korea must warn the savage Americans that should they start a war anywhere on earth that war will be fought in American mainland and let them taste their own medicine of the great suffering, pain and death that for decades they have been imposing on others especially on weak and small countries. Let Russia and China with the help of other countries of the South destroy the United States and thus get rid of an evil on earth.

Soerano Ali Jakarta, Indonesia

Anonymous said...

In the past few hundred years the white people especially the Anglo-Saxon Americans and British could enjoy great wealth and live in splendour because it was due to their plunder, ravaging and robbing off the wealth and resources from other countries and colonies. Moreover they had used forced labour especially captured African slaves to work for free in their plantations, factories and other economic outlets and domestic chores.

However now with the rise of almost all ex-colonies white men will find it hard to exploit other people and other countries. So there was actually no greatness in the past among the white people for you cannot equate their plunders, ravages, killings and exploitation with greatness. They were a sort of savage vicious wild beasts whose thirst for ravaging, robbing and killing can never be saturated and satisfied. Terrorist leader Trump must know that is vicious treachery and not greatness. So how can Trump a terrorist who intends to revive white evil colonialism by teliing the whole world of his intention to invade and annex Canada, Greenland, Mexico and Panama equate to making the US great again. It is rather making US more vicious and treacherous. Dotard Trump's diabolical plots will hasten US downfall to fade into oblivion forever.

Yang Ker Qiang
Taipeh, China