
The real Iran the West did not want you to see


20 minutes of ordinary Iranians on the streets. Oops, this clip is in Chinese. See below clip with English commentary and subtitles. See how many smiling faces, the freedom of Iranian women, no need to wear tudung. The West would want the world to think that Iran is a depressing and repressive state with poor and unhappy people, like the way they presented North Korea as a poverty stricken state. Take a look and be free from the lies spread by the western media. Iran is a safe and friendly place to visit.

1 litre of petrol is 40 cent RMB or 8 Singapore cent. 

Another 20 min clip on life in Iran, with some English commentary and subtitles. What a pleasant surprise. The young people in Iran, especially the young girls are so carefree and living life like any young people all over the world. Conservative Iran is in the past or in the lies of western media. Young girls in cafes and coffee houses after mid night enjoying themselves.


Anonymous said...

I guess spreading propaganda today through MSM is no longer effective, not when videos like this are everywhere. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Iran must open up to more tourist from abroad to counter the Western propaganda.

Iran, like China has a long history and will endure the onslaught of Western lies.

Seeing is believing.

Anonymous said...

The mission of western main media today is to spread lies, misinformation and disinformation. Truth is no longer the goal of main media.

Maybe that is the only way to survive as paid readership is declining and they could be paid by the American propaganda agency that has a budget just for this purpose.

It would be sad if American cronies' main media spread American propaganda and fake news but did not get paid.

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder why the USA and the West is spreading fear by telling its citizens not to visit chis and that country, like China and Iran? They know the game is up and as more foreign visitors visit China, particularly Xinjiang, and Iran, the cat is coming out of the bag.

And that means spending the hundreds of millions by the USA (undoubtedly other Anglo-Saxon states too) annually for decades on propaganda is unravelling and is going to backfire on them.

'You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time' - Abraham Lincoln.

Anonymous said...

I believe most of the main stream media of the vassal of americunt get some form of funding from their master. A good example is our own SPH(most of their journalists whether in SG or based oversea (usually with email (sph.com.sg) at end of their article) will write some anti-china article weekly(especially on friday/saturday newspaper). Some of the articles could be some positive news, but they will add in a bit of negative stuffs. If articles involved our own papies ministers, everything will be positive.

Anonymous said...

Yankees have a hard on for Iran since 1979 Iranian Revolution.

They still have not forgive Iran for the detaining of US Embassy staff. Made Mearica lose face big time in international stage.

Add insult to injury, the failed rescue attempt by Green Berets special forces (fiasco at Desert 1) where they lost men & helicopters due to own Mearican stupidity. Another round of lose face.

Besides Cuba, Iran is the next longest sanctioned nation by USA.

Hell has no scorn as a butt hurt America.

Anonymous said...

* Hell has no fury as a butt hurt Mearican