
When would Singapore change its political leaning?

 Singapore believes in joining the winning side. And this policy has done well for Singapore in the last 50 years, betting that the Americans would continue to rule the world. Who cares about American hegemony, American terrorism, viciousness, warmongering and even genocide in Ukraine and Gaza. Who cares about the Americans forming gangs and inciting and provoking wars, committing war crimes everywhere. What matters is to be on the winning side, on the side of the Americans is the safest thing to do. At least the Americans would not conduct a regime change no matter what the political system has morphed into.

Now the political fortune of the Americans is changing and waning. The world has seen the lies and treachery of the Americans and most stark in supporting and participating in the genocide of the Palestinians, not counting the tension the Americans are racheting up in the South China Sea. 

In the midst of American foolery, treachery and adventurism, on the flip side is the rise of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and BRICS, American power in the world is shrinking daily. The Americans have not only lost spheres of influence in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and South East Asia, they have also lost in all the wars they have started. Economic war, tech war, trade war, media war, propaganda war, whatever you name it, whatever the Americans started, none has succeed. The hot war in Ukraine is seeing defeat in the face and would fall flat very soon. 

In Palestine, the whole Arab and Muslim world has turned against the Americans. The whole Global South too is against the Americans. The evilness and savagery of the Americans cannot be covered up anymore. Blatant aggression and disregard to world morality and opinions, violation of human rights, war crimes, outright massacring of the Palestinians, are too much to stomach even to the most staunch and blind believers of the evil American Empire. The mask of evilness of the Americans has been torn to pieces.

The balance of power is tipping against the Americans. The Americans are no longer the winning side. If Singapore is to stick to its time tested policy of being on the winning side, this is the time to contemplate when it should change side. Unless Singapore is so inflexible and would die die want to stick to the side of the Americans and go against its policy of being on the winning side. Only time will tell and there is not much time left to choose side.

Many Asean states have already chosen sides, Of course Mickey Mouse is still choosing the Americans. The Arab and Muslim world has abandoned the Americans and joining BRICS in full force. Africa is totally out of bound for the Americans. So is Latin America. The only few bastions left for the Americans are the white men countries in Europe and American colonies in Japan and South Korea, and a few little crony states.

When would Singapore switch sides, to be on the right side of history? America is no longer the winning side. Its demise is written all over the wall.

Moreover, the choice for Singapore to make is much easier this time. It would not be just blindly joining the winning side, but on high morale grounds and principles. On one side is China, fully committed in trade and economic development, building infrastructure to benefit the world, fighting climate change with new technology, AI etc etc. On the other side is terrorist USA, fully committed in destabilising states and regions, fermenting wars, overthrowing democratically elected govts,  behaving like gangsters in issuing threats and sanctions, committing war crimes, genocides and crimes against humanity, spreading lies and rumours etc.


Virgo49 said...


Good morning All

Just listen and view this conversation between George Galloway and Scott Ritter of the EVIL Western so called Empires.

The UAssA is just making use of all the countries for their own self interests only.

Their Agenda is to maintain their Hegemony Empire.

So Sinkeland shall also be thrown under the bus when it's usefullness is no longer required.

But, alas most of all these ex Colonised countries under the Brits and Other White Barbarians are too well brainswashed and honed to be vassals and doggies to them.

Many still viewed the Chinese PRCs as agressive and assertive peoples who when rises to Super Powers will like the White Barbarians conquer and bully them.

Just because the PRCs are dead serious no nonsense peoples.

So they still thought their safe bets be on the White Western Lords.

Soft boned capitalists with their illusionary good lifes and status would still want to have their old lifestyles of decadence as if be socialist system then more equality meant their they woulf lose their status and luxurious lifes.

Also, most had their wealth whether legal and illegal as parked in these Western Countries and whence they are retired or no more safe in their own land will simply chabok or kaput to their Safe Heavens of their White Masters.

These Oli Pigs and Guards would NOT want to settle in China even though they are Chinese with their foreparents from there as they feared the So called Authorian No Nonsense Rule by the Commis.

Till today many been brainswahed that Communism is BAD and Dictatorial.

If you are laws abiding peoples what's the fears there?

Unless you are Scoundrels who preys on the weak and innocents to have your wealth and statuses today.

Virgo49 said...


The White Barbarians hated the Chinese.

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Remember my article on 'Taming of the Beasts'? Many colonised people have been tamed by the white men, like beasts, and accepted the status quo that they are inferior to the white men, and being ruled by the white men is the natural order of things, that white men are good, forgetting about the savagery of the white men when they came, invaded and massacred their people and plundered their countries of their wealth, including making the colonised people as second class people or subhumans.

Go down on your knees and pray to the white gods. That is your station in life. You cannot be better than the white men.

Virgo49 said...

Just to add chabok or kaput.to the White Lands thinking they are Heavens ah?

Be scorned, spit sodomised and gunned down by them.

Now their own Whites in China enjoying their blissful lives of peace and serenity

Virgo49 said...

Just a example of how the Brits still think in their nightmares that the Sun never set on their Bogus Empire.

They sneered the changing of our Leaders in a way somewhat similar to China.

Just because we declined to hold their Commonwealth Games.

Commonwealth to siphon to their Parasites King and Leaders?

They wanted chaos and upheavals so that they can ruled us again.

For them, even an idiotic PM don't even last a month.

Thank goodness now they had a Indian PM to extract their Revenge on.them for colonising and plundering them.

Soonok aka nonok trying to send the Lame Brits to fight in Urukiane.

Cheers for that!

Also Hong-Kong long time back to China and they still wanted to interfere in their internal affairs.

Hello, clean up your shits in your damn Country.

For MOT be begging for alms Spon

Anonymous said...

Lampa held by angmo, how to even think of changing sides?

Never mind biggest trading partner is China, we still willing to kneel down to Uncle Sam who recent history has shown can drop you anytime.

Anonymous said...

Thailand is going to spend $35b to build a canal across the Isthmus of Kra.

The Americans are going to spend $95b for wars and more wars.

And the stupid said the Americans are for peace and stability, no threat to the world.

Anonymous said...

When scholarships are given to top students, they invariably ended up in US Universities. Their thinking is conditioned to look up to the USA. They will probably be brainwashed to look at China with tinted glasses.

How then could Singapore change its political leanings with the Government making sure such scholars upon returning are absorbed into Government entities, using their knowledge to think of ways to screw citizens with ideas such as COEs, population increase to grow GDP, even selling the notion that GST helps the poor and all that nonsense.

We can hope for change until the sheeps come home, but nothing is going to change. Not unless the USA fails to exist, which is impossible.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon 1.49

Cannot said impossible the UASSA NOT to exist.

MOT Washing Ton could be Washing Ton of Chinamen's underwear

Be DisUnited in a State of Pariahs.

Never said No and Never.

Anonymous said...

The chances of sinkieland changing it leaning is kosong, until sillyporean can do a regime change 1st locally. We are already tamed by the white for too long till some chinese turned banana. All our rich miw asset are most likely in amdk land. Have you ever hear of them buying GCB in dragonland?

Anonymous said...

Last I heard, even Switzerland is going to seize Russian assets in their banks.

Those who still think that Switzerland is the safest place to hide their ill-gotten assets better think twice. If it can happen to Russia, it can happen to anyone. The same goes for those buying USA treasuries, setting up factories in Western countries, or invest in properties in Western countries. Buying gold and keeping it at home is the safest, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps there will be a small role for countries like Singapore to be the tea boy when the white men rule the world. Can takeover the position of the Chinese as the cooks and laundrymen.

The Taiwanese and the Pinoys have already accepted such roles happily.