
America's last Bang

 The Industrial Revolution brought about the rise of the European Empires. With new found knowledge and technologies, they brought about many new inventions and products to the world, but also to conquer and rule the world by force, massacres and creating colonies of people from the free people of the world.

The Americans rode on the advancements of the Industrial Revolution, made many improvements, innovations, made the world better by more inventions and products for a better world. Silicon Valley was borne, and the world benefited from the internet, mobile phones, Google, Facebook, Twitter, GPS, Apple, mass produced computers etc etc. Unfortunately this era is coming to an end.

Silicon Valley is fading away into the twilight. Nothing new is coming out from the USA. Nothing new is also coming out from Europe for the betterment of the world. The last big bang left for Europe is ICE vehicles. ICE vehicles would continue to exist in less developed countries but would soon be phased out in UK in 2030, China in 2035. The last big Bang for the USA is the internet and related products. 

A new era is emerging from the East. China has taken over as the most creative and innovative country in the coming age of AI of all things. The Americans skirted around these new concepts but unable to make much progress, or too slow to capitalise on them. China latched on to them and pour in everything to pursue the dreams of a new futuristic world of AI and AI related products and eco systems.

China is now leading the world in 5/6G, EVs, EV batteries, AIs, drone technology, flying cars, TikTok, WeChat, AliPay, satellite connected mobile phones, artificial sun, renewable energy, etc etc. Chip technology would soon be over taken by China's photonic and quantum chips, space exploration, moon stations and mining, alternative energy and technology, building of new infrastructures and new cities etc etc for a futuristic new world. These are the daily activities being pursued by a new China supported by millions of STEM engineers and scientists.

And this is only the beginning of Made In China products and services. Going forward, China will be producing more new and innovative products to benefit humankind. The Made In China 2025 dream is starting to materialise.

On the other side of the equation, the Americans are still pursuing primitive activities of wars and killings to remain relevant, but becoming irrelevant. The path that the Americans are taking, instead of competing to build a better world with AI and new technology, is war and destruction, wasting their resources and human talents on absolutely wasteful unproductive activities, bankrupting its talent pool of STEM scientists and engineers. Whatever there is left in America in these fields, are mainly foreigners, mainly Chinese. When the foreign expertise pulled out, America would only be left with lame lawyers, daft politicians, Wall Street brokers playing with monopoly money, and bloodthirsty soldiers with mindset of primitive savages, not suitable for a new world of science and technology and peaceful pursuit of humanity.

The last bang from Silicon Valley is now just an echo of the past. NASA, the pride of American technological strength in the past, is just an empty shell, an ageing monument with nothing to show. One may wonder if they really landed rovers on Mars when all you see were pictures of Mars that can easily be fabricated. Who is there to prove otherwise. Nothing new is coming out from the Silicon Valley or America. The Americans have missed the train, intentionally, by not wanting to compete, or unable to compete, unable to innovate, and chose to become destructive, to set up road blocks and obstacles to progress, to want to stop the progress of China and the rest of the world. America and Americans have chosen the path of the dinosaurs and dodo bird, to withdraw into its world of past glories and clinging on to the ways of their European savage ancestors, to want to rule the world by force and violence.

Anyone heard of any new products from USA after Tesla and iPhones? Watch out for the best and most deadly virus and fake vaccines coming out from the USA. These are what the Americans are spending their time and resources on with their bioweapon labs all over the world.


Anonymous said...

The new bang is being heard in China and by China.

In the field of new tech developments, China is ahead of the USA in many categories. China is the country with the most patents to its name, not the USA as in the past. Huawei, for example, leads the field in 5G patents that others are now being forced to pay patent rights.

This is China's century and also Asia's century. Coming up next will be Africa. There is no place again for any Anglo-Saxon white country to fill the technological void. Europe has practically been destroyed by the USA. Forget about the UK, which is in political turmoil, with Labour expected to annihilate the Conservatives in the next election and with Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Jeremy Hunt possible disappearing from the UK's political landscape.

Anonymous said...

No one now wants to host the Commonwealth Games in 2026. Australia withdrew earlier. Malaysia rejected the 'offer' saying forget it. Red Dot does not have the manpower to hold the Games and dare not want it, even if they claim the pros outweigh the. Red Dot hosting SEA games 'boleh tahan sahaja'.

Anonymous said...

Why is a country's industrial overcapacity such a concern for the USA? It is not using the USA's money to build such facilities, so what is the real reason for the complaint.

No country is complaining about the USA's overspending so much on its military, right? No one is bringing up the threat posed to the rest of the world over such spending, right? USA is claiming such military spending is needed to keep the world safe. China can also argue that its industrial overspending is to provide the world with cheaper goods. Why is that a concern for the USA?

Anonymous said...

Three words just explains it all - 'Unable to compete'. Sums up what it is all about.

Why not able to compete? Three reasons: Failure to secure raw materials earlier. Lack of facilities being set up to refine them. Refusal to give up ICE vehicle production, their heritage, or their last bang left to gloat about.

Who to blame honestly? Trump of course. His demonisation of EVs early in his Presidency was one. His demonisation of wind turbine for killing birds was another. His demonisation of solar panels for whatever reason was the third. All these three sectors are potentially working against the fossil fuel lobby that is controlling him. He, in fact, encouraged more fossil fuel extraction with his giving out fracking licenses liberally to expand oil extraction. He was and is still not interested in fighting climate change.

It was all calculated and it backfired.

Anonymous said...

America is still dreaming on ruling the world as an Empire and feed on the world for free. Just control and rule the world by military might.

For this objective, they are willing to spend $1.5b just to pay to write and spread propaganda against China. They build a huge military force, 800 military bases, and spent even more to create wars, to fight wars. $1 trillion a year military budget and how many trillions spent on wars over the years.

And their brightest ended up in Wall Street churning monopoly money instead of making real money in manufacturing. And a bunch of liars and blood suckers calling themselves lawyers, bitching and biting to such money from people and the system without producing anything useful. And a house of lying politicians that lived on bribes. Oh, cannot say bribes, it is called lobbying and lobbying money, free money.

And they are so used to get free money by printing or petrol dollar. There is no need to work, no need to work and swear the small stuff.

Anonymous said...

The so called Commonwealth is coined by the Brits to con the stupid ex colonies and their equally stupid leaders to continue to worship the white gods in Buckingham Palace and to take pride being colonies of the British Empire.

How stupid can these leaders be to celebrate and be reminded of their days of bondage under the British savages that invaded their countries, looted and plundered their lands, and acted as their masters and lorded over them?

Let us watch to see which silly ex colony leader would step up to kiss the ass of the Brits to host this silly Commonwealth Games. Centuries of humiliation and being robbed and still so happy about it.

How about India? Modi can stand on the podium to announce that the Game is open, and round up the Indians to dance and sing for the white King Charles to grace the ceremony, to say how great India was under the British rule. Your Obedient Servant!

Anonymous said...

They believe that by hosting the Global Money Printing presses of the world, there is no need for them to work to produce something at least worthy in exchange with others, and just print and they can freeload themselves at the expense of the rest of the world. They even do not think it necessary to have factories for essentials, just in case.

And the people just got swallowed up by the fairy tale - line, hook and sinker. That so many USA citizens are said to have less than US$400 in their savings for emergency goes to show how bad the situation is. Living from hand to mouth has taken a whole new literal meaning.

When the USA eventually lost the Global Reserve Currency status, God knows what will happen.

Anonymous said...

Jokes aside, I think India will likely be left to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games. And the Indians will dance happily, claiming to be given the privilege of doing so. Please someone, how to say 'India boleh' in tamil?

Little will be said about Australia giving it up, Malaysia not wanting it and Red Dot, wanting it actually, but unable to provide the logistics to do so, especially manpower. You know and I know this is the truth, after what they said about the Taylor Swift affair.

Some other country, like India perhaps, will now have to come forward to sing 'God save the King'. The King needs saving now that he is stricken with cancer.

Many African countries were also former British colonies, but they would unlikely want to host the games. Why waste money that does not bring benefits to the country? Africans are now very pragmatic.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon

Nandek aka thank you.

Silly folks still think Commonwealth ah?

Commonwealth for the Brits!

Bananas colonised and sodimised still yelled Commonwealth.


Virgo49 said...

UAssA $$$$ In God We Trust.

Wow, real Holy poon pee pee.

Nincompoops been swindled for nearly a century or decades decades until decay by their extorations, swindlings and commisions agents like gangsters protection monies in every transactions and transfers.

See this video by Ben Norton of how the White Barbarians sucked the blood of the coloured peoples.

Sinkieland SFunds also in league with them.

Virgo49 said...


Ben Norton