
US vetos Palestine’s UN membership - American veil of deceit and treachery against Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims exposed


US blocks Palestine’s UN membership bid

America was the sole Security Council member to vote against the resolution
US blocks Palestine’s UN membership bid

The US has vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that would have paved a way for Palestine to become a member of the world body.  RT

Is this position of the Americans a surprise to anyone, especially to the Palestinians and Arabs and Muslims? For more than 70 years, the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims have been living with the lie that the Americans are there for the Palestinians, the Arabs and Muslims. They are working on a peace formula for the rights of the Palestinians. And the lie has been repeatedly exposed over and over again. And still many silly Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims are pinning their hopes on the lying and treacherous Americans to protect them, to defend their rights and interests in the region.

When would the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims say enough is enough, no more lies? No, the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims would continue to believe in the Americans. They love to be screwed by the Americans and still hoping that the Americans would be the good guys. 

Yes, the Americans would be the good guys one day, like they are now to the native Americans, after genociding them to near extinction. When that day comes to the Middle East, when the Americans would set up reservations for the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims, the fate of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims would be similar to the native Americans. The Americans would be showering them with love, pass laws to reserve lands as reservations for the surviving Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims, and pass laws to protect them from being abused or attacked by their colonial masters. And pass law to protect their human rights.

Trust the Americans at your own peril. Decimating the Palestinians is only the first step. Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq would be next. No need to say anything about those Arab states that are already semi colonies of the Americans with American bases and soldiers to control them should they want to break free from the clutches of the Americans. 

American military bases are not there to protect the occupied states. The enemy they are protecting from are imaginary, created by the Americans. The real intent of American bases in their semi colonies in the Middle East, in Japan, South Korea and now the Philippines, is to keep these countries as perpetual colonies of the American Empire.

This veto in the UN is another confirmation of the hostile intent of the Americans against the Palestinians in particular and the Arab and Muslim world in general.

Good luck to the believers of the white gods, ie Anglo Saxon terrorists. Of the Arab and Muslim states still refused to wake up, they deserve to be ruled, controlled, bullied, manipulated, countries become dysfunctional and eventually terminated by the Americans and the Jews.


White House opposes Palestinian statehood – leaked cables

The US is reportedly lobbying the UN to reject the regional authority’s membership bid, which would amount to its recognition.   Is this new?


Anonymous said...

Nothing new here. UN already passed it useful date. BRICS++ should setup their own Org to maintain world peace. Our own MIW told the world they support Palestinian & the 2 states solution. Yet when the United Snake vote otherwise they quickly keep their tail between it legs..no sound no shadow.

Anonymous said...

No! Palestine should have only one legal state only and that is the 'Palestinian Arab State.' The Palestinian Arabs have been living there for thousands of years. The Jews should not base on a biblical lie that they were driven out of Palestine. Their exodus from Palestine was of their own accord for fear of reprisal from the Romans after they rebelled against the Roman occupation. The Jews cause trouble everywhere they go. The Europeans and the Americans persecuted them for causing trouble and they always try ways and means to get rid of them. It is really unfair and illogical to plant a Jewish state in Palestine. No matter what there must never be a Zionist Jewish state in Arab Palestine.

The Jews, the British and the Americans must get out from the Middle East completely and stop causing trouble.

Peter Taylor New York - USA

Virgo49 said...

Well said Peter Taylor.

That's the fact.

Israel stole the Palestinian's Land.

Virgo49 said...

The UN Secretary General must have the powers to order the stops of any Conflicts or Wars and have the UN Security Combined Forces moves in as the Buffers and Controlling Force.

Now no one obeys and even deflied them.

Whats the blood use of the Secretary General?

General some more. Sound good but useless.

Sex-a-tary better.

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Peter Taylor.