
American and western fake reports must have the 'China threat' narrative inserted inside

 Any MSM report, any summit coverage, any alliances forged or any farting by the West and its doggies must have the 'China threat' narrative inserted inside its article. This is their staple food to brainwash the weak minded.

They think that just by repeating the 'China threat', the lie will stick. Same as thinking that repeating the same lies over and over and it will become the truth.

If the USA and the West are themselves not threats and China is a threat, why are Africans turning to China and rejecting the Whites? It the USA and the West are not a threat, why are Muslim countries not on their side, despite all the hocus pocus about Xinjiang? If the USA is not perceived as a threat, why are ASEAN countries more in favour of having China in the region than the USA?

The USA is a threat in every facet of human activity and every corner of the world. Its military is a threat to every country that it has a military base. Its money printing is a threat to every country, exporting its inflation. Its weaponising of the US$ for sanctions is a threat to every country. Its gangster behavior and Mafia tactics of seizure of other country's reserves and assets is a threat to every country. Its regime changing mindset is a threat to every country. Its spending on propaganda and fake news generation is a threat to every country. Its involvement in instigating and bribing perpetrators to ferment unrest against legitimate Governments is a threat to every country. Its CIA and NGOs are a threat in every country. Its trade war is a threat to countries wanting to trade freely with each other. I can go on and on.

Who is the real threat to the world? How many wars have China started? China is not even wanting to start the war against Taiwan despite all the provocations. China is waiting for a peaceful settlement, even waiting for a hundred years if needed.



Anonymous said...

Just how ridiculous is the fake news generation is now on show inside the USA itself in the campaign against Donald Trump. Everything is being dug up to support the agenda of demonising Trump to prevent his November Presidential attempt - January 6th, Stormy Daniels issue, Sensitive documents discovered at Trump's residence while ignoring the same at Biden's residence, the same modus operandi that is being used against China.

The Democrats know that Russia Gate cannot work anymore after years of trying to make it stick, and they have to invent other issues to take Trump down. China Gate does not have the opportunity to be put up yet, as Trump is too occupied fighting the present battles. It is just being put on the backburner until next time.

When they have run out of narratives and issues, there will come a day when they may even start a quarrel with Xi's shadow, or his fart causing pollution, jokes aside.

Anonymous said...

Now that China is not seen to be using force over Taiwan, the new phrase rising in popularity is the term 'Coercive China' inserted into every writeups when they get together either in meetings, discussions, summits or alliances.

Necessity is the mother of invention - in words I mean.

Anonymous said...

American news today has surpassed the "truth" told by USSR

We all remember laughing at Pravda newspaper back in the 80s. But Pravda never printed silly illogical news like what America is doing today.

I thank God for internet. Today it is very difficult to hide the truth. No longer are Government controlled media is the only source of news available. Citizen journalists have taken the mantle of exposing fraud & lies while government control journalist are today mere stenographers.