
Dedollarisation and the rise of Africa

 De-dollarisation will take time and we all know that. If China can become what it is today working alone to achieve it, China in BRICS, with the help of Russia and others is going to do even better for BRICS.

The rise of China took something like 30 years from abject poverty to become the second biggest economy of the world, so expect BRICS de-dollarisation move to take just as long. Never mind the cold water being thrown by Western skeptics. China was never meant to rise, and the Anglo-Saxon whites were so full of arrogance and confidence that China will remain poor, backward and needing clutches to move. So, they just ignored China, took their eyes off a forgotten, poor and unprogressive communist backwater, just like Africa.

Africa, not being as unified as China, will also rise, but will take a much longer time frame. But rise of Africa is inevitable, just the same with all Empire's inevitable fall from grace over the centuries.

Countries in BRICS are doing more and more trade away from the US$, and if this is not seen as the growing trend, they can ignore it at their own peril. Of particular interest are those oil producing countries in the Middle East taking the lead in their mode of trade settlement with China. 


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