Chinese New Year celebration in Singapore at Marina Bay
Who are the Taiwanese? Chinese or Japanese?
Who are the Taiwanese? Who are the DPP members? Who owns Taiwan? Who is running Taiwan?
Would Taiwan be stolen by the Japanese or Americans? If so, not only the DPP should be blamed but all the Chinese in Taiwan to not doing anything about it.
What Japan did to Taiwan, India can do to Singapore!
Singapore are student of Capitalist West. Money control everythings here. Ancient idiom said money can make devils push the mill. Like USA and UK, the Deep States are pulling the string of their proxies' puppets. Singapore is a xs size puppet. Taiwan is a small size, India L size and USA XL size. The west capitalist will sold all stock and barrel to the east capitalist when the price is right. Too late already, our top Singapore employees are being effected and need to rent subsidised bungalows. Earning a salary would not be enough to compete with these ultra rich.
What Japan did to Taiwan, India can do to Singapore!
Singapore are student of Capitalist West. Money control everythings here. Ancient idiom said money can make devils push the mill. Like USA and UK, the Deep States are pulling the string of their proxies' puppets. Singapore is a xs size puppet. Taiwan is a small size, India L size and USA XL size. The west capitalist will sold all stock and barrel to the east capitalist when the price is right. Too late already, our top Singapore employees are being effected and need to rent subsidised bungalows. Earning a salary would not be enough to compete with these ultra rich.
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