
Poll result for Hong Lim Park Rally

First let me say a word of thanks to all the respondents to the two recent polls on the White Paper. It is very heartening to have more than 600 people participating in a poll on a small blog like this. It is even more encouraging to know that the people are of one mind, or at least 97% of the people share the same values and thinking.

And now the poll on the attendance to tomorrow’s protest rally has just ended and we have 79% (191 of 239) indicating they will be there and another 11% indicating maybe, which will definitely boost the number attending to well over 80%. My experience with some of the gatherings at Hong Lim was that the number of participants was anaemic, about 200 at most in most instances. And just from the bloggers here alone we have almost that number going to attend. This is a small indication that this event is going to be big and the number is going to surprise many people.

The response in other blogs and sites are equally encouraging. Just a simple rule of thumb, if 20 blogs could generate 200 participants each that will be 4000 heads. And if one were to include those not counted, the number could easily double, or if everyone is to bring a friend.

It is nice to see the Sinkies being interested in national issues that affect them dearly. This is also the feedback that the Govt is asking for. This is the maturing of a people, with eyes open, to want to know and to want to have a say in matters of the nation.

Thank you all once again. And thank you for your coffee. Just keep it coming and let the advertisers pay. Thanks everyone.


Anonymous said...

10 years from now.
When PAPigs are no longer in government.

Your grandchildren will ask you.
Where were you on 16 Feb 2013?

The day when Singaporeans stood up and told the pigs to "Fark Off" in one voice.

Anonymous said...

Mel Gibson rallies Singaporeans at Hong Lim Park.


Anonymous said...

Low Thia Khng - Brad Pitt defeats PAP at Aljunied GRC


Anonymous said...

Unity is strength. I wonder whether LKY will send in the tanks or not.

Anonymous said...

I have lunch with two friends today and because they do not surf Internet for alternative news, they are not even aware that there is a protest on Saturday!

Anonymous said...

/// I wonder whether LKY will send in the tanks or not. ///

The tanks are to defend Singapore against her external enemies?
to defend PAP against Singaporeans?

NS men. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if LKY will send in his son to repent?

Anonymous said...


In unity, there is strength.

patriot said...

Indeed, NS Men and their Families got to seriously understand their duty to the State.



Anonymous said...

Matilah, are u going to the protest? Don't screw one day ok lar

patriot said...

Hope to meet some idols at the Gathering.


virgo49 said...

Bro, latest CNA report LKY is sick.

Cannot attend Tanjong Pagar Grc lunar new year dinner.

By election? Think should be fair as we do not gave a chance to vote in the last GE 2011.

HUAT AH!!!!!

virgo49 said...

recently change of defence chiefs

Have to take precaution you know

Anonymous said...

Written by Ng E-Jay
16 February 2013

"That is why WP is requesting that their members exercise restraint and avoid being openly associated with such movements."


Anonymous said...

No problem.
we will be there at Hong Lim wearing black.
We won't wear blue.

Anonymous said...

Is this a political platform or being a Singaporean lah...

Asked the WP to wake up lah...Where are they...Just want to have the glory and money and dont want to do the "hard" work..

patriot said...

This is NOT a political event.

Workers Party Members are Singaporeans too..



Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Agree that this is a national problem and not a divisive political problem between political parties. All Singaporeans is one in this issue and should stand as one, free from political affiliation.

I hope political parties especially the supporters of PAP and WP can see through this and come together as one.

Anonymous said...

FeedMeToTheFish @ 11:24 AM

[16 Feb 2013 - Singaporean Singapore Day]

"You must read The Guardian's Singapore protest: 'Unfamiliar faces are crowding our land' [Link]

Ain't it a shame that Straits Times and other mainstream media in Singapore has not written anything on this historic event."


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