
White Paper on population in Parliament

The MPs have probably one week to read the White Paper before debating in Parliament. I am sure many are very well prepared to debate this Paper by looking at the report that said 42 MPs will be talking on this issue.

One question that comes to mind is the position of the MPs. Will they be speaking for or against the 6.9m population? And the follow up question, how did they come to their final position? Did they talk to their constituents to seek their views on this crucial issue? How many of the constituents did they speak to in less than one week?

Or maybe they know what their constituents want and simply walk into Parliament to speak on their behalves. Or maybe there is no need to talk to their constituents as they have given them the full mandate as their representatives to say what, being the talented knows all MPs, they think is good for the constituents?

And I am sure they will vote for the interests of their constituents. And I am sure each one will be their own man or woman, to think and speak independently, and to vote independently with their conscience, and of course for the good of their constituents.

The people’s interests are in good hands. Trust me.


Anonymous said...

Does a PAP MP represent his constituents or PAP?

TEO: What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Dare the PAP lift its party whip? Give some of your MPs the chance to show their mettle and survive the next elections lah. Wait next election all out leh

Anonymous said...

Lim SS: Croak, I can't hear you.

Anonymous said...

What is there to debate since the White Paper is only a plan for the worst case scenario? It seems that they have sensed the fury and imcomprehension and quickly bactracking. As correctly pointed out be an astute netizen, a PH.D. student, a White Paper is a firm government proposal. Discussions on it are for purposes of clarification and tweaking. Green Papers are consultation papers issued periodically to engender public discussion. Discussions on them are not done in Parliament. The fact that the White Paper was tabled for discussion in Parliament gives the lie that it was a worst case scenario planning document. Or this government does not know the difference between a White and a Green Paper.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


Anonymous said...

What is a white paper?
See Wikipedia below:


A white paper is definitely not a worst case planning scenario.

Anonymous said...

Since Millionaire Ministers' salaries are tied to GDP growth;

The best case scenario would be; 12 million.
Mid-case scenario: 10 million.
Worse case scenario: 7 million.

Hope for the best.
Plan for the worst.

Anonymous said...

The PAP plan a city

Anonymous said...

To my MP Seah Kian Peng,

I dont know whether you are one of the MP talking about the issue or not but I expect you to convey my strong objection to this crazy growing of our small country population to 6.9m.

- Resident living in Serangoon

Roger said...

I came across this site that I would say that gave a rather logical rebuttal to the population replacement that the population white paper proposed. Here is the url:


oldhorse42 said...

Since when does an MP consult his/her constituents before he/she takes a position in policy debate? The MPs will have to take the party line or face the consequence.
I don't think the White Paper put forward a conceptual plan. It is an action plan for execution subject to tweaks or amendment as approved by the Parliament. The fact that the govt now say that the population target of 6.9m ia worst case scenario, then what is the optimum target population that planner can work toward. surely one cannot expect an govt agency like HDB to plan to house 6.9m people when the actual population may fall far short leaving behind many empty flats!

Anonymous said...

People here are confusing toilet paper for white paper.
Hello, this expensive toilet paper is developed from the government and yet unable to stand scrutiny ? What kind of gov can develop a toilet paper that not sure about the populaion required and can only put good thing and ignore negative consequences , and can flip flop it's number for damage control ? Ouch, anyway, what can u expected from pinky the joker ? We have clowns running the country.

Anonymous said...

@ oldhorse
Here are the proper definitions that the Pro Alien Traitors did not want to explain:

A parliamentary "GREEN Paper" is also called "consultation documents".

A parliamentary "WHITE paper" performs the dual role of presenting firm government policies while at the same time inviting opinions upon them.

A White Paper is not a worse case planning scenario. It is firm government policy.


Anonymous said...

Lim SS: I'm a dead frog!

Anonymous said...

Alamak I object too but my mp is pm leh so how to get him to object?

Anonymous said...

Red bean, you must be kidding me

Anonymous said...

It shows that RB is ignorant of parliamentary procedures! Really langgar!

Anonymous said...

Wrong. We have retards running the country. Where do they find so many retards to be part of the govt?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Alamak redbean, you're mind is governed by fear lah.

The discussion has not even started yet.

>> MPs, they think is good for the constituents

That's not the MP's job. They are to listen and represent their constituents views -- yes. They are not obliged to vote on their constituents views if those views and wishes impede the progress of he nation and the rest of the population whom they do not represent, and who may take the opposite view.

MP's take an oath of office:

Oath as Member of Parliament
"I, ..., having been elected as a Member of the Parliament of Singapore, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Republic of Singapore, and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore."

Allegiance to Singapore, protect and defend the Constitution....NOT to bend and accede to every whim of every constituent who is bat-shit crazy and thinks that their opinion should be the way to run the motherfucking cuntree.

Wake the fuck up lah, redbean!

Anonymous said...

/// Where do they find so many retards to be part of the govt? ///

You have to be a retard before you are allowed to join PAP.
Otherwise you will not follow the 1,000 year LKY plan that was written 20 years ago?

The retards in parliament represent LKY in parliament. Not you or me.

Anonymous said...

Some real gems in this set of comments. Standouts are the spelling out of the difference between White and Green papers, and the instruction to Lim SS to Croak. There are a few others that should be doing the last as well. The role of an MP is also noted.

The spelling out of what's what indicates the 69 position will hold.

Me, I'd just like to be the whip at this point. Lashing a few backsides really hard. Some more than others. It'll be pretty satisfying.

Anonymous said...

The PAP MPs are like the supporting cast in a wayang. In teochew wayang, those four guys standing on both sides of the stage in a court scence will echo what the leader said. So, if it is a wayang, what do you expect the 42 will do? Even if they speak up against, they will vote for it.

Anonymous said...

Astonishing that they keep claiming the quality of living will remain the same. Are they aware its dropped from 10 years ago?

The ST report also says they will be building homes at Bukit Brown. So it will not be just a highway running there eh?

Anonymous said...

// Astonishing that they keep claiming the quality of living will remain the same. ///

The Pigs have improved their standard of living.
Ours have been degraded.
So overall quality of living is the same.

Anonymous said...

3.05 pm u can not blame red bean lar. Old guys like us think writing sure on white paper mah. Where got green paper hard to read what

Anonymous said...

"I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Republic of Singapore" - what is good for the country may not be good for the people of that country.

Anonymous said...

The spirit of "True faith and allegiance to Singapore", means true faith and allegiance to Singaporeans not foreigners or GDP or ego or fame.

Anonymous said...

The spirit of "True faith and allegiance to Singapore", means true faith and allegiance to Singaporeans and also not LKY.

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Anonymous said...

TODAYonline Feb 04

[Experts weigh in on population projections}


Anonymous said...

TODAYonline Feb 04

[ASME urges Govt to examine impact of foreign talent inflow]

"... whether there are enough quality jobs for Singaporeans who may have lost job opportunities in the Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMET) sector due to the inflow of foreign talent.

In a statement released yesterday responding to the White Paper on population, ASME cited a recent survey which found that the majority of white-collar professionals here would consider going overseas for better opportunities, indicating discontentment among PMETs.


Anonymous said...

STForum Feb 04

[High cost of living comes with good quality of life]

"The Govt has made the effort to listen and to accommodate the wants of Singaporeans.

Singaporeans should not see the Govt as existing to fulfil our every whim and desire.

Tan Lin Neo (Miss)"


Anonymous said...

What price to pay for high quality of life the govt is going to deliver?

Anonymous said...

I try not to be bias. You original citizens are fools. Fighting over who to represent you - yet knowing none of them will be able to save you - so long as your government invite more of my kind to be your higher-class citizen. Why don't you follow me - take up PR, do some temple work as committee member and then get citizenship to enjoy the goodness of the land. Be smart!

Right now, I run my own pharmaceutical business and have three daughters here. Fortunately, otherwise, I have to sacrifice them to your army in future. Wasting time protecting you all. Of course, the hospital treats professional FT like me well.

Once I am done making all the money, I will leave Singapore, and fly India Airline back. By the way, my father-in-law is a licenced money man and you know what? His customers are mostly Singaporeans. You all are pathetic. Don't blame me. Blame your government for allowing smart people like me to step in. Oh yes, I got a masters degree just in case you think I am a trashy FT. I have a very nice flat at Towner Heights, and have a commanding view of the area as I live at high floors. Yes, I like to look down.

Mr M.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Hi Mr M

I am assuming you are truthful and not a troll deliberately seeking to make people mad. If I am wrong, well, I'm wrong.

There are some people who will get mad at your post. However Singaporeans need to hear the opinions of "outsiders" -- whether or not it offends them or it is actually "true". (Being totally subjective, all opinions are "true" in the mind of the originator).

It is perfectly alright to relocate to another cuntree -- even cuntrees you don't like or people you can't stand -- to further your personal economic/ financial agenda. Wealth creation rests solely with one's ability to take massive goal-directed ACTION, often in direct opposition to one's "feelings".

I have been to your cuntree (I was involved in the BPO space --i.e. Business Process Outsourcing -- a few times, and I'm sorry to say -- I HATE IT. Sure, every place has its lovely aspects, but for me, India, whilst improving and getting ahead, is a chaotic shithole, with a healthy supply of bigoted assholes (thanks to your caste system) to boot. In general, I find that rich Indians treat their poorer cuntry-fellows in the most cruel and appalling manner.

But regardless of my personal feelings, your BPO services are, for the most part, OUTSTANDING and over the year have helped me make alot of money in Australia where labour costs for a lazy Aussie are around $21 per hour plus 9% superannuation (provident fund contribution ==> TAX). I hire first-class Indian labour for around USD 8-12 per hr, get really AWESOME WORK by educated English speaking workers, and charge Aussie clients for the completed work here in Australia for AUD30-90 per hr.

Like you, I make money in a foreign cuntree (Australia) and spend/ invest it in my own hotel/ cuntree: Singapore.

There is no way in the world I could maintain my beach-bum lifestyle if not for hardworking Indian "virtual assistants" and BPOs. But as a place to stay, sorry India is not even on my list. I have an intense hatred for some of your cultural artifacts: the caste system, your poor standard of hygiene, deadly and dangerous driving, embedded religiosity where Muslims and Hindus hate each other, treatment of women,...and so on. But I do not, and it is not my business to tell Indian people how to live, or that they should "change" so that I can be happy.

Anyway, best of luck and I hope you make a lot of money.

I don't have any sympathy for you for the treatment by my fellow Singaporeans. As an immigrant, you simply take the "bad shit" on the chin and continue on with your objectives. I got a lot of flack in Aust for being a "successful foreigner" -- you cannot help the fact that there are people who will be jealous of your success and say unkind things to you. You always have the opportunity to give back to the bigots, in the way that you have.


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