
A strange and puzzling question

Why would Indian companies want to set up business in Singapore and incur all the high costs, wages, rentals, living expenses, business expenses etc etc while at the same time employing mainly Indian FTs from India? (This issue is also applicable to Chinese companies or companies of any third world country when the cost is cheaper, if they also bring in the whole village and the schools here). Would it be more cost effective to locate in India and enjoy the comparative and competitive advantages vis a vis a set up here? I can understand if they are here to tap on the skilled local workforce. But they are not. They are bring their own workforce here.

One possible reason, they are getting their businesses right here and earning higher revenue to pay for the higher costs. A second possibility, if it is a western MNC, the cost is borne by the MNC and if they could keep the bottom line healthy, no one is complaining. A third possibility is to occupy Singapore and eventually turn it into another India city with Indians becoming a majority in the island.

What else could be a good reason for the Indian FTs to relocate schools, lock, stock and barrel to Singapore, and pay for all the higher expenses when the same business/school can remain in India at a fraction of the cost? The schools are run entirely by Indian teachers, Indian curriculum and Indian students. How many Indian schools are here and how many Indian FTs are here and how many are accompanied by their entire extended families?

It was reported that there are now 200,000 Indian PMETs here and growing. How many are exactly here including their dependents and how many have become citizens and not in the statistics? The percentage of Indians has risen by 2% or 66,000 from a citizen population of 3.3m.

If the whole population of residents, including PRs and EPs and WPs, were to be considered, what is the distribution of the different racial groups? Aided by the CECA and FTAs, are there bigger political and strategic objectives for foreigners to be moving into this island particularly for the two big countries like China and India?

Anyone got any statistics on this?


Anonymous said...

Be careful, RB. you will get on someone`s nerves, asking all these questions. I confess that I have not thought of it before. Yes, why come here at all? After all aren`t many companies in Singapore(and elsewhere) out-sourcing to India prcisely to save costs?

Anonymous said...

Ya later mata mata come catch u then u know then we have no more red bean only red bean paste after kens flatten lor
:( !

Veritas said...

Today, most western MNC has a strong favor towards Indians. Local Chinese MNC, if any such OCBC or UOB, shown favor towards ethnic Chinese. China MNC like Huawei, though small in number, takes in ethnic SE Asia Chinese as well as PRC.

Call it conspiracy theory, we may have become a theater of China vs the West, with Indians ally on the side of west. PAP play the role of traitor.

Today, western MNC companies like Citi, Standchart, Nokia Siemens, Qualcomm has shown extreme discrimination against Chinese. Local company like Shit Olam is a racist Enron that run into shit.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You people have said it, there are a lot of comparative and cost advantages operating from India. Why come to operate is super expensive Singapore?

I can understand the PMETs coming here as the pay is good. Operating businesses and running schools with the same curriculum and teaching staff just do not make economic sense.

Veritas said...

Hi RB,

Many MNC came here because of tax haven status. Business could be elsewhere but by setting up regional HQ here and making here as a accounting center, companies could exploit tax loopholes.

Due to espionage concern, western MNC companies do not like to hire Chinese.

Next I believe certain top executive wanted to come to Singapore. They pay low income tax. Hence, their department come with them.

And from conversation with many Indians, I can feel they resented Indians for all the problem they themselves created. They may boast big time about India.

But sometimes, they show their true color. FT Indians told me "you Singaporeans do not know the taste in staying in corrupt countries".

"When a very high caste Brahmins got employed, we are very frighten, because that means we will get bypass of promotion".

Many Indians hated that. Even middle level managers hated that. But that does not mean that they will not practice racism and corruption if they have the power.

Many actually wanted to come SG. And I believe India may have some secret agreement with the west or PAP to neutralize the power of the earlier wave of PRC.

Anonymous said...

Most Indian companies in Singapore operate with view on tapping into ASEAN market. Given the contract enforcement based on Singapore/International mediation laws, it gives them an opportunity to work with Indian alike democracies (or dictatorships for that matter) in this region and possibly get paid, if anything were to go wrong with client companies. Almost all of them are software centric service providers and Singapore is just a show with majority of work carried out in India (excepting work carried out at client sites here).

With reference to Indian education, most of the parents view Singapore education system as very stifling with very minimal personal growth potential and MOE staffed by non-educators lead to unwanted stress. Moreover, they do not want their kids exposed to local system (sic..contrary to MOE claims, most them deem local education system as sub-standard !!). Given multitude of choices they've back home, their game plan is to get them educated here until they reach 14/16 years of age and ship them back to India to continue rest of school/college years seamlessly (screw NS liability by showing third finger in general...count in any direction)

Anyways.....I do not have any specific statistics but 100% of the Indian circle that I know openly (proudly !) admit that they do not want to waste their kids two years of life but retain their PR's to continue funding their kids education in India or elsewhere. Since Singapore has a habit of issuing PR's/Citizenships like toilet paper (ahem.....), they've no qualms in gaming the system (you thought only Singapore scholars could game such??? welcome to people from land chaos) and getting better as days go by....some of the most financially savvy ones, have citizenship/PR have hdb/condo rented out and living a decent life back in India.

Could PaPigs controlled 3 letter entities (HDB/ICA/MND) are unaware of such? Inderjit Singh (and btw, he is Chairman of local indian school.....figure it out yourself) pointed out few of such incidents during population toilet paper discussion and he gave some numbers attesting to that effect.....HDB woke up a week later after letting horses run out of the stable and tried to rein in....

Anyways.....only Singaporeans could save Singapore from PaPigs.

To avoid sounding xenophobic, why don't you take a look at other international schools (Tanglin/SAS/SAS2/AIS/yada yada..). Don't try to paint a picture purely based on folks from Indian sub-continent and China.....Caucasian brotherhood are indeed angels...perhaps, PaPigs think that they leak 24K gold water and you conveniently ignore their enrollment statistics.......


Chia Lee said...

Dear Redbean,

It seems to me that Spore is now a rump for global financial conglomerates. Indian nationals are popular because they are cheap and work long hours. The actual beneficiaries is not the average Spore worker but global conglomerates.

Veritas said...

I have heard many complaints from FT Indians themselves that their children get discriminated by higher caste classmate in the Indian International school.

Nevertheless I believe Indian International School will do better than most of our schools on average. Our elite schools will beat them.

The reasons are these Indians are drawn from the Brahmins and higher income family. They have access to tuition.

India IQ is just 80.

But I believe the top 100 Brahmins should be smarter than top 100 Chinese.

The Brahmins has been keeper of Sanskrit for 3000 years. Their activity is study. But for Chinese, we are more class mobile.

But I think Chinese are more hardworking than Indians. If you look at the Intel prize, the equivalent of Nobel Prize for young people, most of them are Chinese, even more than Jews.

We can only explain that when top Chinese emigrate to USA and Chinese young people having better access to education, one day, Chinese may beat Indians or Jews in IQ.

Not because we are smarter, but we work harder.

And for places like Citibank CBP, they clearly do not come here to tap regional market.

I believe the discrimination of Citbank CBP office could be from the highest echelon, probabky Vikram Pandit, with the tacit support of US government.

patriot said...

In the History of South East Asia, India is the Only Asian Country that had partial control and great cultural influences in the Region. During the Sri Vijaya and Majapahit Heydays, Indian Influence ran South aall the way to Indonesia; Bali is proof to it.

India is moving again albeit Indian themselves are greatly influenced much by Western Culture. But, this time it is money matter, Indians will go anywhere to make money, many, many mani$. And Sg has lots of SIN Dollars.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Chia Lee, welcome to the blog.

So far our foreign talent scheme benefitted the foreigners most, which is ok if it does not end up with Sinkies at the losing end.

I hope there will be some legislation to limit the percentage of foreigners in a business operating from here, say no more than 50% should be foreigners. If such businesses have 70 or 80% foreigners in the payroll, how much do they benefit Sinkies when the social and economic costs could be quite high to Sinkies.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

Indian taking over SE Asia is not a new thing. SE Asia has always been an extended Hindic peripheral. The Malay archipelago, as well as Indo-China was formerly, Hindic. Many kings could be FT Indians.

But dont forget, the Indian culture got kicked out by Islam, since the emergence of Malacca Sultanate--peacefully. Though the process of Islamization started earlier.

Today, you can only see Hindic culture in Bali, which is laced with shit caste-ism. LKY curse Islam. I am not a fan of Islam but I think Islam has done the Malay archipelago a favor by cleansing all the Hindic shit.

Yes a lot of Chinese died under the hand of Islamist. But weighted against all factor, I still think SE Asia better in Islam than Hindic.

When we see Hindic influence emerge in SG, we must not be too pessimistic. Hindic is shit civilization. They only play racism. It has been kick out by Islam once from SE Asia.

If Hindic failed to reform, it will get kick out again. But if Hindic civilization manage to reform and instrospect with its own crime, it would not be Hindic anymore. Probably it would be another civilization that hated the Hindic civilization.

denk said...

i repeat
prc intakes are there to obfuscate , to make the take over less obvious

its a take over alright
2030 is already here babe
how many times when u take a bus or mrt, u feel like a minority in ur own country ?
murikans, indians, ph, vn all around....
does this composition means anything to u ?

this site is being watched

Anonymous said...

Governemnt is not tell the whole truth to Singaporeans. The basic principles for MNC to relate to anothe place are:
1. Nearer to business market;
2. Cheaper overheads;
3. Available of resources which include human and natural;
4. Low tax bracket;
5. Political Stability &
6. Accessibility

The way I see how Singapore manage MNC is that we sell our land to them and let them do whatever they want as long as they pay the government money at the end of the year. Whether they hire locals or bring in their own people from their motherland is of no concern to our government. When people complain, just give the same motherhood excuse that Singaporeans are picky and lazy.

denk said...

*Yes a lot of Chinese died under the hand of Islamist*

1965 comes to mind
who's the dark hand manipulating behind the scene ?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> Why would Indian companies want to set up business in Singapore and incur all the high costs, wages, rentals, living expenses, business expenses etc etc while at the same time employing mainly Indian FTs from India?

Because India is mostly a SHITHOLE -- albeit a rapidly developing one. The Singapore brand name is STRONG -- it is a great place to do business, despite the high costs of real estate.

Also, if it gets far too expensive, all you have to do is build apartments in JB and house your workforce there, still taking advantage of tax holidays, accelerated depreciation schedules, low income tax, and outrageously low corporate tax.

PLUS .. it is a great long-term strategy. Since there is a FTA in-place, it would be silly not to take FULL ADVANTAGE of it.

You have to balance present negatives, with the present and future positives.

IMO, if you are serious about business, you'll be crazy not to have a presence in Singapore, which is by far one of the most business-friendly environments.

Veritas said...

To be frank, PRC killed a lot of oversea Chinese as well.

PRC supported Khmer Rouge. Pol Pot killed at least 300,000 Chinese. PRC supported Vietnam. And who knows at least 60-70% of boat people are Chinese and not Namese.

Chinese are wicked people. And who knows all the Khmer Rouge are Chinese. Pot is Chinese, Ieng Sary is Chinese, Khieu Samphan is Chinese, and even Norodom Sihanouk is probably more Chinese than Khmer.

But Chinese civilization has a good point similar to western, and unlike all the others. There are many intellects who are willing to introspect and repent our sins.

While Indonesian Islamist is shit, but we must think whether is it better for Chinese to live in Indonesia or India. And I also need to stress that it is not really Islamist who tries to kill Chinese. Yes, in Muslim countries, the minorities are persecuted and Islam is often a very powerful force in all genocide and pogrom. But the real reason why Chinese get slaughtered are because USA supported mercenary Suharto using a coup to overthrow socialist Sukarno.

Today, Indonesia emancipate all Chinese. In 1950s, even though under alot of pressure from Islamist, President Sukarno of Indonesia decide not to favor Islam in Indonesia. While in Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman made Islam supreme.

And Sukarno, while having many fault actually laid the foundation of Indonesia as a forward looking country. Malaysia could do better, giving Islam supremacy over the others has weaken very much of its fabric.

Anonymous said...

In singapore, a majority Chinese ward will be willing to elect an Indian mp like anson ward but a majority Indian ward will only elect an Indian mp. A Chinese GP will employ Indian counter staff but an Indian GP will employ only Indian staff. Is that your experience or is it just my wrong observation?

Anonymous said...

Matilar, just shut the fuck up and stop wasting people time reading your post. U motherfucker

Veritas said...

In singapore, a majority Chinese ward will be willing to elect an Indian mp like anson ward but a majority Indian ward will only elect an Indian mp. A Chinese GP will employ Indian counter staff but an Indian GP will employ only Indian staff

I have many good Indians friends. I dont hate local Indians. But FT Indians @Citi CBP is too Nazi for me to swallow.

Next, I have been hearing 100% taxi driver I met cursing the FT Indians. Many caterers also. We have been victimized.

denk said...


u r claiming that many ethnic chinese die under hand of former chinese allies

but what i have proven is fukus actively insitigated genocides[s] on ethnic chinese

big difference

Anonymous said...

taxation purposes

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

That time Sukarno was left leaning socialist. Many Chinese are left leaning as well. CIA instigated Suharto's coup d'etat against Sukarno.

Many top secret official document will never see daylight. What I know is many Chinese are killed in 1965. I think the responsibility of such massive killings lies more on Suharto.

The socialist strength of Indonesia is strong. Suharto got to kill a lot of people to stabilize the country. Many Chinese are killed. The exact numbers are never revealed and it could be very high.

Its very sad that Singaporeans students are never taught in school what is really happening. I believe LKY wants that. He wants a ignorant people.

In Islamic society, generally its peaceful on the surface. But occasionally, tensions flared up and quickly develops into genocide or civil war.

I was in Syria 13 years ago. It was a peaceful country. Who know today, it become a battle field for civil war. And worst, the USA play dirty this time by compliciting with Saudi and Qatar to support Al-Qaeda against Alawite Assad.

denk said...


there r many decent anglos who condemn fukus complicity in the genocide, just one example

fukus supplied arms, even a kill list to the killers.
no way would it be exonerated in any international court of law

yet u as an ethnic chinese choose to be apologist for fukus crimes, for which 1965 is but the tip of an iceberg !!

ur claim that china *killed lots of over sea chinese* is pure unadulterated b.s.

do u know that china warned vn to desist from persecuting ethnic chinese or faced the consequence, before launching the attack ?

u have a very bigotted view clounded by an unwarranted affinity with the *western value*

i rest my case

oldhorse42 said...

Tugged at the bottom of page B6 of this morning's issue of the straits times is a report of a new scheme to help indians keep fit.It is funded by tax payers money as the scheme is launched by North West Community Development Concern and hemmed by no less than two heavy weight MPs, Mayor Teo Ho Pin and Vivian Balakrishnan.
Why do tax payers monies spent on sectional interest - helping Indians keep it and not Malays or
chinese? Isn't that another strange and puzzling question?

Anonymous said...

Right, many of the anti Chinese riots and killings were the works of fukus, exploiting and manipulating the locals who have nothing to lose. This happened in all the Asean countries.

Veritas said...

I am not saying the USA is very good. I agree USA conducts killing everywhere through proxy, in S America (Chile), Cyprus, Indonesia....etc.

I am more western-resisting than many of the banana. RB seems to be more anti-west than me.

But I also look at overall wickedness of races. I would say very few can compare to Chinese who killed 30 millions in Great Leap forward.

And I also conclude that Hindic is more wicked than Chinese.

CIA resulted to the dealth of probably 800,000 people in Indonesia. But the main culprit should be Suharto and also the latent intolerance of Islamic civilization.

virgo49 said...

Every few months, one place or the other will get bombed and the whole lot of them will go thru the motion of shifting thru the debris.

Expressing their sorrows to hospital visits and condemning the evil acts

Then they will wait for the next episode to happen again. As what you said Bro, these jokers are an incompetent lot

denk said...

the hottest game in town....*fukus in, chinese out*
understand this n lots of the bizzare going on would be explained.

Veritas said...

Chinese must know the truth instead of letting self-victimization, get hold of us.

In SE Asia, there are many players. Even in Indonesia, Chinese are over represented in elite class today, not under represented.

While there are discrimination, we need to know truth instead of succumbing to blind hate.

denk said...

there's a billboard at the bus stop

in a black n white section, a prolly local indian was teaching a class of sinkies, that was the past.
in a color section, an apparent ft indian is teaching a class of very differential sinkies
i guess this is supposed to be ur future !

sign of the time eh ?

*India is the most dangerous country in the world *

u aint seen nuthin yet
fukus has a hand in every conflict of the world
worst yet
for reasons best known to themselves, they've this loathing of any chinese enclave.

Anonymous said...

Anon @February 25, 2013 3:45 pm and others blaming India.......

Perhaps you need some remedial history lesson...

a) India for most part very peaceful in modern times (4 wars since independence were thrust upon her by China morons and Paki inbreeders)

b) Even when Indian rulers conquered South East Asia, they never carried out any of the atrocities based on religious beliefs. In most instances, it was very peaceful and islamization of Malaysia/Indonesia erased the Hindu cultural impact (ever wonder the names of the islands/towns/cities in this part of the world?) Check with anyone who studied history before you yak....

c) India was the richest country known to modern world


Even till today, England is living off on riches looted from India and the morons from Persia/Arabia invaded India only to loot its wealth. Post independence, Indian political leaders (hindus for the pea brained morons especially Veritas) completely masked the sad/dark ages of India only to protect ONE RELIGION....ISLAM. if you've any doubts google....Indian muslim population exceeds all the so called self professed islamic countries combined......

Veritas said...

fukus has a hand in every conflict of the world

This is not true. I wonder if denk is here to spread hate.

We must speak the truth.

Local Indians and generally Indians staying in Western countries for 3rd generations do not give much problems.

We have a problem now because we are taking too much Brahmins over a short period of time.

What I afraid is this time, we may not be able to dilute the caste system, as before.

The most prevalent kind of Hindic civilizations are inward looking instead of international. Hindic violent are directed towards its disprivillege race and caste.

Internationally, Hindic people has problem with all its neighhors. But they do not have the reach to create conflict everywhere in the world.

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

I am very afraid that people twist my words to make this blog comment a hate site.

I do not hate people. I make fair comments. I am not a racist. I welcome Indians screw the Chee Bye of Chinese woman. In India, dalits caught screwing Brahmins will be lynched. Brahmins are racist.

But above all, I am a patriotic Singaporeans.

Today, whenever I took taxi, they curse FT Indians.

If taxi drivers give positive feedback about FT Indians for the next 3 month, I will write good things about them.

I do not mind a Indian PM. The most important thing is he must be non racist and color blind.

denk said...


i though u know fukus is using aq in syrian destabilisation , ditto libya ?
this whole african wot is just another big fukus scam, *fukus in , chinese out*
many thought mali is a french *project* , actually they'r just doing fukus bidding n prolly promised some crumps.

fukus has been THE agent provocateur in the world for centuries
*Pick any ongoing conflict in the world and see if you do not see the secret hands of the United States/Israel busily at work fanning the flames. These flames are the legends *

u just keep digging ur head into the sand babe
i've no time to entertain a bigot
im talking to others , not u.

btw if im *spreading hate* [sic]
tell me who has got many *hate speech* posts deleted here ?

Anonymous said...

GE 2016.
Let's give PAP a "foreign" invasion in parliament.
Let's vote in 60 Opposition MPs.

Then the PAPigs will understand how we feel.

Veritas said...

Anon @February 25, 2013 3:45 pm and others blaming India.......

Perhaps you need some remedial history lesson...

a) India for most part very peaceful in modern times (4 wars since independence were thrust upon her by China morons and Paki inbreeders)

b) Even when Indian rulers conquered South East Asia, they never carried out any of the atrocities based on religious beliefs. In most instances, it was very peaceful and islamization of Malaysia/Indonesia erased the Hindu cultural impact (ever wonder the names of the islands/towns/cities in this part of the world?) Check with anyone who studied history before you yak....

c) India was the richest country known to modern world


Even till today, England is living off on riches looted from India and the morons from Persia/Arabia invaded India only to loot its wealth. Post independence, Indian political leaders (hindus for the pea brained morons especially Veritas) completely masked the sad/dark ages of India only to protect ONE RELIGION....ISLAM. if you've any doubts google....Indian muslim population exceeds all the so called self professed islamic countries combined.....

Well said. At least you wont get angry by seeing this comment. We can have a meaningful discussion, and hope that helps Indians to attenuate their racism.

Many junk comment by FT Indians piss people off by their funny English.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:32,

I will let you enjoy your version of truth. But one truth I would not let you go and deceive the world is that the Sino Indian border war was started by China. And sadly many Indians still think so and sincerely believe so.

What happened in 1962, China was a poor commie state with a poor peasant army. Nehru thought he could bully the Chinese and grab some Chinese land. India, in a way was much more powerful, at least with some modern weapons handed down by the British.

The Commie Chinese were too poor to start a war, having a lot of internal problems tying all their hands. The last thing they wanted was to have a war with India.

Got it?

Veritas said...

I will let you enjoy your version of truth. But one truth I would not let you go and deceive the world is that the Sino Indian border war was started by China. And sadly many Indians still think so and sincerely believe so.

What happened in 1962, China was a poor commie state with a poor peasant army. Nehru thought he could bully the Chinese and grab some Chinese land. India, in a way was much more powerful, at least with some modern weapons handed down by the British.

The Commie Chinese were too poor to start a war, having a lot of internal problems tying all their hands. The last thing they wanted was to have a war with India.

You are right. I wanted to add something, and you will know why Nehru make his stupid decision.

The fact is India has obtain certain concessions on Tibet, that she inherited from British, since Francis Younghusband's invasion. The Tibet theocracy sold Tibet out. China never recognize these rights. And even fewer people knew that Lahsa used to have attachment of Indian army outpost, intermittently.

That ended when Mao move into Tibet.

I can firmly conclude that even though Mao is the most wicked people in the entire universe history, if he did not united China is 1949, Tibet would be India's territory or under India, just like Sikhim or Bhutan.

When Mao marched his division into Tibet, all these treachery concessions were thrown into dustbin. Nehru got angry, bitter and sour.

Nehru wanted to regain India's "privileges" that she used to have under the UK. But Nehru never introspect that this is imperialism.

And why Mao started the war on 1962. The reason is as late as 1958, the communist has only completed the major roads to the Tibet.

And even today, if you move 1 liter of gas into Tibet-India frontier, you exhausted 50% of the freight. Actually Mao bidded his time, and does not act until China has stockpiled enough ammo.

And why China retreated behind Mcmahon line and after victory? If you look at map of Tibet India, the India side is plains, It is extremely easy to supply, while for China, it is 2000km of mountains. Logistic is big problem.

When PLA move to Tezpur, India could have win the war, as she is able to deploy tanks and heavy artillery against light Chinese infantry, if the war drag on.

However, I think even though logistic was difficult then, I think China could have taken Tawang. It is a big mistake to give back Tawang.

Anonymous said...

It has always been a fact that india wanna conquer asia so they sucked up uk and japan sucked up germany. if germany/japan has not started ww2, today the culprits will be uk/india. just imagine, how horrible this world will be if conquer by uk/india.

Veritas said...

It has always been a fact that india wanna conquer asia so they sucked up uk and japan sucked up germany. if germany/japan has not started ww2, today the culprits will be uk/india. just imagine, how horrible this world will be if conquer by uk/india.

Not true.

ufo said...

India is the appointed agent to control asia by the rulers in US/UK who controlled the other half of the world.

Veritas said...

India is the appointed agent to control asia by the rulers in US/UK who controlled the other half of the world.

Not true.

Anonymous said...

Ng Kok Lim's latest

[Tolerate, kowtow, team up]

"I refer to the 18 Feb 2013 Straits Times letter
'Cultivate core attributes behind Singapore’s success' by Mr Sebastian Langendorf.

Mr Langendorf claims that if Singaporeans collectively cultivated our 3 core attributes of tolerance, meritocracy and team spirit,
the question of how many people come 2030 will become secondary.

Let’s see how we can apply those 3 core attributes to cope with many more people come 2030..."


Anonymous said...

It is easy for him to say that. Why not oz, europe, usa, canada also cultivate these 3 core attributes and allow all more hardworking and driven foreigners to go and settle there? Why guard their borders so tightly?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anon 4:32,

I will let you enjoy your version of truth. But one truth I would not let you go and deceive the world is that the Sino Indian border war was started by China. And sadly many Indians still think so and sincerely believe so.

February 25, 2013 7:33 pm
Perhaps you read a different history from parallel dimension through commie chinki morononic channel..

Nevertheless, India learnt couple of lessons. Ruskie commie inbreeders are in bed with Maoist inbreeders....that's more commie inbred imbeciles to you....never trust a commie....

Britisher's gave modern weapons? Hello....ever fired an Enfield rifle in your life?

Anyways....Nehru was a pimp and wish Godse pumped few bullets in Nehru's asshole instead of Gandhi's chest. Indian history post independence would have been totally different by now. There'd never have been any partition and India would have remained an unified country stretching from Iran to Myanmar and people from red dot would be blaming pinoy's and chinkies instead ;-)

denk said...

*India is the appointed agent to control asia by the rulers in US/UK who controlled the other half of the world*

dont forget japan n.......sg !
once u see the big pic, everything would be explained

Anonymous said...

As 2009-2010, the total number of foreign workers is around 1.79 million, of which almost a quarter is from India. If Indian PMET is indeed 200 thousand, then that is a big number because one must recognize while Spore actual labour force much lower than 3.2 millions.

jjgg said...

Rb...singapore goverment saw the amount of money generated by banks' Indian desk and salivated like bitch in heat...Indian govt saw the Singapore govt itchy itchy n so gave it a good screw...now the party over...here comes the payment part...heheh

Anonymous said...

of cos japan is part of the gameplan. but japan is aging. where to get naive and young soldiers to fight? the answer: pinoys and ahnehs.

denk said...

*pinoys and ahnehs.*

sg is being taken over
from top down n bottom up.

denk said...

by ahnehs, ph, vn, angmohs

rings a bell 2u ?

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