
How to weaken the Sinkie core?

This is a simple question with many simple solutions. But there is a catch. When one is talking about the core, it reminds me of biology lessons when the core of a cell is the tiny nucleus. That is the core, and the core is meant to be very small though a very important critical mass. Is this the population core that the Govt is talking about, a smaller core is still acceptable, the smaller the stronger, or strengthening by making it smaller?

In conventional logic, to strengthen the population core, it must be increasing the numbers that are making the core. A 70% Sinkie core is definitely a stronger core than a 60% or 50% core. No craps about quality replacing quantity and a core of 30% of super talents is better than a 70% core of the masses. Theoretically this is good on papers but rubbish in reality. No country can have a population of super talents and no average or below average citizens unless the latter are all culled in a screening process, or expelled.

Weakening the Sinkie core is so easily done, by reducing their numbers or percentage in the population. Another way is to dilute them with foreigners as new citizens to hide the truth, that there are now more Sinkies but not really Sinkies as a Sinkie would know.

There are many ways to get rid of Sinkies. Forcing them to emigrate, some left because they find themselves no longer competitive vis a vis foreigners, under pressure by the system, disadvantaged. How about a policy that invites foreign talents to replace local talents? Sounds logical, clinical, practical, functional but totally devoid of the intangibles of country and citizens, of a social contract between govt and its people with share values and a common bond and destiny. It is all so numerical, so calculative and economic. Man is not just an economic animal. A country is not an economic unit.

Nothing can be worst than to replace local talents with fake talents or half baked talents. And that is not strengthening the core but eroding the core, undermining the Sinkie core. It is so easy to weaken the Sinkie core.


Happy Quitter said...

Not only is it decreasing the number of True Sinkies in the core, but the core is now made up of the lower economic segments who cannot migrate to another country becos they are lower skilled. Those that are highly skilled have the choice to migrate to a true 1st World Country and many have already done that. So, you end up with the core having lots of people doing lower value jobs. Imagine what kind of future Singapore will have...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Happy Quitter, welcome to the blog. Yes, I wanted to talk about this but it slipped my mind. The able will leave and many that are left behind are those that cannot leave. So we get a weaker and weaker core, adulterated by even lesser talents.

Anonymous said...

The core is only the PARTY, nothing else. We are moving towards a "country" where all citizens belongs to the PARTY. All else are just here to generate income for the country. When time comes, the others can be replaced. It will be such a logical system where the PARTY do not need to worry about fertility, education, health care, etc.. Logical.

Anonymous said...

They are interested in their own inner core, the PAP/ the elite core, and not about the Singapore core lah.

Anonymous said...

Those who cannot leave will be the true sinkies. The instant citizens will just cash out and go back to own motherland.
PAP are morally bankrupted!

Veritas said...

PAP is treating young Singaporeans like fool. Only those stupid and poor people will serve NS.

Few months back on 15 Nov 2012, chau Ah Kua pianist AWOL-ee Melvyn Tan came back perform again, welcome by red carpet.

How many elites son are doing Melvyn Tan's way?

Anonymous said...

A core of 80 or 2000?

Sardine said...

Don't laugh. Soon we will end up like them.

Watch the video :


Anonymous said...

Hi rb,

Singapore has sunk to new low when a White Paper is endorsed to reduce Singaporeans to a core. This core will be further diluted with foreign inputs (euphemistically they call it strengthening).

Worse is the current discrimination of locals is to continue with more foreigners coming. This discrimination is insidious to the extent that more than 400,000 sinkies are on workfare and growing, unable to earn decent and dignified wages. And many more thousands not on workfare.

Instead of working hard on what Singapore has, adding more to the pot through such discrimination is a betrayal. This easy way of population increase is a cop-out, bereft of intellectual acuity from the most expensive cabinet in the world. And they wonder why there is so much negativity on this issue.

This sell-out tantamounts to high treason if we can make out that the real reasons for doing this is not what it is.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The real reason is a crisis of a life time. Vivian just let the cat out of the bag. Who knows what is this crisis of a life time? It must be something really serious and not told.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean, please lah. A cuntree should be able to experiment. Think of this as a 'social experiment'.

You can't predict the outcome -- although it seems to me that you are so wedded to your opinion, you're actually starting to believe the figment of your own imagination.

The presupposition in your argument is that there is some how some kind of OBJECTIVE DIFFERENCE between locals and foreigners.

Here's the unvarnished scientific fact: The is NO DIFFERENCE. People are people. They are genetically the SAME SPECIES.

The 'economy' is all about HUMAN ACTIVITY -- or activity directed by humans toward human objectives. It makes no distinction of local or foreign, this culture or that culture. Stuff needs to get done by humans so that human life is possible.

Therefore to argue that one group of humans needs "special treatment" is simply emotionally-based and not based IN FACT.

Anonymous said...

Without increasing the population, the tiny dot will collapse anytime.

Be thankful to your kind and caring leaders for trying so hard to save the people from impending disaster.

Do not be too cynical, the Rulers can always resign enmass and leave all in the lurk. With their fortunes, the Rulers can live like dukes anywhere else and not face the curse and swear from their citizens. It will be much safer for them too

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, knn, I am sure you know what is ownership. The citizens are the rightful owner of this island. Who is sharing their island with foreigners? Who gives the permission for the 5 year term politicians to give this island away to foreigners?

Anonymous said...

/// Do not be too cynical, the Rulers can always resign enmass and leave all in the lurk. With their fortunes, the Rulers can live like dukes anywhere else and not face the curse and swear from their citizens. ///

If they fuck off before GE 2016, they will be doing all of us a favour.
Otherwise, GE 2016.
We help to speed up their decision to leave.

Get the fuck out of my un-elite, uncaring face.

Veritas said...

Without increasing the population, the tiny dot will collapse anytime.

Be thankful to your kind and caring leaders for trying so hard to save the people from impending disaster.

Do not be too cynical, the Rulers can always resign enmass and leave all in the lurk. With their fortunes, the Rulers can live like dukes anywhere else and not face the curse and swear from their citizens. It will be much safer for them too

Are you fucking nuts. Iceland without any resources lived comfortably with only 300,000 people. The problem of Iceland is that they have too much fucking banks, just like us.

Fortunately, Icelander decided and has got rid of those banksters. Now, from a broke country, they are back to prosperity.

One of big reason of PAP population ponzi is to put us into debt, to sucks up big banks.

ufo said...

The motto has always been Majulah Singapore not Majulah Singaporean. It is not about what people wants or how people feel or improving people happiness. People is only a tool and a number in this small island and once their energy are spent, they can be written off. Anyone not happy can just change ship or better still, change the motto. Being born a singaporean, is perhaps the worse thing ever happened to one.

16 Feb @ 4pm Hong Lim Park said...

Urging all my fellow
Singaporeans especially those from Hougang, GRC Aljunied and Punggol East to "stand-up" and be "counted" at Hong Lim Park on 16 Feb @ 4pm.
Show to the PAP MPs who had "thrashed" and "belittled" our Minority Opposition MPs during the Parliamentary debates to "GET OFF" the backs of our Opposition MPs as well as WE THE CITIZENS OF SINGAPORE!!!!!

ufo said...

'With their fortunes, the Rulers can live like dukes anywhere else and not face the curse and swear from their citizens'
- I agree but they get bore cos they enjoy screwing the people inside out and milking them to the last drop and feeding them the propaganda that they blindly take in as gospel truth. It always remains a mystery to me how people continued to vote for them again and again even when the nasty things they have done are made known unless there is something fishy about the election.

Anonymous said...

Get fucking real Veritas.

You compare Sg with Iceland?

In what area or aspect is Sg comparable to Iceland? Google it and tell us please.

Veritas said...

Get fucking real Veritas.

You compare Sg with Iceland?

In what area or aspect is Sg comparable to Iceland? Google it and tell us please.

Thank you for amusing me with your dick head, you idiot. Cool down bro.

You cannot even explain why Iceland is able to prosper with so little population.

Iceland is a small island. Iceland has no natural resources. We are like Iceland. You understand.

The different is Iceland has all the patriotic people. People like Veritas, who would like to free the citizen from evil landlords, bloodsucking Shylocks, and bloody traitor, like LKY and his stooge like you.

Anonymous said...

Veritas, You need not free Sg from Lee Kuan Yew; maybe You can pay him respect at his wake. Nonetheless, I maybe able to live another 15 years and hope to see You do and achieve whatever You will within that time, of course the earlier You accomplish it the better.

Okay, despite your scholastic knowledge of history, it is all rote learning and memory. Learn to use your brain like Matilah; make cogent argument, apply logic even plausible and possible deductions and not shout like a berserk person.

Comparing Sg to Iceland will stupefy any knowledgeable secondary student.
Just the population per sq kilometre is enough to show You the rubbish of your comparison. No fun going further with it.

Rote learning or memories aside, be realistic and relevant. 3000 years od Hindic Culture has got nothing to do with Local Politics. The situation the Sinkies are in today is made by the Sinkies within the 5 Decades of Independence, nothing to do with India or India.

Sinkies have had given the Mandate to the Regime and the Regime has brought in the Hindus from India. The Latter did not invade Sg to occupy it. Blame if You must but, for the right reason and right person/people, organization and or others.

There is also absolutely no need to use vulgarity in many of your discussions with others. Your inclination for sexy language can be self moderated and or be confined to your own blog

Veritas said...

LKY was nearly got into ruin in 1963. He is up there today, because British give me the ISA power, which allowed him to lock up all his political opponents.

Anyone with such disposal will emerge. And he is fortunate enough to rule over a mostly Sinitic society. You can autopilot in every Sinitic civilization and it will propser like nobody.

Even corrupt regime like PRC and Vietnam prosper. Taiwan and S Korea prosper under dictator. The pro-consule of HK sit by do nothing and HK prosper like nobody.

Comparing Sg to Iceland will stupefy any knowledgeable secondary student.
Just the population per sq kilometre is enough to show You the rubbish of your comparison. No fun going further with it.

Iceland has 1000 times more justifying to take in foreigners. Her hospitable area is bigger than is. And why she choose not to do so? Iceland is a first world country, she can easily get 10 millions junk from China India Afria?

If you go and look at Iceland university, she take in a lot of her own students in post graduates. We are taking 100% foreigners in many of our post grad labs.

Comparing Iceland and us will only make me feel PAP stab us.

The situation the Sinkies are in today is made by the Sinkies within the 5 Decades of Independence, nothing to do with India or India.

Sinkies have had given the Mandate to the Regime and the Regime has brought in the Hindus from India. The Latter did not invade Sg to occupy it. Blame if You must but, for the right reason and right person/people,

I do not hate people. I have good south Asian friends. Unfortunately even for South Asian culture, those from Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangla are much more preferable to Indians.

We must be a racial realist. If you are Indian and if you read well enough, you should be aware that many in Western countries started to resent Indians nowadays.

If you want to look how ugly Indians are, go Citibank@CBP.

Yes, PAP brought Indians here. PAP do this because they want to screw us. Do you think I can sit by here and pretends that no one in SG got discriminated by FT Indians.

Go and see my blog. You look at how Indians and the ST FT Indian journalist (forgot her name) tries to make Singaporeans Dalits in the last entries. Do you think I can keep quiet about that?

What if I go Mumbai Citibank and kick out all the high caste Indians and recruit all Chinese. Indians will get hard on me 1000 times on than what I did.

Veritas said...

I am not a racist. I am a racial realist. I hate racism and racist like the scum Indians that PAP imported.

They have all the twisted tongue. The choose to lie, ignore facts and put up distorted logic. They bully Singaporeans in all chats and forum and in all social occasions.

I am doing my very least to inform my people about this vicious people. Many chat room and forums in Singapore leaves good evidence about their lies.

Singaporeans have been masturbated by LKY too long. They do not know history. I am here to inform them about the background facts of these Indians.

These Indians come here bully us. Over the causeway, I have work with FT Indians in Malaysia. They stooge like the worst cock suckers. No one dare to say anything bad about Malay and Islam.

Here they bully us like nothing.

You go Dubai. There are many Indians as well. They cringe when they see the locals. The patriotic Mullahs will call Jihads against this caste-shit infidels once they misbehave.

Why are we bullied. You go Citibank CBP, you be lucky to meet a Chinese other than Janitor? All the Chinese are kicked out.

We are bullied because PAP wanted us to. I have never went to Citi Dubai backoffice. But I believe you can find more Arab there than Citi CBP.

Veritas said...

Ok I recalled. The Indian girl that wrote about UOB bollywood themed party is here. Her name is Jennani Durai.


My blog is here and there is a link provided to the ST articles.


Readers, when you are done reading, tell me whether PAP or Indians are trying to make Singaporeans Dalits? Tell me whether we are attacked by fucking racist.

The moment I read that piece of shit, I told myself that its time I need to inform Singaporeans about the wickedness of PAP and their lackies. They want to conditioned us so that we whore ourselves. They want to put us into guilt so that we and all our offspring suck cock to redeem our sins.

They want to make us think that we are racist. The reality is we Singaporeans are the most hospitable and color blind people.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>The citizens are the rightful owner of this island.

It is you, dear redbean, who is uncertain of the idea of "ownership".

The island is owned by no single human being, nor a group of "special" interests. The geographical territory known as "Singapore" is "owned" or rather "controlled" by The State -- The REPUBLIC as described by a constitution, and the articles of foundation.

The cuntree lives on way past ther lives of any of its inhabitants -- present or future.

In that respect, I support crazy, big-dream experiments based on logic and reason even though no one actually kniws what the eventual outcomes will be.

Singaopore is a young cuntree blessed with deep water habour, and an envious geographical location. We also have a diverse multi lingual English educated population, an enviable amount of financial capital: public and private, a materialistic and fussy population -- networked and "hip|" to the latest global trends from medical tech to the latest wine or fashion stylings.

Our financial capital and knowledge of Singaporeans span the globe...as far as ARSE KICKING goes, Singapore (it's people) is one bad motherfucker of a cuntree who consistently PUNCHES ABOVE ITS WEIGHT -- and often prevails. When it loses, it learns.

So redbean, and his naysayers: WHAT THE FUCK? guys, c'mon, get fucking real lah. You don't even have faith or hold your fellow Singaporeans (new and Locals) in a favourable light.

I am also a "happy quitter" and treat Singapore as a HOTEL to come and go as | please. Do you think I would waste my time if I did't think Singapore was not the awesome, fun, rocking place it is?

You think that 6.9 million (a working figure) will decimate your existence? That way of thinkig just goes to show HOW LITTLE you think of not only yourselves but your fellow Singaporerans -- including the loud-mouthed holier-than-thou quitter arseholes like my good self.

Fuck you for your lack of esteem, and the veiled contempt you have for you fellow man -- be he local or foreign.

You have no soul lah, score big fat ZERO in humanity.

I trust you'll all get the lives you deserve ;-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, you forgot to take your medicine again. Please your Tourette Syndrome is creeping out from your arse.

I don't think anyone will bother with your shit when you are in this condition: )

Anonymous said...

RB, you would not have been feeling so mad if you have bought a few condos a few years back. I think you would even raise up both hands and legs when the gov declared the increase in population or maybe complain 7m is not enough. Many foreigners who have bought many pieces of condos are laughing all the way to the banks. The gov allow all these to happen because they simply love to screw skinkies.

Veritas said...

I have no condos. My parents have a fair bit of properties. Basically, by KPKB against the FT ponzi and property scam of PAP, I am shooting my own feet.

But I think it is worth it. A society cannot move forward if the more fortunate people keep thinking of crooked ways to screw the average Joe.

We are screwed because there are too many selfish upper middle class, refusing to share their wealth and privileges.

For me, the most important thing is not to preserve my well being. But rather, its stand for the truth, to love for your fellow brothers. To be a honorable and virtuous person. To be a beacon for people. I am not able to accomplish much of my lofty goals, but I think my virtue is above average compared to many people.

Anonymous said...

To use the term the 'çore' is not right to describe Singaporeans in 2030.

Basically it means letting Singaporeans becoming a minority in their own land !

This is hardly acceptable for many people.

Singaporeans should form the critical mass of at least 70% numerical superiority at any time.

New citizens converting from PR, as an adult should be not be included when accounting for the critical mass of Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Veritas should be the UN chair or Unicef chair. We live in a world that is screwed by elites and asking them to share their fortunes with the unfortunate is asking the pigs to fly. At some point, he may become another MS - totally disillusioned. Forget about skinky. We are global citizens. We go where we think we are treated right.

Anonymous said...

Any HDB subsidies should be proportion based on the number of years they have worked in sinky. not any one day turn citizens can get 100% of the subsidies. The gov allow all these to happen why, because they simply love to screw skinkies.

Anonymous said...

STFORUM Online, Feb 14

[6.9m figure no cause for alarm]

"S'pore has come a long way with a forward-looking Govt.

We should be grateful that it does not want to leave problems for future generations to handle.

I urge S'poreans not to be alarmed by the 6.9 million figure.

Daniel Chia"


Anonymous said...

STFORUM (Print edition)

[Planning ahead to avoid a bleak future]

"I commend the efforts taken by planners to come up with the White Paper, and the Govt's forward-looking plans to prepare us for the future.

Sonny Ng"


Anonymous said...

STFORUM (Print edition)

[WP needs to decide on its stand - and stick to it]

"THE Population White Paper raises serious issues about our future and therefore warrants committed and honest debate in Parliament.

However, I am concerned about some apparent contradictions voiced by the Workers' Party on the issue of foreign workers.

The WP needs to decide on its stand and stick to it.

S'poreans like me need to know what its position is.

Patrick Liew Siow Gian"


Virgo 49 said...

Bravo, Bro Veritas,

I fully believe in you.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 10:30, one cannot be so selfish and shortsighted. For every unit you profited, think of your children and grandchildren. Everyone of them would have to pay more. It is a losing game unless one just have one lifetime and no progeny to contribute to the profits of those selling properties.

I have childrena and grandchildren and so have many Sinkies. But that is another point. Do you sincerely believe that stuffing more people into this piece of rock is a good thing?

Anonymous said...

Veritas, I think you know more about indians & their history

than many indians themselves.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> I don't think anyone will bother with your shit

There you go again redbean talking like a goondoo.

I don't care if anyone bothers with "my shit". That's not why I write.

You still have trouble grasping my idea of self-interested personal entertainment?

A lot of funny shit goes down in Singapore. I'm like the chee bye mouth on the side lines making vulgar comments.

Can handle it?