
Foreigners accusing Low Thia Khiang of xenophobia

‘The Straits Times reported on how Mr Li Yeming, vice-chairman of the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, had made a charge on Worker’s Party chief Low Thia Khiang that he was “inciting xenophobia”. Li “accused Mr Low and the WP of fanning anti-foreigner and anti-immigrant sentiments during the White Paper debate.”’

Can you beat this? Foreigners here accusing our MP Low Thia Khiang of xenophobia! No, worst, inciting xenophobia. This is serious and anyone doing so can be arrested, mind you.

We are only 3.3m people, including many new citizens in this 3.3m. In fact the number of true blue Sinkies are much lesser than 3.3m, and our population is 5.3m. How many foreigners are there in this island? And we welcomed them. But their presence is getting to become more of an annoyance and irritation. The people are angry but still tolerating.

Now we have foreigners arrogantly and dismissively telling us off, accusing our MP and in a way Sinkies of being xenophobic. And we also have India wanting to take us to WTO for not allowing more Indians to work here when there are already 200,000 Indian PMETs here, excluding the 300k to 400k construction workers. Hey, this is no small numbers. Add the PRC Chinese, the Pinoys and the rest of foreigners, and they are still kicking us, Sinkies for being impolite to them and not allowing more to come in.

How long will Sinkie tolerate the bullying and abuses of the foreigners here, taking our jobs, our businesses, driving up our property prices, cost of living, beating up our people, insulting us, scolding us, and dirtying our land. And we laid the red carpet to bring them in, spent public money to make them feel comfortable, offering them jobs, pandering to their whims and fancy, even have to accept their peasant mentality and behavior.

What do you think, Sinkies? Are we going to take this sitting down? Our MP being attacked publicly by a foreigner! Unbelieveable!


Anonymous said...

This is the first step that will one day lead to: "New citizens deport true blue Singaporeans out of Singapore." It will happen if Singaporeans don't take action now.

Anonymous said...

Look at facts please FOREIGNERS:
1. Which country citizens so kindly allow its government to take in 2mln foreigners over 20 years into its country of 2.8mln Singaporeans? 35% of its population!
2. Which country citizens so kindly allow its government to induce all kinds of foreigners with all kinds of goodies to become citizens and PRs sometimes at the expense of its own citizens?
3. Which country will allow a India Indian town, a Pinoy city, a Thai enclave, a Indonesian escape house, an ANGMOH playground, a PRC satellite in a very small city-state?

If Singaporeans are not most tolerant, what's there to say?

Singaporeans are pushed to the limits in homes, schools, offices contributions, costs, etc by this huge poorly managed FT influx.
LTK and Singaporeans are most measured against and unfair extreme government policy that has caused so much difficulties.

Virgo49 said...

This commie just taste of new power and ya ya payaya wants to call the shots in controlling our people.

The PAP will let them have their ways. They onlt look at $$$$$$$$$$.





LC said...

Totally silly statement by this new citizen Li Yeming that will only serve to inflame passions *against* ex-PRC new citizens. These new citizens don't realize the can of worms they are opening. You mean they have no idea as to which direction the political winds are blowing?

Anonymous said...

Hong Lim Park Patriots
You have braved the rain.

Are you now brave enough to recruit your friends & relatives to vote Opposition in GE 2016?

To finish what you started?

Anonymous said...

If these foreigners do not know their proper place and keep flaming and attacking Singaporeans, soon xenophobia will raise its ugly head and it will be too late to put it back into the bag.

Anonymous said...

RB, great piece. Glad that you are more forthright this time. No time to tease and pussyfoot. How about a piece on the politicisation of clan associations and other such organisations in support of the Government? Did you notice that nearly all sporting organisations are controlled by PAP MPs or their supporters?

LC said...

Again, Mr Li Yeming did not read up properly/ listen properly. The WP is not saying zero immigration, it is saying keep the immigration the same.

His piece can be found here:


Highly insensitive and insulting.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Even if he was xenophobic -- so fucking what? A debate is a free expression of opinion and sentiment.

There is nothing "wrong" with being xenophobic or even racist. However if you go out and HARM people because of race, then that is a criminal act.

There are no right or wrong emotions or sentiments or even the speech used to express those sentiments. The only thing which counts is ACTION -- physical action in the physical world.

As to the claim that Singaporeans are "xenophobic" -- some are, some aren't. How about foreigners being bigoted towards Singaporeans -- some are, some aren't.

IMO you angry Singaporeans need to show a little more "teeth", and attitude. Next time someone accuses you of "xenophobia" answer them: "And so what?", a label at the end is optional -- depends how hostile you want to be e.g. "So what's it to you, motherfucker?" Local version: An chua? lan jiau le kah, ai pak mai?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi LC, welcome to the blog.

The arrogant and insensitive foreigners will only stir the shit of the erstwhile very timid and meek Sinkies to hate them. This is a fire that they should not light.

All the clans better take note that ours is a multi racial and multi cultural society and don't be insensitive to other Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

This ex-PRC guy should ask his home country China to open up, allow 1 billion Indians and 500 million others to work and live in China. That is the scale of Singapore's foreigners. After that, then he is qualified to talk of xenophobia.

Veritas said...

I also have a story for all you brothers. 3000 years ago, the Aryans, ancestor of high caste Indian storm the Indus ganges plains, raping and murdering the native Dravidians.

Then Aryan then tell them similar to what fucking PRC tell us today. The Dravidians have commited sins in their past life. To redeem the sins, the Dravidians must be shit collector and their daughters must be prostitute.

Today, the descendant of Dravidians the Dalits, work as hereditary shit collector and prostitute.

If the Dalits grandpa stop believing in the caste bullshit has the balls to murder every single Aryans, they would not be so miserable today.

Similar to our Singaporeans brothers. We must have balls. We must to believe in racist from PRC and India calling us xenophobic.

Because some of us start believing that we are xenophobic, today, these mother fuckers add salt to wounds and accuse our graduates stupid.

Tomorrow, they will say we commit sins in our past life. To redeem ourselves, we must be shit collector and prostitute our daughters hereditarily.

Anonymous said...

You do not have to go so far. SAR HK is already "xenophobic", )to use Mr.Li`s term) against the mainlanders. And the cities of Beijing and Shanghai are restricting those from the countryside from working and residing there. This hypocrite must be stopped from biting the hands that fed him.

Anonymous said...

Of all people, the Workers Party Leader namely Low Thia Khiang, who disallowed his Party Members to participate at HLP against the 6.9 Million Popularion Plan, is accused of Xenophobia. This is another wayang beautifully played out as a non propaganda stuff which it was and is going to be played up again and again.

As for the HLP Protest, if there are no constant follow up action by the citizenry, IT WILL BE JUST A ONE OFF ACTION TO BE FORGOTTEN WITHIN MONTHS.

Sinkies are by and large are an inertia lot. There are just too few people like Gilbert Goh and Leobg Sze Hian. HOW LONG DO SINKIES EXPECT THESE TWO PEOPLE AND A HANDFUL OTHERS LIKETHEM TO LAST? AND BE REMINDED THAT THEY MAY OR ARE LIKELY TO BE TARGETTED.

Looking at the whole picture, things aint going to be fine for the average Sinkies. The Rulers have no qualm to spite and lord over the People with their authority and implement whatever they wish.

It is going to be tough, very and really tough unless the People seek for their liberty together.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Veritas, let's cool down a little yah. Don't be accused of inciting violence. Let's just talk and discuss about the problems cooly.

Matilah is right in a way but there is a BIG difference between a racist and a patriot or a nationalist. We ARE SINGAPOREANS and we must protect and look after our own kind. We must PROTECT the interests of Sinkies and our children. Let there be no one to dare sell us out.

It is our right as citizens to be angry with too many foreigners here and not to be made a minority in our own country.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies must not allow anyone, foreigners or locals, to tag another Sinkie as xenophobic. Sinkies must rise to protect Sinkies from outsiders.

I hope no MP is going to jump in and point the finger at Low or other Sinkies for being angry with foreigners.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Kopi please. Getting thirsty after posting so many articles : )

Veritas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Veritas said...

Sorry RB.

Thanks for your concern. I think Singaporeans are really too soft. This is because PAP's law is now targetting only Singaporeans and foreigners are let off hook as much as possible. I am worried. Under this circumstances we even got to harden ourselves more.

I am calling for peace. I want peace with FT. But do you think we can reason with them? Now, I have heard taxi drivers get so much complains from FT Indians that many got fired.

The worst companies is Comfort. They do not protect their own people. The red Taxi who is run by a local entreprenuer would throw out all rubbish complaints.

I want peace. So how?

In 1962, Mao wanted peace. Nehru think that Mao is sissy pussy cat and continues his "forward policy" invading more and more Tibet. Mao still want peace. But India was killing Chinese in the border. So how? So he decide to teach India a lesson.

India lost the war in the most humiliating manner. Nevertheless Mao got the peace he wanted. Now India is scare of China.

Similarly, Singaporeans cannot negotiate peace with FT under a weak position. You wont get it.

You can only have peace if you show FT strength.

I don think Singaporeans will bash up FT improntuly.

In Europe, FT behave themselves because there are skin head who target them.

Similarly in middle east, there are patriotic mullahs watching vigilantly against ungrateful FT.

Today we are bapoh. Thats y people look down on us. Even harden us a little stronger would make us like a sheep compared to those Middle Eastern Man and White Man.

Anonymous said...

I thought the number of Indian PMETs here is 2,000,000 ?? not 200,000 ??

patriot said...

Me used to support NSP and Workers Party in words and actions actively, right up to the Punggol East By-election.
the Workers Partys' Decision and Call to its' Members not to participate or be involved in the HLP Protest, has got me very unhappy with WP.

Both NSP and WP have been active at Tampines and me supports both actively and vocally. From now on, me shall do my best to get Tampines Voters as well as all other Singaporeans to vote for NSP.

I view Workers Partys' Call to its' Members not to be in the HLP Protest as WORKING AGAINST THE INTEREST OF SINGAPOREANS.


Anonymous said...

"Because some of us start believing that we are xenophobic, today, these mother fuckers add salt to wounds and accuse our graduates stupid.

Tomorrow, they will say we commit sins in our past life. To redeem ourselves, we must be shit collector and prostitute our daughters hereditarily."

The modern version is already here - They are born with the meritorious genes that are superior in a Meritocracy. They have the right to lord over the daft citizens who do not know how to acquire the meritorious genes during birth.

Anonymous said...

We have lost our birthright in our own country. It's all due to the greed and avarice of this govt. no need a war and we are losing to swarms of foreigners coming to displace us. This is madness. We need to do something before we are chased out of our country.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Xenophobia. It is no secret that the government is trying to stamp this out. Be wise people, you have just found a "switch". In every system, there is at least one "switch", which if turned on will make the system go haywire.

If you play the "xenophobia" card like a hard-charging platoon of Marines, you will send the government crazy. It doesn;t matter whether you mean it or not, or whther you are actually a xenophobe/ racist. The point is, if you lick the xenophobic switch, the government will kalam kabut.

They will shit bricks even at the slightest hint that Singaporeans are xenophobic. In fact they've been so effective in brainwashing Singaporeans, that now if you don't like massive immigration, you are automatically labelled a "xenophobe". No discussion, no explanation, no back and forth dialogue -- game, set match -- you are a xenophobe, end of story, shame on you.

To these judgemental, label-crazy people my response would be: "Take my cock for a walk".

Tagging Singapore with the adjective "xenophobic" is very effective. It will make the inter-tubes, and the blogs and eventually the old media.

Civil Disobedience 101 -- aka labelled "sedition" by those to whom it is directed against.

1. Walk into a business. Ask them politely, if they have foreigners working there.

2. If "Yes". Politely say you won't spend your money there because you prefer business to hire locals.

3. To tekan some more, politely ask if they know of any similar business which only hires locals.

4. Repeat the fact that you are repulsed by local businesses which hire foreigners

5. If there are other customers, remark, politely, that you don't support businesses which hire foreigners.

6. Exit the business, before they get pissed off and call security. As you leave, turn around and shout: "TRAITOR! CHEAPSKATE! WHY DON'T YOU HIRE LOCALS? I'M TELLING MY FRIENDS AND POSTING TO FACEBOOK!" Don't wait for an answer/ response. You don't want a "discussion". Leave immediately. If you get a response, ignore it. Leave -- get the fuck out!

Everyone do at least 2 or 3 businesses a day. Within 2 days, sure come out newspaper. Within one week, some minister will open his big fat arse-mouth and say something ridiculous. Meanwhile, the internet is going nuts.

Of course the fact remains that there are ver few businesses which have entirely all local staff. Your kopi tiam has foreigners working there. That's not the point. The point is to single out a few "sacrificial lambs", and slaughter them, having fun doing so :-)

On the MRT -- this one is more personal and requires 100% self control:

1. Ask the person sitting/ standing next to you if they are a tourist, local or foreign worker.

2. If they are foreign worker, move away. Do not say anything racist. Just look disgusted and say: "Eee yer!"

3. Do not wait for a response. Ignore any response. Just move away. Better still get off at the next stop. As you exit, turn around, glare, and repeat: "Eee yer!", with gusto of course.

4. Consider wearing this logo, or something similarly "striking".

Keep this up. If the government responds, STOP for a week or so, then come back again with a vengence. Keep doing this, and very soon you'll find Singapore won;t be that much "sought after" as a place to set up roots.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

In Singapore it seems that if you go against policies favoring Singaporean, it is OK but if you go against policies favoring foreigners, it is Xenophobic.

I think there are many people who are Singaphobic! You know who you are!

Anonymous said...

If he is a foreigner, is he not interfering with domestic politics? He should be deported

Anonymous said...

Should reduce Sinkies to 10% then should be ok.

Anonymous said...

RB, I clicked the ad daily to make sure u get free kopi

Anonymous said...

We should boycott all the shops run by foreigners to stop more 'li yeming' from coming into this country with their malicious accusations.

Unity is strength.

Anonymous said...

so those people who employed foreigners as pmets are anti-singaporeans? which is worst?

Anonymous said...

In Jurong East bus interchange there is a pinoy shop with a banner that say "pinoy..." obviously the pinoy owner is try to tell the pinoy to patronize his shop. he know there are plenty of them to sustain his business go there and see yourself.50 % we get kick out and run over

Virgo49 said...

Bro, this gentleman holding top position in the Clsn Association.

Big time investor you think the Papies dare to tell him to stop interfere with our politics and deport him???

Anonymous said...

Asked him which China cities do not implement measure rural labour from flooding. He is talking nonsense.

Ageing of advance countries and debt they face will put world job growth low for coming two decades.

Anonymous said...

It had always been locals playing out locals.
They spent much of the money they made here. They buy property here, they spend much at Mustaffa and at Geylang and other night spots and drinking holes.



Veritas said...

Generally Singaporeans blame PAP more rather than FT. This is the only country in the world the FT play racist card on us, and even beating us up, while our MSM call Singaporeans xenophobic.

You don believe you go ask taxi driver who bullied them? 100% tell you they hate FT Indians.

After being forced to eat shit for so long, Veritas is just begging FT to be more gentle with us. Is that wrong.

Is it wrong to call FT Indians stop bullying our taxi drivers and caterers.

Is it wrong to ask Citibank CBP to hire locals and stop their racism.

Today, any such call would be deem xenophobic. FT can curse me. PAP may throw in ISA after me. I will going to stick my head out.

Anonymous said...

This Li Yeming did not apply for citizenship until past National Service enlistment age. Is he a loyal Singapore citizen or PRC economic opportunist?

When will he revert his citizenship? When the is better opportunities in China?

Anonymous said...


[Town councils need to be more accountable to residents]

"RECENTLY, the Sembawang Town Council settled a lawsuit...
("Walkway suit 'resolved'"; Feb 1).

The town council will also be fined by the NEA...
("Mosquitoes breeding in water tanks of 2 Woodlands blocks"; Feb 9).

Who pays for the settlement and the fine?

If they are paid from town council funds, which come mainly from service and conservancy charges, does this mean the residents have to pay the penalty for the town council's lapses?

Seto Hann Hoi (Dr)"


Anonymous said...

STFORUM - Online

[Singapore must adapt or perish]

"We have to 'adopt' more outsiders, or else we have to outsource even our survival.

Many complain that the flood of immigrants will change our way of life, our traditions and our core values.

But everything is subject to change.

Ee Teck Ee"


Anonymous said...

TR Emeritus (Editorial)

[Li Yeming: There’s no mistake, Low Thia Khiang is inciting xenophobia]

"I’ve written a response to Low Thia Khian’s rebuttal.
It may be published tomorrow.
I don’t believe I won’t defeat him."


LC said...

Yes, Li Yeming, please carry on with your bashing of Singaporeans, LTK and WP. Please carry on with your arrogant and insensitive comments.

Yes, ST and Zaobao, please keep publishing all of Li Yeming's letters and continue to divide Singaporeans and incite xenophobia.

You can read more of his writings as he masquerades as a "journalist" (see the blog Singapore Notes where this is pointed out). He posts his letters at sgwritings.

Yes, agreed that currently Singaporeans blame the PAP rather than the FTs. But as long as LiYeming, ST and Zaobao just carry on with their divisive agenda, at some point the FTs will be the public enemy #1. All these toxic comments from Li just poisons the place for all foreigners.

And are FTs who think like Li Yeming not concerned about their children's future, if they really intend to settle down here? They may have "made it" in our system, but their children will be subject to the same pressures as all other Singaporean children as they grow up, look for jobs, look for housing, etc. You mean they can't see the bad PAP immigration policy is going to affect their children too?

Anonymous said...

Can put a tag on him? Singaporean basher!

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