
Asians thinking like Americans

 China should be more upfront about its strategic intentions when doing so does not compromise its national security. Failing to do so undermines its ability to persuade the world that its desire to be viewed as a benign hegemon is a genuine aspiration, says Dr James Char, a Chinese military expert at NTU’s RSIS....by James Char.  CNA

This is a typical kind of statement coming from a banana that thinks and behaves like an American or westerners and seeing the world, especially China, from an American perspective. In another word, anything that China did is wrong as it did not please the Americans and the West. The statement itself is full of holes but invisible to a banana. China's missile tests are so limited compared to what the Americans and the West did. China has not detonated a nuclear weapon in the South Pacific while the Americans and the West had done so many times, using the Pacific Islanders as their white mice to study the effects of nuclear radiation and harm on the Pacific Islanders. Not cruel, no crimes, no human rights violation?  Many bananas would not know and would not want to know about such cruel acts against the Pacific Islanders. Many died, many suffered a whole life from radioactive wounds and crippled for life.

Why must China be blaring to the world, or have to blare to the world about its strategic interests or intention when the Americans are not doing so? Actually China had told the world of its strategic interests but the Americans and the West would not want to listen or want to know. China have reiterated its position many times but the Americans/West and bananas refused to listen and keep repeating or asking what is China's strategic interest or goals, just like repeating the fake news of ethnic discrimination and genocide in Xinjiang like WMD in Iraq for the unthinking and bananas to talk about. They just keep pretending that China is not transparent and keep on asking. Can bananas think? Oops, bananas is a fruit without a brain.

The real intention of China or any nation state is in what they did and not in what they said or claimed to be. It does not need one to be a professor or expert in geopolitics to understand this. China has made its intent clearly to the world many times, and by its actions and policies, but ignored by the malicious American/West. It is the same as no genocide or ethnic abuses in Xinjiang, but the American terrorists keep insisting so and repeating it to be so and the brainless bananas just gulped it up like the gospel truth. Just keep on repeating to make it sounds real!

Whether China talks about its strategic intention or not, would not and would never compromise its national security. Thinking that it does is naive and childish. Anyone asking about China's strategic intention out of ignorance is excusable.  The Americans is asking out of malice and mischief, refusing to know and using it as a tool to demonise China. And what world is this James Char talking about? The world consists or more than 190 countries, not just the American and European states. One Kiribati, an American protectorate ordered to complain is not reflective of the world. Whether China is a benign hegemon or an international terrorist like the American Empire is all out there for the world to see. By the way, China has said many times that it would not be a hegemon like the Americans. Only the blind cannot see and more pathetic are those that have eyes but cannot see, have ears but cannot hear.

Which country is starting all the wars in the world, inciting and raising tensions and fighting wars, committing war crimes, genocides and crimes against humanity? China or the USA?

No prizes for the correct answer. Even a primary school kid will know the answer, except bananas. China does not have to persuade the world of its intention. The long queue to join BRICS speaks for itself. The Global South is abandoning the screw up American Rules Based Order for a new multi polar world. The world, yes the world of mainly Global South countries, are in full support of China and Russia in creating a new multi polar world. Even countries in the EU are having second thoughts of remaining as colonies and doggies of the evil American Empire. Some have shown interest of wanting to join BRICS.  Turkey has joined. Be precise and specific when using the term 'world'. The white men's world or the rest of the world, the Global South. When the white men talk about the world or international community, they are referring to the AngloSaxon and European world, the white men's community, NOT the rest of the whole world.

Quotes from Putin in RT

Putin names ‘standard’ for international relations
Other nations would be wise to look up to Moscow and Beijing, the Russian president has said....

“We can say with full confidence that they’ve become a standard for how relations between two states should be built in the modern world,” the Russian leader stated. He also maintained that cooperation between Russia and China is one of the “stabilizing factors on the world arena.”

PS. The world view of scholars in Lee Kuan Yew School is more attuned to that of LKY. Not sure Rajaratnam would utter the same view as the scholars in the School using his name. Their views are more like American world view or parroting American views.


Anonymous said...

My own believe is that all this think tank institute in singaland (even our media) & their so call "expert" are just recipients of part of the 1.6B $$ that being given out by the americano. These peoples just need to sprout something bad about China and earn some extra income, whether what is written/spoken is truth or not doesn't matter.

Virgo49 said...

Aiya Sinkieland BS so called Expurts (Poos) and Anal-ysts and what's Think Tanks are half or full buckets of Shits!

Alreday ate too much Whites shits and drank also their Urine and swallowed their Spermatoza or tosa!

Been brainwashed and brains dead long long time ago.

Anonymous said...

The bananas and some elites are sleeping with the Americans to undermine Chinese interests. Watch the phrases they used, China not transparent, China's intent not clear, debt trap, China is aggressive, China's rise is not peaceful, China property bubble, China ageing problem, etc etc and all the buts, buts and buts about China.