
Chinese enjoying peace and prosperity versus Americans divided society filled with acrimony and inequality

 The United States and its Western allies try to discredit Chinese socialist system of 5000 years . The United States is wrong to think too highly of its exploitative plundering capitalist system which benefits only the minority elites of one percent at the expense of the large majority of the public. The Chinese socialist government tries to lift everyone out of poverty while the US fake democratic system's objective is to keep the majority of the public in abject poverty. 

Today all over China in every city, town and village the people live a happy vibrant life and celebrate all national and social festivals with joyous mixing, singing and splendid public performances. But in the United States there is drab and failing society where nobody feels safe in public places as shootings and killings are rampant and where millions of under priviledged Americans face hunger and homelessness and have to live in make shift camps or tents by the roadsides and shopping malls. While the minority American elites live in splendour and glory the majority suffer constant hunger and deprivation. 

American fake democracy is a failure while Chinese socialism is thriving in China. American fake democracy is dying a lingering death.



Anonymous said...

Instead of competing with China in a fair and honest way in a fair level playing field the US and its Western brigand allies resort to contain and derail China's development with all kinds of diabolical tricks and illicit stratagems and strategies. However their wicked tricks is a double edged sword and we can see they are rebounding on themselves badly in mysterious ways. They seem not knowing the universal dictum, "Man proposes but God disposes" or maybe they arrogantly assume that they are mightier than God. Whichever way the United States and the European allied powers are disintegrating and are doomed for sure and never to rise again. This is seen in their choatic societies, infrastructure failures, homelessness and starvation and internal political turmoils and public killings, murders, shootings and assassinations everywhere a daily occurrence.

Chua Yi Teck

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Chua Yi Teck.

Anonymous said...

Countries cannot remain foolish just being brainwashed by Western propaganda. And propaganda being repeated over and over again is not going to change people's mindset with truthful information readily available with a click of a mouse.

Those propaganda demonizing China have now mostly been defanged by countering on social media, not by China officially, but by vloggers that travelled to China. They are doing a good job for China, free and easy without China having to fork out hundreds of millions like the USA to manufacture misinformation and disinformation.

The lie about Xinjiang and persecution of the Uyghur Muslims are now dead and buried with the opening up of visa free travel to selected countries. Foreign visitors to Xinjiang are still searching for those concentration camps that never existed. They exist only in the fertile minds of those who lie, cheat and steal.

The lie about the Chinese Government and the CPC being a bad system for China had been put to rest with the Chinese Government lifting more than 800 million Chinese out of poverty. Which other democratic country has done that on such a scale?

Now they are lying about China's overcapacity as a threat to other countries. How is that so, when China's overcapacity is making life easier for the Global South with cheaper products from China's manufacturing overcapacity, which they would otherwise have to pay an arm and a leg to Western manufacturers. And that has been touted as bad for countries around the world? The reality is that it is bad for the USA and EU by not being able to compete on a level playing field.