
The defeat and downfall of US imperialism is near

 From the end ofthe Second World War to mid 1970s some political pundits accepted uncritically that the US was at the height of its power unrivalled in military and economic strength. But Chairman Mao Tse-Tung did not feel that way. Chairman Mao Tse-Tung said, "All the reputedly powerful reactionaries are merely paper tigers. The reason is that they are divorced from the people . Look! Was not Hitler a paper tiger? Was Hitler not overthrown ? U.S. imperialism has not yet been overthrown and it has the atomic bomb. I believe it will also be overthrown. It, too is a paper tiger."

Of course Chairman Mao Tse-Tung did not mean we can dismiss the awesome military strength tactically. In dealing with the present reactionary US administration, the countries of the South led by BRICS with the guidance of Russia, China and Iran will adopt the correct strategic perspective in facing the Anglo-Saxon American aggression.

We can see how US power was first being curbed at the Korean War by China. Then US suffered dishonourable defeat at the Vietnam War, the Afghanistan war and had to beat some retreat in its savage ventures in South America and Africa. The defeat and downfall of US imperialism is yet to happen and of course in the not too distant future.

Lee Tai Chung
Tuesday, 15th October, 2024


Anonymous said...

“She is not heavy, she is my sister.”


Anonymous said...

We are witnessing the fall of an Empire - the denial, the threats, starting more conflicts to distract, more desperate moves that are backfiring without careful thinking, banks failing, economy in ICU and needing life support.

Forget about what you hear about Wall Street breaking records every day. It is all related to frenzy money printing entering the stock market. Forget about the economy being strong with retail sales all rosy, when it is just supported by higher prices when people are actually buying less. Forget about the job statistics which we now know is all fabricated. What is hidden is not what you get.

After November, if Trump wins, and tariffs on countries joining de-dollarization put in place, the USA will be on fire with inflation causing widespread chaos and people in desperation. They have to live with the Government they have chosen, or should I say the Government being chosen for them actually, to screw them blind. The USA election is a Hobson's choice, between choosing a rock and a hard place.