
Hot News - Top Secret American Intelligence Report leaked

 Can anyone believe this shit? Top Secret Israeli war plan could be leaked, not in a third world country, but the most clever and sophisticated super power, the USA? Alright, alright, they are now explaining the reasons for the intended leak, not unapproved leak. They leaked Top Secret document on purpose. Only the Americans can do this kind of shitty stuff. And what for? 

Two reasons. One, unhappy Americans wanted to stop this war. How real is this? Most American hillbillies wanted this war. They are not just supporting the Israelis, it is part of the American's plan for world domination. And destroying Iran has been always on their mind for a long time. And the only thing they can still do well is conducting wars that they cannot lose, can hit others and in the case, Iran, cannot hit back. This is bullshit number one. Leaked or not, the Israelis are going to hit at Iran.

Second reason, they are returning the favour to Iran for letting them know the Plan like Iran's first attack so that Iran will know where the attack is coming, what weapons are being used, and they can prepare to intercept drones and missiles. So, I scratch your back, you scratch mine. After notifying Iran of the attack, a limited attack, and if Iran failed to defend against the attack it is Iran's fault. Anyway, just a tit for tat, no fear of escalation, for public consumption, for PR purposes, to save national pride.

My take on this leak, it could be a red herring, leading Iran on a wild goose chase. Iran would be made to prepare and plan for an attack that is a hoax, while the Americans and the Israelis launch the real attack using a totally different Plan, maybe earlier or later than as planned, catching the Iranians by surprise. They are assuming that the Iranians are that gullible to fall for it, and thus got wiped out totally.

Anyway, many Americans would believe in this leaked bullshit. Many in the world would also believe in this bullshit. The Americans are expert in bullshitting, spending big resources and manpower daily to dabble in bullshit instead of doing something productive and for peace.

What do you think? Whatever, the world is on the brink of a nuclear war. Russia and China would be on Iran's side.


Anonymous said...

That is not hot news. That is propaganda. Always remember they lie, they cheat, and they steal. Lying is in their DNA. You believe at your own peril.

Anonymous said...

Just like the two Presidential candidates trying to show who can lie better. Today they say they support one thing, tomorrow changing stance.