
CIA, NED and many NGOs are terrorist organisations and must be banned and persecuted


 At the CIA, our mission is to preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives by:

  • Collecting foreign intelligence that matters;
  • Producing objective all-source analysis;
  • Conducting effective covert action as directed by the president; and
  • Safeguarding the secrets that help keep our Nation safe.

Or,  At the CIA, our mission is to preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives by: Collecting foreign intelligence that matters; Producing objective all-source analysis; Conducting effective covert action as directed by the president; and.

Above are two mission statements of the CIA, officially known as the Central Intelligence Agency of the USA but known world wide as the Criminal Intelligence Agency by the rest of the world.

The key role of the CIA is to conduct effective covert action directed by the president. What does this mean? Assassination of national leaders, setting up, funding and training terrorist organisations to overthrown legitimate and illegitimate govts, conduct subversive activities, espionage, supporting and inciting social unrests, etc etc

What the CIA deems as legitimate activities are activities of a terrorist organisation, activities that violates everything the UN stands for. The CIA is not even accountable to the US govt, but solely at the discretion of the president, conducting subversion and assassination to overthrown govts and unanswerable to no one. It is a criminal organisation conducting nefarious activities and violating the laws of every country and acts of decency.

The CIA and its associates like NED and many NGOs are nothing but terror organisations and must be called as such and banned from operating under the protection of a govt organisation. No country should allow the presence of the CIA, NED and NGOs with missions to destroy and subvert govts. Their operators should be arrested on sight, persecuted and put behind bars. They are not the normal healthy govt organisations.

It is high time to ban such terrorist organisations and hunt them down. They have no place in civilised societies. The UN should take the lead. If not, the BRICS nations should take the lead. Terrorist organisations and terrorists should not be protected by law. The hypocrisy of allowing these terrorist organisations to operate under the umbrella of govt agencies cannot be accepted and must be put to an end.


Anonymous said...

Thailand's move to legislate laws to force NGOs to disclose their source of funding is facing strong opposition, both at home and abroad. You should know who the foreign objections are coming from and answering that question should be simple enough.

This move of forcing funding disclosure was started during the Military rule and is now uncertain with the new leaders in charge. There is a tinge of doubt that that law will be carried through, with all the attempts to change Thailand's present state of Government, with even the Monarchy facing threats.

How much of interference by foreign NGOs in Thailand leading to this state of affairs is anyone's guess. We have seen the Monarchy playing a pivotal role in settling Thailand's many upheavals and the Monarchy is an essential part of Thailand's political landscape. Getting rid of the Monarchy puts Thailand in a position where foreign interference can easily upset the balance of power and create chaos that will not do the country any good. There are always elements that will leverage on such a situation for their own interest.

I agree that countries must have Government control over NGOs funded by foreign entities out to create mischief under cover of humanitarian reasons.

Oh, let us not forget that the Natives of North America had their fate sealed for being too obsessed with salvation preached by the foreign devils and lost their land and their every right in their own county. Let that be a lesson for others.

Anonymous said...

The CIA was the assassination arm of the USA Government. They created it to provide an avenue for assassination of foreign leaders without implicating the USA Government. Everything is now blurred and in the open.

The irony of it all is that most people believe that the CIA was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. They had to destroy the trail leading to the CIA and that was how the assassination of John F. Kennedy by Lee Oswald led to the assassination of Lee Oswald by Jack Ruby. That trail ended with the death of Jack Ruby from cancer in a prison cell.