
Americans believe in their own jokes and the two biggest jokers are Trump and Kamala

 I think the USA election today shows the quality of their leadership. How in the world could these two jokers, Trump and Harris, be considered the best there is to lead the USA is indeed a joke. Harris was already a failure as Vice President. They are now debating issues that boggles the mind. When one dances during a rally, the other comes out to make fun of it. And they are basically making fun of each other in front of daft voters, who will clap and cheer. This is sheer lunacy. They are treating election rallies like a carnival, just have fun and the future will take care of itself.

The decline is already obvious, no denial about it. It would have been blunted in the eyes of the world if China had not risen to compete with the USA to elicit a comparison. That competition reveals, warts and all, that the USA is really uncompetitive and not as innovative as the world had been led to believe. We already knew that when the USA had to invent reasons to suppress France's Alstom and Japan's Toshiba for being too innovative.

That the USA is great is just for grandstanding, otherwise, why would Trump need to continue repeating that he is going to make the USA great again. You do not make a country great when it is already great. Trump should make USA even greater if the USA is already great.

Actually, I am not saying that the USA was really that great either. The USA already showed its fragility when Japan was rising so fast after suffering all the damage during WW2, that the USA and the West had to put Japan down. How could Japan, a little country in Asia, ever harbor the thought of overtaking the great USA.

Now China is on their radar for rising and competing so well against the greatness of the great USA. It is bad publicity showing the world who is rising and who is sliding. The truth hurts!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As real leaders of BRICS met in Kazan, Russia, the Juvenile political wannabes elsewhere are creating jokes for the world to laugh at. The election circus in the USA is truly entertaining. Not only the two main candidates, but the two aspiring VP are equally out of this world.

Zelenskyy is talking about a 'victory plan'. Without the slightest indication of winning, what victory plan is he talking about? He must have dreamt of that in his sleep. Most people knew that Ukraine is in its last throes, yet Zelenskyy is still dreaming about being given nukes to continue the war. Zelenskyy is using blackmail to force the USA and NATO, either to allow its entry into NATO or be given nukes. Germany is terrified of the consequences and is against Ukraine joining NATO. Ukraine in NATO means direct involvement by NATO in Ukraine, which most NATO countries are wary of the Russian war machine. Zelenskyy is mad at Germany now.

USA's ally, South Korea, meanwhile is playing the toady role to perfection by threatening North Korea about North Korean troops in Russia. What has that got to do with South Korea? It is not as if North Korea is amassing troops on the border threatening the South. North Korea had even blown up the roads leading to the South. It is burning its bridges with the South and going Northwards towards Russia instead.

Just watch what the USA and the West will do to India if its border skirmish with China is settled. The USA is already using Canada to put pressure on India, and I think Modi knows it. Suffice to say, the USA and the West will try to sabotage the peace deal between China and India, maybe a false flag should do the trick. China and India must be wary of the evil designs of the USA and the West. They will not tolerate peace, after cultivating India to counter China for decades and will not allow it to go to waste.

Oh, by the way, Navalny's wife is reported to be taking over the reins of her husband as the proxy of the USA in anti-Russia activities. She is standing for election now. Another joker rising?