
Ukraine is the proxy of the USA, the Europeans are the collateral damage sacrificial lambs.

 Ukraine is the proxy of the USA in the war against Russia. The Europeans are the collateral damage sacrificial lambs.

Philippines, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are the proxies for the coming war in East Asia. The USA will just provide weapon sales and laughing all the way to the bank. The plan was ingenious. The proxies buy all the weapons, suffer destruction and the USA gets off unscathed, just like in WW2, except in Hawaii.

Oh, lest I forget about today's news that the USA's exports are shooting up. Wonder if that has anything to do with their sale of very expensive weapons to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan and not to also forget Red Dot. A war economy thrives on sale of weapons, nothing more nothing less. What else can the USA export when it cannot even make?

And besides weapons, the war in Ukraine also gives the USA the opportunity to sell expensive energy to the EU. That is basically the only stuff the USA can provide for countries sanctioning Russian energy. But do not be fooled, as those countries sanctioning Russian energy on the surface are still buying Russian energy, not on the cheap as before, but paying an arm and a leg, probably from India, China or Saudi Arabia.

Did somebody say stupidity has no cure?



Anonymous said...

Zelenskyy is making another begging bowl trip around Europe, begging for alms. Europe is getting sick and tired of his antics and some Europeans are saying enough is enough. Even the USA is on the verge of ending its 'Ukraine Project' and concentrating on 'Operation Middle East' with South China Sea and Taiwan on its radar. Zelenskyy will just be getting the left-over bits and pieces that Israel declined and probably telling the USA to just give to their friend Zelenskyy. If Zelenskyy refused to accept, sell to Taiwan. That is the pecking order now.

Russia is destroying Ukraine, and the USA and NATO knows there is nothing much they can do to help. They have exhausted their obsolete weapons and scrapping the bottom of the barrel for any old shovels they can send to Ukraine to fight the Russians. After all, the Russians are fighting with shovels and are winning the war and occupying more territories. Never thought that shovels are such lethal weapons.

Anonymous said...

Embassy of Russia in Singapore on ST column by Ang Moh

On October 12, 2024, we read in the Straits Times another opus entitled "Putin likely to boost efforts to confuse European public as Ukraine war rages” by its international affairs correspondent Jonathan Eyal.

The feeling is mixed – bewilderment, misunderstanding, and indignation.

It seems that not being able to understand the true causes of Europe’s problems and its political and economic difficulties, rooted in the complete loss of sovereignty and its growing dependence on the US, the author, driven by a vicious logic, seeks to find the source of his fears in others.
The stereotypical anti-Russian logic, which has been implanted into the mass consciousness of Europeans at the instigation of Washington since the start of the hybrid war against Russia in Ukraine, suggests to Mr Eyal, as we understand, a convenient solution.

Indeed, how simple is that… All problems with ensuring the security of weapons arsenals, man-made disasters, fires, explosions at military-industrial complex enterprises, fraud using ICT, failures in the operation of transport networks, disruption of GPS signals, etc., are attributed to the machinations of Moscow and the Russian special services. Of course, without any evidence, but only to please their own philistine ideas.

Wake up, Mr Eyal! Stop being afraid of yourself, delve into your anxieties, get rid of the American-dependency complex, and try to look at things from an unbiased perspective...

Then, we are sure, you will see the things differently. It will become clear, that it was Russia that sought to create a system of equal and indivisible security in Europe, and it was Moscow that called for a reliable legal basis for it. It was we who warned about the challenges created by eastward NATO expansion, its expansion into the Asia-Pacific region; it was we who demanded an end to the genocide of everything Russian in Ukraine, which Western strategists have chosen as a battleground for unleashing a hybrid war against Russia. It is we who remain open to dialogue on a peaceful resolution of the conflict, but on the basis of equality and in line with our interests and changed realities.

We are convinced that once you get to the heart of the matter, you will feel better and calmer.
And stop denigrating and involving in your dishonest reasoning the name of the recognized leader of the Russian people, President Vladimir V. Putin. His authority is well deserved, recognized throughout the world and stands above any slander.

Anonymous said...

The pro-USA propagandists are still flogging the perennial dead horse that Putin is losing power, is dying of sickness, is losing the Ukraine War, Russia's economy is in trouble. Slowly and realistically, those propaganda write-ups are falling to pieces.

When one is paid to write, one must follow the person that calls the tune. Therefore, never believe those articles on MSM. Or should I say, just believe in the opposite as Nury Valachi of Fridayeveryday site advises us.

Anonymous said...

If there is such a thing as self-genocide, the Europeans are doing it to themselves. But we call it suicide.