
Clinton, Bush and Obama, 3 war criminals, invaded 23 countries, killing millions, awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Everybody knows about the crimes the USA committed in Vietnam. They just covered them up with the help of the MSM. Then, no social media was available to provide proof, no truthful mass information provided, as the USA and the West control the dissemination of information and the airwaves, with their massive propaganda funding. Thanks to the internet, nothing can be concealed today. That is why people like Scott Ritter, Jeffrey Sachs and many other social media platforms, like RT, are able to put forward the truth. But they face persecution and being accused of misinformation or disinformation one way or another.

But then, they also used threats against those trying to unveil those crimes, like in Iraq. The ICC leaders were threatened with assassination if they ever try to convict George W. Bush and his gang, Tony Blair, and the military leaders involved in the illegal war. Those crimes just vanished into nothingness, with Tony Blair even given a knighthood for his contribution. This is the reality of the justice system of the West. Of course, the UN and all other bodies are just useless showpieces under the control of the Whites and can say or do nothing.

The USA and the West know that they have now lost the battle in cyberspace and are going all out to curb freedom of expression, speech and dissemination of truth. The action of trying to ban TikTok is nothing more than moving in that direction. They still intend to keep the USA citizens ignorant and naive.

They were able to suppress the truth about China for decades, but the cat is now out of the bag with China opening up easier travel for foreigners, even to Xinjiang to discover the non-existent concentration camps for the Uyghurs. The visa free travel given to foreigners from some countries was a masterstroke, giving China free services of countering the propaganda of the USA and the West. Social media is abuzz with exposing the lies of the USA and its cronies. China doing the countering by itself would have attracted derision and be accused of self-whitewashing and thus less credible. Of course, they will still accuse those vloggers singing praises of China as being paid by the CCP. Loser's mentality!


PS. Zelensky, another war criminal, nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. This is western hypocrisy and morality. 


Anonymous said...

If Zelenskyy gets the Nobel Peace Prize, that must be the 'Mother of all Misfortune' befalling the world. The Nobel Prizes have been hijacked for political gains over the years. It is becoming a joke and Afred Nobel must be turning in his grave.

Can the world not see that all these bodies, the UN, ICC, ICJ, IMF, World Bank, SWIFT, NGOs of all shapes and sizes, were all basically created to help the USA maintain and sustain its hegemony. On top of that are all the toadies, all having hands on the US hegemony pump, sacrificing themselves when needed.

The good news is that BRICS is clearly aware of the implications of being held hostage by the antics of those bodies and are moving into creating their own Commodity Exchanges for energy, metals, agricultural products and even a new global currency and settlement system. These entities of BRICS are conducting business outside the US$ and outside the control of the West.

Do not cast aspersion at those entities, as many countries inside BRICS are big players in the energy business, agriculture, mining and are rich in resources especially minerals.

Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE are big players in energy and with Iran and Venezuela potential BRICS members, you can just see the impact. Russia and Brazil among others are also big players in grain, food production and an expanding livestock sector all getting ready in the light of the China market moving away from the USA and EU. Africa is rich in mineral resources and there are big players in the scheme of things in BRICS. What does all this mean?

The USA and EU wants a trade war, they will get it in the face.

Anonymous said...

Is there a Nobel Prize for laughing? Give it to Kamala Harris.

Is there a Nobel Prize for grandstanding? Give it to Donald Trump.

Is there a Nobel Prize for gaffes? Give it to Joe Biden.

Complain not, because it is all in the family.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris thinks everything is a joke and just laughs her way through interviews, speeches and might frighten off those not on the same page, with her Dracula impersonating laughter if elected.

Donald Trump knows every trick in the book on how to nuke hurricanes, what to drink to fight COVID, win trade wars like taking candy from a kid and erecting sky-high tariffs to protect USA businesses from falling apart. Oh, not to forget how to drain swamps! The USA is going to be great again, if he wins.

Joe Biden is still as blur as a lamp post, or a sotong if you like, just enjoying the last of his entitlement in retirement, with trips around the country. He is in Florida overseeing the damage, but Floridians know that he is still putting Israel as his priority, not the situation in Florida.

Well, what changes can we expect after November? I would not bet on any changes, rather it will be same old same old.