
Christopher Columbus Brutal Carnage Against Native Americans

Christopher Columbus Brutal Carnage Against Native Americans. PART 1 His violent and brutal invasion of America has horrifying historical ramifications to this day where the United States and its white European allies are continuing the same trait of violence and brutal wars of invasions on counries of the South in Africa, Asia and South America. In the West Christopher Columbus is worshipped as a hero, a founder of the New World, the Americas and is celebrated as such every year on 12th October, the day he first landed on the islands of Bahamas. On the other hand every year on this date, the natives of Americas remember 1492 as a fateful year when Columbus and the Europeans started their criminal carnage and wholesale genocide of native Americans. Every year on 12th October, the natives all over America will revile Columbus as the most hated villain, killer, murderer and genocider of the natives and condemn him as such. Every year on this date the natives of Bahamas and all over Americas will burn effigies of Columbus, Hernando Cortes and Pizarro of Spain, Richard Grenville, Captain John Mason and John Winthrob of England and condemn and denounce him and all the white men with no uncertain terms and wish God would punish all white men for their most merciless and brutal killings and murder of native Americans throughout all the years from 12th October, 1492 to the present time. What is most outrageous is that, white men in order to cover up and white wash away the plunder, killings and murders of Columbus and other savage European adventurers would in their history books in schools portray beautifully their heroic adventures and mention nothing about the bloodshed committed by them. On the other hand Columbus Day, 12th October is a day for Celebration by white men throughout all America and in all schools. The Western brutality and carnage on non-Christian countries had its roots in the mutual brutal life and death struggle between the European Crusades and the Arab muslim jihadists in the Dark Ages of 1095 - 1297. The Europeans evolved victorious in this historical struggle and they soon expanded their evil wars of aggression against all other non - Christian countries in the name of Jesus Christ. These crimes of inhumanity were expanded to the New World of North and South America. The crimes of inhumanity against the defenseless natives of Americas knew no bounds. It all started with the pirate Christopher Columbus who having stolen some maps of the new continents from Admiral Zhenghe in one of the ports in Arabia was soon able to sail to the Americas. Columbus journeys to the West blazed the trail for competing Europeans like the British, France, Spain, Portugal and Holland to set sails in their journeys of plunder, looting, murder and endless genocides of natives all over the globe in the Americas, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Asia. All the European expeditions to Americas and other parts of the world were financed by the governments and the Church in which the Pope had great power. The objectives of these expeditions were not just only to grab lands but also to grab all the gold, silver and spices of the new found lands. When Columbus and later other Europeans first set foot on the shores of America, the natives came to greet them and with much remarkable hospitality provide them with food and lodgings contrasting with the greed and frenzy of wealth and riches of the Renaissance of Europe dominated by the governments and the religion of the popes which was the benchmark of Western Civilization. Columbus, the first of these savage European hordes responded the goodwill of the natives with threats and murder. When he first landed on Bahamas on October 12th, 1492 in the Caribbean Sea, the native Arawaks welcomed them friendily. He saw the natives wearing tiny gold ornaments in their ears and neck. Columbus then took some of the Arawaks to his ship as prisoners and insisted that they guide him to the source of the gold. Columbus proceeded to Haiti, Cuba and Hispaniola where a local Indian chief presented him with a gold mask. This led to wild visions of gold fields in the New World. The robbing, plundering, killing and murders by Columbus in Bahamas, Haiti and Hispaniola greatly influenced and excited the Spaniards, Portuguese, the British and the Dutch. What evil things Columbus did to the Arawaks of the Bahamas, the Spaniards Hernando Cortes did to the Aztecs of Mexico and Pizarro to the Incas of Peru and the British Puritans Richard Grenville, Captain John Mason and John Winthrob to the Powhatans and the Pequots of Virginia and Massachusetts in 1585. The Spaniards, the Portuguese and the British exceeded each other in their relentless quests for new territories, gold and slaves and exceeded each other in cruelty and killings of the native Americans. The white men's penchant for ruthless aggressions and conquests and killings is closely tied to their political cum religious doctrines. This insidious religious doctrine is extremely harmful for they justified all their evil actions in the name of their God, Jesus Christ. These barbaric white men appealed to the Bible under Psalms 2:8 - Chapter 2 verse 8: " Ask of me, and I shall give thee, the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." They justified their use of force to take non-Christian lands and cited Romans 13:2, Chapter 13, Verse 2: "Whosoever thertegote resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation." USA in line with this evil doctrine is continuing non stop in its aggression against other countries. When will this Western brutality and carnage on non-Christian countries come to an end. Will the rest of the non-Christian world be able to unite and cooperate to stop white men from their killing tracks and brutal rampage. Next artiicle Part 2 will show some details of the savage greed and uncontrolled brutal carnage by white men on the natives of America. Southernglory1 Saturday, 12th October, 2024

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All those Anglo-Saxon explorers of old are basically pirates, same as pirates of the Carribean. The came, they saw, and they robbed. Slaughtering and killing is part of their routine. That old habit never dies.