
Arabs and Muslims everywhere is best to avoid gadgets made in the USA and the West for their own safety

 The advice for Arabs and Muslims everywhere is to avoid gadgets made in the USA and the West.

Some analysts are saying that the pagers and walkie talkies being tampered with by sabotage also hurts the USA and the West, with smartphone sales affected. Either the Arabs and Muslims start looking for Chinese communication systems or smartphones or face difficulty in communicating on the battlefield. The widespread use of pagers and walkie talkies are probably for security reasons, as mobile phones made in China are relatively cheap. Anyway, I am no tech geek and is only my two cents worth.

In passing, China must also ban DJI from selling civilian drones to the West, which had been modified and used by the Ukrainians and Israelis to kill innocent women and children. Let not the USA and the West use this to incriminate China in time to come.


PS. Arab and Muslim countries can make special orders direct from China without the middle man. If they are still using Apple and western made mobile phones, they deserved to be killed by the Americans and the Israelis.


Anonymous said...

I think the Arabs and Muslims have learned their lesson.

The pagers were not made in the West, but lately being reported by some sources to be from Iran, which the Israeli Mossad infiltrated and managed to sabotage, probably with the help of traitors in the country. Whether the report was just trying to create animosity between Iran and Lebanon, I don't know.

The irony is that so much can happen to the products leaving the safe haven of a friendly country and having avenues for tampering during transport, that preventing such misfortune is quite difficult. But nevertheless, the greater chance or possibility of that happening with products from the West is not to be discounted. Anyway, the sabotage of the pagers did damage the integrity of Western made products too, and that has resulted in a dip in sales being reported.

Anonymous said...

Not really, Malaysia is buying F18s, Indonesia buying F15s, all downgraded warplanes with built in switch for self destruction.
Would these Muslim countries ever learn, ever know who are their real enemies? Gaza Genocide still cannot wake them up.

Anonymous said...

Buying weapons from your archenemy is stupidity has no cure. Maybe they think they are not Palestinians, so safe, Americans love them. Still waiting to be invited to the White House for dinner.