
China & USA : Which one poses a threat and danger to the world.

To determine which of the two, China or USA poses a threat and danger to the world it is necessary to view the two countries from various perspectives. There are indeed thousands of perspectives to look into but for here it is sufficient to just look into a few apparent ones. History: CHINA" China is an ancient Civilization of 5,000 to 10,000 years like Egypt, Mesopotamia or Iraq and Persia. Europe has no civilization to speak of. Greece is not a civilization so is Roman, now known as Italy. During these 5,000 years of recorded Chinese history China was generally peaceful except for sporadic internal civil strives when the lineage of kings fight to assume the power and rule of the previous emperor. It was more like family quarrels among brothers and sisters.There was never any plan to attack and invade foreign countries or neighbouring countries. All the time China's political philosophy has been and is still base on non-interference of other countries' affairs not to speak of attacking and invading them. Therefore it can be seen China's political territory as seen in its political map has always been the same as thousands of years before except for reverse unfortunate changes due to foreign aggression and invasion China's territory in fact dwindled and got smaller as large swathes of Chinese territories were forcibly taken or robbed from China either by deception or subterfuge or through force of military might. For the record Russia still holds millions of square miles of Chinese land north of the Heilong Jiang river from Lake Baikal to the Maritime Province fronting the Pacific Ocean inclusive of Sakhalin Islands. Japan still holds the Chinese islands of Liu Chiu Dao which it renames Okinawa and now under United States military occupation. England also took large areas of Chinese lands in Southern Tibet and Ark Sai Chin in South West Xinjiang which are now under India's control as India assumed the mantle of British colonialism and imperialism when it illegally inherited these Chinese trrritories from the British. In modern times a weak China was subjected to intense aggressions and invasions from many European countries like England, Russia, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Holland and from Japan and the United States. China only managed to throw out all these foreign aggressors and invaders in the process of the Second World War and eventually established the People's Republic of China on October 1st 1949, when Chairman Mao Tse-Tung of the Communist Party of China declared the historical event at the rostrum of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. However, the unity of the Chinese motherland is still not complete with the American imperialist still holding to the Chinese island of Taiwan. The United States has been interfering in Chinese internal affairs since the 1830s when it joined England and France in the Opium Wars against China from 1830s to 188os and from the 1920s to the present. Its interference in the Chinese civil war between Mao Tse-Tung's CPC - ( Communist Party of China ) and Chiang Kai Shek's KMT ( Kuomintang or Nationalist Party ) has prevented the unity of all Chinese motherland when the US is still illegally and criminally supporting the despicable shameless Taiwan Chinese separatists. However, there is no doubt Taiwan will eventually be united with mainland China. It is important to take note that whether in the past or present China has never attack or invade any other country or take an inch of other country's land. The minor territorial dispute between China and India is due to the historical baggage left behind by colonialist and imperial England, the colonial ruler of India at the material time which occupied Southern Tibet of Chawang and the Ark Sai Chin area of southern Xinjiang by subterfuge in the early 1900s and then handed the two areas to India in 1947 when it granted India independence before settling the territorial issues with China. England had wickedly planted the seeds of dissension for potential future conflict between China and India. India knows the historical background of the dispute but refuses to negotiate with China on a give and take basis as proposed by China. India just want to inherit the mantle of British colonialism and imperialism at the expense of China and other neighbourinng states like, Ladakh, Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, Nagaland, Assam Hill states and Nicobar Islands. So from the above story it can be seen China has never been a threat to any country or to the world. On the contrary China has always been threatened by all European countries, the United States, Russia and Japan. The United States of America. Where did the United States come from? Five thousand years ago when beside China, there were other great civilizations like Egypt,Mesopotamia now known as Iraq, Persia, India, the Maya, Incas and Aztec civilizations of Central and South America. Five thousand years ago there was no country called United States of America. Not even 4,750 years ago. Then how did USA come into being. USA is the bastard offspring of the prostitute terrorist state the Anglo-Saxon United Kingdom or England which one thousand years ago like all of Europe was still a savage uncivilise country. Unlike the peaceful and harmonious civilizations of China, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Persia, the European Greeks and the Romans were for thousands of years indulging in foreign wars of aggressions and never knew peace for long. These aggressive warlike traits of loathsome Greece and the Romans were later followed and adopted by the European countries notably England, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Italy and Sweden. Thus all white people, white countries especially the Anglo-Saxons Uk and US have genes of violence, brutality, killings and bloodshed and aggression in their blood, in their DNA. The violent and brutal conquest of North America by barbaric England is well known. England had genocided most of the native Americans before seizing the continent as its own. However, in 1776 thirteen British American colonies united in a bloody and tumultuous rebellious revolutionary war against England to form their own independent country called the United States of America. From the incept of its independence the US of the thirteen states already had a blue print for aggression and expansion across the vast continent of North America. Following the footsteps of England the US started to attack and invade the many native states of North America. After killing and genociding the natives mercilessly in the most brutal and atrocious manner the white Anglo-Saxons seized the native lands as their own. Soon it eyed further afield and decided to attack Mexico. From 1840s to 1870s the US unilaterally declared war on Mexico and seized one million six hundred and sixty-five thousand square miles of Mexican lands amounting to the present half of the United States. The seized Mexican lands comprise of the present states of Texas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Nevada, Nebraska and California. US aggressions and wars of conquest were further exended by the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 in which US justified its control and hegemony over all Central and South American states in which it is continuing to do so even in this present time. Then after invading much of Mexico to reach the Pacific coast the US continued to cast afield its diabolical American Manifest Destiny in which it planned the destruction and conquest of all the island kingdoms and countries wide across the vast Pacific Ocean. Its thirst for invasions and conquests knew no bounds. From 1830s to 1890s it encroached on the peaceful and harmonious idyllic kingdom of Hawaii. Its expansion into Hawaii face tremendous fierce local resistance. The US put down the Hawaiian resistant fighters with untold brutal atrocities and after the slaughter of over three hundred thousand Hawaiian resistant fighters and civilians the US finally annexed Hawaii as the 50th state of US on 21st August, 1959.. However, the native Hawaiians have not given up the fight to drive out the Anglo-Saxon Americans from their islands. In 1898 the United States intended to take over all Spanish colonies in the Caribbeans and the Pacific Ocean. It started a war on Spanish rules in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Philippines and Guam. It had earlier promised to grant independence to Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines if the local people join forces with US to topple Spanish rule. Having won the war against Spain, US reneged on its promises to the people of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. The citizens of Cuba and Philippines strongly resisted American occupation of their countries. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans were slaughtered by the Anglo-Saxon Americans before they succeeded to drive out the barbaric Americans. In the Philippines the Filippinos too put up strong resistance to drive out the savage Anglo-Saxon Americans. Over a million Filippinos both resistant fighters and civilians were either killed in battle or died from brutal atrocities and torture by the Americans. The resistance failed and the United States began its brutal and savage rule of the Philippines up to 1947 the end of the Second World War. The United States had a dirty hand in the First World War 1914 to 1918 and the Second World War 1938 to 1945. The wicked American Jews had connived with England in the First World War to defeat Germany and Turkey so as to take over all German colonies overseas in Africa and China and the Turkey ruled and controlled of the whole Middle East inclusive of all Palestine lands, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Arabia and Egypt. The wealthy American Zionist Jews especially the Rothschild Illuminati Cabal and the Rockefellers financed the British war effort in both the First and the Second world wars to suit the Jews and American geopolitical agenda of establishing a world under white people's rule led by the Anglo-Saxon US and the Zionist Jews. Thus it came to fruition in 1948, when the Anglo-Saxons US and UK illegally helped the Jews to establish a Jewish state in Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs all of which were preplanned and financed by the US and UK many decades earlier from the 1860s to 1940s. The United States and UK all the time had the intention of colonizing the whole of the Middle East and continental Africa for white and Jewish settlers under American rule. This was the original idea of the former British Jew, Cecil Rhodes the ruler of South Africa who in 1880s claimed that the rich and well endowed resources of the Middle East and Africa are meant by God to be possessed and colonized by white people and the Jews. This is the reason and the perspective why the United States is so earnest and persistent in undermining African countries to destroy them for future white and Jewish domination under US hegemony. However, US effort in trying to take over Middle East and Africa is checked by Russia and China. Since the end of the Second World War China has been helping the Arabs and Africa tremendously and selflessly in every endeavour to rise up in development from poverty and Western exploitation and from the return of Western especially US colonialism and imperialism. This incurs the wrath of the United States and its Western allies and that's one of the many irrational reasons why US has been trying to contain and destroy China again. The United States has been threatening every country in this world for the last few hundred years. It had invaded and destroyed many countries and committed unforgivable brutal atrocities on natives of lands it invaded. US and its Western allies want to recolonize Africa, Asia and South Africa. Countries of the South and BRICS led by Russia, Iran and China would never allow that to happen. So US and its savage allies try to bring China and Russia down so that it can have a free hand in its fascism of trying to bully and recolonize Africa, Asia nd Latin America. US formed NATO to destroy Russia and aggressive blocks in AUKUS and QUAD to contain and take down China. But Russia and China are prepared to take them on and with the whole hearted support of all or most countries of the South they definitedly will triump over the axis of evil in USA, UK, NATO, the Quad and AUKUS. It is without a doubt that the USA is never a country but a hide out and abode of white terrorists that has been posing its threat to every country of the South for the last few hundred years and is continuing its violent threat and aggressions all around the world as seen in the Middle East, Africa and East Asia across the Taiwan Strait as well as in the South China Sea and Latin America inclusive of Central America and the Caribbean Islands. USA has never given up its intention to exercise control over the prolific Eurasia landmass comprising Europe, the Asiatic landmass of Russia, Central Asia and China to achieve its world hegemony as previously emphasized by Zbigniew Brezezinski a former US security adviser. Paul Wolfowitz an assistant secretary under Brezezinski propounded a doctrine called the Wolfowitz Doctrine which is very aggressive and detrimental to world peace. Both Brezezinski and Wolfowitz are sickening Zionist Jews. Thus it can be seen the United States has a history of violence, savage aggressions, brutal invasions, killings and genocide of natives and plundering of other countries mineral wealth and resources. The United States has always been a danger and a threat to every country and to the whole world. Now you decide, which country is a threat and danger to the world - China or United States? Thus in order for the world to have peace and security it is necessary to get rid of USA and Israel. Southernglory 1 Wednesday,23rd October, 2024

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