
Iran ended the Israeli/American myth of invincibility - Israel is finished

The revenge attack by Iran on Israel is a game changer, an eye opener. It even shocked the Iranians to a great extent. They could not believe it was so easy to penetrate the Israeli so called iron clad defense systems. For decades, the Americans and the Israelis were spinning about how great their weapon systems were and how invincible the Israelis were to the point that the whole Arab and Muslim world were cowering in fear of offending the Israelis. None of the major Arab and Muslim states would dare to irritate or provoke the Israelis for fear of being invaded and flattened, like what is happening in Gaza. Gaza is a piece of cake to the Americans and Israelis, no big weapons, air power, big artillery to fight back, except relying on guerilla warfare to fight a war of attrition.

The resilience of the Hezbollahs and Hamas, and their successes were still not sufficient to give much confidence to the Arab and Muslim world. Hamas did a great job in controlling the Red Sea and causing huge disruption to the shipping supply chain, and inflicting great economic costs to the Americans and the West. But it is still an asymmetrical war against big powers with overwhelming superiority in firepower. They could still be easily wiped out if the Americans or Israelis have a free hand to do so.

There is nothing compared to what the Iranians just did in attacking 3 Israeli bases in Israel, all the way from Iran. The 3 waves of attacks, by drones and missiles were meticulously planned and executed, with ingenious strategy and precision, took the Israelis and the Americans by surprised. Several Iranian missiles hit their military targets in Israel, reputed to be heavily armed and defended, with many layers of anti aircraft and missile weapons, Iron Domes, Patriots etc etc. The Israelis gave the impression that Israel is as good as impenetrable, and no Arab and Muslim state is good enough to cause a dent in the Israeli defence.

The attacks were made known to the Americans several days in advanced to give them ample time to respond. The British, French and Jordanians were also roped in to strengthen the defensive ring. With a 4/5 hour flight, the Americans and the Israelis have all the time to track the drones and set up their combat air patrols to wait for the drones. The drones might be slower but still many times faster than hot air balloons. If the Americans needed 2/3 missiles to take down a hot air balloon, how many expensive missiles would be needed to take down these 200/300 cheap drones. Iran won in this wave even if all the drones were shot down, which wasn't the case. Many still got through. But the cost of taking down the drones was very high, many expensive missiles and aircraft were involved.

After exhausting the defense system and expending their expensive weapons, Iran followed with another two waves of missiles, the main attack force, against Israeli defense systems and air bases, all arriving at the same time as the drones. The success rate for the Iranians was very high, eg 5 out of 7 missiles hit one air base. The bullshitting by the Americans and Israelis about 99% killed rate was completely destroyed, becoming an open joke.

The Iranians have tested and proven the accuracy and effectiveness of their missiles against the most heavily defended Israeli military targets, touted as world best, invincible. This successful attack would have given the Iranians and other Arab and Muslim states a new found confidence to take on the Israelis. The Israelis have been proven to be less than able to defend themselves, unable to defend themselves. The Israelis are vulnerable. All the threats of attacking Iran, to wipe out Iran, and Iran afraid to hit back or provoke an attack by the Israelis are now passe. Iran would say, bring them on.

Iran can wipe out Israel. This is the outcome of this bold attack by the Iranians. It is a breakthrough! Other Arab and Muslim states, eg Egypt, Turkey, Syria etc etc now know that the Israeli defense system is full of holes. Iran alone can wipe out the whole of Israel with all the missiles it possessed, and with many to spare. 

What can be the result or fate of Israel if a concerted combined attack by all the Arab and Muslim states, properly executed! Even if the Americans were to get involved, all their aircraft carriers and naval ships using the same defense system would also be sunk. If Israel is no longer able to ward off a small wave of Iranian attacks, the consequences of a major attack in full force would be very very grave.

From now onwards, the Americans and the Israelis would have to think very hard about attacking Iran. The Iranians on the other hand would be more assured, and confident that they could deliver a deadly blow to the Israelis and the Americans. The Iranian missiles are now battle proven to be able to beat the American and Israeli defense systems.

There is now a new sense of well being among the Arab and Muslim world. There is no need to be in fear of the Israelis and the Americans like before. The fear is gone. Israel can and would be wiped out if the Arab and Muslim states were to launch a coordinated attack together. Israel is unable to defend itself.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Wait till Russia, North Korea and China joined in the Fun.

Supply their Arsenals to the M.E. States and Iran with their expertise and know how.

Anyway, no need as the Western Block aka Dumb blokes are themselves self destructing within themselves.

IMF aka FInished warned the UAssA that they are collasping if they still kept their spendings.

Wow, now the Whites warned their own.

Also why the Standard and POOR and all their BS Anal- natical Agencies never downgraded their Status of insolvencies?

Virgo49 said...


Washing ton (tun) aka Stupid received warning from I M Finished

Anonymous said...

Imagine the brains required to plan for this. Drones, 2 waves of missiles all coming from different locations, all flying at different speed and all need to arrive at the same time !!!

Who said Iranians (Persians) are dumb? Ahhh, the whites (& that includes those Ashkenazi Eastern European Jews who are Israeli leaders).

Anonymous said...

The headlines on MSM a few days ago claimed that 'Israel Won', but I was left wondering in what way? Of course, Ukraine in the early days was also reported by the MSM to be winning. And some MSM reporters were even gloating that Russia would collapse with all the sanctions imposed. What happened? Today, Russia is doing even better economically than those sanctioning countries in the EU.

Western MSM often, or should I say always lie, and later gets exposed for lying by the truth. Some examples were narrated by Nury Vittachi on the site 'Fridayeveryday' under the title 'Oops, Chinese components used in many US war machines'. Little wonder that the 'decoupling' narrative has been abandoned, quietly of course, with "derisking' the new mantra. Nury's advice is to read those headlines and interpret it the other way round, meaning the opposite of what it intends to portray.

A very surprising thing hit me though, and that was the reports that much of USA war machines are still using Chinese sourced components, supply chains and even semiconductors. How is that even possible that the USA has no qualms about the question of 'National Security Issues' when it comes to such an important thing as components for its military? Common sense will tell us that this is the most important sector where security is paramount. Why is there no narrative about Chinese components posing 'National Security issues' for the USA military? This is the best area for China to spy on, right?

Oh, there was also a pointed slant narrated by Nury in the video by a Chinese businessman. A USA congressman, Mike Waltz, was shown complaining about the air force paying US$90,000 for a bag of bushings. A Chinese manufacturer was sarcastically telling the USA that his store is selling them for 2.89 rmb. He even makes the offer of buying 2 for 5 rmb, giving a 5% discount at that. That is why I say, despite the hundreds of billions more that the USA is spending on defence, China's smaller military spending is getting 'more bang for the buck'.

Now, it seems that it is China that is taking the 'decoupling' business seriously and discarding total dependence on the USA chip manufacturers like Intel and AMD for chips used by its domestic manufacturers. Keep it up China and never be cowed by the USA.

Anonymous said...

According to Scott Ritter, the main force of the Iranian attack was 9 hypersonic missiles and all 9 hit their targets. Not even one of the main attack force was taken down by Israel. This is frightening to the Israelis.

Iran has made a point. Iran will hit Israel hard if needed and Israel has no defence against it.