
Use CECA to replace the expensive Singaporeans

Even if these India nationals’ credentials are not fake, also shouldn’t have allowed them to come to Singapore to compete for jobs.
How can ordinary Sinkies stand a chance if another 50 to 100 million India nationals – out of a population of more than 1.3 billion – with not fake degrees flood Singapore to take up the good jobs like in DBS, Citibank, JP Morgan, etc ?
India CECA is a stab in our backs, depriving us of our livelihood.

The above is posted in TRE following Aziz Kassim's post on the dabbawallas.  Yes, Singapore cannot afford to keep on paying high pays. Even the escooter food deliverers are expensive compare to the Indian dabbawallas. Let's bring in the dabbawallas to replace these expensive escooter deliverers. The dabbawallas only need a pole to bring their food everywhere, no need expensive escooters.

This replacement of expensive Singaporeans should go all the way. We should replace all the expensive CEOs in GLCs, those CEOs in MNCs, many already using Indian CEOs, we should also replace our top civil servants with cheap Indian civil servants.

And ultimately we should replace our millionaire politicians with Indian politicians. They are cheap and good, as good as all the CEOs imported and all the dabbawallas on the pipelines. If all the expensive Singaporeans are being replaced, the cost of living would definitely come down to the same level as in India.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I visit India every year, once or twice a year. I have travelled in many parts of India, Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan to visit the holy places, to seek teachings from genuine masters in their hermitage up the secluded mountains, and to do meditation. I have seen and experienced that the cost of living in India is not universal throughout India. Different parts of India have different standards and different costs of living. Naturally, the costs of living in the cities are higher than the costs of living in the villages and remote mountainous areas (with the exception of tourist spots).

"If all the expensive Singaporeans are being replaced, the cost of living would definitely come down to the same level as in India."

Even if all the expensive Singaporeans are replaced, the cost of living would still remain high in Singapore. Why?

Because the cost of living is driven by many factors, not just the salaries of expensive Singaporeans. Among the other factors are:

1. The culture and the way of life (lifestyle)
2. The cost of products. Imported vs home-grown.
3. Taxation and Tariffs on goods and services.
4. Cost of Transportation of goods and products.
5. Property prices and rentals.
6. Cost of doing business.
7. Cost of health care.
8. Cost of insurance for everything, from marine insurance to personal insurance.
9. Cost of banking services and interests on loans.
10. Cost of money (capital) - the fluctuating exchange rates.

Without going into details on each of the above, you can already know that wages alone is not the only determinant on the cost of living.

Anonymous said...

VTO and CeeCa become BaiCa.

Anonymous said...

I have read from a speech given by either the Singapore PM or was it from your DPM, that CECA was signed and re-negotiated to benefit both countries is Singapore and India. It was designed to bring in investment from India to Singapore, thus creating more jobs for local Singaporeans. If true this cannot be bad, right??

Anonymous said...

How to VTO?

Kiasu, kiasi, and kia bo cheng-hu for so many years already.
Die die also vote PAP lah.

Even if no more goodies given out during elections time,
Sinkies will still die die vote PAP lah.

See WP also kena jia lat jia lat already. Don't know can go for election or not. Appeal to High Court, sekali Hight Court also uphold the findings of Lower Court. How? Cannot pay. Make bankrupt?

Maybe Dr Tan Cheng Bock PSP can get one GRC lah. If he contest at Marine Parade GRC against his old friend, the PAP dead-wood, who sabo him publicly in Facebook, he may win big.

But Tan Kin Lian and Tan Jee Say also want to come out like last time President Election, and spoil Dr Tan Cheng Bock's chances again leh. How?

I think the two charlies pretend pretend they are for the opposition but they may be moles working for PAP undercover? I guess guess only har. Don't sue me har. I no money to pay you and your lawyers. I only can go jail and eat free food and stay in free hotel. So siok, don't need to work. Eat full shake legs in prison cell and twiddle my toes.

Anonymous said...

@ November 23, 2019 9:20 am

"I have read from a speech given by either the Singapore PM or was it from your DPM, that CECA was signed and re-negotiated to benefit both countries is Singapore and India. It was designed to bring in investment from India to Singapore, thus creating more jobs for local Singaporeans. If true this cannot be bad, right??"

The fact is Singapore is the one that dumps billions of dollars into India. Not India investing in Singapore. And Singapore has lost $4 billion because of cancellation of the New City project in India. Have you read the newspapers lately?

Anonymous said...

Hi November 23, 2019 9:33 am

Sorry to get the facts muddled up. So it is Singapore investing in India and not the other way round. Surely it cannot be a one way flow, India must also invest in Singapore too. When Indian firms come to Singapore they must bring in expertise into Singapore and also train and educate Singaporeans. Benefit Singapore right? The Singapore government must consider CECA to be beneficial to Singapore, otherwise it will never be considered. Win win situation for both countries.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:47am, you stupid or what?

Third world slum cities people coming to teach and educate Singaporeans and transfer their technology to Singapore and Singaporeans? Everyone of them landed in Singapore would think they are in heaven and pray that India would be like Singapore.

Go look at India and see any Indian city comes close to Singapore or even Malaysian or Indonesian cities. What technology are you talking about? Rural villagers to educate Singaporeans. What kind of living and education standard in India compare to Singapore?

Our toilets and streets and void decks are cleaner and more comfortable than their homes.

Anonymous said...

India is a 3rd world country, still trying to build modern toilet and sewage facilities for thousands of villages. Singapore is a 1st world country. How can India provide training and education to Singaporeans? It is the other way around. Singapore is providing training and education for Indians from India who come here.

The Singapore government has done a big mistake by signing the lob-sided, unfair contract called CECA and is now fixed, unable to get out. It is not a win win situation. It is a win-loss situation!

Anonymous said...

Hi 930am

You are 1o8% correct!

Yes! Yes! Yes! The masses will DIE DIE DIE DIE die die die die vote for pap under ANY ALL conditions!

Many Many many many many have predicted that opposition parties have NO chance at the next GE with 1oo% parliament seats gg to pap!

So no point talking about this. Waste TIME!

Hahaha Hahahahahaha.....

Anonymous said...

But Sinkies are so dumb leh, bringing in rubbish and treated them like Gods. Now got screwed by them left and right. How stupid can Sinkies be?

Soon this city will be as slum as Indian cities.

Anonymous said...

Even if these India nationals’ credentials are not fake, also shouldn’t have allowed them to come to Singapore to compete for jobs.
Posted in TRE


Even if the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt, also shouldn’t have allowed them to lose big and lose every time in election.

But why majority Sinkies allowed them to lose big and lose every time in election?

Why, u tell me lah?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

>> What do you think? <<

Simple. If it makes ECONOMIC SENSE, DO IT. Competition and cooperation are aspects of human nature's assertion that "man is a social animal". Being a social animal means people will cooperate with their respective "groups", and compete with others from different groups. Or if you prefer individualism: people will cooperate with those they trust, value and esteem, and compete with others they don't.

Keep the fucking borders open. We are GLOBALISED, fucking get with the program...or go extinct like a victim-minded, entitled dinosaur!

Anonymous said...

'What do you think?' unquote

Simple. Just make your vote count this time around!

All else is just talking cock which the PAP interpret as just Sing Song.

I know someone already played his broken record of 108%. Forget about that and vote wisely this time around. No joke when survival issues are at stake. They know the ground issues this time and they already started all the veiled threats.

Anonymous said...


Please don't scold the pap lah! Not them!

They didn't force or beg the masses to vote for them. If they are no good vote them out!!

But very very very very funny, the masses don't why die die die die die die die die will continue to vote for them.

Why? Why? Why? Can anyone explain please?

Anonymous said...

Dissecting PAP's Open Letter To Singaporeans - Part 1/2

Lee Hsien Loong, released an open letter through the People’s Action Party website on 21 Nov, asking Singaporeans to work with him and his PAP.

His letter began with "65 years ago in 1954, the PAP was established to launch its mission to build a fair and just society, and to spread the benefits of progress widely to all."

(However, today it is moving very fast towards an unfair, unjust and unequal society, with benefits of progress narrowly spread to top elites by $millions every year.)

He said that the mission has not changed, from “our first Secretary-General Comrade Lee Kuan Yew” and his team, to “Comrade Goh Chok Tong” and his team, to my team, and the next 4G Team.

(Mission may not have been changed but the aim, terrain, enemy, time and space, approach, direction, order of battle, combat support, style of leadership, strategies and tactics have change until the fighting masses can feel that the PAP today is no more the same as yesteryears. These are the main problems which the PM himself still is unable to see. Very sad.)

“This mission will never change,” he emphasized.

(Wrong! Mission must change with the changing geo-political environment, prevailing world economic situations, time and space, and the enemy, which is the external and internal challenges)

“Singapore has been totally transformed from when the PAP was founded in 1954. We face increasing external challenges, and our domestic political landscape has evolved too,” he said.

(Singapore has been totally transformed but the stresses shot up, cost of living shot up, wages stagnated or went down, general happiness level went down, quality of life went down. This is not progress but regress, even though the physical structures look nice and modern.)

“To overcome these challenges, and keep Singapore politics working for Singaporeans, we need a capable and effective government. Leaders must be responsive yet firm, to navigate Singapore skillfully through the difficulties ahead.”

(To do all that, you have to cancel CECA by all means, at all costs, immediately)

He asked Singaporeans to be united so as to show the world that “we are a strong, cohesive red dot”.

(To show the world that we are a united, strong, cohesive red dot, cancel the lob-sided unfair CECA with India now!)

“Singapore, together with the PAP leadership, has come a long way,” he said and reiterated what the PAP is doing to maintain the trust of Singaporeans.

(Yes, Singaporeans have come a very long way with the PAP, far too long for comfort. Trust has to be earned, not by begging Singaporeans to work with you. Presently, you and your family eat expensive herbal chicken in high class restaurants while we eat chicken wing at hawker centres. Please lead by example. If you pay yourself 4 times the salary of the President of USA, you must also make sure that our workers get paid 4 times that of workers in USA.)

“We will continue to uphold your trust in the PAP Government,” he said.

(How to uphold our trust? This is a meaningless statement. If we already cannot trust the PAP, how are you going to uphold our trust?)

“We will continue to create opportunities for Singaporeans to improve their lives, to give people hope that the future Singapore will be better than today’s.

(Words are cheap. Your actions do not tally with your words. As it is, the future of Singapore is very bleak, as far as we can see. The economy has been dipping for eight straight months. It has been made worst by your signing of CECA with India.)

Anonymous said...

But very very very very funny, the masses don't why die die die die die die die die will continue to vote for them.
Why? Why? Why? Can anyone explain please?
11:49 am


Maybe the masses think the Sinkie opposition are PAP moles?

Or else why every election and after more than 50 years, the Sinkie opposition is still not ready to be govt?

So which is better? Vote PAP or vote PAP moles? LOL

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.49

You explain yourself lah! You always answer your own questions from script, right or not?

Why, why, why, die, die, die, very very very funny must ask others to explain your questions?

Anonymous said...

Dissecting PAP's Open Letter To Singaporeans - Part 2/2

And he added, “We will continue to build a united and cohesive society, where everyone, regardless of race, language and religion, has their rightful place.”

(How to build a united and cohesive society when you want to increase the population to 10 million? That means 7 million will be foreigners from all walks of life, culture, religion, language, thinking and idiosyncrasies. These people will overwhelm the cohesive 3 million Singaporeans, who are surely going to be out-sized and out-witted by the 7 million new citizens. In fact, PAP will then be infiltrated and controlled by these 7 million critical mass.)

“As we mark the 65th anniversary of the PAP’s founding, I hope you will work with me and the PAP as one Singapore, to advance Singapore towards a brighter tomorrow. Majulah Singapura!”

(To advance Singapore towards a brighter tomorrow, it will be a big mistake to just work with the PAP. Because PAP is not Singapore. Singapore is much larger than the PAP. It will be very selfish of us Singaporeans to just work with the PAP. We have to work with ALL Singaporeans, political groups and non-political groups in our country! From 1st world to 3rd world: Blakang Pushing Singapura!)

Anonymous said...

If we already cannot trust the PAP, how are you going to uphold our trust?
12:08 pm

U sure or not?

U mean Sinkies don't trust PAP?

Then how come PAP can win 70% votes last GE?

How come Chee Soon Juan cannot even win a by election in 2016?

Why, u tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

That's it. Anon 11.49 is Anon 12.08. Answering his own questions! Bingo!

Anonymous said...

That's it. Anon 11.49 is Anon 12.08. Answering his own questions! Bingo!
12:14 pm

Bingo your head lah!

I am Anon 12.08 answering Anon 11.49 but I am not Anon 11.49.

There is always more than 1 cockroach in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous 1213pm

You don't know meh?

This is Sg! Sg is like that! What to say? Like that means like that lah!


Anonymous said...

More than one PAP cockroaches? That is a revelation!

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are three cockroaches visiting this blog regularly. They start work at 9:00 am and switch off a 5 pm.
If you include Matilah and WSG (bigger cocks), then there are 5 of them roaching around here.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

It's so damn nice to be noticed. 🥰

Anonymous said...

Me too!!


Anonymous said...

@All, @rb,

RB keeps saying:-

///This replacement of expensive Singaporeans should go all the way.///

"Expensive" is only ONE PART of the equation. The OTHER part is "VALUE".

Foreigners get hired over Sinkies BECOZ their "Results ÷ Salary" is higher than Sinkies.

I know of true-blue Sinkies working in private companies & MNCs with annual pay of over $600K to $1+M. Why they are not replaced?!??!? Why they are not seen as too expensive?!?!??

And there are over 500,000 Sinkies drawing over $80,000 annual incomes --- why they are not replaced?!?!??

If YOU are replaced, it simply means that your actual results ARE TOO FUCKED UP compared to your salary!!! LOL!!!!


Anonymous said...

@RB, @All,

///And ultimately we should replace our millionaire politicians with Indian politicians. They are cheap and good, as good as all the CEOs imported and all the dabbawallas on the pipelines///

YEAH ... WHY THE FUCK NOT?!?!?!? LOL!!!!

LET $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ DO THE TALKING!!!!

If we had cheap & good Ahneh politicians & CEOs for the past 20 years (since 1999), Sinkieland will be much more profitable than having overpaid local politicians (including Oppo) and local CEOs.

Ahneh 988.5% versus Sinkie 131.6%


Anonymous said...

And there are over 500,000 Sinkies drawing over $80,000 annual incomes --- why they are not replaced?!?!??
WSG 1:55 pm

Now I know why PAP always win big and can even get 70% votes.

Because those Sinkie PMETs who are replaced by CECA Ah Nehs in their jobs are a minority, maybe 30% or less of all Sinkie PMETs. Like that how to vote PAP out?

And this one PAP knows better because PAP control IRAS, with all the salary statistics from Sinkie tax returns.

Anonymous said...

Cockroaches love red bean soup. I mean the leftovers!

Anonymous said...

4.21pm anon. Unfortunately I disagreed with your point of view. I think loser should not complain too much but to improve themselves.


Anonymous said...

Fuck PAP

Fuck Lee Hsien Loong
Fuck Heng Swee Keat
Fuck Chan Chun Sing

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Improve yourself? Can or not?

OK, these are basics. But they are taught by Bob Schiller...Nobel Laureate and famous for (among other things)the Schiller/ CAPE PE ratio (PE ratio for 10 years adjusted for inflation) It is FREE!... 3-4 hrs per week for 7 weeks...less time than you waste at the kopitiam or watching the rubbish TV. or reading the Straight Times.

It won't make you a "market genius"...dun worry, true "geniuses" are rare outliers in nature...most of us can be "average" and still do alright.


Suffice to say, most of the participants here are not "white horses" or "Elite Aristocrats of the Plutocracy". Those who have made some money probably all did it by working damn hard, and taking more than a few "setbacks"...you know, the way "normal" life is.

If you live in Singapore, you are fucking lucky compared to the rest of the world...even to people in so-called "1st world democracies". Don't be a SILLY GOOSE and blow that "free kick" the universe gave you.

If you can't "make it" in Singapore, where do you think you can go on this planet to "make it"?

The reality is this: If you are not "white horse" or "elite", then you are essentially on your own like the rest of us. Yes, we all have to "tolerate" a naggy, paternalistic, "Confucian" govt...but we DON'T have to allow them to take complete control of our one-and-only-lives...we can be SELECTIVE...taking the "good stuff" they dish out and rejecting all the bad shit that they also do.

You have to remember: Politics is a consequence of your culture. Government people come from the same gene-pool, the same cultural stock as all of us...i.e. we are governed by the ones we choose from our own "kampong"

Of course, once you give them "power", they are likely to form themselves into an "elite". That invariably happens is ALL HUMAN MATTERS dealing with groups larger than about 20 people. Below 20 people, you don't get POLITICS. But everyone who has worked in an office knows that after a certain number, POLITICS EVOLVES SPONTANEOUSLY FROM THE CULTURE...if the firm has got good culture, you get good politics. If the firm is full of back-stabbers...well, you know what happens.

Improve yourself and Majullah!

Anonymous said...

Curse Lee Hsien Loong
Curse Heng Swee Keat
Curse Chan Chun Sing

Curse all the Singaporeans who vote PAP.

Anonymous said...

"And there are over 500,000 Sinkies drawing over $80,000 annual incomes --- why they are not replaced?!?!??
WSG 1:55 pm "

Not yet. THEIR TURN WILL COME! Jackass!

Anonymous said...

If YOU are replaced, it simply means that your actual results ARE TOO FUCKED UP compared to your salary!!! LOL!!!!

November 23, 2019 1:55 pm

We all know that you are jobless. So you have been replaced! can't find a job anymore so bragging about how much money you are making in your war stocks as an excuse.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:42pm

Jealous haar?!?! LOL!!!

I quit working at 44 once I realised it wasn't worth my time & effort .... when my dividends reached 5 figures each month on average.

The only kind of excuse I spit on is losers who don't plan for their financial security & then KPKB return cpf and/or expect other people to give them free money.


Anonymous said...

Chinese Troops and para-military police forces are getting ready to cross into Hongkong. Now amassing at the border. The destructive and subversive elements, agents of the Evil Empire USA, are going to get a piece of their own medicine.

Hongkong is Chinese territory. It has got nothing to do with the Evil Empire USA. What or how China deals with Hongkong dissidents and undesirable criminals is done of USA's business. Trump wanted to obliterate Hongkong in 14 minutes? Try to do it. Don't just talk. Talk is cheap. Do it and see what response China will take. Dsre you to do it asp

Anonymous said...

Are you sure or not?
Why would the US obliterate HK
When the US Congress passed the law to protect HK?
On the one hand, they want to protect HK.
On the other hand they want to obliterate HK
Had the US leaders/politicians gone MAD?

"Obliterate" is an extremely strong word. It can be interpreted as using NUCLEAR WEAPONS. If the US employ Nuclear Weapons, it means Mutually Assured Destruction (or Deaths).

If the US nukes HK, China would probably respond with Nuclear Weapons too.

And the other nuclear-power countries would also be drawn into the MAD WAR. Who will survive in the end???

Anonymous said...

Trump will be dead for sure. The US Vice President will ensure that Trump is dead or arrested and put into a mad house for good, so that he can take over the Presidency, even if 90% of US population is gone.

Anonymous said...

Despite six months of unrests, Hongkongers are going to the poll today to elect 452 city councillors across 18 districts. This is the closest Hongkongers get direct representation in the system. Yet ironically voter-turnout has usually been pathetic and there was very little excitement.

However, recently 400,000 new voters have been registered. These could be young people who have become more politically driven because of the pro-democracy movement. They could also be people from mainland China who now settled in Hongkong as New Hongkongers.

Protesters have been urged to vote and to pause acts of disruption, in case the government decide to postpone it.

Anti-government elements aim to send to the HK and China governments a strong message through these lical elections.

The last few days has seen a break in the protests, riotings and rampages by the destructive and violent protesters, giving a short respite for a city battered by six months of political unrest unprecedented in the whole world.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ok, the obliterating of Hong Kong in 14 minutes is misquoted. Trump said if China wanted to do it, it would take only 14 minutes for the PLA to walk in to remove the rioters.

What is happening in Hong Kong is a controlled piece of work by China. Taking into account the devious schemes of the Americans and the West, China played along. Let a hundred flowers bloom. Let all those who are anti China stand up and be noticed. Now every anti China element is captured on record. When China comes in and draw in the net, none could escape except to flee Hong Kong.

It is reported that Li Ka Shing has left. China is now going after the foreign judges and the lecturers and school principals that were behind this anti China movement, and the lawyers and civil servants. China will clear the swamp in Hong Kong once and for all.

There will massive land acquisition like they did when they took over China from the KMT. Then all the landlords were heheaded for thriving on the miseries of the landless. Land would be made available to build many homes for the young Hong Kongers. Property prices would plunged as more control measures would be put in to stop the ever rising property prices.

There will be a new Hong Kong after this lawlessness. The traitors have all been identified and no foreign judges would be left to protect them. They may not be beheaded, but their days of glory and exploiting the poor Hong Kongers are over.

Anonymous said...


Now then you realised you didn't know how to read trump's quote?!?! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Let the Rich be annihilated & the poor prevail in HK under the commies ai sai boh? Or bei sai ?

Virgo 49 said...

Dotard Trump's boasted that if NOT for him, Hongkong will be be annihilated by China within 14 mins.

That's is in fact a compliment to China.

It shown the PROWESS of China.

In next breath, Xi is a wonderful man and friend.

In his mind he is telling the whole world that don't fark around with China.

In his back of his mind, I am AFRAID of China.

China can also annihilate us may be NOT in 14 mins but still can annihilate us.

Telling Taiwan and the Rest also Pinky not to how lian flex their puny muscles.

Telling Pinky not to show Moody his puny muscles.

Mathair also said we won't fight if these superpowers attack us.

Why waste your tax payers billions of monies into the drains?

UAssA only interested in selling their Arsenals and better make friends with China in their developments and the BRI.

Only stupid countries even trained their Men in to imaginary fearsome soldiers are so meek and timid.

What's the fark for?

Dotard even said he will not sign their what's stupid law sanctioning China.

He can be FROM Americunts Mental Institution and behaved as One but he is only wayanging.

He loves Putin and Xi better than his wife.

Anonymous said...

Where is Li Ka Shing?

Last and this year, he sold all his properties and closed down his businesses in China. Then transferred all his money to Hongkong.

From Hongkong, he transferred all his money to at least five capital-gains tax-free countries (Brunei, Monaco, Singapore, Taiwan, UAE) and two off-shore banks in the safe haven islands (British Virgin Islands and Cayman islands).

He is now in Singapore. Last seen at Suntec City. Probably staying at Sentosa Cove, $20 million bangalow by the sea where his private super-fast double-engine speed boat can berth underneath the house. From Sentosa Cove, the speed boat can be in international waters in 5 mins.

Believe or not, up to you.

Anonymous said...

to be realistic about existence as a being.
Rich or poor, all have 24 hours to eat and sleep and doing whatever to survive.
Does it matters if one is rich, poor, clever or stupid? lt does but quite immaterial. However,
health and happiness are important.
Please believe that vagabond could be as happy as the richest and most powerful man, maybe even n
There is nothing for mortal to be conceited about.
Be kind and humble, keep oneself in good health and stay happy.
Ego hurts and damages ones' wholesomeness.

Anonymous said...

to claim back for the Return of ones' CPF,
was originally legislated to be returned to members at age 55,
is making the CPF Members 'gian png'/hard-up/beggering??
U see Your Fellowcountrymen very the No-up.
Do not be too smug Boy.