
The Govt cannot build more flats( part 2)

Even if there is genuine demand for more flats, the Govt, according to Boon Wan, will not build more flats as this will affect some 80,000 owners who are living on rental income. Is this an important reason not to build flats for those who need them? Another possible reason, build more flats will bring down prices. Is this also another reason not to build enough flats to meet the demand?

What is the mission of HDB? To build flats to provide an income to the owners? To build flats and to ensure the prices will not fall? Or to build flats so that the citizens will have a roof over their heads?

But the Govt will build more flats for more people that are going to be imported to increase the population to 6.9m. And it is going to build several hundred thousand units for this purpose. So opposition better don’t speak up against having more foreign workers to build these flats.

Is Boon Wan meddling with the supply and demand of flats and the market forces? Is it not the Govt’s top priority to build flats for its citizens to live in, have babies, to bring up a family? The rental income cannot be a major concern, and some price fluctuation due to market forces must be a natural order of things. Why is this preoccupation to support and prop up property prices to disadvantage and victimize genuine home buyers? The current property prices are abnormally high and need to be lowered by balancing the supply and demand and definitely not by curtailing its supply.

What kind of logic is this? The interests of the young home buyers and genuine home owners are expendable so that others can get higher rental income or be happy cause their property prices remain high on paper?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

What do I think? I think knn lor stupid logic

Anonymous said...

80,000 or 800,000?!!!!

Anonymous said...

what sinkie low birth rate?they are just not interested.PAP is just like an onion,being peeled layer by layer. very soon,the rotten core will be exposed.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The simple answer which they're not telling you:

They don't want to take more land for public housing. They want private ownership.

This makes economic sense. Land is scarce, and therefore you shouldn't blow it on building under-priced public housing. That is foolish.

Also, it is not fair to those who already own property and are earning revenue from their property.

A home is not an entitlement. It is a luxury or a privilege, to be paid for by one's own efforts and diligence. Most people slog like mad to own their home. Een if you inherit your home, your predecessor had to work like a dog to own it.

The government DOES NOT owe you a living. Don't cheapen people's hard labour and sacrifice by giving away under-priced homes. That's IMMORAL (yes, I take the moral high ground. Problem?)

Get fucking real. And get off your ass and work.

Anonymous said...

MS, you ass. You are right that the people owe the govt a living by having to pay millions to do fuck all huh?

It is time the people demand that this overpaid govt do the necessary for the good of the people and not for the good of a few elite.

Shoo, shhoo, go back to where you are.

Anonymous said...

Redbean is one having too much faith in Boon Wan. For the matter, Redbean has mistakenly believes that the people in the government have the solution to all the problems. Ironically, much of the problem are created by the political leaders. Maybe Redbean can look at the leadership from a different angle like that of matilah or darkness.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 1048:

Hey asshole, I'm staying right here. Just to annoy you. :-)

Got problem?

P.S. Sometimes I think a do-fuck-all overpaid government is good. Good for my entertainment to see fuckers like you lose their shit, and become the victim they deserve to be :-)

Anonymous said...

The Swedish, Danish, Finnish ministers' pay around $150K per annum, they have a good social program, they pay a bit higher taxes, but it is for their old age retirement, their wages at the lower end job which generally shun by Singaporean are well paid and taken by the locals?

They have good qualify of life, high birthrate, good health care systems, well taken care old age, less crowded, free educations till tertiary etc.?

Their economy produce high quality products for export and their products are well designed?

Anonymous said...

Go back to basic. Repent!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 12:08, you are praising him too much. He can't take it and may go berserk: )

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 1124

Sure. That's Scandinavian culture. And it was hard won. They fought bloody wars over centuries and people died to get where they are -- a mix of extremely productive capitalism, and a generous social welfare system.

Singapore citizens won't even get off their chairs if it meant "personal sacrifice". Bullshit. Singaporeans are materialistic -- no gain, no point. Everything must calculate. Must win. Must not lose.

Are we clear yet?

Learn how to read the terrain. It'll save you from making (or suggesting) pointless comparisons.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


I've had 2 brandies, and am nursing my 2nd stout chaser.

Not enough fuel to go berserk...yet.

Anonymous said...

PAP govt owns 90% of land in Singapore.
Does not want to release more land to build HDB flats because it will bring down property prices.
the land and HDB monopoly does not want to increase supply of HDB flats ... am I correct?

bond said...

I think they are very evil, greedy and self serving. I do not think they care about the 80k depending on rental incomes. Finally, they do not even have to fork out more land for more flats. They just need to build 40-50 storey to replace those 10 storey hdb. They just want people to be heavily in debt. The more expensive the hdb, the higher the interest, the higher the stamp duties, the higher the legal cost and utimately the higher the gdp and thus their bonus. Vote opposition to stop this crazy chase of gdp.

Anonymous said...

And they are asking why fertility rate is so low at 0.78. The future for sinkies is so screwed and this is how nature works. Sinkies will be extinct sooner than expected. Sentosa which belongs to sinkies are now foreigners owned. sinkies even have to pay to get in. what kind of logic is this? our ancestors also defended this country against the japs during second world war. this gov must be stopped.

(http://www.indexmundi.com/g/r.aspx?c=nl&v=31 - singapore is the last one there.)

Anonymous said...

They are swear under SINGAPORE constitution so they should run this place like a country not a company.

Anonymous said...

'The Housing & Development Board (HDB) is Singapore's public housing authority and a statutory board under the Ministry of National Development. Providing Affordable, Quality Homes.
HDB plans and develops public housing towns that provide Singaporeans with quality homes and living environments. In this effort, HDB engages in active research and development work to ensure that cost-effectiveness and quality standards are maintained and continually improved upon.' (HDB website)

I think HDB breaches the above mission - it is not affordable, low quality and for non singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

RB I thought I state that most of the time matilar is an asshole mah!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 414:

I absolutely support the idea that Singapore should be run as a company.

Hong Kong, the Number 1 bastion of smokin' sexy capitalism, has a Chief Executive. Time for Singapore to follow.

致富光荣 - Deng Xiao Ping (believe it or not!)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hahaha, Matilah irritated till cannot tahan oredy. Shiok to see him like that : )

Ok good suggestion, our PM shall henceforth be called Chief Executive.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

What are you talking about? Man, if you're shiok, enjoy lah! At your age, you'd better!

Anonymous said...

HDB should just stop buidling one or two room flats. It is very sad to see entire family of six all squeezed into one bedroom. Why so inhuman?

If he is CEO, then he should be sacked long time ago because he cannot perform. His votes is getting lesser and lesser with each GE.

patriot said...

Anything less than a fourr room flat is not pro family and not family friendly. When grandparents, parents and othee kins want to spend a few days together, a flat less than four rooms will not be able to accmmodate. How to have family bonding?


Anonymous said...

/// When grandparents, parents and othee kins want to spend a few days together, a flat less than four rooms will not be able to accmmodate. ///

Policy makers do not live in HDB flats.
So of course they want to make HDB flats smaller.
To increase profits lah!

Anonymous said...

Matilah, you want them to run as company cos you do not live or work here. You are the minority so why should gov cater to you?

Anonymous said...

Somebody ask how many HDB being rented out by PR owner and owner gone back to homeland to live?

Anonymous said...

STFORUM - Print edition

Francis Cheng

- Consider serious impact on owners]

"THE suggestion to allow HDB flats to be sold back only to the Housing Board, with minimal capital gains,
will have a severe impact on all HDB flat owners if it is implemented
('Khaw shares ideas to lower prices of HDB flats'; Monday).

it goes against the govt objective of enhancing the assets of lower- and middle-income Singaporeans.

the Silver Housing Bonus and Lease Buyback Scheme could be affected..

those who took loans during the high interest rate period could suffer a loss..

those who purchased their 2nd subsidised flat and paid the resale levy may become poorer.. "


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Talking of family bonding. Now when you visit your parents or friends you must pay except on Sunday or public holidays. But not all HDB flats offer free parking on weekends.

Even private estates is running out of free parking roads. Good for community building relations? No one think along this line right? Oh, not enough space lah, but enough to bring in another 1.6m!

Snake oil sellers aplenty with head I win tail you lose logic and reasoning.

Anonymous said...

What if Singapore's pappy political leaders fancy this yankee habit..

[Mount Reagan:
Why do Americans name mountains after presidents?]

By Jon Kelly
BBC News Magazine, Washington DC


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 1117

>> Matilah, you want them to run as company cos you do not live or work here.

I have to correct you. I work from Singapore. Hotel Singapore is my base. I live (mostly) in Australia.

Yes, I want my favorite hotel to be run like a BUSINESS. No nonsense. Straight up tight accounting, everything expressed in money terms.

Got problem?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 954:

>> HDB should just stop buidling one or two room flats.

HDB should stop building anything -- period. It distorts prices in the market. It creates tension between who gets and who doesn't get. It encourages dependence on the government...and lastly, it is far too effective as a political tool used to manipulate people by FEAR.

People are addicted to government "help". This is a drug more dangerous than heroin. Heroin junkies die from overdoses. Government "help" transfers from one generation to the next.

>> It is very sad to see entire family of six all squeezed into one bedroom. <<

Moral of story: Apply birth control measures before fucking.

If you cannot afford a family -- DON'T START ONE!! and expect "others" to pay for your bareback fuck (duh...simple logic lah)

>> Why so inhuman?

Inhuman? Are you sure? Without the governments (and taxpayers) "help", these loser motherfuckers have NO PLACE to live lah, kotek!

Kani nah, at least be grateful lah. Poor, got state "charity"...and got the gall to complain some more!!

Tip For The Day: Just because you lack something, doesn't give you an AUTOMATIC CLAIM on others to provide for you.

What? You can't improve yourself in Singapore -- where opportunity abounds?

Get fucked lah. (but please wear a condom)

Anonymous said...

For exemple, people may lose their jobs to aliens with fake degrees and then ended up poor. It has nothing to do with condoms but more to do with bad policy from the gov.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 412

Bad luck can befall any one at anytime. It is extremely democratic. No one is so "special" just because the had bad luck.

It doesn't matter whose fault you think it is. Chances are, if they were really at fault, they won't fix it anyway. Anyway the past is gone. Finished. It's now only an ILLUSION in your mind.

So how?