
Advertisements are news too

For Singaporeans who have been away for too long, migrated or simply working overseas, the reading of advertisements in the blog is also keeping in touch with home. The types of advertisements, the jobs available, the qualifications needed, the salary offered, the type of companies placing the adverts, tell a lot about the happenings in the country.

This is also applicable to foreigners who want to have a feel of the social and economic developments taking place in the country. The advertisements tell a lot of what is happening here, particularly the job opportunities and income level of the people, the quality of life and the vibrancy of the economy.

There are more things to see and understand from just flipping through the advertisements other than jobs or entertainments or food etc etc. You will be surprised how much information can be deduced from just reading the advertisements. So when there are no fresh postings, take a peep into the adverts.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

My connection from: http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.nl/ thru a Eurozone vpn service, which has a variety of "exit" points. Today it's Holland.

The "ads" you I click for your kopi are for hot dates with Asian chicks, Jobs in Dubai and a few in German language I have no clue about until I click them.

>> You will be surprised how much information can be deduced from just reading the advertisements.

The "information" you think you are getting, is your brain being lured into the ideas of the marketer.

The whole purpose of adverts is to "sell you" something.

If you are in the market for that particular good or service, good for you. If you are ot, and you buy anyway, congratulations, your mind and your decision making processes have been hijacked, your caveat emptor mechanism's checks and balances have been rendered useless, and your "free will" is no longer "free" -- it's cost you your hard-earned money :-))

Anyway, I'll happily click away. Damn, those Asian gals in the adverts make my dick hard!

patriot said...

Advertisements are intended to brainwash and convert like propaganda.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When I looked into the Home Affairs advert, it tells you how much they are paying for the fresh grads for poly and university, the salary scale etc. That will give a job applicant the market rate for fresh grads.

It also tells that MHA is expanding, a bit about the organisation etc etc. It is what you want to read between the lines, not between the legs.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> It is what you want to read between the lines, not between the legs.

When you read between the lines, you might prevent yourself from getting a lawsuit...or you might get more confused.

When you read between the legs, chances are you know what you'll be getting. No confusion there.

Anonymous said...

Advertisements are news too, but do not believe them wholesale.

In fact nothing is to be believed nowadays, even Governments. They are the biggest liars. The Cypriots had been lied to and found this out with immense pain and sufferings. Others will follow them soon, to their disbelief and shock. if they trust their Governments too much.

Anonymous said...

This world is full of lies and damn lies and half truths. MHA is not expanding. Many of their staff migrated and so they need replacement.
