
200,000 Sinkies overseas

I heard this number being thrown around at the Hong Lim Rally? What is this 200,000 number about? 200,000 Sinkies, adults and children, working adults, those emigrated, what about Sinkie students overseas? It is still a substantial number of sinkies relative to a core of now 3.3m citizens or about 6% of us. I was thinking of having them back to strengthen the Sinkie core with some carrots. Unfortunately this is going to be futile.

There is no way for these Sinkies to return and make this island their home all over again. The cost of living, the cost of buying a home, buying a car will have made many broke. Even if they have a 3,000 sq ft property in their current place of residence, liquidating the property would not be enough to buy a 4 rm HDB flat and may have nothing left to buy a cheap car. Who would want to trade their kind of lifestyle to come back home? Who would want to come home to a highly competitive and stressful little island? What quality of living? The only thing good about this island now is to make fast money and to migrate to somewhere else for a more leisure pace of life. And that is what the FTs and PRs are doing. And the daft Sinkies will be stuck here for good. Ok, I digress.

As for the young and more mobile set, having studied abroad and working there, the problem facing them would be the same. How to afford to come home? Financially it just does not make sense, or not meaningful to come back to this small place and to pay a fortune for it, in a way, to be robbed of all the savings.

This place has become too expensive for any Sinkie to return. And return for what, for more reservist duties and in camp training?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

None of my friends, 6 sets of parents none of their kids are back. All professionals all working in USA, uk, Canada and Australia. My own three kids also plan to do the same. We all lost our kids. Left behind are 14 old folks

Anonymous said...

I don't know all the steps we need to take to get back all the 200K Sinkies;
But I do think the first step is to vote out the Pro Alien Traitors.

Anonymous said...

Native Singaporeans must give themselves an open option - try to stay and settle elsewhere if they are able to, an attitude of our Malaysian Chinese. Given the circumstances Singapore is facing now and will face in the future, able younger Singaporeans should choose to remain overseas as the mother land is not going to be the same when compared to, say, 20 years ago....

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

This is a reasonable estimate. And it is unsurprising, given the wealth, education and training of Singaporeans.

In Australia, the estimate is about 5%

I have personally been involved with about 20 or so Aussies moving to Singapore in the last decade. Most of them are PR, a few are seriously considering taking Singapore citizenship and fucking off their Aussie ties altogether.

Then there are Singaporeans who emigrate to Oz and cancel their citizenship to get "their" CPF -- which gives them an awesome head start in another cuntree.

They move here, we move there. What a strange nomadic species we are.

oldhorse42 said...

What is the problem? 200,000 sinkie oversea and do not want to come home? I know of many parents who pay for their children's education oversea and remain there after their studies. The parents will then cash cash out by selling their properties here and settle down oversea and live there happily thereafter.
What is there to come home to? Hot, humid overcrowded and expensive little island where the true blue sinkie are treated like second class citizen!

Virgo49 said...

My nephew recently relocated to Canada with three if his sons for good.

Served his NS and worked here till aged thirty eight.
Spouse and him holding double degrees

Felt not worth that his THREE sons, one after another going to serve NS soon soon and get tied up with reservists duties for the next one and half decades

So packed up for good to Canada

Anonymous said...

Personal advice is not settle down on countries with huge debt. Malaysia, China and Australia have smaller bubble. Hopefully resolved by then.

Anonymous said...

Other advice is not to settle in countries like Singapore with so many exploitative and hidden taxes like COE, "subsidized" HDB flats etc.

Where the government is rich by over-taxing their citizens.
And have an ideological bias against helping their own citizens.

Anonymous said...

The PAP created many of the problems initially and are giving Singaporeans the appearance that they are now trying to resolve them, but putting the blame on all and sundry except that they were adopting the wrong policies all along.

Low birth rate is one example, and after years of trying to turn around the falling birth rate, the problem is still festering. Did anyone within the PAP dared to point a finger at the old man who created this problem?

Now it seems that everyone within the PAP is making a big issue of productivity and blaming employers for not restructuring to improve productivity. After years of allowing millions of foreigners to work for cheap wages with low productivity gains for these employers, the PAP is now saying that employers should not have been over-reliant on cheap foreign labour to survive and need to change. Why do they create this problem in the first place and now have to force employers to restructure and be less reliant on cheap workers in order to boost productivity?

Anonymous said...

I think the number will go up even more if pap continues to rule. Vote opposition to save sinky.

Anonymous said...

How come sinkies can use medisave in malaysia hospitals but cannot use cpf to buy houses in malaysia?

Anonymous said...

I returned to Singapore after my studies overseas. I was never going to be away fomr my parents and country. Then for the next 19 years I suffered so much in my career. No jobs for you or look for another job. Is it because I am not able to speak Mandarin, cannot drink, do no eat beef/pork, or whatever. Then at the age of 45 I just left Singapore on avery very risky venture
I struggled again for another 6 months before I got a job. Another 10 months before I got my PR approved. My family joined me.
We wanted to buy a small home for us. I did not have any money but I could get some. All I had to was renounce my Singapore citizenship.
Which I did. So now I can come back as a tourist to my birthplace
Nobody will believe you if you say you can go the country of your birth as a tourist. Will I ever return? Should I? I am already in my50s now.

Anonymous said...

/// Will I ever return? Should I? I am already in my50s now. ///

Don't return.
But do write a blog.
And tell the whole world about the "freedom" we enjoy from our parLeementary democracy in Singapore.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Don't return unless you are filthy rich. Singapore today is different from what you know then. It is high pressure living, competing with third world foreigners who are deemed to be better than the locals even when many are definitely below pars and many are fakes.

The govt is still sleeping. A task force must be set up to rid the pests and fakes in the country that are depriving our young from decent jobs and a better life.

Anonymous said...

An increasingly noticeable the absence of 'trust' between the ruler and the people, which has been demonstrated by the ongoing debates. The vicious cycle shall stay and we will probably reach a breaking point sooner than later.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 624:

>> [...] not settle down on countries with huge debt. Malaysia, China and Australia have smaller bubble

Actually THE WORST CUNTREE (in this discussion) for "huge debt" is...wait for it...the PROUD NUMBER ONE...put your hands together ladies and gentlemen...(drum roll)...


Lucky(??) the debt is secured by CPF contributions. Now you might understand a little better why your CPF is a con job...it is used to secure/ service the enormous public debt that your children and grandchildren will continue paying...through the tax-funded pyramid scheme: CPF.

Be a selfless patriot. Know that "your" CPF is securing the future of a great nation ;-) Bwhahahahha....

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 844:

>> Nobody will believe you if you say you can go the country of your birth as a tourist.

Who gives a shit about what people (usually insignificant) choose to believe. You have to live your one-and-only-life for yourself.

Hotel Singapore is an awesome place to be a "tourist".