
Hugo Chavez – the man that shuts the Americans out

President Hugo Chavez death at 58 is a big lost to the Venezuelans and also to the free world, I mean the real free world that is free from American dominations and interference, and American instigated war. Chavez was well loved and respected by his people, much more well loved than the North Korean leaders. The whole nation cried on his death. He was their leader and national hero.

He freed Venezuela from American domination and control. He was instrumental in shutting the Americans from interfering in Latin American affairs. The Latin Americans have formed many associations, unions and groupings with the USA excluded. And they have peace. Yes, without the Americans, they have peace.

Chavez was only an ordinary soldier, a paratrooper. He did not have all the accolades from the academia. He was a patriot, a man who loved his country and people. He was a champion of the ordinary people. This is what he said,

“We must confront the privileged elite who have destroyed a large part of the world.“

- Hugo Chávez, September 2002

How many leaders today can match the things this man did for his country, his people, and for Latin America and for the free world? He was targeted for assassination many times and the Venezuelans believe that his death had a lot to do with the Americans. But he will leave behind a legend, a socialist revolutionary that defied the biggest super power on earth, the USA.

His death is a lost to the free people of the world.


Anonymous said...

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Veritas said...

After Hugo Chavez, the next hero in Latin America is Rafael Correa of Ecuado, followed by Evo Morales of Bolivia.

Before Hugo Chavez, Venezuela is in a miserable state. After Hugo Chavez, literacy, health improve. Venezuela even have free healthcare and free schooling.

The poor get cheap food provision by state.

That is why all the rich hate Chavez. USA hate him especially. Every western news outlet say Chavez is undemocratic, but I see in youtube(I learn spanish by playing the same spanish program over and over), people are free to go TV and curse Chavez, and got broadcast.

How can you say Chavez is not democratic.

Even though Chavez receives not too much education, he speak with righteousness. Look at how he trash highly educated BBC interviewer, not because he speak better, but because he has truth on his site.


The link is classic.

Veritas said...


Forgot to tell you, the link I provided just now has English subtitle. It is a must watch interview.

The BBC interviewer tried to trap Chavez. Chavez is not very educated. But with righteousness and truth in his heart, he beaten the BBC interviewer conclusively.

Anonymous said...

Where is matilar comment. We miss his once a while very thoughtful comment though most of the time he talk nonsense. I think he oversexed liao probably nursing after his balls got sliced off by the Aussie girls! So now baldness and no more comments from him.

Anonymous said...

There are still many poor people in Venezuela. Going against the rich ruling class blindly is not the best option for a country - milking them is.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Good riddance to bad rubbish. What a twat he was -- fucking up people's civil rights and liberty

I hope satan is fucking Chavez up the arse with his dick of fire. I hope Chavez is screaming like the bitch he was.

Fuck him. I'm glad he dead. Shame he was't assassinated ;-)

I do however loved the entertainment he provided by "standing up" to the US -- fuck lah, tin pot dictator making funny faces at the "enemy". Anyway, 10/10 for BALLS...oh, it's a lot easier too when you have SIGNIFICANT supplies of oil -- which to the USA is like heroin to an addict. If he didn't have oil, he would have been a mouse.

Anonymous said...

The Legacy of Hugo Chavez: The Revolution Within the Revolution Will Continue

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers

Global Research, March 07, 2013

The death of Hugo Chávez is a great loss to the people of Venezuela who have been lifted out of poverty and have created a deep participatory democracy. Chavez was a leader who, in unity with the people, was able to free Venezuela from the grips of US Empire, bring dignity to the poor and working class, and was central to a Latin American revolt against US domination....

Fuck you MS. Chavez is the hero of his people, not the exploitative capitalists in cahoot with the Americans.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

'Mark Weisbrot of the Center for Economic and Policy Research writes:

The Western media reporting has been effective. It has convinced most people outside of Venezuela that the country is run by some kind of dictatorship that has ruined it.

In fact, just the opposite is true. Venezuela, since the election of Chávez, has become one of the most democratic nations on Earth. Its wealth is increasing and being widely shared. But Venezuela has been made so toxic that even the more liberal media outlets propagate distortions to avoid being criticized as too leftist.

We spoke with Mike Fox, who went to Venezuela in 2006 to see for himself what was happening. Fox spent years documenting the rise of participatory democracy in Venezuela and Brazil. He found a grassroots movement creating the economy and government they wanted, often pushing Chávez further than he wanted to go.

They call it the “revolution within the revolution.” Venezuelan democracy and economic transformation are bigger than Chávez. Chávez opened a door to achieve the people’s goals: literacy programs in the barrios, more people attending college, universal access to health care, as well as worker-owned businesses and community councils where people make decisions for themselves. Change came through decades of struggle leading to the election of Chávez in 1998, a new constitution and ongoing work to make that constitution a reality....'

This is posted in TRE. Matilah, please stop being fed by western media. They said the same thing about North Korea and Iran and about Myanmar before.

Anonymous said...

Venezuela is making rapid progress on other measures too. It has a high human development index and a low and shrinking index of inequality. Wealth inequality in Venezuela is half of what it is in the United States. It is rated “the fifth-happiest nation in the world” by Gallup. And Pepe Escobar writes that:

No less than 22 public universities were built in the past 10 years. The number of teachers went from 65,000 to 350,000. Illiteracy has been eradicated. There is an ongoing agrarian reform.

Anonymous said...

Compare with this news from the USA.

(7 mar) – The Dow is at a record high and so are corporate profits – so why does it feel like most of the country is deeply suffering right now? Real household income is the lowest that it has been in a decade, poverty is absolutely soaring, 47 million Americans are on food stamps and the middle class is being systematically destroyed. How can big corporations be doing so well while most American families are having such a hard time? Isn’t their wealth supposed to “trickle down” to the rest of us?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


>> Matilah, please stop being fed by western media.

I'm not. I just don't like socialist LEADERS. And he was a wanker for civil liberties. State control on everything.

Anyway, oil (which he stole from private owners) was his leverage. Great, you should use whatever advantage you have to screw your adversary. However, if he had no oil, he would be just another loud mouthed Latino anti-Semitic Catholic cocksucker.

Plus the fact that I have a tradition of celebrating the demise of a politician. If he/ she was a head of state, that's Bollinger time.

I have put aside 2 bottles for Lee Kuan Yew :-)