
Financial Institutions Discriminate Singaporeans

Financial Institutions Discriminate Singaporeans Recruiting in Favor from One Single Country

Today, there is an article Lianhe Zaobao admits that Singaporeans are discriminated in job market. What particular striking is a part of the article showing rampant discrimination against Singaporeans job seeker… Last year, TAFEP ( Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices) received feedback that foreign managers in some financial institution hire in favor of their own country people, rather than hiring Singaporeans.

TAFEP contacted these financial institutions. The senior managements agreed that certain departments do have many employees from one single country. The senior managements claim that they will hire more Singaporeans.....

The above article by Veritas is reposted in TRE. It is a terrible state of affair for Singaporeans to be discriminated in their own country. This is possibly another first that Singapore has achieved. There used to be policies that favoured foreigners but these have been watered down after anger flared in the social media. Now this. How could it happen? What is the Govt going to do about it?


Anonymous said...

Dear redbean
You write as if you think our Pro Alien Traitors still care about the Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

They would not do anything lar citing free market principle and competition

Anonymous said...

Just need to visit The Signature building in Changi Business Park to see the situation, it has been there for all to see for the last 10 years.... dun expect any actions from anyone......sigh

Anonymous said...

Did anyone follow the Auastralian PM`s policy on immigration and employment? She just re-iterated that only those with the required skills will be allowed into Australia to work. And Australians will be at the head of the queue.Is it too difficult for our government to see the sense of this?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Traitors see Singaporeans as a threat to their hold on power?

Anonymous said...

We must give 'credit' to the authorities..and damages done are considered permanent by nature regardless of whether or not one is the ruling party supporter. Uniquely Singapore!!

Anonymous said...

Time to vote in more opposition and get rid of the foreign trash.

Otherwise, Singaporeans should just keep quiet and suffer in silence if they continue to choose having the PAP in charge.

Anonymous said...

I am for Singaporens first. Don't tell me about competition. Its a bluff. Look at the working culture here in Singapore. We work like mad and come home late. Is our productivity higher than Australia? Even so, by how much? Is it worth the while to earn the extra money for ministers and GLCs to spend, at our expends?

Anonymous said...

If you want hard core programmers and C++ programmers, you need to employ FT Indians, who are very good.

Not many locals wants to be C++ programmers. Most in comp sci go for soft options and they don't even want to major programming because it is considered difficult, time consuming and doesn't pay as well as a system integrator, project engineer or system analyst. So you have comp sc graduates who doesn't know much about programming, but want to supervise programmers.

Veritas said...
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Veritas said...
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Veritas said...

If you want hard core programmers and C++ programmers, you need to employ FT Indians, who are very good.

Not many locals wants to be C++ programmers. Most in comp sci go for soft options and they don't even want to major programming because it is considered difficult, time consuming and doesn't pay as well as a system integrator, project engineer or system analyst. So you have comp sc graduates who doesn't know much about programming, but want to supervise programmers.

I am a software engineers. What you just said are lies.

Singapore's engineering was destroyed partly because of FT Indians. In Singapore, very few fresh graduates can find a place to start. Companies are pampered by PAP to get unlimited supplies of 10-20 years experience engineers oversea.

You tell me Indian engineers good in program. I think 99% of them sucks. The top 0.01% Indian could be most people is really good, I have to admit.

Because most Indians software skills sucks big time, that is the reason there are no indigeneous IT company in India that make it big internationally. India is just a cheap outsourcing destination for western MNC freeing western engineers to do more interesting and high end jobs. Speaking about programming China Chinese are better than Indians, if you compare the number of IT innovations coming from China. And why PRC are not recruited by banks? The reasons are wide spread Indian racism that hate PRC.

What can you expect from a India which have IQ 81. Our IQ is 103. Unfortunately, PAP choose not to let our graduates a place to start learning their trade. PAP want to damn our graduates.

Veritas said...

One thing I need to admit, Indians are very good management glue to allow unimpeded flow of command chain. To do something, you need to unite the people, to rule, you need to divide the people.

Indians are good in creating divisions, among co-workers laterally especially.

So you have comp sc graduates who doesn't know much about programming, but want to supervise programmers. I think the statement above depict Indian best.

Most Indians engineer do not make living honestly. They are smarter in office politics compared to the Chinese. I observe Indians and Chinese. The Indians work very hard in university, not unlike Chinese. In work place, they behave very different. They are more aware politically.

Unlike Chinese who believe in real meritocracy, Indians seems to believe that you can actually make the boss hate you if you are too competent. Over the years, I have seen so many fresh graduates, willing to perform, and yet being destroy by toxic managers. The harder they work, the more the boss hate them.

Indian engineers behave similarly as managers. Make other people do the work and take the credit. The boss sense that Indians behave just like themselves. Hence, they are comfortable with Indians.

I do not blame Indians entirely for this. Singaporean toxic managers are the true culprit. We do not have real meritocracy, the "Indian problem" is just a derivative.

The problem is what if everyone behave like Indians? India is shit country because of the collective wickedness of Hindic civilization. I am seeing our parasitic manager class corrupting young Singaporeans. If we do not repent and try to make a living honestly, eventually, we will be like India.

The prosperity in Sinitic society is because many naive and stupid Chinese who continues to believe in living honestly and doing good deeds. I think PAP want to do away with that.

Anonymous said...

By allowing huge influx of immigrants for the last decade, the pap has directly or indirectly 'killed' those managers and companies that hired locals. Currently those still around are conditioned to hire immigrants especially those from a certain cumtree. Vote opposition to save your country. PAP sucks.

Veritas said...
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Veritas said...

I am a hardcore C programmer. I program very close to metal. I manipulate hardware. Then I move to C++. I consider myself very good in C++, but my favorite language is still C, because it give me many freedom to do dangerous things.

I use C++ when I want to build large scale application. When I get very close to CPU or silicon, I use C and assmebly. That is my brief CV.

Over the years, I often told my boss during that I would prefer him to get a Singaporeans co-worker. My boss disagree.

Up to now, I see all boss are pampered with choice. 10 years ago, every single job advertisement would get more than 100-200 resume. That was 10 years ago.

Nevertheless, my bosses always say, he "cannot find suitable people".

Today the situation is so bad that in my boss keep sending out job advertisement on jobstreet, jobdb...etc for more than one year to fill the position of my co-worker. Candidate overseas all welcome. The company got so many resume that several head hunting companies are employed as filter.

I think for the past one years, thousands and thousands of resume could have been filtered by head-hunters.

He would even conduct tele-interview remotely overseas. The position is still unfilled. He claim "its very difficult to find suitable candidate". WTF

Many Singaporeans do not know how the managers of Singapore are being pampered. My boss know very little about technical. But he is good in office politics. Despite of setting a low standard for himself, he set a very high standard for all the candidates he interviewed. This is a real hypocrisy.

Despite of this, every companies in Singapore still shout, "talent no enough", even they are able to recruit unlimited number of people anywhere in the whole world.

And department next door, run by FT Indians recently fired engineer. The replacement is another FT Indian.

We have a very serious problem in corporate culture.

Anonymous said...

Hі thеrе, of couгsе this
artiсle іs in faсt goοԁ anԁ ӏ have leaгned
lot of things from іt οn thе tοpic
οf blogging. thanks.

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Anonymous said...

When Malaysia and Philippines go to war, all these ahnehs can be put to good use at the frontline.

Anonymous said...

No flower bloom forever.

Anonymous said...

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Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When Singaporeans are being discriminated by foreigners or even locals in home country, it is serious and shameful.

It it time the govt steps in to put right this disgraceful act and redeem the pride of Singaporeans in Singapore. Lip service is not good enough. We are Singaporeans, the owner and citizens of this island.

If nothing is done to nip this in the bud, oops, it is already in full bloom, the hostility towards foreigners could only get worst. The govt has a responsibility to put a stop to this immediately.

Veritas said...

When Singaporeans are being discriminated by foreigners or even locals in home country, it is serious and shameful.

It it time the govt steps in to put right this disgraceful act and redeem the pride of Singaporeans in Singapore. Lip service is not good enough. We are Singaporeans, the owner and citizens of this island.

If nothing is done to nip this in the bud, oops, it is already in full bloom, the hostility towards foreigners could only get worst. The govt has a responsibility to put a stop to this immediately.

Hi RB, the danger is Singaporeans are now starting to believe that we are very lousy. Many Singaporeans also believe that racist are right, and we are too xenophobic.

Veritas has been accused of inciting hate online many times. In workplace, whenever I say Singaporeans are clever, foreigners will boycott me claiming that foreigners make it due to "meritocracy".

The fact is Singaporeans are extremely hardworking and smart people. We has been put down by our leaders too long.

By writing all these articles, Veritas has stick out my neck to get a invitations from ISD. I don care. I am not racist. Foreigners are racist.

Anonymous said...

I was a Telerate, Reuters & Bloomberg user for on-off 30 years.
When Singaporeans were providing IT support, the service was excellent and platform solid.
In past 10 years, Singaporean PMETs IT professionals were replaced by foreign Ah Nehs, the service support became poor, platform has many bugs despite the advance in technology.

The facts speak for themselves.
Our policy makers either were sleeping or have other self-centred motives contrary to true blue Singaporeans interests.

Singaporeans make excellent PMETs. Why are we importing so many half-baked foreign PMETs to replace ourselves?

Why are we disqualifying our very hardworking and qualified Singaporean students from getting places in medicine, law and banking places in local universities despite the huge demand all these years in these areas in the economy?

Which selfish cartels are being protected?

Anonymous said...

We have to eject pap to save the country from falling into foreign hands. Vote opposition.

Veritas said...

I was a Telerate, Reuters & Bloomberg user for on-off 30 years.
When Singaporeans were providing IT support, the service was excellent and platform solid.
In past 10 years, Singaporean PMETs IT professionals were replaced by foreign Ah Nehs, the service support became poor, platform has many bugs despite the advance in technology.

The facts speak for themselves.
Our policy makers either were sleeping or have other self-centred motives contrary to true blue Singaporeans interests.

Singaporeans make excellent PMETs. Why are we importing so many half-baked foreign PMETs to replace ourselves?

Why are we disqualifying our very hardworking and qualified Singaporean students from getting places in medicine, law and banking places in local universities despite the huge demand all these years in these areas in the economy?

Which selfish cartels are being protected?

Actually for all these happened, our senior managers, who are mostly Singaporeans share a big blame as well.

This is their business decisions. The MNC environment produce very toxic management culture.

In Taiwan where there are few MNCs, there are more meritocracy. The bosses own the companies. They have to promote the smartest else they go bankrupt next day.

For Singapore, senior managers do not care whether a company go broke or not. This is not their company.

Again why we don have entreprenuers? Of course the blame lies on PAP. In Taiwan, government give contracts to talented entreprenuers. Taiwanese build world class companies like mediatek, TSMC, UMC HTC...etc.

PAP reward contracts to cronies like NCS, ST, DSO, DSTA...etc. These are notorious organizations of politics.

Anonymous said...

Red Bean says
/// It it time the govt steps in to put right this disgraceful act and redeem the pride of Singaporeans in Singapore. ///

I say;
It it time Singaporean patriots step in to put right this disgraceful act and redeem the pride of Singaporeans in Singapore.

Singapore's well being is too important to be left in blind trust to one political party.

Anonymous said...

STFORUM - Print edition

[Part-time workers do get Workfare payouts]

"DR TAN Khee Giap ('Tap part-time workforce to ease labour crunch'; last Wednesday)
suggested expanding the Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) scheme to cover part-time work,
and for the wage supplements to be linked to part-time workers' hourly wage.

Farah Abdul Rahim (Ms)
Corporate Communications
Ministry of Manpower"


Anonymous said...


[MOM studying how others let in foreign talent]

"The MOM is looking at how other countries implement their entry of foreign talent at the Employment Pass (EP) level
to ensure that Singaporeans are given fair consideration during hiring,
said its Acting Minister Tan Chuan-Jin yesterday.

He outlined 2 broad strategies aimed at raising 'the capabilities of Singaporeans',
while ensuring that 'foreign workers complement, and not just substitute, Singaporean workers'."


Anonymous said...

Thoughts of a Cynical Investor

[Constitutional law

Err why must S’poreans prove anything, Managing Editor of SPH?]

"On 24th February, SunT’s headline on its regular column by SPH’s Managing Editor* screamed: 'Who’s out of touch – our leaders or people?'.

In slightly smaller lettering,' Singaporeans have to also prove that they are not a mollycoddled lot who have forgotten the realities of making a living in this competitive world
and how this country made it against the odds.'

It irritated me for 3 reasons."


Anonymous said...

Ng Kok Lim's latest

[Should be Singaporeans all, regardless of who we vote for]

"I refer to the 3 Mar 2013 Straits Times letter by Ms Ng Yan Ling [1].

The phrase 'founding of modern Singapore'
leads to the question of what constitutes modern Singapore.

Singapore in 1965 is no longer considered modern by today’s standards.

Similarly, Singapore today will not be considered modern 50 years from now.

Luckily, there is a general consensus amongst historians on what constitutes modern Singapore.

Many historians refer to modern Singapore as Singapore post 1819
and the founding of modern Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7].

Mr Lee Kuan Yew never founded Singapore modern or otherwise,
he inherited Singapore from the British."


Anonymous said...

How Singapore can build up it capacity, go for the maximum, poke above it weight:

Develop and help SME to sell and export more to oversea and worldwide.

Engage foreign consultant to help SME to design better products and services , so that they can grow to global multi national companies, like the Swiss sell its premium watches around the world.

Swedish make many important inventions and discoveries and develop many giant companies around the world with its small populations, Samsung of South Korea and South Korea became the third advanced Asia countries after Japan and Israel?

Singapore now is in a better position, with massive $200 billions and high returns from its reserves, COE, ERP, GST, Levis & rental etc, can be use to develop massive scheme to incentivise SME innovations, patents and inventions, so that they can grow, design better products to sell overseas, give massives incentives and honours to SME bosses to growth, develop and sell its products and services oversea and train its local workforce?

Call for worldwide submissions of their proposals,ideas inventions, innovations, design, breakthrough & discoveries to be financed and develop in SIngapore?

Singapore can’t be advanced if continue to depend on cheap foreign labour?

Anonymous said...

The current SOP is to go for fire sales, buy up failed companies overseas and hope to strike lottery. Playing with other people's money is fun. Just gamble big big. Lose never mind.

Why waste money buying local or building up local companies?

Anonymous said...

Sir Stamford Raffles Lee Kuan Yew founded modern Singapore in 1819.

Old Singapore was founded by Sang Nila Utama Lee Kuan Yew, a prince from Palembang.

Anonymous said...

Many case is perception issue.
Example 1
Why people still view highly those who have experience in western banks when many can easy see the financial turmoil we have now. Should it be judged by case on case isn't it?
Example 2
Also IT is a very board field. India do have very good programmers but they good in handful commercial fields only. Others like those in application development and industrial IT etc, they are way behind the pack.

It is important in private sectors, our university and polytechnic graduates be given even level of opportunities. Our government should explore ways utilise and ehance our education system
else why bother to increase tertiary head count in the first place? To incur debt to its people?

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