
Covid19 - Pfizer vaccine a drug? Needs to be jabbed annually like drug addicts?

People around the world will need to get a jab against Covid-19 once a year, at least when it comes to the Pfizer vaccine, BioNTech’s CEO Ugur Sahin said in an interview on Sunday, as he praised the quality of its booster shot.

In an interview with Germany’s Bild newspaper on Sunday, Sahin said he considers the vaccine, co-developed by his company, to be “very effective.”

When asked whether people should be worried about the “breakthrough infections” – in which those vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine still developed Covid-19 symptoms – he dismissed such concerns, saying that the jab offers a “90 percent protection” against cases that require intensive care in those aged over 60.

A “very high” level of protection against severe illness lasts for up to nine months, the BioNTech CEO maintained. He said this level starts decreasing “from the fourth month,” however. To maintain the protection, Sahin strongly pushed for booster shots, arguing that they would not just restore levels of antibodies but would potentially help “to break … chains of infection.”....

Sahin’s interview comes days after it was revealed that Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making a combined profit of $65,000 every minute – all thanks to their Covid-19 jabs. That is according to estimates made by the People’s Vaccine Alliance (PVA) – a coalition demanding wider access to vaccines.

The PVA estimated that the three companies are to earn a total of $34 billion in combined pre-tax profits this year alone, which roughly translates into more than $1,000 a second and $93.5 million a day.

The above is reported in RT.

Read carefully and you would notice that the whole scheme of things is to commercialise this drug, disguised as a vaccine, to be injected repeatedly, annually, like a drug losing its effectiveness over time. Also the reason to restore the level of antibodies is unscientific, a disinformation to con the uninformed to keep getting booster shots. Some countries are implementing 4th booster jabs. The human body when vaccinated, would reproduce antibodies to a higher level and when the body is infected, when the body needs to fight an infection. When there is no infection, the antibody level would naturally go down. There is no need to keep jabbing to maintain a high antibody level.

The truth is out, you need to jab this drug annually. The high is for 9 months only. Can you believe it? How much money they are going to make to use this drug and message from the people of the world?

3 booster shot not enough and would not stop there, 4th, 5th, 6th and many more till you die or no more coronavirus whichever is earlier. The world is being blackmailed by the manufacturers of fake drugs and fake news. They are pushing this like a dependency drug, not a vaccine.  Once hooked, you need to be jabbed again and again. Playing on fear and using the power of govts to make jabbing with this drug compulsory. This is looking like the scam of the century.

PS. If the Pfizer vaccine is only effective for 9 months, it would mean that the vaxed would become unvaxed after 9 months. So, after every 9 months, Singapore's 90% vaxed population would be 100% unvaxed! Unless they get poked again, all 90% of them. Can you believe that?
Blogger, please explain why this piece is unacceptable when it is quite factual and written to warn the innocent about a very dangerous scam to make money by creating fear? Are the pharmas objecting to this piece because it affects their narrative to sell more of this ineffective drug called vaccine? If the vaccine is effective, there should be no surge of infections like what is happening in US and Europe now. And people should be able to live their lives normally without the need of restrictive measures and wearing of masks.
Please let me now what is wrong with this piece.
Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Viewer discretion needed:
'German Statisticians Find the Same Result in Germany as the UK Health Security Agency Reports: It Is a Pandemic of the Vaccinated.'


Anonymous said...

German Statisticians Find the Same Result in Germany as the UK Health Security Agency Reports: It Is a Pandemic of the Vaccinated.

The Covid “Vaccine” Makes You More Susceptible to Falling Ill with Covid and All Other Viruses and Diseases, because the “Vaccine” Destroys the Innate Immune System.

In Germany the states with the highest vaccination rate have the most excess deaths.

Dr. Ute Bergner, a physicist who is a member of the Thuringian state parliament in Germany, commissioned statisticians to investigate the relationship between vaccination and excess mortality in the 16 German federal states.

The statisticians found that the states with the lowest percentage of the population vaccinated had the lowest excess mortality. In contrast the state with the highest vaccination rate (66%) had the highest rate of excess deaths.

“The correlation coefficient is +0.31. In the eyes of the two data scientists this is ‘astonishingly high.’ Especially since the believers in the vaccine are claiming the opposite but provide no proof for their notion of ‘protection’. One should at the least expect a different relationship: the more vaccinations, the lower the mortality. After all, the intention was to protect people.”

Anonymous said...

We should panic - Omicron is here:

'Omicron Is "Extremely Mild" Says Doctor Who First Discovered Strain; Numerous Mutations "Destabilize" The Virus'


Anonymous said...

May the force be with the daft, so that they can eat more shit.

Anonymous said...

"We should panic - Omicron is here:

'Omicron Is "Extremely Mild" Says Doctor Who First Discovered Strain; Numerous Mutations "Destabilize" The Virus'

Surely we know how Singapore government works ? When other countries gonna the virus, Singapore happily put them at high risk , quoting how risky is the virus. But Singapore cannot control the virus, simply brushoff as mild, less risk, treat like endemic. I say Singapore government is a circus run by clown since 40 years ago when LKY take over. Now don't we believe it now ?

Anonymous said...

Never believe in deceptions. The PAP leaders are full of deceptions and using reverse-psychology to snook the opposition as well as the voters and the public.

First of all, its Parliamentary Democracy is a neither a democracy nor a parliament in its real sense.

How to have a democracy when most always all the PAP lawmakers collectively allow in unison to pass any law that affects the life of the voters, without much debate? Except for a few who were picked to say a few words during the parlamentary sessions, almost all of them don't even make a squeak. Some even have the audacity and total disrespect to the sanctity of the Parliament and their voters and supporters by going absent most of the time in their entire 4 to 5 years term.

From such actions and behavioural patterns, how can there be a real Parliament? It is more appropriate to name it as Par-Lee-Men, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

COVID immunity from infection versus vaccination

A recent Israeli study found that people who had been vaccinated with two shots of the vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE —the most commonly used there—were 13 times more likely to later get infected than those with a prior infection. The study, which hasn’t been peer reviewed, tracked confirmed infections between June and August this year for people who had been either vaccinated or infected in January or February.

It also suggested that immunity from infection is longer lasting than that from vaccination.


A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

COVID-19 Omicron: Wise To Close All Gaps, Take No Chances

Morocco, a small island city state, like Singapore, takes no chances. It has banned all incoming flights into Morocco, not just those travellers from the southern states of Africa. This is a very wise move.

Those who foolishly think, as they have done before, again and again, that they need only to bar travellers who have been to the six Southern African countries for the last 14 days will be sufficient are having a stupidity that cannot be cured.

What do you expect such stupid leaders to do, especially when blinded by their greed and eagerness to make more money, and inadvertently cause more unnecessary deaths and infections.

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

GENEVA: The Omicron variant is likely to spread internationally, posing a "very high" global risk where COVID-19 surges could have "severe consequences" in some areas, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday (Nov 29).

The UN agency, in technical advice to its 194 member states, urged them to accelerate vaccination of high-priority groups and to "ensure mitigation plans are in place" to maintain essential health services.

Anonymous said...

A very good example of a stupidity that has no cure, mainly due to a economic consideration fixated mind:

Despite the emergence of Omicron, at a news conference with his Malaysian counterpart Ismail Sabri to mark the start of the VTL scheme between the two countries, Mr Lee said that the scheme will be opened to normal travellers from Malaysia in December.

This shows very clearly that the leaders of the two countries are slow to respond to immediate threats. They are sticking to their previous plans, still using hindsight, instead of foresight, in tackling the Covid-19 Pandemic. Such easy-going leaders are the main cause of the continued spread of the Covid-19 and the sufferings and unnecessary and premature deaths of so many old folks

Queen of Hearts said...

CanSino invented the world's first Inhalable Covid-19 vaccine. This vaccine produce antibodies faster than the normal inoculation type of vaccines.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Covid-19: Actions vs Reactions, Foresight vs Hindsight, Wisdom vs Stupidity

Morocco has stopped all flights entering the country to prevent any unthinking, irresponsible or unaware persons from carrying the new Omicron variant of COVID-19 from transmitting the highly contagious variant entering the country and spread it to her people. This is wisdom.

Australia has stop plans to reopen its borders to some foreign nationals becaise of fears over the new Covid Omicron variant. This is proactive action.

Australia is due to allow vaccinated skilled migrants and international students entry from 1 December, 2021.

However, Austria PM Scott Morrison said a delay of a fortnight was "necessary" following the discovery of the highly contagious Omicron variant.

The heavily mutated Omicron variant was detected in South Africa earlier this month, with initial evidence suggesting it has a higher re-infection risk.

While Morocco has barred all foreign flights, Singapore has only barred travellers who have visited the six Southern African countries in the last 14 days. This is lack of wisdom and foresight.

While the Australiab PM has taken action to delay implementing its planned opening up, Singapore's and Malaysia's PMs are happily going ahead with their plans to open up with vigour, enthusiasm and fanfare in a joint opening ceremony yesterday. This is lack of foresight.

It takes all kinds of leaders to lead their people in the world.

Some are clever. Some are smart. Some have wisdom and foresight.

Some are lacks wisdom and have to always depend on highlight.

Some are stupid but able to learn and adapt to changes.

Some are stupid and stubborn, unwilling and unable to adapt to changes. This last group is the most pathetic and tragic both to themselves and to their citizens and the world at large. This last group is called the Imbeciles or Idiots!

Are your own leaders wise people or imbeciles, pro-active or reactive, use foresight or depend on hindsight?

Bottom line: Are they worth their salt to be paid what they are being paid for?

Anonymous said...

Israeli leaders also closed all borders. They have discovered a few Omicron infectors already landed inside Israel and spreading the Words of God to the unbelievers of Covid-19.

In Singapore the unbelievers, unafraid and unconscionable are leading the charge to make friend with Covid-19 of all variants. Still hoping to open up more backlanes called Virus Transition Lanes to enable infected people from other countries to come in and spread the disease so that more people, especially those with underlying medical conditions, will die.

Such people also have? Worst is they project themselves as goody good and horny honest people and keep self-praising Singapore is doung well when in reality it is going from bad to worst by the day.

Anonymous said...

If the virus keeps mutating and living with humans is the pronouncement, lifelong jabs are going to the norm.

This is already a bygone conclusion, looking at the efficacy and effectiveness of vaccines that fades after three to six months. The second booster is coming.

Going forward, even if the virus does not kill you, the vaccines will. But they will invent a new narrative that steers the blame away from the vaccine and on to some other frivolous claims. Keep in mind!

Anonymous said...

"Going forward, even if the virus does not kill you, the vaccines will. But they will invent a new narrative that steers the blame away from the vaccine and on to some other frivolous claims. Keep in mind!"

If the vaccines kill, blame it on underlying condition. Only in this world can this useless and wayang government can keep blaming everything on underlying conditions for which there is no details on what it really mean.

Anonymous said...

Funny isn't it? People die of cancer, heart attacks, kidney failure, accidents etc that all can be pinpointed. But underlying medical conditions is a tad vague. It coulda mean anything under the sun.

Anyway, what to expect when cotton wool can be said to come from sheep, GST is to help the poor and one person can be accused of holding an illegal assembly. What else is not possible in Red Dot?

Anonymous said...

How convenient to be able to get rid of the old, sickly and unwanted people by using Covid-19 and Vaccines, the dual-track complementary and supplementary murder weapons, that cannot be directly subscribed to the real murderers behind the scheme???

Making money by the $billions by killing other people by the millions.

What do you call that?

Is it a crime against humanity or not?

Anonymous said...

Japan has also barred all foreign visitors to the country.

How does it affect Singapore’s economics oriented VTL with Japan?

Does it mean that only infected travellers from Japan or via Japan can enter Singapore but infected travellers from or via Singapore cannot enter Japan? If it is so, then Singapore will have a lot of travellers from many countries, and therefore bringing in a lot of tourist dollars and tourist viruses.

Congratulations to Singapore for such a wonderful and clever maneuver!

Own countrymen and women die never mind? Make money is more important?

I believe that political animals and greedy profit-oriented business sharks and foxes are not able to solve this Covid-19 global problem. Only people with healthcare and compassion can solve it.

But such people are very few in the world and they are usually in in position of power. Therefore, the Covid-19 coronavirus will have the last laugh.

Anonymous said...

MALAYSIA: A COVID-19 case was detected at the Johor Causeway on the first day of the Singapore-Malaysia land vaccinated travel lane (VTL) on Monday (Nov 29).

Malaysia's Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said the infection was detected through an on-arrival Antigen Rapid Test conducted at the entry point.

JUST WONDER how many more infected cases that have gone in undetected or undetectable?

This is not the way to go. This cannot be called living with Covid-19. Living with Covid-19 means you don't have to test people for Covid-19 infections. Just let it be.

Living with Covid-19 means everyone must have Covid-19 viruses inside his body and carry them wherever they go. Treating Covid infections like common flu.

Just let the Covid virus carrying injecting everyone.

Don't need to impose any restrictions.

Don't have to keep tab on vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Queen of Hearts said...

COVID-19 Omicron: Singapore Happily Allowed Two Omicron Infectors Tested Positive In Sydney To Enter And Stay In Singapore

Seven people on a Singapore Airlines (SIA) flight from Johannesburg that carried two travellers who tested positive for the new Covid-19 Omicron variant upon arrival in Sydney had been allowed to disembark in Singapore with the help of SIA and the blessings of the MOH.

MOH said on Monday (Nov 29) that one of the seven was a close contact with the earlier tested positive person on the same flight.

MOH did not specify if this infected person with Covid-19 is one of the two travellers whom the New South Wales Health Authority had tested positive for Omicron, which Singaporeans should now be concerned and worry about.

The six other passengers who disembarked in Singapore are leniently put on a 10-day Stay-Home Notice (not quarantine) at a dedicated facility where they will be tested for the coronavirus, MOH said.

Are these foreigners so obedient to not wander out of the dedicated facility? Will they not infect others or be infected by other people staying in the same dedicated facility?

Earlier in the day, it was reported that two travellers from South Africa transited in Singapore on a flight to Sydney and had tested positive for Omicron upon arrival at Sydney.

MOH on Monday (29 Nov) said that the pair had departed Johannesburg in South Africa on 27 Nov via Singapore Airlines SQ481 and arrived at Changi Airport on the same day for their transit flight.

As their pre-departure tests in South Africa on Friday were negative for Covid-19, it is shocking that within the same day, they can be tested Positive. The question is: Are their pre-departure tests reliable or faked? Or, is the Omicron multiplying rate so fiercely fast?

Though most of the travellers on the same transit flight had remained in the transit area at Changi Airport until their departure on flight SQ211 bound for Sydney on Nov 28, and that they had not entered Singapore or visited other areas in Changi Airport, some of them had sneak through the cracks and had visited other areas and/or entered Singapore.

It is hugely probable that some airport staff/workers and SIA cabin crew might have already been infected and are going around Singapore without knowing that they are carrying the Omicron virus with them.

Also taxi drivers carrying SIA crew and passengers on the same trains or buses carrying infected airport staff might have also been infected with the Oh My God, oops Omicron.

Singaporeans must be very happy to learn that they are one of the early birds to taste the Omicron worms?

Anonymous said...

With a kamakazi dare devi and extremely ruthless Hell Minotaur, Singapore residents and citizens need not fear that they will not be infected by the Delta, the Omicron or the Oh-My-God. It is only a matter of time the whole Singapore population will be infected by newer and newer strains of the Covid-19 coronavirus. It is not if, but when.

So, it's either a miracle will stop this madness or the Hell Minotaur must be stooped by hook or by crook. These are the only ways. No third option.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This piece has been reinstated after my protest.