
46% of driving and delivery workers have diplomas or degrees

The traditional economy workers have invested enormous resources like time and money in obtaining these skills and they would want to be compensated for them.

Although COVID-19 may have upended assumptions about work and life, driving and deliveries, dependent on effort, orders and changing conditions, seem hardly suited to workers in full-time roles who want more stability and structure in their jobs.

Such workers also generally do not need much formal education and extensive work experience to perform their roles.

Among Singapore’s own-account workers whose gig work is their main job, 54 per cent had non-tertiary education, 19 per cent had diploma or professional qualification and 27 per cent had a degree....

While the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) 2020 Labour Force Survey shows that there are more residents who do own-account work on a non-preferred basis — 37,400 in 2020 compared to 21,500 in 2019 — this number is smaller than the pre-pandemic level of 46,700 in 2017....

The same MOM survey showed that while 52 per cent of own-account workers faced challenges at work in 2020, primarily because of the pandemic, only 12 per cent of this group sought employee work as a solution.   CNA

The above quotes showed that 46% of drivers and delivery workers have either diploma, professional qualification or degree.  Of these, 27% are university graduates. Isn't this sad? This is a clear case of under utilisation of our limited trained manpower, a big waste of human resources. They could be easily employed in proper full time jobs that are now filled by foreigners, many with lesser qualifications, lesser experience or funny qualifications. This is a big and unforgiveable injustice to our very own citizens. Many of the job and employment data were covered up by the misuse of terms like residents, locals to hide the plight of our marginalised citizens. 

Maybe the citizens deserved to be in such a pathetic plight for wrongly electing people that think their duties are to provide jobs for foreigners aka residents/locals, instead of the citizens. It may be cruel to say serve them right, but until they vote wisely, they can only wallow in self pity to continue to be drivers and delivery boys and girls despite their qualifications and experience. 

How could this state of affair be accepted for so long and the docile and frighten sheep not even dare to baa when their livelihoods are affected, the quality of life of their family members are adversely affected? When people are crying and complaining that less than a million the quality of life of their families would be affected, and our drivers and delivery boys and girls would not dare to complain that their quality of life is also affected?

The Singaporeans are destined to be dumped into the dustbin of history and their country taken over by foreigners. Bring in more foreigners please, good for the economy. Oh, cannot call them foreigners, call them locals or residents.

PS. These days, I see a lot of feedbacks on social media, WSG and job related social media that a lot of local graduates from local schools are finding it very hard to land even interviews. Abundance of PMETs who lost their jobs during the pandemic have failed to land any interviews after thousand of applications. The age of PMETs being unemployed due to pandemic or lost their jobs is getting younger. An article quoting 36 year old diploma sending over 1000 applications to look for clerical job found nothing. But you see the establishment created some stories about PMETs wanting $10,000 job and waited for three years and downgrade to $3000 but still waiting. You see abundance of Internet Brigades using this story to persuade public that Singaporeans are choosy bypassing the actual issue that there is not enough jobs for 9.9M population nor 5.6M population.

The reality is more and more locals are downgrading or encourage to downgrade after 30s to self employed jobs like PHV, Food Delivery and self employed like hawker, insurance and real estate. The establishment even promoted a new Diploma in hawking, isn’t it? From many years, the ministers kept saying, “Don’t study degree if you cant eat it!”. Do you think they did not see this coming? Or we are the only ones who refused to heed their advice?

These are intro paragraph of an article by a Mdm Tan posted in TRE titled, 'Naive Parents Pressing Local Kids To Study Hard'


Anonymous said...

China Wisely Creates Higher Value-Adding Jobs For Its Citizens

China’s policymakers have long recognised that the low-value-adding assembly role they captured in global manufacturing supply chains was a mug’s game.

Denied access to the innovation- and technology-intensive high-value-adding roles reserved for Western workforces, China means to capture higher value-adding roles in the supply chain, lifting its technology input and generating higher workforce incomes. These higher incomes aim to reduce poverty and build a strong domestic consumer economy.

That domestic consumption accounted for just 39 per cent of China’s economy last year, compared with about 50 per cent in the European Union and 67 per cent in the United States, screams the reality that China’s consumer economy has a long way to grow. A policy focused on strengthening domestic consumption makes good sense.

Anonymous said...

New diploma and degree courses: delivery services, driving taxis, tourist guides, security guards, cooks, hawker entrepreneurs, shop keepers etc etc.

No need degree courses for high tech and AI. These can be imported from third world villages.

Anonymous said...

In earlier years, Singapore under the PAP 1st generation leaders was the world's marvel, and even China's Deng visited the city state to learn from and in part adopted Singapore's system.

Today, Singapore seems so pathetic as to need to learn from China, but worse, it instead leans on India !

Anonymous said...

The silly 3G and 4G cannot tell the difference between gold and shit.
Now they are eating shit and loving it as they are all empty heads.
Even shit is considered excellent to them.

Anonymous said...

From first world to third? Wives and daughters have to work as maids in neighbouring countries? The traitors have destroyed the country. Karma is coming after them. The curse of the citizen is upon them. Just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous 1034am..You are not correct lah!.... They don't eat shit! It is the masses..... Hahaha.... In Sg.... You die your business lah......no choice no choice .....to survive in the Sg.... you must have $$$$$$$$! Hahaha.....mmmm!

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans deserve what and how they are being treated by the PAP Government because they voted for it.

Keep doing the same thing and you will have the same results.

It is idiotic to expect any change when one keeps voting the same party of people to screw your backside again and again, over and over again.

Perhaps, most Singaporeans love to screw or be screwed in or from the back? 61% of asshole bandits?

Anonymous said...

Singapore universities rank very high in the world. So why are Singaporean graduates driving taxi, delivery personnels or security. Maybe it is because Singaporeans graduates are only book smart, like the 4G MPs who are governing the country. Or could it be most Singaporean graduates are from the " strawberry " generation? This cohort of graduates could be the results of being over pampered by parents who are think their " boy-boy or girl-girl " are so precious they are not allow to learn the hard knocks of life. Well. the lean, mean and hungry graduates from other Asian and European countries will have to help Singapore progress.

Anonymous said...

Singapore's Universities Rankings are merely cosmetics, for show only.

They "lubricate" those ranking organisations to say good things and jack-up their rankings.

In reality, Singapore Universities can't even train, let alone educate, their students to get a decent good-paying job.

90% failed to get their first interview even after submitting 30 job applications.

Out of those shortlisted for their first interview, 80% failed to secure the job.

This is how pathetic Singapore's Universities have churned out their graduates.

Anonymous said...

With Millionaire Ministers continuously condemning their own citizens as NO TALENT and persistently making hues and cries for Shotage of Talents, and surreptitiously encouraging Foreign Employers to import Foreign Talents from their own countries, what hope and inspiration, what messages, are the Singapore Leeders giving to the World at large?

Anonymous said...

Wondering how many of the 61% of Kiasu and Kiasi Sinkies will vote all those traitors out in the next GE?

Anonymous said...

I won't be surprised if Singaporeans will give the 4G PAP 75% in the next GE. Why??? Singaporeans will be tempted by the angpow and the chicken wings they dish out just before the GE. Singaporeans are gullible after 65 years of social engineering. Singaporeans are easily conned and easily bribed. That is what the PRC and the talents of CECA classify Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

I think so too before the last election. Someone was here touting that the PAP will win with more than 70% in GE 2020, but the balloon was overblown and burst. Without upgrading, which is the biggest carrot ever grown in this world, the days of over 70% are over. The only proviso is that they do not give more citizenships to foreigners to prop up their dwindling support.

By the way, let's not tarnish all Singaporeans with the same tainted brush. One SMC and two GRCs are still in opposition hands, with a few tottering and waiting to fall. The chicken wings and lollipops have not worked well over the last couple of elections. Take away the new citizens, and we may see a different scenario.