
Covid19 - Exposing the fakes, liars, incompetence and the greedy and ugly

 When the Americans heard of the virus, they banned flights from China.  Somehow the virus still found its way into the USA. Or were the virus there all the time? What the Americans failed was to keep the virus inside China.

When a few cases started in the USA, the Americans talked it away as fakes. Maybe they believed it was meant to kill Chinese and coloured people, not white Americans.  Their over confidence allowed the virus to spread all over America and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. They failed to contain the spread of the virus. Incompetence, delusion or conned by their own schemers that told them it would not infect white Americans.

Then the Americans quickly pushed out their own vaccines, claiming that they were 95%  efficacy, the best in the world to prevent infection. The vaccines did not prevent infection. Their vaccines failed.

The Americans also claimed that with 60% or more vaccinated, their country would achieve herd immunity and life could be back to normal. They failed again. They could not achieve herd immunity even with a high rate of vaccinated by the world best vaccines they claimed to produce. They failed because of their own lies?

After 80% vaccinated, still not herd immunity, still must wear masks. The vaccinated are afraid to be infected by the unvaccinated! Holy shit.

Have the Americans done anything right about containing this pandemic? 

The Americans also badmouthed Chinese vaccines and forbid their allies and cronies to use Chinese vaccines. Did they did it right? The Chinese and many countries around the world  continue to use their own vaccines and doing extremely well in containing the spread of the virus. Life was as good as normal inside China. The Chinese vaccines were working so well that there was no need to call for a third booster shot.

The Chinese continue to produce their vaccines and used their vaccines and put in place stringent measures to prevent the spread of the virus in China. They were very successful and without having to boast about it. China has more or less achieved zero virus in the country.

Which foolish countries would choose to follow a reckless and deceitful country that could not manage to contain the virus, could not manufacture a vaccine that worked, and kept bragging about how effective were their vaccines, if 2 shots no good, 3 shots better, 4 shots betterer?

Why would foolish countries stupidly chose to follow the hilarious failure of the American ways, cannot contain, go for herd immunity, if it doesn't work, live with the virus, forget about zero virus? Accept more infections, accept more deaths, and open up the economy quickly for everyone to come.

Unfortunately this clownish approach would end up with so many infections, so many deaths, that no one would want to come, except those that are so badly infected that going to another equally badly infected country would make no difference. There is really no difference as either way, they would be infected in their home country or be infected in another country. And the clowns would claim success, that they have done a great job to open up the country and economy.

China and some successful countries continue to keep the infection to near zero in their countries and not saying anything.  When a country has done well, there is no need to brag about it. Just do it and enjoy the success, keeping the people safe and free from the virus.

Let the fools, fakes, liars, incompetence, the greedy and ugly live with the virus, with the infection and deaths.

What do you think?

China's way is wrong.  Chinese vaccines are ineffective, cannot use. The American way is the best.  American vaccines are the best?


Anonymous said...

There were 8 avoidable COVID deaths of Singaporeans yesterday, with a record 2,909 new cases.Two of the deaths were partially vaccinated, and two were fully vaccinated. No foreigner died.

Queen of Hearts said...

I can't help but begin to think that there could be a deliberate secret instruction given to the hospitals to give last priority of medical treatment to those above 65 years old.

There are many possible reasons why such an instruction could have been possibly given:

1. Hospitals capability has been stretched to the fullest and are unable to cope?

2. Doctors and nurses are over-worked and they have to prioritise their cases, leaving the oldies at the tail end of the treatment schedule.?

3. Those 65 years old and above are mostly retirees and drawing pensions or Retirement benefits or CPF pay-outs?

4. MOH, under the newbie, gangho and ruthless Millionaire Star, could have the idea of using the increased number of oldies deaths to send a strong message to encourage other oldies to get vaccinated?

5. The oldies could have lost their will to live longer because of the prolonged 21 months of Covid-19 restrictions?

Anonymous said...

Economic deadwood is dispensable, according to their thinking . . .

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans take fright at relaxation of Covid restrictions

Reopening the city-state has stoked a surge in new cases and panic among anxious residents

Protesters from the US to Australia and across Europe have railed against government interference and repressive Covid restrictions. But in Singapore, a sizeable chunk of the population is asking for even greater state control.

A petition is circulating in the city-state to bring back mandatory quarantine for all overseas travellers, despite the Delta variant already circulating widely, while a quarter of Singaporeans are in favour of a return to lockdown restrictions.

Singapore’s government announced with great optimism in June that it would change its “zero-Covid” approach and instead learn to live with the virus.

Its strategy was held up as a model for other countries looking for a safe way out of the pandemic. But as cases inevitably rose in August and September, panic set in.

Authorities responded this week by rolling back freedoms for residents despite outpacing most advanced economies in fully vaccinating 82 per cent of its population.

Tightly controlled Singapore, whose quasi-authoritarian government largely bars any protest, had come the furthest among Asian cities in opening up.

The decision has led to a rare occurrence in the city-state: rising public dissent over the government’s strategy.

“I have never in 20 years seen the academic or medical professional industry so vocal in their disagreement with the government as it is over the treatment of asymptomatic cases,” said Jeremy Lim, of the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore.

Nearly a quarter of people in Singapore felt the latest restrictions were too lax, while more than half felt they were “just right”, according to market research firm Milieu Insight this week. One quarter felt they were too strict.

“What surprised me is how divided people were. There were a lot of people upset by the measures but an equal amount were supportive of more restrictions,” said Stephen Tracy, managing director of Milieu. “There is a sense, however, that the latest rules are not in line with the strategy the government laid out.”

A petition calling for all returning travellers to quarantine for two weeks in designated hotels or government facilities garnered nearly 3,000 signatures by Thursday.

“There is a lower tolerance for the sheer number of deaths and cases seen in other countries because of the way we avoided that for most of the pandemic,” said Dale Fisher, a senior infectious diseases consultant at Singapore’s National University Hospital.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

Yes, I agree. To the calculator of a mathematical genius known for his pettiness and ruthlessness, the oldies could be got rid off because they are a burden to his economy, the item that he is most worried about at this time of crisis.

Anonymous said...

RB, good morning.

This guy has become a nuisance.

He is repeating the same shit sentences again and again in many of your recent articles.

Obviously, he has nothing to contribute but deliberately mocking or treating your website in contempt.

I suggest you delete all his spamming comments.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, MOH dished out lottery number is 2909. Huat Ah!

8 more oldies have been killed. Their deaths are actually avoidable. Their lives could have been saved but sadly left to die alone in the Quarantine Ward at the CDC mixed with all others. They could have lived longer if not for this "Living with COVID-19 Endemic" madness.

Anonymous said...

Virgo I am going for my china vaccine as booster shot now that I have a choice by paying for the vaccine and forgo the useless western vaccine that I took then

Anonymous said...

Seniors will loose their retirement moneies,homes, and their lifes.3 birds with one covid.

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Cannot imagine that after being vaccinated With mRNA, you still have to hide and stay indoor, or you would be infected, be afraid of the unvaccinated!

What is the vaccine for then?

Anonymous said...

Kena conned wholesale.

Anonymous said...

The white salesmen touted the vaccines as 95% effective to prevent infection.

Now they changed tack, dare not talk about their vaccines preventing infection. But the whole world got conned by what the vaccine was supposed to do but could not do.

No one is asking for money back, for compensation for buying a half baked product.

Oh yes, the stupid already signed away their rights to claim compensation and still happily forcing their people to get jab for a lesser purpose, prevention of serious illnesses. Is this what the vaccines supposed to do, is this what they have paid for?

No face to complain, no right to complain. Complain would expose their stupidity in the first place. Best pretend nothing happens, don't talk, don't see, don't hear, just pretend everything is fine.

Bought and paid for a limousine, ended with a bullock cart.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the fatality stats, many of those who passed away due Covid were seniors. There is a possibility that many of these unvaccinated folks were apprehensive of the new tech mRNC vaccines and had preferred the tested inactivated vaccines that the Sinovac and Sinopharm employed.

What if the Govt had involved these inactivated vaccines into the National Program,
shouldn't many of these lives been saved? Someone made a comparison between Singapore and HK, which primarily uses the Sinovac vaccines besides the mRNA types and HK only reports small number of cases while as of yesterday ,2900 and 8 deaths here. Clearly, the mRNA vaccines aren't working . The task force keeps talking about trial efficacies while the ground truth is the Pfizer vaccines are even lower in efficacy as Israel has proven (39%).With Delta variant, its a different ballgame.

Yet the Govt stubbornly refuses to accept the Chinese vaccines into the program even though there are still thousands of seniors unvaccinated. When things don't work, change the course instead of stubbornly going ahead with booster shots. This is the modus operandi used by western countries with nations like Israel already done , UK and US doing now. None of the countries using the inactivated vaccines, even China, talks about booster shots.

To show how vaccines are treated differently, my 90yr old mom has to pay $98 to a private clinic for Sinopharm vaccines and still needed to wait one month in the queue to get the first dosage.

There is disquiet about this obvious discrimination and ineffectiveness of the mRNC vaccines with regards in containing serious illnesses and deaths, but so far none of the ministers or people in authority had come out to respond or dispute them. Silence means no defence?

Anonymous said...

Heard of immunity, but failed to see herd immunity anywhere. Now this is a burnt narrative, dead on arrival.

Vaccination was touted to prevent infection has failed and is now also a burnt narrative, dead and buried.

Fully vaccinated is to prevent serious complications is now almost in ICU and waiting for more fully vaccinated deaths to kill that narrative as well.

Now booster is the mother of all narratives and most lucrative if shot after shot is mandated.

Are we able to produce a vaccine that prevents infection once and for all and let the world be back to normal? I think not, because as they say, prolonging diseases and sickness is much more profitable for big Pharmas than finding a real cure. Think about it.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...


Very sorry. I have to delete so many times. There are too many corrections and editing to make, mostly typo errors due to the auto-correct function of my keyboard.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


I appreciate this kind of effort to be error free. This is what I expect of myself too.


Anonymous said...

8 die, 10 die, 20 die, 30 die . . .

Singapore should not “get too carried away” or be “too anxious or fearful” about daily COVID-19 case numbers, said co-chair of the multi-ministry task force Lawrence Wong, (Oct 02)

Anonymous said...

Singapore Be Prepared for TEN THOUSAND New Daily Cases!

In a press conference on Saturday (Oct. 2), Wong spoke about how it was very difficult to accurately determine what the peak of cases in Singapore will be.

After consulting experts on the matter, Wong said that there has been a range of different views.

The range, he said, could be anywhere between 5,000 to 10,000 , adding that "no model can predict with absolute certainty what the epidemic curve will look like in the next few weeks."

He stressed the importance of being ready for a range of possible outcomes.

Anonymous said...

Another summary showing that refusing vaccination increases your risks about 10x or more.

Get yourself, family, friends jabbed and let's end this drama.


Anonymous said...

Our own citizen say no need fear covid.so

No need take booster.no need wear mask

Ready.sooner later sure every one will get


Anonymous said...

Mass mercy culling.covid is a double edges

Sword.anyway,covid will be the final

Victor.covid wil say Fxxx to all.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

COVID-19 Singapore: Living With The Virus? - Think Again!

COVID-19 was deliberately planted by evil people to get the "Benefits that outweigh the risks". They get the benefits and we shoulder the risks.

Stupid, bookworm, Western-schooled and Western-oriented gentlemen bought it wholesale - bait, hook and sinker.

After putting their necks on the chopping board, they now find it extremely difficult to make a U-Turn by admitting their stupidity and apologise and change course.

They now have to continue the false narrative as long as possible, coming out with "mind-set changing strategy" to fool the daft masses once again, squarely putting the blame and responsibility on the mass public directly. How smart and convenient!

The false narrative could not withstand time testing. As time drags on, more and more lies have been exposed. One new lie could not cover the previous lie. Therefore, the series of lies and falsehoods have been dished out one after another, by changing the narrative again and again.

Politicians and medical experts who supported the false Western narrative of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines having 90 to 95 percent efficacy to prevent infections have been proven wrong. The efficacy is only 35%. It lasts only 3-4 months, not lifetime. Two shots were supposed to be enough. Now a third shot is required. But how long will the 3rd shot last? Another 3 to 6 months, probably? Then what? One shot every 6 months? How lucrative!

This is better than finding a gold mine. A gold mine can be depleted of natural resources in time but this vaccines 'gold mine' regime is forever!

Next, they say at least the vaccines will prevent spreading of infections. But again, it has been proven wrong. In reality, the vaccinated are the ones who spread more widely and quickly because they are unaware that they have been carrying the virus with them going around everywhere. And they brought home the virus to infect their old folks, increasing the number of casualties and the wealth of the cremation centres owners.

Next, they come out with the excuse that at least you won't get seriously sick, or don't need hospitalization. But again proven wrong. Fully vaccinated got infected, got seriously sick, got hospitalized and even died. About 40% of those who died had been fully vaccinated. At least 52% of those who have been infected are fully vaccinated.

Next, after making lots of US$Billions, they are now coming out with an antiviral medicine to reduce the need for hospitalization. Another brilliant gold mine idea. Another false narrative?

We all know fully well that up till now, no medication can cure viral infections. Only our own body's immune system can fight against the virus, sometimes successful, sometimes not. So, what anti-viral medicines are the Big Pharmaceuticals producing, really?

There seems to be no end in sight of this COVID-19 rampage by the coronavirus and also no end in sight of money-making at the expense of others' sufferings by those big time snake oil producers and sellers!

The only and best way is to follow China's zero tolerance strategy and the fast response method of nipping the spread of the disease at the bud, before it can take roots. And also prevent the virus at source (foreigners and own travellers who bring in the virus from other countries, like India, USA, UK, etc.).

This "Living with the Virus" idea won't work. There are too many unknowns. How can you live with so many unknowns?

Even the so-called "virus experts" are making fools of themselves again and again.

Among the unknowns, the invisibility of the virus to the naked eye is already a great challenge. It is like living in a haunted house with many ghosts around you, trying their best to attack you whenever you become careless. How to live a life like that? How long can you last living with invisible ghosts haunting you? You will go mad in no time!

Think again.

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