
Covid19 - Trump needs more time/notice to cope with the virus? Complacency or stupidity?

The rest of the world was caught unaware. At least we had some kind of preparation in place, which is why Singapore was so quick to respond in RATIONAL ways.

To the rest of the unprepared world, this is a Black Swan because to them a pandemic was not even on their radar; a true Unknown unknown.

Luck, the human race is quick to learn and pick up the pace once a "real signal" of present danger is detected.

Trump has been criticised for dropping the ball. Not in my calculus. America is a fumbling, bumbling individualistic culture, but they also learn very quickly and have tremendous resources which they can afford to throw at the situation.  By Matilah Singapura

China reported the incident on 31 Dec 19 and followed up with the lockdown of Wuhan, Hubei. When these happened then, there were very few cases outside China.  With the lockdown, the virus in China would not have a chance to get out, and with the 0 new cases in Wuhan today, it shows how effective was the lockdown in Wuhan. Less than 3 months and China was able to contain the virus in China.

The Chinese lockdown gave the world an early warning and bought time for every country to prepare for this. Tedros, head of WHO had been saying this from the very start. But the Americans and the West took no heed. They were smarting at the plight of the Chinese and every day accusing China for starting this virus and lack of transparency. Clown number one, Donald Trump was giggling as if nothing happened and nothing to worry about. Everything was under control in the US and did nothing. Today he is blaming China for being slow in telling the world about the virus. How much time does he need to be called enough time?  This clown and his evil men were laughing and sneering at China's trouble without doing a thing other than making spiteful remarks about China.  See who will have the last laugh.

China isolated and identified this virus for the world to take notice. The virus was all over the world but went unnoticed because no one was testing for it, no one knew about it. There is no chance that this virus could escape from China to spread all over the world in such a short time. There could be a few cases but not all, not the majority of the countries were infected from virus coming from China.

The virus was already there in these countries, especially the USA and Europe. During the crisis in China the Americans and the West were so happy and doing the blame game, that the virus originated from China. Their situation was the same as many countries today that have very few cases. But the more they test the more they will discovere, because the virus is there. The only difference is that they did not know, they did not test.

This virus was prevalent in the USA with many deaths and misdiagnosed as common flu. The Americans have the virus in their stockpile. They used to threaten to use it on Saddam Hussein. Clown Trump and his evil men still stick to their position that the virus came from China and China did not give them enough notice to fight this virus. If you hear what is coming from the USA, they are totally unprepared, did not do anything during the grace period offered by China to do something. They are gravely short of equipment and trained medical stuff to handle this crisis. The same thing is also happening in Europe. It appears not to be serious in many poorer countries not because the virus is not there, but they are not testing, did not have the test kits to do the testing.

The virus is waiting to explode in the USA, in the face of Clown Trump and his evil men and to the American public at large. Stop hiding the fact that the virus originated from ground zero in the USA and blaming on China.

Read this from Yahoo News reported on  20 Mar 20.

The Republican head of the Senate Intelligence Committee dumped stocks and warned donors of a looming disaster in February even as the White House played down the coronavirus threat, US media reported Thursday.

Senator Richard Burr, who receives almost daily briefings from the US intelligence community on threats to the country, himself wrote on the Fox News website on February 7 that the US government was "better prepared than ever" for the COVID-19 virus, assuring Americans that they were well-protected.

But as President Donald Trump repeatedly said the virus would not hit the United States hard, on February 13 Burr and his wife suddenly sold off at least $582,000 and as much as $1.6 million in stocks, according to the ProPublica media group, citing financial filings.

And two weeks after that, on the same day Trump was telling the public that the 15 cases reported could be the US peak, the North Carolina senator told a private gathering of wealthy donors that coronavirus was a threat like the 1918 Spanish Flu, which killed tens of millions, according to National Public Radio.

NPR obtained a recording in which Burr told the donors that they should curtail their travel, 15 days before Trump shocked the country with a ban on arrivals from Europe.

"There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history," he said on the recording.

"It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic."

As the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, Burr receives much of the same daily reporting on threats to the country that the White House gets, and so he would have been apprised of the government's internal predictions.

On February 26, the day before Burr met with donors, Trump assured the American public: "We're going very substantially down, not up" in the number of infected....


Virgo 49 said...

We have one banana Student Sinkie said Never know that the Virus will come to U.K.!

Wow, he thought the Ang Moh superior race.

Beh see?


Anonymous said...
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Virgo 49 said...

What's work against the virus?



Anonymous said...

WHO: Young People Are Not Invincible!"

Young people are not immune from coronavirus and must avoid socialising and communicating it to older, more vulnerable people, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.

The choices made by the young can be "the difference between life and death for someone else", WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

Over 11,000 patients have died (young, middle-age and old, both sexes) from the Covid-19 pneumonia-like respiratory disease world-wide to date.

Overall, worldwide, about 250,000 patients have tested positive. However, due to shortage of the correct test-kits and the reluctance to carry out testing, many millions have not been tested yet.

The figures given are based upon the known and officially reported cases. The real numbers undoubtedly are much larger, because many cases went unreported, wrongly diagnosed, or deliberately covered up.

In Indonesia, for example, many hospitals are turning away COVID-19 infected patients, refusing to treat them, for fear of losing their reputation! There are only two hospitals, for the whole of Indonesia of 273.5 million people, that treat patients infected by the COVID-19 disease. Testing for the COVID-19 infection in Indonesia can cost as high as $1000 per test

The Indonesian Health Minister said that hospitals in Indonesia nowadays are opened to make money, as a business enterprise. That's why Indonesia has officially reported only a few confirmed cases. The majority of the cases have gone underground!

In some countries, like Australia, UK and USA, young people are deliberately throwing Corona-virus Parties!

One of UK's top health advisors even openly suggested that UK should adopt the strategy of infecting everybody so that all can be immuned from the virus once they recovered. Taking into calculation and willingly accepting the deaths of about 250,000 people for the whole UK population!

In Bangladesh a religious sect has organized a prayer marathon for a group of 25,000 people, deliberately going against Bangladesh's government warnings and orders, without police permit.

The WHO chief's remarks follow reports that young people in many countries are being complacent about health warnings, because of the greater susceptibility to the virus among older patients.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


In America, their culture and politics are very individualistic. Therefore if there's a "problem", they take sides and yell and scream at one another---because "the battle of ideas"---and any of them just bone-head INSANE---is what defines them, and the world's #1 social experiment: The US of A.

There is no way they'll achieve the immediate efficacies of hard-core TOP-DOWN MANAGEMENT like China, Singapore, Hong Kong etc. which have learned important lessons from SARS 1. So now with SARS-CoV-2 they are much better prepared...and of course, there are many other reasons and factors too.

CULTURE is a very important driver. In these Asian cuntries, the govt takes the lead and people generally TRUST THEIR GOVT in a crisis situation. In a cuntry like America, he "default" is that they are very skeptical of their govt. Many gun-owning freedom lovers are constantly Tweeting that they would NEVER COMPLY with govt edicts to self-isolate or be "locked-down" because they are "free", and what the govt is doing by curfewing people is "unconstitutional", and they will resist any attempts to do so because "I'm an American and this ain't China!" Expect some citizen vs govt "gun play", it's the America way!

That's why I say, the world is going to get plenty of "entertainment" from the USA, because they are---despite the fact whether you like them or not---a very entertaining race.

They will fumble and bumble their way thru this...fighting with each other along the way, refusing to budge with changing the language from "Kung-Flu", "China" or "Wuhan" virus...but eventually, they will transcend the threat, probably at great human cost.

The "top-down" stuff govts can pull on OBEDIENT Asian societies will never work in the "free" west. Not a fucking chance. Some will comply, but they will get thousands of "super preaders" who will outrightly DEFY their govt.

Govts like the Scandanavians and the Netherlands are allowing their populations to be infected but protecting the older folks, in the hope that those "stronger" people who get infected will get sick but not serious, get better and immune, such that a herd immunity develops in the society.

This is very dangerous and is akin to GAMBLING. But they're doing it anyway. Boris was going to try it, but has now backed away from the idea because he was "advised" that 250,000 Britons would probably die in such an "experiment".

To each his own lah. Like I said, plenty of "entertainment" akan datang. To fully appreciate the on-going show, you need to be safe and not ge sick, or if you do hope that you get a mild case, get better and enjoy the fact that at least then you will have some immunity...for how long, no one knows.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


If you haven't read Incerto by Nicholas Nassim Taleb, now would be a good time to get going. Incerto is a LONG essay about probability, uncertainty, and randomness; divided into a series of books. Your view of the world and "reality" in general will never be the same after you read this.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Like I said, ang mohs will OPENLY DEFY their govt's "recommendations", until the govt has no choice but to RESPOND with ABSOLUTE FORCE. (and even then, some people will still refuse to obey "authority"). This shit would NEVER happen in Asia.


Virgo 49 said...

That's a very accurate and true observation by Matillah.


Virgo 49 said...

Right. They used their National Guards to control their hygenas and wolves.

Even in Matland, Kwa Lan Mats also now need their army to kick their backsides.

Sinkie land's wild lives be the same.

That's why they don't straightway wants to implement the lock down.

They need to get the Socs and Army ready and also part by part lock down.

If not cannot cope.

Their blunders will boom berang

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump versus Covid-19.


Anonymous said...

It can happen in Asia if they are to behave like stupid Hongkies, to be led by the angmohs to kill their own people. Stupid Hongkies have shown it and very proud of their stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Government cannot stop people from living. But government can stop living people from causing deaths to other people who also want to live.

By being defiant to government's orders to stop the virus from spreading, these people deliberately got themselves infected and then in turns infect others, who may die as a result of the infection, this defiance is tantamount to deliberate "murder" or "genocide".

Therefore, looking from the overall natiinal perspective, the defiance by individuals or groups of individuals to such government orders is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE, punishable like drug traffickers, rapists and murderers.

imho said...

Plenty of experiments going on.
One thing for sure, the so called leaders/ CEO/ MD being paid millions are totally USELESS.
Paying millions still get monkeys.
Even Bill Gates giving up and hiding.
Who does not love corona virus.
No human is God.
Mere mortals are just mere mortals.
Time for gov to go after the super rich assets.

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 Virus' Stealthy Rampage In Italy (Or Any Country Next)

ROME: Italy imposed further draconian restrictions on public life on Friday (Mar 20) in an increasingly desperate effort to halt coronavirus infections after the death toll leapt by 627 in a single day, by far the biggest 24-hour rise recorded anywhere.

The mayor of the most badly affected city, Bergamo in the affluent northern region of Lombardy, said the true number of fatalities from the pandemic in his area was FOUR TIMES higher than was officially reported so far.

I am sure, for various reasons, every country is under-reporting. It is a sheer impossibilty to ascertain and verify the actual death tolls and confirmed cases.

Any country that projects itself as reporting the cases accurately, truthfully, without errors or misinformation, is only lying to itself. In such a crisis, no official data can be accurate and exact!

Multiply Any official figures by 5 to 10 times, and you maybe be very near to the actual numbers.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump assumed the coronavirus would not come home to the US to roost. It did. That is karma!

By the way, someone said that China should apologise for spreading the virus worldwide. Why should China apologise? The strain of viruses in Iran and Italy, the most lethal kind, are different from the strain in Wuhan, so it could not have been from China. So why is there a need for China to apologise? The strain in the USA is probably the most mild of the 5 strains. Who knows?

By igniting the infection across the world, the evil empire thinks that this is going to be another simple case of a false flag operation, pushing all the blame on China. But science has come out to prove that the viruses infecting Iran and Italy and the rest of the world are not the same strain that hit China.

There are reports that as far back as October, 2019 there were already signs that something wrong had happened in one of the US biological lab and had to be shut down. Was this the cause of the start of the epidemic? Was the coronavirus already running its course in the US long before this outbreak, and causing about 14,000 deaths diagnosed as due to influenza? How much testing was done on those patients that died? Nobody wants to provide answers.

Anonymous said...

The US appears to be a disciple of Sin
in the Way the Americunt President and his Regime handle the COVID-19 Outbreak.
are complacent, negligent, incompetent and slow to adopt prevention to contain the Contagion. To make the Afore-mentioned weaknesses even worse, Leaders of both countries were and are over-conceited and behave as though they are on top of the Outbreak and were and are non-chalant about the Outbreak.
South Korean People want to impeach their President Moon Jae ln for his non-chalance to the Outbreak, however,

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ atheists, skeptics and fans of Pat Condell,

He's back!

Anonymous said...

While we have always believe that Government official statistics lie or are heavily skewed, why do people still think that Government official statistics on the coronavirus are truthful?

When communist countries give figures, the first thing that the free world will say is they are not transparent. The distrust is already planted deeply in the subconscious minds of the followers of the free world's news media. How could we expect any other outcome? Trying to change that mindset is an exercise in futility.

Pan Dora said...

Singapore: First Two Deaths By COVID19 coronavirus, reported today by both MOH and NCID.

PM Lee Hsien Loong extended his condolences to the families of the two casualties and said that his government is doing everything it can to stop the spreading of the COVID19 disease, and asked everybody to brace for more casualties....

The fact is not everything possible and necessary has been done so far.

1. The ports are not closed.

2. Air arrivals continue as usual.

3. Possible infested cruise ships are still welcomed with open arms.

4. Trains and buses packed like sardine-cans are still operating as usual.

5. Schools and universities and kindergartens are still allowed to open as usual.

6. Gatherings of more than 25 people are not allowed but schools' classes have more than 25 students each? Trains and buses have how many passengers each?

7. The public is still being advised "DON'T WEAR A MASK IF YOU ARE WELL!" You can find the advice in notice boards, lifts, bus and train terminals and even at the airports. How to trust leaders who give you this kind of advice?

Also, PAP MPs wear masks when go house visits!

Words and deeds are contradictory. How to trust what they tell you?

Expect more confirmed cases and more deaths in the upcoming weeks. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Be prepared for the worst!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Pan Dora

Eh, kotek. Masks don't protect the user lah, because the virus can still get at you thru your eyes, when you touch your face etc.

Masks protect OTHER PEOPLE from your droplets and germs.

So if you're not sick, don't WASTE PRECIOUS MASKS just because you're to dumb or stubborn to understand the FACTS.

Masks should be reserved for healthcare sector FIRST, where they're need most. Your part to play is to socially distance and isolate. And wash your fucking hands.

Anonymous said...

mask prevents the Wearer from ibfecting others.
You profess that mask does not protect one from getting infested bcos infection can take places at the Eyes and may l add; more so thru yr arse, does it not mean that the More the People mask up, the Lesser the infection.
Suggest You mssk up yr arse as it is easier to get infested there, especially arse lover like You

Anonymous said...

Protect yourself. Don't trust anyone, not even your MP .

Anonymous said...

even the
Top Leaders.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Virgo 49 said...

Matilah is NOT all cold-blooded.

He has the heart for the Medical Workers.

He applaused that they also gets Special Bonus.


Pan Dora said...

Anyone who says masks do not protect you - because there is a shortage in supply and therefore reserve them for the health care sector first - is contradicting himself. Period.

No further argument required.

Anonymous said...


Like I've said before ... US & most of western europe will need to go thru till May.

They are now like china during 3rd week of January.

Italy is a bit faster on the curve --- early-to-mid April will be their worst yet (peak).

Some stats:
If you're above 70 & get the virus, chance of dying is 8%.

If you're above 80 & get the virus, chance of dying is 15%.

If you're below 50 & get the virus, chance of dying is 0.2%-0.4%.

If you have high blood pressure OR heart disease OR diabetes OR lung problems, and you get the virus ... confirmed rate of dying from actual cases is 8% to 13%.

If you have ZERO chronic diseases and ZERO existing serious illness, & you get the virus --- chance of dying is 0.9%.

In China, 93.6% infected are "mild" i.e. similar to a bad cold.

In Italy, 85.8% infected are "mild". This is likely due to older demographics.

That's why in countries like Indonesia & India --- you'll see infection rates EXPLODE in the weeks & months ahead. But death rates will be low.


Anonymous said...

Disappointed and angry to note that a great chap like Matilda resorting to attack family member of others here.

What a low-life beast.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Pan dora

Obviously the education system has failed you. Or you worship at the shrine of "there's no argument". There is ALWAYS an argument because nothing can ever be 100% certain (fact of NATURE), and also in our day-to-day world, there are unknown unknowns and the DATA themselves keep changing. If you cannot argue (aka reason, discuss), or defend your position, in today's world you will soon be JOBLESS

So, you need to be flexible and change your position to accomodate REALITY as it changes.

You also MISREPRESENT my position. So you are either DISHONEST or inept, or both.

Here it is again, as clear as I can make it ELI5---"Explain Like I'm 5" style:

1. Face masks (N95/ P2/P3 surgical type) do not protect you from the virus

2. They protect others from YOUR germs---if you re sick. If you are healthy, your germs are harmless. We breath each others germs all the time, and each others fecal matter (minute particles of human shit) too. Dont worry, it sounds gross, but it is harmless

3. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't matter. Wear face masks to prank your friends, wear face masks on top of your head for a joke...who cares, they are only a few cents each.

4. However these times are NOT normal circumstances. #1 priority for face masks are healthcare workers and law enforcement, because when the shit really hits the fan, these 2 sectors will be what keeps society ALIVE and HANGING ON.

5. You hate the govt, I get it. So when they say "don't wear masks unless you are sick" your tendency is to call "bullshit" on that.

6. But this particular govt claim SCIENCE and FACTS to back them up, you don't have anything to back you up except your own selfishness, stubbornness and unintelligence...but even worse, you think you're DAMN SMART, even though you are wrong and cannot argue your point like a well-educated ADULT.

So FUCK YOU and your PIG-HEADED stupidity. Apply for a refund from your education provider. You fail.

Anonymous said...

a fucking shameful guy Maltilda
cannot even
understand what others are trying to guide him.
Shame on You and go Mati Yrself La.

Anonymous said...


UG said...

Wu Han 101 deduct 99.

1) How to make yourself Wu Han? Go do exercise. Real news.

2) How to make yourself Boh Han? Go be chef. Fake news.

Wah Si Sinkie. Wa Daft. KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA. Anyone doing exercise in Tekong? Woo hoo. Wu Lang Boh?

Pan Dora said...

Matilah Singapura,


Anonymous said...

Today 47 new coronavirus cases with 39 imported.

Of the 8 locally transmitted, 2 linked to previous cases, while 6 are unlinked, ie communal transmission.

PAP 4G elites should just bite the bullet and go for lockdown - lives versus economic interests.

Anonymous said...


To Our 4G leaders..."wan-sui"!

"Add Oil"!

Hahaha Hahahahahaha......

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

More than 50,000 people in Italy charged with breaking quarantine rules

Like I said, very difficult to implement protocols which require "free people" to give up their freedom.

And so Italy records the highest number of deaths yet, in a single day.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

"The UK and US lost an opportunity," says Tikki Pangestu, a former director of research policy at the World Health Organization (WHO). "They had two months from what happened in China, yet there was this perception that 'China is very far away and nothing's going to happen'."

China first reported cases of "mysterious Sars-like pneumonia" to the WHO on 31 December. At this point there was no confirmed human-to-human transmission, and little was known about the virus, but within three days Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong had all stepped up screening at border points - Taiwan even checked passengers on flights from Wuhan before they got off the plane. Yahoo News

They had 2 months to react but they did nothing until it was too late. So they blamed China for their own incompetence and negligence.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

South Korea had a rapid approvals system in place for infectious disease tests, following an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory syndrome in 2015 that left 35 dead.

Is S Korea's rapid testing the key to coronavirus?

Why US testing failed - and can it catch up now?

By contrast, testing in the US was delayed - initial test kits were faulty, and private laboratories found it hard to get their tests approved. Many people struggled to get a test, and they were expensive. Eventually, free testing for everyone was passed in law.

Meanwhile, the UK has said that only those in hospital will be routinely tested. That makes it harder to identify cases with milder symptoms. Yahoo News

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

It's not enough to just test those with symptoms - tracing those with whom they were in contact has been key.

In Singapore, detectives have contact-traced more than 6,000 people - locating individuals with CCTV footage, testing them, and ordering them to self-isolate until their results are clear. In Hong Kong, contact tracing goes back to two days before someone develops symptoms. Yahoo News

Testing positive is only part of the process. The next big move is to trace all the contacts and keep them indoors.

This is the biggest failure in the West! Where is the contact tracing and follow up?

Virgo 49 said...

Aiyo, Ang Mohs like that one.

Asians myths that they are supeior is just a farce.

One of the most lazy bums besides the Mats.

Prosperities came from plunders, piracies and con jobs.

Asians wake up to their real odours.

imho said...

Angmo will die for freedom.
Asians are just too coward.

Masks cannot protect 100%
if can protect, why healthcare workers also get it

Virgo 49 said...

Ang Mohs will die for bullying others.

Not for freedom my friend.

To control others as lesser humans for their pleasure and slavery

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

By Marisa Taylor- Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Several months before the coronavirus pandemic began, the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China, Reuters has learned.

The American disease expert, a medical epidemiologist embedded in China's disease control agency, left her post in July, according to four sources with knowledge of the issue. The first cases of the new coronavirus may have emerged as early as November, and as cases exploded, the Trump administration in February chastised China for censoring information about the outbreak and keeping U.S. experts from entering the country to help....

During a press briefing on Sunday shortly after this story was first published, President Donald Trump dismissed the Reuters report as similar to other stories regarding the CDC that he described as "100 percent wrong," without addressing whether the role had been eliminated.

U.S. CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield maintained the agency's presence in China “is actually being augmented as we speak,” without elaborating.

In a statement to Reuters before the report was published, the CDC said the elimination of the adviser position did not hinder Washington's ability to get information and “had absolutely nothing to do with CDC not learning of cases in China earlier.”

The agency said its decision not to have a resident adviser “started well before last summer and was due to China’s excellent technical capability and maturity of the program.”

See how the evil Americans twist and turn to justify their sneaky actions and blaming China for everything.