
Covid19 - Is Singapore heading for an exponential increase in new infection?

Singapore has been hailed as a model country in the handling of this Covid19 pandemic. About a month ago I wrote a piece saying that the situation here was looking like plateauing with 1-3 cases daily. When the cases hit above 10, it was still looking comfortable. Then we had a couple of days when new cases hit new highs of 47. Our consolation was that many were imported cases, of returned Singaporeans, PRs and residents.

Wednesday's 73 new cases started to ring a bell. Thursday there were 52 cases with 14 cases unlinked.  Friday there were 49 cases with 9 cases unlinked. Things are not looking good now. The unlinked cases, not imported, are worrisome as the virus could be free in the air. Though still a lot of the new cases were imported, about half were local cases with two new clusters in Fengshan Sparkletot,  a play school and a British International School. Friday we are witnessing another new cluster in Singpost Centre. The CNA chart below is looking frightening. It is looking like going exponential in our small ways.

As of today things seems to be going on as per normal as people going about their lives without much inhibitions. But the ministers are preparing the people for things to get worse, asking Singaporeans to expect more infected cases going forward. Singapore is still lucky as the infected cases are found in all places except the MRT trains. Cannot imagine what it would be like if a few infected people took the train during peak hours. All contact tracing will be futile with unknown commuters moving in and out of a moving train and getting infected.

The only solution as was brooded in the UK, to let everyone get infected and those who are weak would have to go. And to make this happen faster, lets bring in more foreigners, take the opportunity to increase the population to 6.9m or more and the net result is that we will still have population growth and GDP growth. I know this sounds silly and scary.  Would anyone really dare to think this way? The Brits backed out of this idiotic thought of letting the infected die by letting the virus infected everyone to get community immunity.

Pray we don't go exponential as the graph is pointing. We need a trigger, a special event or incident to make this a reality sooner than expected. The GE, if called now, could be just the event and if suay suay there is a big spike a few days after, all fingers would be pointing to you know who.

PS.  Saturday there were 70 new cases with 14 unlinked and 41 imported. Total infected is 802.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The Netherlands is trying out the herd immunity "experiment" by protecting the vulnerable and allowing the rest to become infected.

How's it working?

You tell me lah. Have a look at their stats. At the moment their CFR (case fatality rate) is around 6%⚰️☣️

Sure, if you think Singaporeans will accept those kind of crazy numbers of dead, try lah. ๐Ÿฅต Let people get infected. Maybe even fuckers in parliament will die. ๐Ÿ–•

Anonymous said...

Got a feeling that the GE will carry on no matter how based on the character of this PeeAm. Predict in about 2 to 3 months times, why? He is pretty adamant & a rare opportunity not to be miss ( he would not care for the common ppl in Sinkieland as ppl can be imported from foreign land so EVEN IF ALl Sgreans Die he doesn't bother other them his own kakilang). He always repeat The Show Must Goes On! Think the ministry will juz follow law & go ahead with it's so called precautionary measures. He believed he is above The Heavens ( higher than any God/Allah/Buddha or any Supreme Beings! If that Goon Fellow persists in going ahead without heeding ppl advice, let him take the consequences or an imminent downfall of an era !

Anonymous said...

That thinking of letting the old die would reduce the number of Pioneers and Merdeka generation, thus saving much money for the Government in subsidies. Right?

Just hope it only affects the common old folks, and not those sitting in their ivory towers, some of whom are already stricken with sickness. And then, those ivory tower residents also have parents and grandparents who may be victims in what I would call 'age related genocide'.

Killing of parents is one of the biggest sin in Buddhism. I don't know what is the position in other religions. Ask Mr Khaw, who floated the idea of sending parents to old folks home across the causeway, then realised he made a very sinful suggestion. and said that this is one of the reasons for descending into the nine realms of hell.

Anonymous said...

The high fences of Buckingham Palace and the White House could not keep out the virus.

Anonymous said...

Trump is toying with the idea of complete quarantine of New York, the worst hit state in the USA, and a few others. Can he do it?

That would be a draconian move! Come on Mr. Trump. You are trampling on people's freedom and human rights. Don't blame China again for teaching you this treacherous move, OK! And don't call your quarantine move 'Chinese quarantine'.

By the way, there is talk of what if Trump declares a state of emergency, thus postponing the November elections. Everything in the USA is not in favour of his re-election campaign - the stock market, the economy, the state of the health care system, everything! His bragging rights have all evaporated into thin air.

Anonymous said...

Further, the virus has no respect for 'American Exceptionalism'. I guess they did not figure this in their calculations.

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

When Trump lies, Americans die!

His lying has caused many lives in the USA. All his governors have turned against him. All the news agencies, except Fox News and CNN, have also turned against him.

Trump is now a joke in the USA. He has exposed himself as nothing but a con man, lying with his eyes wide open. If this is the best man to run the USA, fall it shall be.

This is the Achilles heel of democracy, electing any duds to be the head of state.

Anonymous said...

If the fatality rate in China and USA is low, why is the EU rate so high?

If you argue that China is under-reporting, how about the USA?

Anonymous said...

'Trump is now a joke in the USA' unquote.

That is an under-statement. He is a joke in the eyes of the whole world. Remember the whole world laughing at his bragging at the UN? He does not realise that people in the UN are unlike his zombie supporters, who clapped and cheered whenever he opened his pussy mouth to brag.

Anonymous said...

China is under reporting because the Americans said so.

The Americans are not under reporting because the Americans said so.

Think before you decide who to believe. It is between facts and mischievous opinion.

Anonymous said...

Confirmed Cases by Country

122,666 US
92,472 Italy
81,999 China
73,235 Spain
57,695 Germany
38,105 France
35,408 Iran
17,312 United Kingdom

(Johns Hopkins)

U.S. death toll hits 2,000. The U.S. recorded its first 1,000 coronavirus deaths in a month. The next 1,000 took only two days.

Anonymous said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Oh please lah... You Can't Cheat An Honest Man" i.e. for a con to work, the "victims" themselves have to be dishonest in the sense they want "something for nothing", which is of course what the con artist is offering...i.e. something to good to be true.

Because of the massive entertainment, Trump creates, is why I am such a huge fan of his. I don't like Trump, the human being. But I love Trump the politician, Commander-In-Chief, and President, Leader of The Free World! What other world leader in history has managed to create 24/7 entertainment and comedy? Trump has no equal in this respect.๐Ÿป

The fact that he is willing to put lives at risk,☠️ to me is a BONUS. fucking people get so angry...another BONUS ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Trmp's Approval Rating are sky-high now He is the only fucker who has "daily briefings", and they are such a RATINGS SUCCESS that now some stations want to REFUSE to broadcast them because they make Trump look more and more like a god.

Trump is a seasoned entertainer and hit-show REALITY STAR. Of course, he is going to look good...he can say anything and people will just swallow it.

Trump can suggest that if you pour ice water on our head, then drink dog urine, you will be immune from coronavirus... and many people will believe him. That's how good a TV personality he is.

You all need to evaluate the way you evaluate lah. Trump is WINNING.

Anonymous said...

Of course Trump is winning. Otherwise how can the USA be the top dog in coronavirus infections worldwide now.

When the WHO chief praised China, they accused him of being bought over by China. Now that Trump and the USA is winning the coronavirus race, Trump must have bribed China to report low figures, so that the US can stay comfortably on top. Right? Everything can be evaluated depending on how you interpret it! Right again?

Trump is going to make America Great Again. He is winning big alright!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Talk to your people!


The man is a master manipulator lah. Champion...even his enemies watch him ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ˜›

@ 1007

>> Trump is going to make America Great Again. He is winning big alright!


Don't you worry. A similar dynamic is playing out in Singapore. As I've said over and over The perpetuity of The State, and the pristine image o the power-elites are far more important than the welfare of the people

The Sheeple are expendable. They are a renewable resource. The State is all, and therefore is to be protected at any cost. And so are the power-elites, because without them, The State can't prevail.

Keep Singapore Awesome Again and Again and Again! ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฌ Majullah, you mati, your pasal!

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

Trump spend more than an hour talking to Xi yesterday asking Xi how to control the virus and also for more medical equipment and assistance.

Anonymous said...

COVID-19: The Generals' Erections - To Expose Or Not To Expose Their Pee-pee? - Is Actually A Non-Issue Test-Balloon


The question of whether to expose the Generals' Erections now (within this year) and expose their Pee-pee to the world or to delay as long as possible, until April 2021 and beyond should never have arisen at all. It is actually an unnecessary non-issue that has become an important issue of life and death.


1. Because common sense tells us that YOU are going to expose not only the 2.6 million Singapore voters (old and new citizens alike) to the tiny microscopic erectiles of the COVID-19 Viruses but also the mon-voters (PRs and foreigners) and many of these innocent hardworking folks are going to get screwed good and proper, irrespective of whatever unnecessary "necessary" measures YOUR "smart" habitually self-destruct-tendency brain can think of.

2. Because it is actually a self-created problem of a tiny group of unconscionable taxpayers-money-made rich, high almighty, ivory-tower dwellers with over zealous, extremely opportunistic, too calculative, too Kiasu until SHIA SUAY, too smart until arrogantly defiant, too powerful untl no heaven no earth, too rich until no dignity, and too free until don't have a care in the world and don't care two hoots whether the people (especially elderly folks with existing illness) will get infected and die. Even if only one death is due to this unnecessary exposure is one too many and his/her blood is in YOUR hands. Killing your parents or making others kill their parents is the highest heinous sin!

3. Because, as Dr Tan Cheng Bock said, "Delaying GE may pose a constitutional problem, but it ‘does not infect people with Covid-19’. And common sense tells us that he is right. This is a fact. Truism. Not a conjecture or excuse cough out by a smart brain. Unless the scholars' brains have lost all their common sense that their parents have passed down to them by birth, the constitutional problem can be easily solved or circumvented by a real caring leader who have common sense.

4. In addition, the constitutional problem can be dealt with in the same way YOU have done for Halimah Yacob, an Indian by birth-cert and identity card, to become a Reserved-For-Malay President with an easy-pissy Walk-Over. Is that too difficult for a crafty brain to remember? Or, actually YOU are all intentionally acting like a tortoise?

5. Delaying the election until the Covid 19 situation has improved “is a realistic path any sensible and caring leader would have taken. Not purposefully exposing his people to unnecessary potential dangers and then try to put up some impractical precautionary measures to mitigate his own callousness and stupidity.

6. Of paramount importance is the lives and limbs of all Singaporeans, permanent residents and foreigners working here (not just the voters, because the virus spreading does not distinguish who you are). All of them deserve a fair chance to ride out the waves of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and not be subject to added anxieties and dangers deliberately created by the idiosyncratic ideas of a few pretentious, self-righteous, political maneouvrers!

7. If YOU went ahead, despite all the hues and cries, YOU may be politically successful in this particular opportunistic venture, but YOUR LEGACY WILL BE FOREVER TARNISHED AS THE CRUEL, HEARTLESS, RUTHLESS, MORALLY-BANKTUPT, OPPORTUNISTS, NOT LEADERS OF MEN!
This will go down in history - if not written by official version, then via oral history through the future generations. A history of political genocide on the tiny RED DOT!


Fools rush in where wise men and women fear to tread!


Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

In the land of the blind, the one eyed Jack shines. Trump can be convincing only to the unthinking and idiots who believed him blindly, no need to think. This is a combination for a con man to be successful, a good con man and many willing suckers.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Please lah, they've been talking every day. Trump may look like a fool, but he'll get advice anywhere he can get it, then claim the credit for himself.

Haven't you been paying attention?

Anonymous said...

Sg is akin to a cruise ship in compactness.
Not surprising if it vies with the Royal Princess Cruise Ship for top spot in infection level.
Take great care, MASK UP AT CROWDED PLACE.

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

Just heard this message over NBC news by an American called Franco Contista whose partner just died.

'Just stay home, don't just think of yourself. It's heartening, people are suffering, people are dying.'

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

Blogger Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Please lah, they've been talking every day. Trump may look like a fool, but he'll get advice anywhere he can get it, then claim the credit for himself.

Haven't you been paying attention?

March 29, 2020 10:18 am

Matilah, for saying this, you sounded like an idiot.

Anonymous said...

On the one hand Trump is talking about quarantine of some states, on the other hand he wants to open the USA for business by April, 12. Possible?

Of course possible, it is just opening his big mouth to fart. With US$2.2 trillion being tossed out, his approval rating should be high, for now. Wait till the shit hit the zombies, then they will wake up.

The infection scenario in the USA is still early days yet. With 20,000 infections added to the tally every day, God knows what the position will be like by April 12. GE has been ordered to produce ventilators. I wonder how long they will take? Not ten days I would think.

By the way, the two makeshift hospitals in China, constructed in record time, are still standing and did not collapse on the patients. Some bad-hearted people have been wishing for that to happen. You know who they are!

imho said...

Covid will come and go ...just like sars, ebola, mers, gfc, small pox, chicken pox, monkey pox etc etc.

imho said...

what comes after covid is the main concern. its ww3. g8 against china.

Anonymous said...

Trump may not look like a fool, but the whole UN thinks otherwise. How can a con man look like a fool and be able to convince others? Trump himself knows that, when he said that he did not expect the kind of reaction from the UN gatherings. And he knows they were not applauding, but laughing at his foolishness.

To his supporters, definitely not a fool, otherwise how could he be elected. To the world, no need to argue further. Even some people in his own administration, close to him, have grave misgivings about the man's mental capacity.

Anonymous said...

If the GE goes ahead, and if voting is going high tech via the internet, because of the coronavirus, that is game over for the opposition.

And game over as well for you and me. Your vote and my vote will no longer be a tiny threat to the PAP. Not that it is presently still a threat.

And the 30% will live happily ever after with the 70% ! Amen! Amitabha!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

>> Matilah, for saying this, you sounded like an idiot.

That's quite ok. I have been called worse. Let's see who has made money when this is over ok? That's my only focus. ๐Ÿ†

My intention is to have maximum fun in all of this. I'm treating it as entertainment, a game. Talk is cheap, but it is also good old cheap entertainment.

The real game is when everyone is losing their life savings and govts and businesses are going broke...will you come out of this WAY WAY AHEAD, or will you be chia lat like most people?

It's obvious you're not paying attention. Up to you lah.

Be reminded of our dear national saying: You die, your business!

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

Electronic voting can only be trusted if everyone can verify their votes independently.

If not, what goes into one hole does not guarantees that it comes out from another hole.

How to ensure that all the voting data input is the same as the all voting data produced and announced as the results?

How about live screens with counters in voting stations to let the voters see who they voted for immediately, like car park displays?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ imho

>> Covid will come and go ...just like sars, ebola, mers, gfc, small pox, chicken pox, monkey pox etc etc <<

Yes, it will. But economies will be hit with an almighty whack. It could take YEARS to recover. Some people and businesses will be totally wiped out financially.

It's good you mentioned GFC. The GFC was a BALANCE SHEET problem. i.e. too many debt assets...debt assets built on debt assets, built on more debt...secured by real assets whose real values were way overinflated...by more and more debt bidding up the price.

With the covid-infected economy, the problem is with the INCOME STATMENT, and cash flow statement. No money coming in. Those whio have debt cannot service their loans. OK, pan chan...give a few months "grace"...then what? still got to have MONEY to pay lah.

OK some businesses will be operating again, and people will return to work. However the economic "fall out" is going to be big, and I think most fuckers are underestimating the impact. (not pricing the RISK correctly)

>> what comes after covid is the main concern. its ww3. g8 against china.


Of course, the word's relationship with China is going to change...,for better or worse, whether people like it or not. But in order for everyone to start generating productivity and wealth again... they had better start cooperating or cuntries will go broke!. By the time this is over, no one will have the resources to fight each other lah. so to prevent "you die, I oso die", they will have to shake hands and play nice.

Anonymous said...

This is the best opportunity to migrate to electronic voting. That is why, kay kay saying GE is not decided yet, but make no mistake, they have already been toying with this idea for a long time.

They will give many reasons, just like changing the criteria for the Presidential Election to keep TCB out. Now the coronavirus is a godsend for the PAP. GE is a certainty and sooner rather than later.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Our "mentors", The Swiss, have been using e-voting for nearly 20 years lah. The swiss govt policy is to never expect 100% security for the system. as long as it is "good enough", they are keeping it.

It's high time Singapore moved the fuck on. "Good enough" works for most cases in the real world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Resilient Package schedule to start in August 2020.
Expect the General Election to be before the Resilient Package is expense.

Virgo 49 said...

Aiyo, paper ballots already had spare empty boxes that are supposed to be accounted for nicely for all ballots.

E-votings? That's be worse.

Mr RB suggested that votes casted straightaway shown on Monitor Boards. That will let them monitor WHO voted for who and secretcy be exposed.

Never you know how's vile they will be when they won again and these oppo voters will be under their mercy.

Now they ALREADY have segregated blocks in one zone and another to gauge the voting patterns.

So that they can redrawn the boundaries again to balance their supporters to dilute the Opposition votes.

Now even old folks are NOT even allowed their kins to accompany them into the booths to mark their wishes and be done by the Election officials who may marked otherwise their votes.

How can they allowed E-votings when the fears of their kins and children that are the Opposition camps may marked for them opposition candidates.

So, I think E-votings are out.

Just more stringent rules on distancing and you suffer your pasar. Lined up from Sembwang to JB.

Anonymous said...

You know the battle is lost when a minister cried in Parliament and the PM said the nation is facing a "very grave situation".

Anonymous said...

What Is Donald Trump, Not Who Is He

Everybody knows who Donald Trump is to a great extent. But what is he, really?

What Trump is Not:

1. Trump is definitely not a fool.

How can a fool become a billionaire and goes on to accomplish other successful ventures? And won the US Presidential Election after demolishing 16 other Republican Presidential Hopefuls, and then the Democrats' Hillary Clinton?

2. Trump is not a simple, straight forward person as he has been trying to project himself. It is impossible for a simpleton to own, manage and run three different families and a business empire of hotels, golf courses and real estate.

3. Trump is not as honest as he wants others to believe him. He lies as easy as he drinks water everyday. Yet many of his supporters like him even though they know that he is lying to them. This is called personality cult. Just like those who are stuck with "Praise Jesus". And Mike Pence happens to be one of those Christian Supremacist "Hallelujah Praise The Lord" Trump's slaves.

4. Trump is not as rich as he projects himself to be. He claims to be having a net worth of more than US$11 billion. But actually he has only a net worth of about US$4 to US$5 billion, minus all his outstanding debts and loans.

5. Trump's business is not doing as well as he likes others to believe. For one thing, his Scotland Golf Courses are running at a loss every year for the past five years and is subject to closure. His hotels are only able to break even, with about only 30% occupancy. With this COVID-19 Pandemic raging on and on, his businesses overall are struggling to make ends meet. And he is crying out loud for his supporters to hear. The US$1.8 trillion bailout his has signed into law, some of which may well go into lifting his own businesses in a very clever round about way?

What Trump Is:

1. He is a con-man. A very experienced and expansive (extending around the world) con-man. Proof? The Ukraine dirty linen washing expose, which cost him an impeachment (but acquitted by his republican political hackers) in the US Congress is a case in point. The three women he managed to con to become his wives, two of them whom he has divorced are the living witnesses and proofs.

2. He can lie right in your face without blinking an eyelid,,and with a straight face. (Usually when one lies, one's eyelids keep blinking and one's face cannot keep straight, blinking and turning all the time.)

3. Even his 4 times bankruptcy have been successful feats which he deliberately planned for and pulled out, in order to cheat and con his unfortunate victims - mostly his banks and suppliers.

4. He is a Master-of-Controvacies! He always creates controversits in order to create uncertainty. Catching people unaware, via the uncertainties he has created, he wins by being one step ahead of everyone.

5. He is a Master-of-Sentiments. Just look at the stock markets during his time as the US 45th President. One day up, next day down. The same pattern all the way, even until today. The markets almost always respond to what Trump has said or done. He created the ups and downs of the markets because markets movements are based on sentiments. He manipulates that sentiment factor. In this way, he can also be called a Master-of-Sentiments.

6. More and more...... I can write a book.

Anonymous said...

Distancing at the ballot box is going to be a joke. How long do you think the queue be like? It will be worse than the S$10 million dollar CNY draw and may be hundreds of metres long.

Maybe, just get rid of voting altogether, because we are almost at that terminal stage. But there will always be people trying their luck anyway. So, how?

Anonymous said...

How could a con-man be a fool? Only those conned by the con-man are fools.

They knew he lied all the time, a six time bankrupt, whose wealth is largely inherited which he feared to disclose, and yet they believe in him. Not fools, then what?

Anonymous said...

Actually no need sopfiscated software, juz deploy more manpower or election personnel (from G agencies or temps or volunteers or G contractors) & place ballot boxes at each RC zone or blocks or go door to door to validate & collect paper voting ( after disinfection) also by scattering the time & also ensure disfection precautionary measures, social distancing, safety equipments etc. Think that the coming GE might be an innovative ones from G agencies tech or one of the kind that others countries might wanto emulate ( when there is a will there is a way)

Anonymous said...

Probably the G might spread out the timings or dates of each RC zones juz like the mask collection dates & free hand sanitizer collection dates with different color voting paper as different timings /or dates.

Anonymous said...

The good news is that the virus can help cleanse the island of obsolete old fucks.

Too many unproductive old fuckers around taking up valuable resources like air, water, space, food, flats, national reserves etc etc.

Only know how to take take take take take ...

Virgo 49 said...

Right Anon 3.25

Old fucks are the Ones WHO built the NATION thru their sweat and tears and scarficies.

Young fucks just simply enjoyed the fruits of our labour.

Without the old fucks, they be like the Filipinos still scavenging at the mountains of rubblish and swills for their food.

Still want to annihilate the old fucks.

Without the old fucks, young fucks wear singlet without shorts or shorts without singlets.

Many thought that they are now highly electrocuted with lots of toilet papers qualifications doing what's gig or gila start ups that do not even last three month.

What's in a name where their gila start ups are just rehash from our old business systems.
Let this Virus scraped the bak seow from their eyes with a recession that they have to beg their old fucks parents for food.

Anonymous said...

Think he is talking after those old fucks that are taking millions and millions for doing nothing. These are very expensive parasites.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 258

>> The good news is that the virus can help cleanse the island of obsolete old fucks.



I ♥️ Coronavirus☣️‼️... because Nature is AWESOME! ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿ‘ฏ‍♀️

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ my fellow apeks and the toxic old fucks who I don't care for, who waste oxygen and live too fucking long:

#boomerremover on Twitter


Ok, here's the thing. You ancient motherfuckers had better start being NICER to the young people.

They're going to have to pay back all the money it's taking to fight coronavirus by BEING HIGHLY TAXED FOR A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF THEIR WORKING LIVES.

So be grateful to these young people lah.

Don't be a cheebye old aunty or uncle.

Anonymous said...

@ Be grateful to this and that...

Gratitude, like respect and trust, is earned, not asked for and then given.

If a young idiot is himself ungrateful, shows total disrespect to and contempt of the old folks (who incidentally include his own parents and grandparents) but also openly call for old people to be wiped out by the Covid19 coronavirus, then he in turn do not deserve any gratitude but must be condemned and ostracized from the society as an outcast and put in prison for the rest of his puny life. Otherwise, this wild animal will become a real threat to humanity in time to come, like all other villains!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. You do not engage with animals that do not possess human gratitude.

How were they born anyway? Who brought them up? If not from and by old fucks, then must be from wild old animals to inherit such behaviors.

Anonymous said...


Cases and Deaths:

United States 132,637 2,351 Italy 97,689 10,779
China 81,439 3,300
Spain 78,799 6,606
Germany 58,247 455
Iran 38,309 2,640
France 38,105 2,317
UK .... 19,763 1,231
Switzerland 14,829, 300
Netherlands 10,926, 772
Belgium 10,836 431
South Korea 9,583, 152
Austria 8,672 86
Turkey 7,402 108
Portugal 5,962 119
Canada 5,886 64
Norway 4,245 25
Australia 3,980 16
Brazil 3,904 117
Israel 3,865 15
Sweden 3,700 110
Czech Republic 2,743 13
Ireland 2,615 46
Denmark 2,564 72
Malaysia 2,470 35
Chile 1,909 6
Luxembourg 1,831 18
Ecuador 1,823 48
Japan 1,799 55
Poland 1,638 18
Pakistan 1,526 13
Romania 1,452 30
Philippines 1,418 71 Thailand 1,388 7 Indonesia 1,285 144
Russia 1,264 4
Saudi Arabia 1,203 4
South Africa 1,187 1
Finland 1,167 9
Greece 1,061 32
India 987 24
Iceland 963 2
Panama 901 17
Singapore 844 3 Argentina 745 19 Dominican Rep 719 28
Mexico 717 12
Diamond Princess* 712 10 Slovenia 684 9
Peru 671 16
Serbia 659 10
Croatia 657 5
Estonia 645 1
Colombia 608 6
Qatar 590 0
Egypt 576 36

Hong Kong 560 4
New Zealand 514 1
Iraq 506 42
Bahrain 476 4
United Arab Emirates 468 2 Algeria 454 29
Lebanon 412 8
Armenia 407 1
Morocco 402 25
Lithuania 394 7
Ukraine 356 9
Hungary 343 11
Bulgaria 331 7
Andorra 308 3
Latvia 305 0
Uruguay 304 0
Taiwan 298 2
Costa Rica 295 2
Slovakia 292 0
Tunisia 278 8
Bosnia 278 6
Jordan 246 1
Macedonia 241 4
Kuwait 235 0
Moldova 231 2
Kazakhstan 228 0
San Marino 224 22
Burkina Faso 207 11
Albania 197 10
Azerbaijan 182 4
Cyprus 179 5
Vietnam 174 0
Oman 152 0
Malta 149 0
Faroe Islands* 144 0
Ghana 141 5
Senegal 130 0
Brunei 120 1
Cuba 119 3
Venezuela 119 0
Sri Lanka 113 1
Afghanistan 110 4
Uzbekistan 104, 0

Anonymous said...


Confirmed Cases and Deaths:

New York 59,513 965
New Jersey 13,386 161
California 5,718 123
Michigan 5,486 132
Massachusetts 4,955 48
Illinois 4,596 65
Washington 4,310 189
Florida 4,246 56
Louisiana 3,540 151
Pennsylvania 3,419 39
Georgia 2,651 80
Texas 2,626 35
Colorado 2,061 44
Ohio 1,653 29
Tennessee 1,537 7
Connecticut 1,524 33
Indiana 1,514 32
Maryland 1,239 10
North Carolina 1,124 7
Wisconsin 1,112 15
Arizona 919 17
Nevada 890 22
Virginia 890 22
Missouri 838 10
South Carolina 774 16
Alabama 767 4
Mississippi 758 14
Utah 719 2
Oregon 548 13
Minnesota 503 9
Oklahoma 429 16
Arkansas 421 5
Kentucky 394 8
D Columbia 342 5
Iowa 336 3
Kansas 319 6
Rhode Island 294 3
Idaho 268 6
Maine 253 1
New Mexico 237 2
Vermont 235 12
Delaware 232 6
New Hampshire 214 2
Montana 154 1
Hawaii 151 0
West Virginia 113 0
Nebraska 108 2
North Dakota 98 1
Wyoming 86 0
Alaska 85 2
South Dakota 68 1
Guam 56 1
N Mariana Islands 2 0
Puerto Rico 127 5
US Virgin Islands 21 0
Wuhan Repatriated 3 0
Diamond Princess Cruise 46 0

US deaths top 2,500 despite $2.2 trillion in virus aid approved.

White House Staffers cases are not reported.

US Military abroad are excluded and US Military units in continental United States are not reported (classified information).

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 - Three Emerging Trends In SINGAPORE

1. More and more clusters emerging, latest in the industrial area of Yishun, is alarming.

2.The number of new imported cases increasing by the day is frightening.

3. The number of increasing local infections, not linkable to any cluster of person, is definitely terrifying. One 70 years old papa just died. He did not know who was the irresponsible person who transmitted his coronavirus to him, as he did travel out of Singapore and did connect to any group. So, it is probable that he got the virus in a bus, taxi or train. If this is correct, then it is not only alarming and worrying but also terrifying.





So, if some horrible people were to engineer the conduct of the GE during this COVID-19 Pandemic time, then the situation will become HORRIFYING!

From ALARMING to FRIGHTENING to TERRIFYING to HORRIFYING - These four emotions cuming together will be orgasmically unbearable! They will definitely blow YOUR MIND OUT!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 856

You need a crash course in data lah.

These are NOT trends. They're data points.

You're damn ignorant! ๐Ÿ–•

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

This chap cheng has exposed himself to everyone here that he is a paid agent of the Americans and Australians to post anti China and anti Chinese comments here.

He is so shameless, typical of chap cheng.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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