
Covid19 - American homeland under attack

While the whole world is being locked down because of Covid19, the gravity of this war against a real enemy of humanity has forced countries fighting fake wars to kill innocent people labelled as threats to their countries to pull out their evil forces from the battle fields and bring them home. France, Britain, Czech and other cronies of the Evil American Empire have changed priorities.  Fighting Covid19 is real and immediate danger, not poor tribesmen in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Syria etc etc.  These poor tribesmen have no real means to pose any danger to these outrageous European powers or the Evil American Empire.  They are branded as threats by the evil Americans to be used as bogeymen to start wars, to raise tension, instability and to give the Evil Empire's soldiers a reason to exist and to be in those countries.

Anyone ever bother to think how could the Iraqis, branded as ISIS or the Talibans be a threat to the Evil Empire in the USA or even North Korea, a poor country suffering from economic sanctions imposed by the Evil Empire be a threat to them? Would the North Koreans be so crazy or idiotic to want to take on the evil Americans if not forced into a corner? No country in this world would dare to attack the USA. Only fools would believe in the American white lie that America is under military threat from outside forces.

Covid19, a God sent enemy, has rendered the mighty military forces of the Evil American Empire totally useless. No amount of nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers, 1000s of military bases, biological weapons, CIA agents etc etc, evil men like Trump, Pompeo and gang could defeat this invisible enemy, but good enough to keep them very busy. With the evil men caught by this Covid19 pandemic, there will be less wars and less innocent people being killed by the wicked Evil Empire.

Instead, the Covid19 has started to attack the soldiers of the Evil Empire on the ground and in the aircraft carriers and warships. American soldiers are also on lockdown, cannot go on shore, no country would allow them to visit after their wicked wars against the weak and poor tribesmen. They are being attacked by the Covid19 and fighting for their own lives. The Iraqis would have some peace, the Talibans and Afghans would have some peace, even North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Colombia etc etc would have some peace as the evil hands would be kept busy, full of Covid19s to deal with.

The victims of the Evil Empire shall say a prayer of thanks to Covid19 to keep the evil Empire at bay. Covid19 is not all bad and comes at a time when the Evil Empire was trying to start more wars, to kill more innocent people that are living their own lives in their little corners of the earth and minding their own business. Keep the Evil Empire very busy for as long as possible and there will be peace on earth. The most outrageous part of this Covid19 is that it attacks the Americans in their homeland. Homeland America is under attack by the soldiers of God! The Evil Empire is invincible against any country but not to the One above. Some of the evil men in Washington still think they the luxury to start wars outside their homeland. Nay, the war in the hearts of America launched by the trillions and trillions of invisible Covid19 soldiers would wear them down. 100,000 infected is only the beginning.

And no country can help the evil Americans. All their allies and cronies have their hands full trying to fight this invisible enemy. The only country that could help the Americans is China. But the Americans have made China its arch enemy, meaning fat hope, China would fold its arm and watch the demise of the Evil Empire. Trump and Pompeo can continue to shout 'Blame China, blame China'.  The One above is smiling at their stupidity.

God or Allah is answering the prayers of those praying for peace from the Evil Empire.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Good morning all,

I'm locked down at home. Thus I'll amuse myself.

Redbean has been a great sport in my experiment! I'm grateful he's such an accommodating host.

Anyway the bumbling USA is going to surprise the world as the stumble and fumble their way thru this. Just watch, and learn.

Happy Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Feeling so wonderful, so very happy that Great Satan USA has now topped the list of coronavirus infected countries!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
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Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 843

Yes, there is cause for great celebration (kindly observe social distancing LAWS---yes, now it's LAW) merry making and joy for the anti American crowd dominating this blog.

Let me give you even more happiness. Due to the exponential nature of this pandemic, the USA numbers will hit ONE MILLION in about a 2 months.

Happier now? πŸ˜†

Anonymous said...

When they said you are corrupt, you are corrupt. It is so easy, taking a pencil can be corruption.

Be frighten, be very frighten.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo

Yes, as you have correctly observed, American society is "open"...Trump has been roundly and loudly criticised over this...but then when has Trump never been criticised.

It is the American tradition to never trust authority...to loudly criticise, insult, ridicule and fuck upside down their leaders. You can't do that in most cuntries, definitely not in China, or Singapore or Thailand....etc

But that doesn't mean America will fail. It will most certainly look like they are failing...and they are going to have HUGE NUMBERS of infected. But they are an innovative culture, and their private sector is so powerful they can take over cuntires and bribe or threaten sovereign governments.

No need to use CIA or US military. Facebook, Google, can fuck your cuntry up and hold your govt hostage. Monsanto and DuPont can drive your cuntry to the brink of starvation. Goldman Sachs can fuck up your cuntry's economy and markets, Roche and Pfizer can hold your cuntry's sick population and healthcare sector to ransom. American private sector is power, corruption, and INNOVATION. So expect a lot of action from this sector.

Of course many in the private sector are going to MATI LAH as they got huge debt loads and no REVENUE to service their debt. Bailouts can only go so far. So there's going to be lots of greedy, filthy money-making action in the distressed assets space...a space my mentor and Chinatown luminary is EXPERT in. He likes to buy $1 for 5 cents, or less. In the last great Aussie recession of the late 1980s/ early 90's he and his Singaporean "joint venture partners" were buying $1 for 1 cent or less πŸ€‘, as the banks and finance-sector were all dying and screaming in agony from bad loans and toxic debt. One man's misery is another man's profit opportunity. πŸ˜‚ That's why I love coronavirus so much... 😍❤️

But, one has to be cautious...and not let the ego run amuck. So, try to be a bit humble lah...wash hands often and keep away from people... Since I generally avoid most humans, and tend to look at them with contempt anyway, I have no issue with "social distancing”. 🀑

Perth is not so bad. We're heading toward 300 cases, but less than 20 are hospitalised, about 5 in ICU, a few mati already. As long as the hospitals are not overwhelmed, we're cool. Govt is giving out $1100 per fortnight to workers who are now jobless, not fantastic, but not bad.

A quick inventory on my personal situation:

I am locked down. I do try to go out everyday. There is NO ONE around...and we have wonderful parks here. They are all empty. And the weather is fantastic. So I go out everyday---CONTRARIAN THINKING---while everyone else is indoors. I have my coffee and makan, and get to lay on the grass or walk about. From Tuesday, cannot do this anymore and the Police are going to enforce the law. You can only be out if you have VALID reason, and those who break social distancing can be fined $1000, with a maximum of $50,000 😱, as usual the KNN government is capable of wielding EXCESSIVE FORCE. Fuck themπŸ‘ŽπŸ»πŸ–•πŸ–•

So, I'm very well stocked up. I have ~150 rounds of ammo for my guns, 3kg of beef, 1kg of fish, 2 kg of kangaroo and turkey, 3 sacks of rice, 5kg of lentils and beans, 30 litre of water, 40 rolls of TP, 5 litres of isopropyl alcohol, 3 litres of ethanol, plenty of cleaning and disinfecting products ~120 masks (which I still don't use), disposable nitrile gloves, plenty of canned food (which I only eat in an emergency---I avoid processed food, beer & stout, 5 bottles of duty free Remy VSOP. I grow herbs and some veggies, but the shops are still open so I can still get fresh produce. I also have lots of batteries, a small generator, bikes and survival gear if it gets bad and I have to "escape" to the outback. (The Shit Hits The Fan Plan)

So yah, I'm fine. As long as I don't get sick, and things don't escalate to the point of "absolute shit show", this is not going to be hard at all.

Anonymous said...

I thought it is still Friday with long sermons. Oh it is Saturday, sorry.

Cannot understand the sermon. Do not even want to read it. It is Greek to me. WTF!

Virgo 49 said...

Wah kangaroo meat. After eating jump like them. Or box like them. Think you kena box all the time by the Aussies?

You buy Bats meat?

Wuhan special brand?

DT loved to eat them alive.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo

Kangaroo meat has only 1% fat. It is a SLAB of protein, and it is delicious especially "satay bakar" or as a vindaloo curry. It also contains anti-cancer, cardiac health compounds. It is the best, because it is SUSTAINABLE...i.e. carbon-neutral, water-efficient unlike beef, pork or poultry Kangaroo for humans is farmed, not wild, due to the strict food laws of Australia.

Unfortunately, the price has DOUBLED in recent years.


On why I think America will prevail...especially their PRIVATE sector:

The real skills in life aren’t skills that handling the known, but how you can handle the unknown and actually make a buck out of it. See, as they say in Brooklyn: ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ --- Nicholas Nassim Taleb

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Anonymous said...

This place is dominated and taken over by one SICKO, a self-confessed morherfuxker, a CIA PAID AGENT UNDER THE COVER NICKNAME "MATILAH SiNGAPURA".


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Wah. "Domination". Eh, you over estimate my power lah.

Nonetheless, I thank you for your support. I will always wear it, cos my balls very heavy. Don't want to get hernia πŸ˜†

Anonymous said...

Matilah is same as COVID-19 disease. Make people sick.

Anonymous said...

@virgo, @all,

I've been enjoying life for the past 2 weeks. Got 66% discounts from MBS & RWS hotels. SHIOK!!!

But still too many people for my liking, even though rooms are more than 1/3 empty.

Have bought more stocks 1.5 weeks ago --- another $50K. So now my cash war chest left $400K to spend.

Still getting average of $11++K dividends per month, plus 3 years worth of household expenses kept in SG govt bonds & FDs. I'm expecting my monthly dividends to drop to $7K-$8K by end of the year ... but no big deal lah.

So I fully intend to use up my $400K war chest to buy more stocks in the next few weeks & months.

With what is happening in the world right now .... I'm getting MORE & MORE CONFIDENT OF MAKING AT LEAST $5M PROFITS IN THE NEXT 5-10 YEARS!!!


Anonymous said...

United States Army sports team likely brought the coronavirus to Wuhan in October.

“No video or photos exist of the U.S. team, no records were kept,” said Veterans Today, adding that many athletes from the purported team did not even compete and instead hung around the open-air market where the virus is believed to have first emerged in humans.

Anonymous said...

Hi Uncle RB, from all your posts here, I get the feeling that your hatred for the American is very intense, Your hatred for Trump is even deeper. Why? The Americans are not your enemy. Most yanks may be naive but they do not deserve what you feel for them. Relax RB, hatred is not good for your BP.

Chua Chin Leng蔑镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 8:48pm, go and read history and know how the Americans become so rich and powerful. Go and read history about your country or your parents' country.

The Americans are naive, but not as naive as you. What do you think the CIA is doing all these years? They spent US$81 billion a year on their intelligence works. What kind of works?

Are you an ethnic Chinese? If you are, ask why the whole world hates Chinese? What did China or the Chinese do to the rest of the world when it was a victim of western colonisation and occupation, became a bankrupt country and did not really exist until 1949?

What do you think is the agenda of Trump and Pompeo and those evil men in Washington concerning China?

Do you know what happened to the black African slaves and the native Red Indians? Do you know what happened to the migrant Chinese when they landed in the old America?

What I am doing is not hatred but to reciprocate what the Americans are doing to the rest of the world with the victims all sleeping and not knowing what is happening to them. Do you know that all the wars today are started by the Americans? Do you know how many Arabs and Muslims are being killed be the Americans daily? Is this normal, acceptable?

Anonymous said...

Hope this kid would not become another Jonathan Mok one day. Then he will understand why, learning the painful way to grow up.

Why was Jonathan Mok bashed up?

Anonymous said...

If Uncle RB does not write from a different perspective, then all the bananas and unthinking would only be reading the American narrative, ie, China bad, Chinese bad, Chinese must be beaten up for spreading the Chinese virus.

Anon 8:48pm, is this what you want? Is this the truth that you want to believe in?

Anonymous said...

It is very difficult to educate a stupid person.

It is even more difficult to educate a one-track mind.

It is worst to even try to educate an intelligent but stubborn, egoistic and conceited person.

Anonymous said...

This is the same idiot that thinks the Americans are sooo innocent, like angels, people that you can reason with, are reasonable and decent people.

Anonymous said...

Hours after signing the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative Act of 2019, Trump was online talking with China's top leader Xi Jinping to discuss the pandemic control.

The coronavirus spread has become so severe in the US that Washington urgently needs to buy a huge amount of medical equipment, including personal protective equipment, test kits and ventilators.

Trump doesn't feel embarrassed to support Taiwan's secessionists and asking for China's help at the same time.

Anonymous said...

For humanitarian reasons, China should help.

But be careful. If some PPEs, test kits and ventilators do not work well, that would be grounds for further criticism, blame and demonization of anything Chinese.

Trump, of course, is immuned to embarrassment, shame, ridicule or anything else you can throw at him. This man has no moral value or compassion, and all he cares is about himself, family and cronies. That is where the $2.2 trillion aid package is going to.

People in the USA already knows that most of the $2.2 trillion will end up in the hands of the elites, while the common people ends up with the coronavirus. How apt! Trump never fails to take advantage of an opportunity to put his hands in the cookie jar!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


There's a call for the world to unite to extract compensation from China for the export of the China-Wuhan-CCP Coronavirus which has imposed enormous costs on every cuntry on the planet.


Hey Xi, you owe me money. Pay up! πŸ˜†πŸ–•πŸ€‘

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

China lies about the number of dead from The China Wuhan CCP CoronaVirus:


Missing Cell Phone Users


*note* numbers now revised to around 20 million! ⚰️☠️☣️☣️😱

21 Million Fewer Cellphone Users in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll


Stacks of urns in Wuhan prompt new questions of virus's toll


Follow the evidence, see where it leads. Support for the idea that China has been LYING and FAKING the numbers of people killed by the China-Wuhan-CCP Coronavirus grows steadily from independent and non-correlated sources.