
Hong Kongers - Good riddance

Anonymous said...
10 October 2019, 6:54 PM GMT+8

More than 42 per cent of Hongkongers want to emigrate because of the ongoing social unrest, according to a recent survey by Chinese University, compared with around a third of respondents who gave the same answer in December last year.

The Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies at the university interviewed 707 individuals by phone between September 20 and 26, with 42.3 per cent indicating they would emigrate if they had a chance. In December 2018, 34 per cent respondents had given a similar response.

Of those who would like to move abroad, 23 per cent had already started planning for emigration.

They should have emigrated to UK before 1997 while they had the British Subject Identity Cards.

Now UK needs them to stay in Hongkong to create troubles for China and HK.


Anonymous said...

So far China has wisely leave it to the Hongkies to settle the Chaos the Hongkies have created for themselves.
China should not intervene.
The Dust will ultimately settles by itself.
There CANNOT BE ANY MORE FOOLISHNESS in Hongkies destroying infrastructures built for their good living and worse endangering live and causing casualties.
shall betide the Hongkies should the Daily Routines be too upsetting for their survivals which is invariably sustain by the Motherland.
Be it utilities, commerce and social wellness, Hongkies will not be able to sustain without the Motherland.
There is a great need for China to rid off all traitors,
be they from Taiwan, Hongkong and Anywhere in the World.
No traitor should be allowed to act against the Chinese Civilization that stands for over 7000 Years.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

They are very few people that can call their country motherland. Many Europeans and even overseas Chinese did not have a motherland, duckweeds.

They have a motherland that is theirs for thousands of years, not to be shared by anyone that feel like coming in to squat and share that land. Their motherland is not to be given away freely like it belongs to everyone, to anyone.

Anonymous said...

The Hongkong Traitors (far from being protesters) must all be arrested and charged and sent to rebuild, upgrade and extend the length of the Great Wall of China, to be taught a lesson in Patriotism And Make China Great Again.

Allowing them to go anywhere they want would in the future breed more treacherous little traitors who will gang up to smear the name of China.

Anonymous said...

No traitor
should be allowed nearby.

They should be banished as far away as possible.
In fact,
it is best to have them totally ridded.

Anonymous said...

Traitors should be executed immediately, by firing squads, up to 9 generations, their chicken and dogs included. This is the consequence in China from one dynasty to another, for thousands of years

Anonymous said...

It has to be riddance at the Root,
never to be allowed to sprout anymore.

Anonymous said...

Should we say the same thing for Singaporeans that complain day in day out about our government? Should the Hong Kongers do as the Singaporeans do? complain but do not do anything or should Singaporeans do as the Hong Kongers do? stand up and do something?

Anonymous said...

Hong Kong rioters really think too highly of themselves. If 42.3% of them leave Hong Kong, that will be a load of toxic trash taken away from China's hands.

What have these punks contributed to Hong Kong's prosperity besides bringing disrepute, destruction and leave Hong Kong's economy in tatters. Even their every need and survival depends on their parents. They can go to UK, which they will be loved, and take part in their fight for democracy and do their part for Brexit. But don't let them into mainland China.

Being ranked 3rd in the World Human Freedom Index is not enough, they should go to the UK, ranked in 8th place, and start another movement to ask for more, just for themselves, by smashing Government properties, the tube, Big Ben, 10, Downing Street and even all the palaces, and see what happens? I am sure the British Government will grant them knighthood for their 'Fight for Freedom and Democracy' war cry.

Sometimes, after fighting and sacrificing needlessly, the result may not be worth the trouble or even put them in a worse position. Iraq is descending into chaos with more than a hundred deaths so far in protest against the puppet Government put in by the US. Or looking closer to home, Harapan for Malaysia is turning sour day by day, with the coalition at breaking point, and Mahathir the saviour now being blamed for all the disillusion and ills surfacing, with more taxes coming up. How times have changed.

Anonymous said...

@ redbean

Spoken like a PAP Minister.

If you don't agree with me (the emperor), then it's better you leave Singapore.

Anonymous said...

#Tin Pei Ling
#I don't know what to say
#Air head
#If she breeds, you bleed

Anonymous said...

George W Bush also said during the Iraq War - You are either with us or against us. No choice given by a country that purports to be the leading light for democracy. The very basic right of human freedom to choose goes down the gutter. How can the US be a moral standard for the rest of the world?

If Xi said that to the Hong Kong rioters, I am sure there will be condemnation to high heaven asking for God to intervene.

Anonymous said...

The fundamental question is:

If two persons disagree,
How do you settle the differences?
How do you determine who is right?

Do you you determine who is right with:
- violence
- discussion using evidence
- sue until your pants drop
- gerrymandering
- bring your disagreement to parliament
- bring your disagreement to court

Anonymous said...

The fundamental answer is who has more power? That determines who is right! It works all the time. All else are peripheral!

Anonymous said...

Good riddance for those Hong Kongers that want to leave Hong Kong.


Looks like Uncle RB is speaking on behalf of Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam.

How about good riddance for those Sinkies that want to leave Sinkieland?

Of course I am speaking on behalf of Lee Hsien Loong lah.

Anonymous said...

#Lee Hsien Loong
#CECA Indian Lover

Anonymous said...

#Lee Hsien Loong
#CECA Indian Lover
12:18 pm

Actually CECA really helped the Sinkie economy lah, although may not be much. But without CECA, the Sinkie economy will be even much worse.

However, this does not mean CECA also help Sinkies lah. Maybe not only did not help, but make Sinkie PMETs jobless and money no enough.

But then why would Lee Hsien Loong care when despite all this, PAP can still win big big in election and Chee Soon Juan could not even win a by election?

Anonymous said...

Why Chee Soon Juan becomes a collateral damage again? Did he screw your mother and sisters?

Anonymous said...

@RB, @All,

Those Hongkies with the capability to leave are the elites & middle class, and majority didn't take part in riots or violent demonstrations. They need certificate of good conduct from HK Police plus at least US$500K to US$1M in cash to get PR in developed countries.

Those violent protestors won't be approved for residency in developed countries. Most of those left behind in HK are the violent poor & jobless. This is the irony.

In S'pore is the same. The rich & elites already have overseas PR and properties on standby. While the poor & hopeless like MOST of the people on this blog lpll stuck in sinkieland.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ October 13, 2019 12:48 pm said:

///@RB, @All,

Those Hongkies with the capability to leave are the elites & middle class, and majority didn't take part in riots or violent demonstrations. They need certificate of good conduct from HK Police plus at least US$500K to US$1M in cash to get PR in developed countries.

Those violent protestors won't be approved for residency in developed countries. Most of those left behind in HK are the violent poor & jobless. This is the irony.

In S'pore is the same. The rich & elites already have overseas PR and properties on standby. While the poor & hopeless like MOST of the people on this blog lpll stuck in sinkieland.///

You are talking like you know everything - All-Knowing God!

You make my toes laugh no end.
Hahaha hahaha .......

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

In S'pore is the same. The rich & elites already have overseas PR and properties on standby. While the poor & hopeless like MOST of the people on this blog lpll stuck in sinkieland.
October 13, 2019 12:48 pm

Not true. Some of the poor in this blog think they are rich and having a great life without knowing that they would be poor forever and would lose everything, including a flat that would be zero in value. Most of them are living from pay check to the next pay check but pretending to be doing ok.

Anonymous said...

The Western-Oriented Transformers of Hongkong have transformed themselves from being protesters against the HK Government's introduction of the Extradition Bill to Anti-HK Government rioters, to Anti-China haters, to Airport and Metro destructive and subversive elements, to arsonists, vandalists and organised criminals, and finally to traitors of the Chinese Civilization with the intention of destroying HK's economy and then sell the city to Western Powers. This is the latest report:

HONG KONG (REUTERS) - Petrol bombs were thrown inside a Hong Kong metro station on Saturday but no one was injured, the government said, as pro-democracy protesters angry at what they believe is Beijing's tightening grip on the city took to the streets again.

"Police warn the rioters to stop all illegal acts immediately. We express condemnation against all violent acts and will investigate into the case thoroughly," the government said in a statement. The Kowloon Tong metro station was seriously damaged in the attack, it said.

Anonymous said...

While the poor & hopeless like MOST of the people on this blog lpll stuck in sinkieland.
12:48 pm

U stupid or what?

Must be stuck in sinkieland in order to post in RB blog meh?

Must be poor & hopeless to post in RB blog meh?

Anonymous said...

#Ho Ching
#Amazing timing
#Wonderful luck

Anonymous said...

Why Chee Soon Juan becomes a collateral damage again? Did he screw your mother and sisters?
12:47 pm

Your mother teach u to say this meh?

Your mother ever kena screwed by not your father meh?

Anonymous said...

Most of them are living from pay check to the next pay check but pretending to be doing ok.
RB 1:29 pm

Hello Uncle RB, how u know ah?

U got see their bank account or pay check meh?

Virgo 49 said...

Young Punt wet behind the ears.

We oldies survived from the time Singapore is Independent and before that undergone thru three regimes rule.

From LKY time to now, we have seen the past till now that whilst you still kicking in your Mother's womb or still sucking her tits.

Sinkies are like Ostriches pretending to be Princes being Papuers.

Majority can not even last three months of survivals if they were to be retrenched, fired or out of jobs for whichever reasons.

With this cost of living and young punks been sucked dry by the Papies, most are just living from paychecks to paychecks.

Some or many even has to depend on their parents for their daily living.

This is the reality in Sinkieland today.

That's why the saying If the previous generation is endowed with riches, then their descendents be mostly be decadent as they arw mostly spolit and be incompetent.

If than previous generation is not well off, their next descendants be better than them as they need to strive and fight for a better life.

See so Sinkieland Elited their children on drugs and committed so many crimes.

Even their parents also so many scandals and so many crimes for so many disgusting happenings.

Anonymous said...


Looks like many on this blog are rich, have passive income of $10K every month coming in ... without having to work. Work is for fun or meet colleagues to fuck only. Some even quit work & jobless for 20 years liao but living like kings ... or at least middle income lifestyle, can spend $5K-$10K per month for the next 50 years without having to work no problem.

No wonder those rich fellers can take risk to vote Oppo. Those no money ones scared scared still need to vote PAPies to collect their angbaos & chicken wings.

That's why PAP always win ... and win big. Coz too many poor sinkies scared scared continue to vote PAP.

Anonymous said...

The PAP internet brigade is very active on this blog.

There are very few active blogs to counter nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Hi V49 235pm

You would be surprised that there are many many many many many rich people in SG.

Yes they are not super rich but many many many many many of them lead a comfortable life.

This is Sg! Cheers.....

Anonymous said...

The dogs are more active when election looms.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

For myself, I have no "alliaiance" to any bit of dirt which is described by geographical coordinates. Some call these "cuntries" or if they are more emotional "fatherland"/ "motherland". Too me, in the year 2019--nearly finished---these hold ideas don't hold water anymore. Millennials consider themselves global citizens...they can live and work anywhere, just like the internet---it is everywhere.

Many of them are also "normad capitalists", who adopt the mantra "Go to where you are treated THE BEST", and so off they go...with their huge stahes of crypto they've collected. While oldies were calling Bitcoin and other cryptos "fake" and "scams", fucking Millenials have made themselves exceedingly wealthy by pure speculating on these new forms of "money".

Redbean and others are OLD FARTS who are approaching their "expiry dates". Their thinking is as tired and old as they are. Time to step back fellas!

Most of the noise in HK is from the angst and energy of the youngsters. Even if they are "pawns" of the CIA...or other nefarious, and outrageous CONSPIRACY THEORY....the fact remains they are young and full of beans. And right or wrong, these young folks do indeed shape the future...THEIR future and we should all butt out.

The point has been made, so I won't dwell too much. Yes, many of us oldies are indeed fortunate to have built a comfortable life...and there are MANY of us. I've had the good fortune of taking advantage of the goodies in 2 stable and wealthy societies...and the older I get, the less "credit" I take for myself and attribute my comfort more to LUCK than my abilities.

People of the doom and gloom mind...they always say the world is going to collapse in a shit heap anytime. In fact, go back 30-40 or more years, they have been saying it. However, the worst thing to happen was the 2007-2008 GFC....and even that didn't turn out so bad....looking back, after the fact.

Things are never as BAD as they appear to be. So relax lah. Hong Kong isn't going away. There will be some "deal" in "the middle". Why? Because people in Taiwan are also getting ideas...watch out, there could be more like HK, from Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

Hongkies are pawns of the US play via Taiwan under the Charge of Tsai Ying Wen.
Struggle between Communist and Democratic Systems shall be ongoing for a long time into the Future until an ideal system is found, which is not going to happen.
The Dragon Land has never stop having civil wars throughout its history. It probably had hundreds of millions killed through infightings in its thousand years of history. No surprise that the lnfightings have not ceased. lt will not stop.
Having said that, treason is different from infighting for control and power. The Chinese do not tolerate treason in their Culture and traitors are view as the Worst by them.
those longing for global citizenships,
dream on as it shall never happen.
Land and Resources are territories that no one will spare to aliens, just like the Filthy Rich will not share their wealths.
those gloating about their wealth, prowess and capability, yhat it is not how much You have and are able to make and accumulate,
it is whether You are able to make meaningful use of your assets. Remember 生不带来,死不带去。You come naked and go back empty.
There is not much that one can boost ones ego.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Everyone is a SLAVE to their emotions:

Haha, the motherfucking idiots conduct a small sample size telephone poll when tensions are high and people are feeling very touchy about things.

In other words, the data is heavily biased and therefore next to useless.

And yet, people like redbean can garner such insights (pull out of his ass) from people who are speaking like the scared apes they are...i.e. neurotic and not thinking straight.

Nah, HK will attain some "steady state", we won't know exactly when or what that state will look like. This is a fight they had to settle with the Xi and the CCP. Either way...with or without blood spilled and lives lost..it will be settled, some way, some how.

Anonymous said...

KNN, Matilah, you seem to know every fucking hole in the world. And you project yourself as a professional psychologist, a mind reader, world-best strategist and tactician, top-notch politician, most unbias judge, etc. But in the end you are actually a reject. Your wife and children deserted you. You parents got sick of you. PAP thinks you are a traitor trying to pretend to carry balls at times. And people in this blog know that you are a mother-fucking incestuous animal who has no qualms to use vulgaries when you are exposed or lost an argument.

That roughly sums up what you are.

Anonymous said...

Hello Uncle RB, how u know ah?

U got see their bank account or pay check meh?
October 13, 2019 1:46 pm

If you are so rich, just show your bank account lah. For a balls carrier, if you lose your job today you would not have enough savings to last another 6 months. Paycheck by paycheck is referring to you. hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi V49 235pm

You would be surprised that there are many many many many many rich people in SG.

Yes they are not super rich but many many many many many of them lead a comfortable life.

This is Sg! Cheers.....

October 13, 2019 3:33 pm

I must agree there are many rich people in SG, but you are definitely not one of them. That is why you need to stoop so low to become an IB to earn $2 for a post. cheers.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1119pm

Hahaha Hahahahahaha haha!

Anonymous said...

If china is not communist, china will have surpass eu and usa long time ago. Unfortunately, history is full of deception.

Virgo 49 said...

Wah, so Commies must be BAD.

Which Demo crazy countries surpass China with all their Corruption, Cronyism and Worse Dictatorial Government?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1055 "feedback appreciated"

>> KNN, Matilah, you seem to know every fucking hole in the world. And you project yourself as a professional psychologist, a mind reader, world-best strategist and tactician, top-notch politician, most unbias judge, etc. [...etc etc...] <<

Wah! I'm adding this to my CV/ Resume. Maybe one day I might have to apply for job as kopitiam uncle...I have a great CV!!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

If China was not communist, it would still be the Sick Man of Asia, poor, divided and exploited and bullied by the West.

It is because China is ruled by the CCP that it is catching up with the West and overtaking many of them and soon would overtake the USA in every field.

Please remove your blinkers.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Xi is CCP. Deng is CCP.

Deng is better than Xi. China needs to get rid of Xi and get a new Deng.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, how do you compare who is better and in what ways?

Deng was useful and relevant in his time. Quietly developed and built, don't get into trouble. Even if people punch you, avoid, walk away.

China has gone through many stages of development and there is no need to let people punch and walk away. China today would stand firmly on its own feet, would not be pushed around. China would stand tall beside the Americans as equals. No more meekly walked behind the Americans as a smaller brother.

Xi will carry China to the next level as a super power equal or better than the Americans.

Anonymous said...

Another 12 months of this and Xi will need to quadruple his bodyguards!! LOL!!!

5.8%-6% GDP mark is the crucial factor. China needs MINIMUM 5.8% GDP in order to continue lifting the remaining people into middle class & provide enough middle class PMET jobs.

If GDP goes below 6% GDP & stays there for too long will create social unrests among millions in China.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

>> Xi will carry China to the next level as a super power equal or better than the Americans. <<

He's certainly had success in that area. But he's also getting more and more detractors because why? Money. People are losing money. The promise of "shut up we'll make you rich" is fading…. FAST.

I agree with WSG. Xi better watch out. Assassins might be competing for that particular contract soon. ☠️☠️