
Have guns will travel

The Americans are stitching up a military alliance in the region and this time with eager beaver Singapore as the darling to project American military power in the region. Following closely on the heels are the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia, all very happy to put on the gun belt and become gunslingers.  Singapore has just raised its level of cooperation with the Americans to offer Singapore as a launching pad for American spy planes to conduct surveillance in the region. The concept of peace and neutrality for Asean is being diluted and forgotten. The 30 years of peace and prosperity have been taken for granted and maybe too peaceful for the liking and a bit more tension and perhaps war in the region would be interesting.

China has taken this news in a muted response but hinting that Singapore is trying to play with fire and may get burnt if not careful. The only export that the Americans are pushing to the world and its allies, other than the Apple mobile phone is the gun. The Americans are stoking the fires of war and furiously signing military alliances and offering to sell their military hardware as tension grows.

China has just offered $60b of economic aid to Africa and signing up with Indonesia and Thailand to build hi speed train and competing in India and Malaysia for a similar project. China is going around the world selling equipments and infrastructure development while the Americans are going around the world selling arms and signing up gangsters to control the world militarily. The Americans know that they have nothing else to offer to the world other than weapons of war. They are no longer competitive in the manufacturing and production processes for consumer goods for the good of the people.

Selling arms and stoking tension are the new businesses of the Americans. And to make sure there are buyers, they must make sure there are enemies and the need for their weapons. They must sign more military alliances and conduct more military exercises so that countries in the region will have to spend more on their military and buy more weapons. They need to be prepared for wars and need to buy better and better weapons.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> China has taken this news in a muted response but hinting that Singapore is trying to play with fire and may get burnt if not careful. <<

Singapore should offer a gentle rejoinder to China and suggest they go back to their rice fields and pay attention to next years crop (El Nino---there will be DROUGHT, prices will RISE, people will RIOT) instead of attempting to dictate what a small cuntry should conduct its relationships with big powers.

Lee Kuan Yew on US presence in SE Asia : During Cold War, US presence "balanced" Soviet influence. Similarly, now US presence "balances" China's rise and influence.

Redbean is missing the important point of US-Sino relationship: It is BOTH cooperative and competitive. Redbean simply closes his mind and favours his anti-US pro China stance...i.e. USA bad, China good.

Simple solutions for simple minds, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

"Selling arms and stoking tension are the new businesses of the Americans."

Tiok. And also because PAP govt, among other govts, want to buy American arms and also helping to stoke tensions by willing to play host to American spy planes.

And most important, this may not have happened if not for the 70% who voted for PAP in GE 2015. By doing so, the 70% are also indirectly supporting whatever PAP govt is doing, including screwing Sinkies.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ one-sided argument specialist, RB:

>> They need to be prepared for wars and need to buy better and better weapons. <<

Ahem. China is the world's 3rd largest arms exporter. What's good for US weapons sales undoubtedly is also excellent for Chinese weapons sales.

Apparently China has been selling armed drones to African nations

Now, I'm not suggesting that the recent 60 billion dollar China "investment" in Africa has any relation to China selling weapons to African militaries and paramilitaries....but, you never know ;-) When there's big bucks sloshing around, sooner or later someone is going to try to grab some. Human nature lah.

Anonymous said...

Simple mind simple solutions. The Americans said they are here to balance China's rise. The old man also said so. So it must be the right truth.

What about China's rise to balance the American hegemony of 65 years? Oh, what is that? Nobody said such things. The right thing to the simple minds is an existing empire having to balance a rising smaller power. This is the right way to think.

Really? Is that thinking or unthinking parroting?

denk said...

like i said, sg is no longer a sovereign cuntry, its a de facto 2nd okinawa.

*a p8 surveillance plane has been deployed in changi naval base in addition to the 4 littoral combat ships to be stationed there in 2016.

-*another 60 yr old taxi driver threatened by a yangui thug. sob's lady campanion, a local woman, offered to pay the driver for compensation but the uncle refused
and reported to police.
good for him, not that the yangui would get his just desert tho.

*i was on my way to the office , this yangui was charging towards me while ogling at his handphone, i had to shift a bit to dodge him.
sob had the gall to yell at me , *get outta my way* !, without taking his eyes away from his phone, like its his grandfather's road !
i was stunned and turned to yell back at him, *who do u think u'r, fuck u*, but he was already on his way.

sg, a heaven for unemployed ex special force , bodyguards, goons , yanguis who couldnt make it at home, all come to seek forturne and sex. hurray, they found both very easy picking. !
in fact many manage to embed themselves in respectable position as *grass root leaders* , rc chairman etc, [sic] .
but a goon with tie is still a goon , after decades of dissing it out to defenceless third world peasants , there's this violent streak to strike out at somebody lurking underneath that $500 coat, hence, for pass time, they used sinkies half their size for punching bags. !

words are out, sg is a wonderful CUNTry for yanguis, spreading herself wide open, trembling in anticipation for the insertion.
no wonder they'r flocking here en mass , all expenses paid for.
, yanguis, ind, ph, jps, vn, pap's coveted 7m, or is it 10, population goal is going on schedule. the way it is, they might even get there ahead of schedule !

now sg cant even manage its own *public* transport it has to OPEN UP to the brits, what a CUNTry, hehehehe

this is just a glimpse of the future endorsed by 70% of sg sheeples.

the sg min of defence , [whats his name again ?] is talking with forked tongue in washington. what to expect ? when u/r in their cuntry, u speak their lingo !
*we need unitedsnake the world's no 1 shit stirrer as a *stabiliser* in asia* !
talk about oxymoron !

Anonymous said...

"sg, a heaven for unemployed ex special force , bodyguards, goons , yanguis who couldnt make it at home, all come to seek forturne and sex. hurray, they found both very easy picking. !"
Denk 11:29 am

What to do, they are the best available for sg to take what. If don't take them there will be nobody to take. And not taking is also not an option.

Anonymous said...

Wait till they screw this matilah shit from the back. ouch.

Anonymous said...

Redbean is again so anti-Uncle Sam and so pro-China. He has this one track mind. Everything about the USA is bad. No matter what uSA does, RB will find a way to cast a dark shadow over it. China has her own agenda too. China is definitely not all good. Whatever China does, there must be an ulterior mtive. China is not a benevolent giver at the best of time.

So please RB,please try and balance your opinion. Not always China good, USA bad. That is childish and very shallow.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...
So please RB,please try and balance your opinion. Not always China good, USA bad. That is childish and very shallow.
December 12, 2015 4:38 pm"

But remember that RB now accepting money from China Communist Party to write good stuff about them. Cannot bite the hand that feeds him mah.

Anonymous said...

So are we saying that RB is now employed by the PRC government? RB better respect all the PRC FTs in Singapore. I guess RB will now start praising and say good things about the new PRC FTs and the new Singapore citizens from PRC-land.

Leopards do change spots after all.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

'China has her own agenda too. China is definitely not all good. Whatever China does, there must be an ulterior motive. China is not a benevolent giver at the best of time.'

Let me rephrase this with America.

'America has no agenda too. America is definitely all good. Whatever America does, there must be no ulterior motive. America is a benevolent giver at the best of time.'

Now tell me, who is being childish and unbalanced? Who is being shallow?

Anonymous said...

RB: "Now tell me, who is being childish and unbalanced? Who is being shallow?"

RB of course so very often, who else? Now that the Singapore G is supporting USA to balance China, I assume u will be criticising the G and be unpatriotic. Is that right, RB?

Anonymous said...

Come on anon 12:22,

You want to challenge RB you must let people know where you are coming from.
Are you a Singaporean?
Are you a PAP pig?
Are you a FT having a good time here?
Are you a patriot, or are you another traitor?
Are you an American paid agent?

If we know what you are, then your points would be more meaningful. Otherwise you would be seen as another paid agent coming here to attack RB just for the money.

A mercenary pig?

jjgg said...

Singapore was a protectorate once...there were British warships and planes n military people all over the island. Did that prevent a takeover by the Japanese ..on paper the Brits had all the stats that suggested that suggested Singapore was impregnable.. The history book shows different results...now the scenario is repeated with the yanks...what is their record in Asia...not very good eh..what will the history books show...probably the same...our leaders will set up their command posts in oz or India and return in triumph, just like MacArthur when the war is over...hehe