
Israelis acting under American terrorist Rules Based Order in Lebanon and Gaza - The Evil Empire strikes back

 Two Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tanks destroyed the main gate of a UN peacekeeping base and illegally entered the facility on Sunday, the organization’s mission in Lebanon has claimed. Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that UN troops would be in danger if they remained in Lebanon. RT

American terrorist Rules Based Order in action in the Middle East. The Israelis tanks just crashed through the gates of the UN Peace Keeping Forces in Lebanon and ordering the UN Forces out. The hatchet men of the evil American Empire operate under the so called American Rules Based Order or as good as lawlessness. They are the Empire troops and what they do is above all laws. The UN better move out of their way or be destroyed. Several UN troops have already been wounded by the Imperial troops.

For a year, the Imperial troops have been running wild in Gaza and all over the Palestine, killing anyone at their pleasure, reporters, journalists, doctors, peace keepers, aid helpers, teachers, and of course the 'sub human' Palestinians. And they have bombed everything also at their pleasure, UN compounds, schools, hospitals, refugee camps, aid convoys, anything under the sky with impunity. They have bombed the neighbouring states of Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Iran. They are planning for a nuclear strike against Iran sanctioned by the Emperor in the White House. The total death toll so far, officially reported to be more than 42,000 could be more, in the hundreds of thousands, mainly women and children, but not reported. And millions have become homeless, hundreds of thousands maimed.

And what can the UN do? What is being reported or not reported by the western media and the Empire's media? And no one would haul them up for crimes against humanity, war crimes. They are the Imperial Forces operating under the American terrorist Rules Based Order. The Rules and Laws are written by them. And what they are doing, all the crimes against humanity, are not crimes. They are above the laws, they are lawless.

What can the world do about it? What happens to the American terrorists narrative about human rights, freedom, about rules of law? The UN Forces better flee Lebanon fast or they would be the next target for destruction by the evil Imperial Forces of the American Empire.

Glory to the terrorists Rules Based Order.

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